《A Very OOC Uchiha [Naruto Fanfic]》Chapter 28: Smile, You're gonna Need it!
[Chapter 28: Smile, you're gonna need it!]
"Otou-san," I said to Fugaku who was scribbling away on his desk. It was just another day for him: even at home, he's just cooped up in his room and just working. It was only today that I decided to just hang out here instead of messing with Sasuke or my friends. Where I was sitting, I placed my index finger on my chin. "Can I say something?"
"Make it quick." There was a slightly rushed tone in his voice, probably due to all the stress of the police work. Fucking Madara and Danzo, fucking everything up with their bullshit.
I hummed, thumbing my fingertips against my lap, I have permission to raise all hell. "You're a bad dad."
His posture tended, his own strokes halting as he darted his familiar eyes at me. "What came with this?" He demanded though it seemed he wasn't particularly angry, nice.
I giggled, "Lemme explain." I assured him with a dismissing way. I tilted my head in my chair, as if in thought. "You're not really the best dad to Sasuke." I took an exhale, twirling a pencil I was using for my homework that was settled on the coffee table. "You're busy all the time, being head chief and all. But even then, you always focus on Nii." I focused my attention back on the older male. "It makes him a sad little ducking."
He let out a low hum, the pen in his hands now on his desk. "And you?"
I glanced away, albeit a bit surprised. I kinda forgot I was in this family for a sec. "...I don't really care." I told him. There led to another silence. But, that was fine, I didn't expect him to converse with me again, he was busy, after all.
"Megumi," I perked up at the mention of my name. "...What do you and Sasuke want for your birthday?"
I blinked, humming once more in thought. I then clapped my hands. "I don't really care, and I doubt Sasuke would be mad about any gift from you but," There came my dramatic gasp full of realization. "It would be nice to have some plushies!"
Weeks later, on our birthday, we were gifted with Dino plushies.
In front of the mirror, I experimented with my face.
I giggled and giggled some more. But despite how it sounded, they did not sound eerie. It was as if I was trying to imitate an innocent girl.
The ends of my lips stretched wide, wider as I continued to laugh humorlessly. After they stretched to a reasonable length, I then squinted my eyes, but only for a tiny bit.
Squish them together with a little more and boom! Eye wrinkles! I twirled myself around in that tiny bathroom, the balls of my feet facing around like a bubbly and careless child, albeit a bit feverishly.
Ah, gotta make sure there's a certain light in my eyes! Skidding to a stop, I checked the mirror again, to see if there were any mistakes. Nope! Nope at all!
I clapped my hands together— I'm done!
"When was the last time you were in the hospital?" I asked from the chair that was next to his bed.
"Since the chunin exams, technically," Hiro replied, turning a page in a random book (when was the last time I read a book?) as he shifted his legs under his covers. It was daylight and I had just finished with checking on Naruto. So now, we were just hanging out in his room. "I ended up having to help the injured civilians."
I hummed, so that's why I didn't see him in the invasion. Deciding to change the topic as I played with his blanket. I should've brought a book. "So, who did you end up fighting?" Came to my question, referring to the Sound 5.
"Some guy named Kimimaro."
My head perked up at the mention of that name, my back straightening as I leaned in closer. Upon my advancement, the Hyuuga inched back.
"Really?! What was his kekkai Genkai like?"
His brows furrowed, pacing his long-forgotten book on his lap. "Extremely creepy and kinda gross?" Came the dark-haired's unsure response. The heir's posture then relaxed, averted his chin away from me. "Why are you so interested in him, anyway? You already know that he's dead."
I moved back, an index finger waving in the air. "Ah-Ah-aaaah~!" I let out with a smile, giggling at the end. "It's kinda because he's dead. Cuz, ya know, you kinda killed the last of the Kaguya clan."
Hiro once again tensed, darting his perplexed eyes at me. "...he wasn't joking?"
"Did he seem like the type to do so?"
"How—" his eyes were now widened as shock flooded his features. "How would I know? Do you know how many crazy people are in this world?!"
"Well~" I raised my eyes to look at the ceiling, as I calculated the math with my fingers. "In the manga, there's at least... 20 people."
I could help but giggle at his taken back expression. "I shouldn't have reincarnated as a ninja." The laying boy mumbled.
"Like you could've done anything about that!" I laughed, settling down once the tension fell. Looking around, I couldn't help but notice that, once again, it was bare and absolutely boring. And yet, I feel like I'll be coming here a lot... Placing my hands on the side of the bed, I made myself stand up, "Well, I should go, wouldn't want to—"
I felt something grab my hand.
My eyes shot open to find a bigger, more calloused hand on them. Darting my sight towards the perpetrator, who was Hiro, my brows raised up in silent curiosity. He took a small inhale, "Stay." His voice was low and quiet and brows were furrowed once more, emotions swirling in his light-colored eyes.
Ah. My mouth stretched wide as I used my other hand to cover up my giggles. "Awwwww~ are you lonely without me~?" I teased, earning a squawk and the sight of his cheeks dusted pink. "Don't worry, you tsun tsun, I'm here for you~"
"It's— it's that!" Hiro exclaimed flusteredly with a rushed tone, releasing his grip on me. "And don't call me that!" He scooted away, the redness still tinted on his face and at the ends of his ears. "It's just..." Like before, he took a deep breath. "Are you ok?"
I tutored my head as if to express my confusion. "What'cha mean?"
The Hyuuga sighed as if irritated at me. "Princess, your twin literally tried to flee the village and succeeded. I'd be at least a little down if I was you."
I laughed it off with a wave. "Don't worry~" I tried to assure him with a perfect smile. "I mean, I am a bit sad but, in the end, Naruto does save him! So, even if it takes a long time, I'm perfectly fi—"
I stumbled on my words, noticing the change in names, before picking up the pace again "What? Ya think changing the name would—"
"Let me repeat myself," Tae-young spoke out, cutting my words as he gazed at me in a way that made him seem... vulnerable? "Are you ok?"
For once, I fell silent. "How...?" Not even Naruto, Sakura, or Shikamaru noticed. My facade— so
The heir darted his eyes away, as if bashful, opting to look at the hospital window instead. The view was pretty, with the rays of sunlight poking through the thin curtains. "It might be due to the fact that we've been friends for so long or cuz I also have a twin but..." My reincarnation friend glanced back at me. "It was just a gut feeling."
I failed to hide away my sharp intake, my hands clenched as I stared back with widened eyes. My chest tightened, but for once, I don't think it was because of guilt. It felt... lighter, in away. Like... relief?
It's weird: I was practically taught to know the human psyche and yet here I was, not understanding my own emotions.
I let myself relax, settling myself back on my chair. I smiled, though, I didn't have to force it this time. It kinda felt wrong to do so at the moment. But, at the same time... it also felt right. "You caught me."
For some reason, my eyes felt more tired, as if I didn't sleep in days. I felt my body sag. And yet, I was still here.
Hiro lifted up a hand, two fingers motioning to come closer. I tilted my head, what is he doing now? Leaning forward, I was surprised to see the same hand pushing my head into the bed. I tensed, but then stopped when I noticed just how... gentle his hand was. Just as usual. "Just rest for now."
I couldn't help but giggle, but, it was more raw and low that I don't know if it can be considered as one. With a small and soft mumble of thanks, I closed my eyes, feeling the urge of slumber taking me away.
I gasped.
He froze when he saw me.
The other one was unsuspecting.
"Gaara-chan!" I gleefully exclaimed, rushing over to the red panda with glee. Kankuro at his side whipped his head at the sound of my voice, reeling back from the receptionist as he saw me coming towards them.
I skidded to a halt just a few feet in front of them, greeting them both with a smile. "What are you two doing here?" I asked them cheerfully, despite already knowing. We were still in the hospital, despite it being the late afternoon now.
"We had to take part in the rescue," Gaara responded cautiously, staring at me as if I was gonna jump on him. I mean— I but I don't have any plans on dying today. "We were just signing off."
"Yeah," Kankuro added on. The puppeteer's face suddenly morphed. "Ah— sorry on your brother." He apologized.
I hummed, not minding his intrusion. "It's fine," I waved it off dismissively. "I just hope my foolish little brother doesn't die or anything." I blinked, noticing that something was off. "Where's Temari?"
"Last time I checked, she was with that Shikamaru kid." The older suna nin answered with a shrug.
I hummed, but on the inside, I was fangirling as fuck. Kyaaaa~, go ship that actually made sense! Just then, a wave of tiredness rose in me, causing me to yawn. "Ah, sorry."
"Have you been sleeping?" The shorter redhead questioned with the raise of his brow bones. I blinked once more, Gaara? Being concerned? I giggled, well that's character development for you!
"Are you?" I replied back, rolling my shoulders like a shrug. "But yeah, I have. Just slept with Hiro, actually."
The older brother choked, despite not talking or drinking. He darted his eyes on me, "That Hyuuga kid?!"
I tilted my head in confusion, what's wrong with it? "Uh— yeah? He kinda forced me too." I watched as Kankuro looked away, mumbling along the lines of Hiro 'going to places'. It was as if a lightbulb lit off, smacking my palm with a fist. Oh! Leaning in, I smiled a bit too much at the older male. "Aww, are you thinking dirty thoughts? Oh my, you pervert!"
"O-Oi!" Kankuro stammered in an attempt to seem strong, glancing back at me. "What else am I supposed to think?!"
I cringed, reeling back. It may have been a joke but... "We're literally kids!" Mentally no but still!
"Enough of this," Gaara said, sighing with crossed arms. Searching something from his pockets, the jinchurikki exposed a scroll in his hand. He then crouched down and unraveled it, revealing to be scribbled with inks full of kanji. Huh, what's he doing? "Summoning Jutsu!" And with a small, a white cloud appeared on the scroll.
I coughed, turning my head as I swished at the smoke with a hand. Rotating back, I suddenly find myself staring at... is that a vulture?! "Wha—?!"
"This is Riku," Gaara explained, letting the bird upon his arms. Kankuro laughed at the sight of my shocked expression. "He's one of Kugui-sensei's summons." The older shinobi added on. Since when did Kugui have a summoning contract?! Wait— does that mean Gaara doesn't have the contract? How does that work? He then furrowed a brow bone. "Though, I don't know why Kugui wanted to keep in touch with you."
To that small remark, I clutched my chest in an overly-dramatic manner, "How could you?!" I complained as if I was in pain. "For you to doubt that Kugui acknowledged my awesomeness!"
The redhead only continued to explain, "Kugui said that since she wants to continue communicating with you, her summonings need to be familiar to you." The red panda then motioned next to lift my arm.
As I did so, I stared in amazement as Riku coked his little bird head at me and then flew to my arm, clutching it in a surprisingly gentle yet heavy grip with his talons. "Woah...!" I couldn't help but say. Leaning a finger next to it, I giggled as it chirped and leaned its head against it. Is it even allowed for summonings to be here in the hospital?
Suddenly, it poofed out of existence as yet another cloud replaced it. And once again, I coughed. Wow, ok,
"Hello, do you know where I can Shiori Uzumaki?" I asked the receptionist. It was the next day and I was at the bottom of the Hokage tower as I was trying to find a certain pink-haired individual. I had heard from others (aka Naruto, Shikamaru, and Sakura) that Shiori was working along with Tsunade, kinda like Shizune, so I thought he'd have an office or whatever.
"Oh, that guy? Yes, he's..." After getting the directions, I waved goodbye and headed my way.
Walking along the hallways, I let my head soar through the clouds with my hands behind my back. Considering the fact that they're probably busy, I don't think I can confront them at the cafe so I think this would be the best time. Also, they came along with Tsunade, which means they're probably at least above chunin level...
Stopping at my destination, I raised my hand in front of the wooden door, taking a deep breath. Ok, let's make sure we don't mess up here, shall we? I commented to myself as I leaned my fist in for a knock.
However, before I could land it, something touched my shoulder. My eyes widen in surprise as my instincts clicked in. In an instant, I stepped back and whipped out a kunai in my hand and swung at the perpetrator, shifting the balls of my feet to get into a stance. My weapon reacted with a clank, as it was countered by a senbon in their hands.
I blinked, relaxing as I stared at familiar red, silent eyes. "Shiori-san?" I asked as I recomposed myself, pulling my weapon away. I didn't feel their chakra...
Watching the taller male put their thin needle back into their sleeves, he raised his other hand in greeting. Shiori stepped forward, going next to me to open the door, leaving it open for me to come in.
Entering in, I found myself in a somewhat empty office, with a wooden desk and area lightly dusted. There were books and paper at the side, though it seems they were all organized. On one of the walls was a small window, big enough to light up the room with the sun.
I turned my attention back at the Uzumaki, watching his hands morph around to sign. "Excuse me, I did not think to get any visitors this soon." They signed with quick fingers, walking in and closing the door.
"Ah, it's ok!" I assured the older ninja. "I came unannounced anyways." Leaning on the wall next to the door, I gave them my best smile. "I just wanted to chat. Get to know you better," Like the good protagonist I am. I thought in my head. I mean— what?
They sat down in their desk, looking up at me as if waiting— oh wait, they are. My bad!
"Moving on," I cleared my throat, "Let's start with this," My eyes bore into his. "What do you know of this world?"
His body seemed to perk up, their red eyes dilating just a bit before they went back to their usual state. "What do you mean by that?" His hands wove in the sign language. He was curious, though that wasn't obviously shown through his aloof expression. I'm so glad this was taught in the academy. I noted in the back of my mind.
I giggled, pushing further. "I mean, isn't it weird? Ninjas having superpowers? The people? This world's very existence?"
Shiori's eyes narrowed as if he was suspicious of me. "...are you the same as me?"
"Ding ding ding!" I changed brightly, the ends of my lips stretched up together. I clapped my hands together playfully, "Though, considering the fact that you didn't think I was strange in the beginning, means you don't know what this place is." Like Hiro.
"This place..." He asked silently. "It's but of fiction, is it not?"
"Yup!" I answered. At least he knows. God, imagine if he didn't— would've thought I was insane! "But we don't need to talk about that now. I actually have something I want to you comply with." The older male rose a brow but urged me to continue.
I took a deep breath, dropping my sides to let them rest against my sides. "This world... the future... so many people are going to die." I grimaced, remembering the recent memories of a certain moment. "And despite there being a happy ending, I don't want that to happen."
"So," I lend a hand out, gracing them with a polished smile. "Won't you help me prevent it?"
''Megumi,'' Gaara called out to me. I hummed in reply, tilting my head in curiousity. The shorter redhead darted his head away, his browbones creasing as he lifted his arms. I squealed internally, he really does look like an adorable red panda! ''Kugui said that I owed you a...'' He paused, a hint of... oh crusty ass, he's embarrassed!!! ''A hug.''
Did I say I was squealing internally? Well not anymore! "Kyaaaaaa~!!!" With a fling of my arms, I dove into his arms. The red panda stumbled back of the force that was I, his body going rigid. But I didn't care! Nuzzling my cheek to his, my arms cling tighter around his body. "You're so cute, Gaara-chan!"
"Ah." I moved my head back to get a better view of him. "You still have to think about politics though."
His brow bones furrowed further. "I don't care about politics." Gaara repeated.
I giggled.
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