《A Very OOC Uchiha [Naruto Fanfic]》Chapter 26: Team 7? More like Team Oh Shit that's a Lot of Issues
[Chapter 25: Team 7? More like Team 'Oh Shit, That's a lot of Issues']
"Who... who are you?" Sakura asked us when we walked into the hospital room. We all walked in, only for only the new person and I standing near the doorway. Giving a glance at the unknown person, they caught my stare. I let the chatter fade from my mind, as we stared at each other as if we were an anomaly. Which, in this case, was true.
The tense yet awkward standoff between us was quickly broken when the pink-haired individual raised up a hand, motioning their fingers in different, sporadic movements. "Hello," the hand-signed. I blinked. Why are they using the standard ninja code? Landing my sight higher to their neck, a ragged, brownish slash splashed on it. Oh...
Putting up a smile to hide away my slight pity, I waved a hand dismissingly, "Hello to you too!" I greeted them. I leaned in just a bit, "So, are you planning on adopting Naruto?"
One of their brows rose slightly, "Why so?" Came their silent reply, their nose slightly scrunching in curiosity.
"He never told you that he's an orphan?" I asked the pink-haired, turning my head away. "Well, I personally hope you do: considering that you're basically the first blood relative he's ever known." I blinked, seeing that Tsunade and Shizune we're now heading the doorway, towards us.
Gracing them a side glance, I smiled, "Well, anyway," I switched languages, hoping they at least recognized English. "I hope we get along." I mouthed, watching as their red eyes shrunk the smallest amount. It was quickly composed, though, the way that they were looking at me now...
It seems I've piqued their interest.
"Hey!" I yelped when Sasuke flung Sakura's plate of apples away. Getting up from my seat, I grabbed the plate and caught all the slices before they fell to the ground, all on one leg. Setting my other leg down, I looked down at my silent twin with a pout. "Foolish little brother, I thought I taught you to cherish food!" Hoo boy, here we go.
"Sasuke-kun..." Sakura leaned forward with worry splattered all of her faces, "What's wrong? Should I call a nurse?"
"No..." Came his quiet response, not bothering to look at her, "There's no need." He then darted his head around the sound of Naruto opening the door.
"Teme, hey--" The blond stopped, noticing the tense atmosphere. Inclining his head at me with narrowed, suspicious eyes, "What did you do while I was eating ramen, dattebayo?"
Then came my overly exaggerated inhale that we came to a gasp, "Do you always assume that I was the one who caused it?"
"If I didn't do anything, then it was definitely you, dattebayo."
I puffed my cheeks out, "True... but ha! Not this time!" I objected, motioning the plate closer to the younger boy, "Want an apple?"
"Oh, sure--"
"Naruto!" Sasuke suddenly yelled, efficiently cutting our small banter short. His features were creased with multiple emotions coursing through his eyes. Itachi... what did you do? "Fight me-- now!!!"
Sakura stiffened in her seat, "Wha-"
"What are you saying, Teme?!" the boy in orange demanded, staring at the sitting duckling with concerned eyes. "You're still recovering."
"Shut up!" Came his next outburst, activating his Sharingan on. Oh shit, he snapped. "Goddamn it, fight me!"
"Sasuke," I butted in with furrowed brows, "What in the everloving fuck are you on?" But then I already knew what drugs he was on: trauma. I tightened the hold of my hands behind my back, I really don't like what's going to happen next.
My twin lowered his head as he ignored my comment, "You thought you helped me? That foolish fifth-Hokage or whatever... butting into other people's business."
"Oi!" Naruto let out irritatedly.
"Uh, sorry-not-sorry to burst your bubble but, it kinda was her job, considering the fact that she is a medic." I corrected casually, earning a glare from him. Giggling as a hopeless way to elevate the tense air, I raised a hand to twirl with a lock of my side bangs. "But really, Sasuke, need to talk? I have snacks!" I gestured to my plate. Well, it's Sakura's but shush.
"We'll listen to what you have to say, Sasuke-kun," Sakura commented hesitantly as if cautiously choosing her words.
"Yeah, yeah," Naruto agreed, "Or, lemme hear what' cha gotta say before we fight."
Sasuke's eyes were still bright red, but it looks like his resolve has simmered a little, the boy's body looking a little less tense.
Glancing up to look at me, I smiled as I stared back. It became one akin to a staredown: as if this would determine his next choice. If that's the case... I didn't bother to break eye-contact with him— he needs to have this talk.
After what seemed to be the end of my brother's inner conflict, he sighed, turning off his kekkai genkai. "...fine. Do whatever you want."
I held in a gasp, I... it didn't escalate into a fight. My clenched hands loosened, though nobody else saw it. It actually changed! Clapping my hands together in a more joyous tone, "Alrighty then: it's a team meeting! Buckle up your nonexistent seatbelts because holy shit, that'll be long."
Sakura stood up from her chair, stepping away, "I'll go get Kakashi-sensei--"
"There's no need," And there goes the dum dum's grand appearance! "I'm already here," Kakashi stated, leaning against the door with crossed arms.
"Dum dum!" I beamed at his visible self, already knowing that he was here because he didn't even bother to hide his chakra this time. "Nice to see you!" Walking up to him, I took his hand and forced him to sit on a chair, "Now sit. You'll never escape, even if you try."
Giggling as his posture slightly tensed in comedic relief, I leaned my back against the wall, "Sasuke," I got his attention, "This is about Itachi, right?"
Watching him turn away, the duckling slowly nodded, gaining multiple responses.
"Yeah, What's with that guy?" Naruto questioned with a deep frown, crossing his arms with furrowed brows. "Isn't he supposed to be your brother?"
"Brother?" Sakura asked from her seat, mostly to herself.
"Not anymore." Sasuke immediately objected, glaring at the blond with raged eyes. Sighing through my nose, I patted the boy's head, stopping his action before this group therapy session would stop before it even started.
"Do you want me to start?" Peering down to once again meet my twin's stare, I waited patiently for his permission. "We might as well tell them everything."
"...no." My younger brother finally decided. "I'll do it."
"Alright, I'll cut in if I need to."
Turning away, Sasuke closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. I watched him clutch the blanket, raising his head to meet our team's gaze. "This... This takes place years ago: when... when the Uchiha Massacre happened." It's weird... even though I've heard this a million times in my first life... so why does it feel so different now? Looking down, I listened as he continued. "Nee-chan and I were just walking home when saw someone. Someone, who was on a telephone pole, staring at us intently."
"At the time, I didn't think much of it. But, maybe, if I knew what was going to happen, maybe things would've changed."Sasuke spoke, his expression contorting as he reminisced further. Everybody was silent, even Naruto, they were waiting for him to continue. Another inhale, "When we came home, I... I remember blood. So much
"In that instant, I ran to our house, wanting to know if our parents were safe and..." My brother's brows creased, even more, his eyes becoming glazed. Oh shit, he's getting too into his memories.
Taking an apple slice, I threw it into his mouth, causing him to flinch and break away from his spiraling descent to memory lane. It would've been more effective with ice cubes but eh, it is what it is. "I'll be taking over now," I spoke with a small smile, watching him munch on the fruit. Glancing at our teammates who's eyes were now on me, I cleared my throat. "Anyways," My smile fell, "We barged into our parents being killed by our dear older brother."
Sakura softly gasped, cupping her hands to cover her mouth in shock. Naruto's eyes had widened, glancing at me with an open mouth. I just didn't meet his eyes with a small frown, turning away to say the rest of the story. In the corners of my eyes, Kakashi just sat there glumly, probably knowing what I was going to say next.
"Itachi then tried to put Genjutsu on my dear twin." I giggled half-heartedly, "Well, too bad for him, I'm way too good of an older sister to let that happen!" Smiling at those perplexed expressions, I added, "Heck, I didn't even get that mentally scarred! Take that!" Giggling, ok, maybe I have gotten brain damage, I stopped when I saw everyone's faces. Coughing into my fist, I turned away, "Yeah, ok, bad time to joke around."
"Do..." Kakashi spoke, his only visible eye staring at me with concern riddled into it, "Do you need a therapist?"
"I don't know, dum dum," I shot back with a smile, "Do you?" He rotated his head away, leaving me to internally enjoy my victory. Hehehehe-- no wait, I shouldn't be laughing at that.
Sasuke sighed from beside us, let us get back on track. "After that man did that, he told us that he did that... the sicking thing for a ... a test of power!" He huffed with anger. "We ran after him, I-- I desperately wanted it to not be true: that he wouldn't do anything like that. That maybe he didn't mean to hurt Nee-chan!" Another inhale. "I lost all hope when he threw a kunai at me."
"That man... the last thing I remember from that night was him telling me to live in hatred. To get the same eyes as him so that one day, he'll be there to kill me."
"Sa... Sasuke-kun... Megumi-chan..." Sakura let out, staring at us with pity in her eyes. She was at a loss of words, though I didn't blame her. I couldn't, it's always hard comforting someone who's experience is something you never felt. I softly hummed, but there's no need for that, we've had enough for years. Naruto and Kakashi were silent, in their own little minds.
My brother lowered his head, "And so when I heard Itachi was near, I was overwhelmed with rage that... I thought... thought that I could've killed him right then and there."
"And you're dumb!" I exclaimed, leaning in to poke his cheek. "You know that he's practically a prodigy and yet ya just had to go and almost die! Again!" I complained to him, poking him in my fiery.
All of a sudden, I found my body getting enveloped by warm arms. Humming, I found myself looking at Naruto's silhouette, his head hidden as it was stuffed onto my back. "Why... why didn't you My mouth fell open by how sorrowful it sounded, oh nononononono!
"Nooooooo!" I exclaimed, turning around to hold hm back, "I didn't mean to hurt you, my child! No, I-- I just didn't think it was necessary???" Oh god Hinata's gonna kill-- Kushina's gonna make sure I die again and
"Mahhhh... calm down, Naruto-kun, Megumi-chan," Our teacher told us, a hand out as if signaling us to stop. Glancing at the dum dum, Naruto hesitantly let go of me but stayed close, hand in mine. Adorable fox.
I glanced back at Kakashi, noticing that even though he seemed unaffected, judging by the slight tug of his mask and the minuscule furrowing of his brow, he was anything but unaffected.
Both Sakura and Sasuke were silent. Well, Sasuke was always silent but Sakura was more in deep thought, considering her furrowed brows and her arched back and hand under her chin. I tilted my head, isn't she the type of person to pamper us with love and pity? "Bubblegum-chan--?"
"What?" Sasuke asked, a hint of confusion in his tone as he glanced at the girl. Sakura looked up at us, her face expressing confusion more than my brother.
"Sasuke-kun, that... that man spared you so that you would live in hatred, right?" She asked, her light green eyes filled with hesitancy as if she didn't really think her thoughts were right.
"Yes." He replied, grimacing from the memory but unsure of what she was implying. To be honest, I didn't really understand either, I was as just in the dark as he was.
"Then-- then why would he spare Megumi-chan?"
Everything stopped when she said that. It was if Dio suddenly appeared. Heck, even I was taken by that: Sakura... actually gave a good point. "Sakura-chan, what do ya mean by that?" Could I take this to my advantage?
"Well, Megumi-chan doesn't really seem like the type go for revenge," She explained, gaining a little more confidence as she spoke, "No offense."
"None taken!" I smiled, maybe things can change for the better!
"I think so too!" Naruto piped up, "And-- and-- what kind of person asks someone to come and kill them?!" Came his loud comment. The blond crossed his arms again with a raised brow, "It's like asking for a death wish, dattebayo."
"I don't know," I commented with a small smile, concealing the glee in my chest, "Considering the fact that he did kill a whole clan--" No he didn't, lol. "--, he'd probably feel like shit." I raised a finger. I'm about to ruin Itachi's whole plan to die, "Sooooo,"
"There's a chance that he had different reasons...?" A quiet voice filled the room. Gazing at Sasuke, he was staring back at us with wide eyes: eyes filled with doubt, astonishment, and even the tiniest of hope.
I giggled, stepping towards him to sit at his bedside, leaning my head on his shoulder. "We don't know that for sure. So that's why, if I had the chance, I would've asked him."
And I hope that... maybe... just maybe... it was just enough to turn things into the better.
But of course, as everyone likes to say, all good things must end.
Awaiting in my room, I thumbed with the sheets of my bed with my fingers. Cradled tightly in my arms was a triceratops plushie, one that I've had for years.
When I first received it, I wondered if dinosaurs really did exist before Kaguya fucked it all up. But not now: in the dark, I was waiting-- waiting for something that might not even happen.
Please... I thought to my head. Well, in hindsight, it's probably better but... Cuddling closer to my stuff dinosaur with my knees close and my back against the wall, I couldn't help but shatter the silence with a sigh. Why am I getting so worked for this? I know at the end, it's a happily ever after so--
All my whirling thoughts studded to a stop when the sounds of soft, quiet footsteps were echoing. Getting up without a sound, I sat my plushie around, and, with inaudible steps, I found myself walking out of my room.
My heart felt... a bit bitter, if you can describe it like that. I don't like this feeling... My steps felt heavy, and yet I was wide awake. My pace became faster before I had the chance to control it. I had turned a corner, where I finally stopped at the sight of my twin brother's back, the door wide open.
Ah. "You going anywhere, Sasuke?" I called out to him, the boy flinching at my voice. He slowly turned, letting me have a better glimpse at him: he was in his average clothes. If he wasn't hoisting a bag on his shoulder and a shocked expression, someone would've thought that maybe he was going for a walk. I smiled, stepping a bit closer.
"Nee-chan," The raven-head gulped, his grip on his bag tightening as he glanced away from my gaze. He didn't even question how I got him surprised. Considering the fact that I've played a part of some of Naruto's pranks, is it really something to question? "I'm... I'm leaving."
"To Orochinchin, I suppose?" Widening at the mention of the weird nickname, he darted his eyes back at me, mouth open and ready to speak but he then closed it. I giggled, even now, he's not exactly the same edgy boy I know from the original. "Stay here, I'll go get something." Stepping away from the entrance hallway, I walked into our small kitchen and opened the fridge, grabbing a certain something from it. I was a bit touched: he could've, but Sasuke decided not to ditch this ass and run.
Coming back to him with the greatest smile I could present to him at the moment, I gingerly pushed the object in my hands onto his. Out of surprise, the duckling fumbled to get a firm hold, inching it closer to his sight to analyze it better with only the moon as a source of light. "A bento box?" Came to his question, raising a silent brow as he did so.
I covered my giggle with a hand. "Well, considering the fact that Orochimaru's face is so crusty, I bet they have terrible reception."
He did not like the joke, eyeing at me with eyes that had an emotion akin to indignation swirling in them, "Nee-chan, you know something about what happened that day, don't you?"
I didn't dare to ignore that question, "Whatever do ya mean by that?"
His eyes furrowed as if his question didn't even matter, "I always had a feeling but, ever since Sakura's questions, I feel as though it just proves it." His features creased into a glare, though not one out of hatred.
"Did you know?" I inquired instead, making him flinch by my sudden change of topic. "How to get the mangekyou Sharingan?"
His face contorted into one of confusion, once again not knowing where I was going with this, "That man told us that day: we need to kill our beloved--"
"Wrong." I butted in, causing him to tense. "You don't have to kill anyone, you just need the trauma equivalent."
My twin's face then became even more perplexed, "Where are you going with this?" He asked slowly— it was as if he didn't know whether or not he would like my answer.
I took a deep breath, preparing probably one the biggest reveal for him, "Itachi didn't kill Shisui-kun." I smiled as he took a sharp inhale. "I should know,
There took a silence with my words, the gentle wind of the night flowing through from the door. I just stared at my brother as his identical eyes slowly widened as realization took place. I titled my head, I guess it really is a something akin to a plot twist, isn't it?
Stretching the ends of my lips just a little bit more, I laughed it off, opting to instead turn his body around and push his back out of our apartment. "O-oi, Nee-san!"
"Foolish little brother," I interrupted him, not letting him a chance to even start. "If you continue on this path, you'll face hardships that might as well be considered torture." I tilted my head down as if I was... embarrassed about what I was going to say next. "You'll get to fight Naruto and even Itachi. But, you might not like the outcome." I spoke to him softly. "But, even so,"
With my hands held together in front of my chest, I looked back at him. "Promise me this: be happy, won't you, my foolish younger brother?"
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