《A Very OOC Uchiha [Naruto Fanfic]》Chapter 15: Everytime I See the Word 'Explain' in a Test, I Die a Little Inside
[Chapter 15: Everytime I see the word 'Explain' in a test, I die a little inside]
"There she goes~"
"Nee-chan, you can not sing that whenever a girl falls."
"Try me."
And there we were, standing in front of a huge crowd in front of the '301' room. Okay, all jokes aside, how in the bloody hell did anybody get fooled by this? I get it: it's a genjutsu, but all you had to do was count??? I'm actually surprised that these people actually got recommended-
"Hn. I agree but," And I zoned out. Yippie. I swear to Arceus I need to stop doing that shit. Turning next to me, my foolish little brother smirked with hands in his pockets.
"You will let us pass through... and release that genjutsu. I'm going to the 3rd floor." The instant he said that, murmurs filled the crowd that was now focusing on us. Just for fun, I did a peace sign and smiled at them. I mean, if we're gonna get attention anyways, might as well!
Perking up at a sudden idea, I eagerly nudged Sakura with my shoulder. "Hey, hey, Sakura-chan? Weren't ya the first one to notice?" She glanced in surprise before nodding.
"Y-yeah! I noticed a while ago, as this is the second floor." She stated proudly. My smile only grew wider. The instant this is over, I'd need to train her: we don't need any skinny legends in this household!
When the poor genjutsu was released, the 'kid' chuunin 'suddenly' swung a leg at Sasuke. "Not bad... but all you did was see through it!" In retaliation, my twin also lifted a leg.
Three... two and one. Right when my internal countdown ended, Rock Lee (who was on the ground just a second ago) grabbed both of them at the same time. After a minute of silence, the good boi released them.
"Hey," Neji, oh boy Neji, came up to the youthful dude. "What happened to the plan? You're the one who told us to lay low." The person who may or may not die from falling sticks this time demanded.
The latter looked away bashfully with a blush evident on his cheeks. "W-well..." Lee stuttered, looking our way. I giggled with absolute glee as he started strunting towards us. I have been waiting for this!
And then he walked past Sakura and in front of me.
Wait what-
"My name is Rock Lee." He stated to my utter horror. He did a mimic of the good guy pose, thumbs up and all. Wait- "Let's go out together! I'll protect you until I die!"
My whole body froze, mouth agape. Within eyesight, Naruto, and Sakura all stared with horrified expressions, eyes so wide- holy shit they actually look like they gonna fall off. Sasuke (who turned around so fast I'm surprised he didn't get whiplash), held an eyebrow up but didn't look all that bothered on the outside as I usually got confessions during the Academy days. Oh god- days.
But back to the topic at ha- ok maybe let's not do that.
"I- uh- I mean- I- you-!" I stammered with flushed cheeks, smiling to cope as my brain completely shut down.
I- I didn't expect this! I thought for sure thought he would go for Sakura as usual as- well- maybe he had a kink for pink-haired women??? Hey don't judge me!
"Fkgjkdgjfkjjfjgejehjkbnmgbj" I continued to stutter at him, my face feeling so hot I'm practically combusting. Ok, Sasuke now actually looked alarmed by my mental breakdown.
Cuz like- usually I just flat out reject them but- but- this is Lee we're talking about! Aka, true good and youthful boi cinnamon roll and needs more love! I can't do that and break his heart! Omg I would fucking kill myslef if I did that. I mean- I would do that anyways-
"Hey, hey bushy brows!" Naruto yelled, getting in between us with a fist up. Oh bless the sunshine incarnation. "Ya bothering her. Dattebayo!"
Bubblegum, oh bless her soul, also stepped in front of me. "Yeah, go away!"
Sasuke, who apparently was finished talking with Neji, fast-walked towards us, mainly me, and grabbed my turtle neck , roughly, dragging the still shell-shocked me away. Finally gaining my composure I called out to the bummed out boy. "Lee!" He perked up brightly, staring up at me. "We can be friends!" I screamed at him, waving my arm at him. He grinned and did another thumbs up. I giggled at his 'youthfulness'.
Sasuke groaned.
"Hey, hey, ya Dum dum!" I called out when we saw everybody's favorite light-haired gravity-defying person (no not you nagito) (no- also not you Mishima) . He sighed, turning his body to face us. I blinked, there's a person behind him, I noted.
I still haven't gotten good enough with sensoring that I still can't differeint with different type of people unless the amount of chakra is major. Like, if there was a comparison between Itachi and Hinata, then of course I'd know who's who. But if it were to be Hinata and... let's say Shino, then it would be much harder.
"Can't you address me as your Sensei for once?" He asked with a deadpan expression, slouching with hands in his pockets. We walked up to him.
"Nope!" I beamed with a grin, placing my hands behind my back. "And lookie!" I enthusiastically pointed a finger to the unsuspecting pink-haired kunoichi. "Sakura-chan's here too!"
"Ah." Kakashi stated intelligently, bobbing his head towards them in greeting. "So she is. Now, we can properly start this exam."
Sakura tilted her big brain in confusion. "What do you mean?"
Turning to the little kiddos, I gestured to the teacher. "Well, ya see, not only is he a dum dum, hes also a fucking liar!"
" your language!" I whipped my head at him to say, only to whip it right back at my confused team.
"Anyways, apparently the exams can usually only be taken by 3-man teams (I say this as I think they'll allow a 4-man team because, you know, plot convenience) so he wanted to make sure that you guys came here on ya own choice!"
"Wai- wait... does that mean, if Naruto, Megumi, and Sasuke-kun only went..." Sakura trailed off, clutching her hands close to her chest.
"The exams would have ended simply right then and there." Kakashi answered for her. He then closed his only visible eye to form what I assume to be a closed-eyed smile. Nice. "But you all came here on your own accord; I'm so proud of this team." He stated, expressing genuine happiness. My whole day just brightened the fuck up. Kyaaaa, so precious...! "Oh- and Megumi's not gonna participate with the rest of you." Wait what-
"What do you mean by that, Kakashi-sensei?" Sasuke demanded, a scowl evident on his face. I tilted my head, I didn't think of this, shit. I've been bamboolzed!
"Yeah, yeah! What's up with that, Kakashi-sensei?!" Naruto piped up (wow he hasn't really been in the chapter much, has he?), hands up into fists. Sakura next to me also looked alert, as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing.
The said male held his hands up in mock surrender. "Hey, it's not my idea: the konoha council thought of this if both teams were to participate." He excused. the council! They can in hell for all I care! In fact- would be the one to do that! I thought darkly, mentally giggling maniacally in my mind. But then I blinked, replaying his words. Both teams? Could he mean...?
"And so, Megumi." I looked up at him when he called my name. THe grey-haired then moved aside to reveal the person I sensed.
"Hiro!" I exclaimed, moving to hug the raven-head, in which he immediately dodged, causing me to meet none other than the ground. "Oof!" I layed there for a second before sitting back up, looking up at the fucker with childish pout. "Why do you always do this to me?" I whined at the dark-haired individual.
Hiro chuckled, quite arrogantly if I must say, at my misery, although softly so maybe only Kakashi and I heard him. "Not today, Princess." I grumble as I recall the day where we turned this into a challenge because he cares so much about his hair not getting fucked up!
"It should be!" I countered whilst smiling. I pushed my legs up to stand, no thanks to him.
"Well it seems you two already know each other." Kakashi commented, bringing us back to the situation. We glanced at him as he then pointed at us. "You'll be in a team together."
"Nobody else?" Hiro questioned him with a slightly raised brow. I guess he wasn't fully informed about this.
"Not that I know off." He responded with a nonchalant shrug. Bruh. "But considering your clans, I think you'll be fine." Oh, so you're judging us based of our cla- actually, he's right. A Sharingan and a Byakugan duo would be op as fuck. Well- if they weren't at each other's throats, that is.
I furrowed my brows together in thought. Wait- but that means I might not be able to prevent Sasuke's confrontation with Orochipedo in time. Shit. But at least I got Hiro; he'll actually understand if I were to dip out on him. I internally shuddered. I don't wanna get a hickey.
I get a sudden tap on the shoulder, causing me to turn to Hiro. "Yo, we're going." He said, nodding his head towards the group who were already entering. Shocked by their betrayal, I gasp dramatically.
"How could they?!"
"This is, what you say, a top 10 anime betrayal."
"No- yeah yeah you're right."
A loud smack echoed around the room. A person fell. Sakura gasped. Sasuke snorted. Hiro Snickered. Naruto and I wheezed.
The person that fell sat up and picked an object up, staring at it with much confusion. He looked up at me with crooked glasses and a cocked up brow. "... Did you throw a shoe at me?"
I giggled at the McDonald's Labor Slave, hovering a hand in front of my mouth to initiate my inner queen. "Sorry, sorry, I thought you said shoe!" I stated in between hysteric giggles, holding my stomach with my other hand.
The rookie nine (besides Hiro, Naruto, and Sasuke (oh my god he looked so done)) stared dumbly at me.
"... why would I say shoe?"
"I don't know, why would you?"
"Good question." Hiro muttered under his breath.
"Anyways," I clutched my hands together behind my back with a smile, resisting to strangle the lickspittle right then and there. "Why is a boomer such as ya here?"
Kabuto cocks a brow at my totally-not-an-insult nickname that I gave him but cleared his throat, then proceed to place a hand on his hip.
"I just wanted to say that you rookies should quiet down: this isn't a picnic. My name is Kabuto and..." Yeah no: this is definitely a rabble that I do NOT want to be apart of.
Looking around my surroundings, I note that most of these people are utterly uninteresting (as background characters should be) before landing my eyes on a certain person. With long black hair and matching eyes, was a feminine boy staring right back at me- and that's Orochimaru.
Oh . I shake off the urge to freeze and give away any indication that I knew who he actually was. I am so fucked: was the only thing I could think of when I remembered all the bad shit that he actually did. Goddamnit- those fanfictions for letting me have sympathy and liking the character! Despite all of my internal screaming in my head, I made myself blink innocently and graced him a bright smile, waving in the process. His chakra- oh my, how did I notice all that chakra around him?
I faltered, only slightly, before calming in a split second, like it never happened. I beamed when he even decided to wave back. Ok, he probably doesn't know that I know his identity.
Glancing away from his eeirey stare, I twirl a lock of hair that wasn't shoved into my bun. Am I still able to stop Sasuke from getting the cursed mark? Or is that a fixed event? Now, would I be able to even stop Orochimaru if I were to come? Probably not. Well, maybe with my sharingan? But then again a sharinhgan-made genjutsu probably wouldn't be able to immobilize him...
I let out a sigh through my nose, I hate being apart of the plot... I can't even back out cuz sasuke and I aren't in the same team. Oh well, maybe with me existing he wouldn't desert the village... no, maybe it's actually better that he does.
"Princess?" Hiro questions me, which bring me out of my train of thought, which then falls off the cliff and into a void that is called the mind. I crane my neck at him, noticing that I was actually still softly tugging on my hair. "Something on your mind?"
I blink. "Hiro..." He tilts his head with curiosity. "I didn't take you for the concerned for friends type." I giggle when his left eye twitched.
"What did you take me for?!"
"The aloof yet dumb and socially awkward type!"
...I'm bored.
So, long story short, Kabuto died against his comrades pitifully, Ibuki aka if bob the builder went to war appeared, and the test of so called 'doom' is handed out. So here we are now, in absolute boredom.
I kinda wish I didn't know the plot. But then again, if I didn't then, well, I probably wouldn't be alive now.
Back on track, I didn't even bother to tell Hiro as I knew he wouldn't get himself disqualified. Looking around at all those cool, yet very noticeable (like seriously, how did these chunin not notice tenten's tools?!), strategies at cheating, I feel kinda bad for not even trying. Heck, even Shikamaru's trying! Well- it's not my fault that they never stated that we actually had to answer it!
Glancing down at my own test, I tapped it with a pencil in a very bored manner. Did I ever mention that I was bored?
Giggling at a sudden idea, I gleefully glide my pencil against the thin paper roughly, moving it lightly and swiftly. I make a stroke, and then another. And then another. After minutes of pure effort and skill, I straightened up my back with my lips widely stretched out as I stare at my masterpiece.
It was a drawing of the one and only Well- the eyes were a bit wonky and the hair looks weird and she looks dead and the eraser made it look like she has a mustache and-
Okay it looks terrible. But it's the thought that counts.
Glancing at the clock, I still find myself having plenty of time to kill. Puffing out my cheeks childishly, I really thought that it would take longer than that, I take my focus back on drawing until the test ended.
Omake (Lowkey wanna make every one of these canon):
"Ne, ne, Sasuke. What's on ya mind?" The boy flinched, whipping his head at my face merely inches away from him. Realizing that, he immidiatedly yelped nd stepped awy, arms frantic. I giggled at the adorable boy, how very un-uchiha-like.
We were in the hallway that led to our rooms and it was a weekday so there was no academy. Mikoto, Itachi, and fugaku were all busy so it was jsut us in the main compound.
"Wha-what do you mean?!" He stuttered, not even fooling me one secoend. I smiled and inched closer, much to my brother's mild discomfort.
I went for the kill. And when I mean kill, I mean hug. Huggle, to be specific. I wiggled my arms around his waist, stroking his duck ass of a head with a gentle hand. "Foolish little brother," He pouted at one of the constant reminders of his life. "Of course I would know if something's bothering you!" I explaiend. I nuzzled my cheeks on his head. "So spill the tea~"
My twin let out a very uchiha-like noise and gently pryed himsefl away from me. Usually I wouldn't let him do that but based on his tense posture, furrowed brows, and his hands clutching the hem of his shirt, something was clearly bother ing him. He mumbled something. I let out a curious hum, indirectly asking him to repeat it.
He blushed and shut his eyes, all of his emotions bursting itu. "I-I wanna be a girl!" My smile froze, along with my body.
I blinked, not sure if I heard him right. What did I to make him trans?
"Ju-ju... jus for a day..." He hesitantly added, opening his eyes but looking away to stare at a wall.
I dragged myself back to reality and tilted my head, as if I didn't hear that Trump had a body pillow that he cuddles each night. "Why?" I questioned lightly.
He turned back at me, sounding slightly hopeful probably due to the fact that I didn't flat-out reject the idea. "Well..." He stumbled on finding the right rules. "I don't want to hide from fangirls all the time... and I always wondered what its like to be one..."
He looked down bashfully, his face resembling of his favorite fruit. I hovered a hand over my mouth, trying to stifle my giggling. So cute...!
I clasped my hands onto his shoulders, causing him to crane his head at me. I streched my lips up and wide. "Okay then! I'll help!" And thus, Side Quest: Crossdress Sasuke- is a go!
"Hinata-taaaaaaan!" I glomped the girl when it was Monday and slightly before class started. She screamed.
"Me-megumi!" She stammered out, whipping her cute face at me with pink dusted ff her cheeks.
I grined and nuzzled her cheek with mine. "Let's go shopping!" I exclaimed brightly.
"Does she have to?" A voice from behind stated, sounding slightly annoyed but that's just me right?
"Hiro!!" I greeted the boy, who had his arms crossed. In my arms, his twin was warming up but its fine. "Yes, this cutiepattotie has to go! It's a girl emergency!" I wiggled my brows with my grin. "What??? You wanna join?"
"You sound like Ino." He blunty commented, a brow raised up, looking less irratated.
I scrunched my nose in mock disgust. "Please don't compare me to Ino right now." That earned a chuckle from the dark-haired individual. He then looked away with a small glare.
"I don't wanna go but Hinata..." He trled off, obviously worried about his older twin.
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