《A Very OOC Uchiha [Naruto Fanfic]》Chapter 16: Oh My God, She's Such a Snake
"Ne ne Hiro."
"You may or may not die because of Orochimaru targeting my Sharingan. And maybe your Byakugan."
"Why didn't you tell me this before I signed the waivers?" He questioned with a deadpan, staring at me with furrowed brows. We were already in the forest when he asked me this. I decided to only giggle. He rolled his eyes as he sighed deeply in exasperation.
"Because you freaking out would have alerted him." I replied, observing my surroundings, twirling a lock of hair at the same time. Even though it's a chunnin exam, I doubt there will be anyone coming after us at the get go... well, unless you're Orochimaru.
Along with my usual outfit, I hung a small bag that had food pills, a blanket, and other things. Apparently, we were given the rest of the day off after the test to prepare for the next day, which, totally save the day for me as I realized that I would need a shit more weapons to defend myself, overpowered team combo or not.
Glancing back at Hiro, he stood paitently wih his byakugan activated, probably scoping out the area. "I think we should take the stealth route."
"Agreed." The Hyuuga twin asked, blinking and turning his kekkai genkai off with a shrug. "There's a takigure squad coming within a mile and thankfully they have the right scroll we need." He noted.
I nodded with a smile. "How lucky!" I place my thumb and index finger under my chin. "Do you know how to mask your chakra?"
"Yep," The dark-haired boy popped the 'p'. And with that we went to the trees, waiting paitently for our prey. Sooner or later, the squad came in, showing that there was one boy and two girls. It was a pleasant surprise actually, as usually there are less females in squads. Or in anything really, sorry females.
"Guah!" The boy fumed as they went to a stop. "We've been searching forever and we haven't found anyone!" He stomped on the ground. I had to resist the urge to snort. Wow... real Shinobi like.
"Shush, Hoshi." One of the girls barked, placing a hand on her hip, totally not on her guard. The other girl just stayed silent, but guessing from her chakra, she was just as distracted as them.
"Man, these people suck." I heard Hiro mumble quiet enough for only me to hear, who was on a tree branch opposite to mine.
"Yeah, Easy-pesie targets." I quietly replied back. "You think that I can cast a mass genjustu with my sharingan?"
"Maybe," Hiro turned away from the genin. "You'll be the bait anyways."
I leaned back with a inadible gasp as I placed a hand overmy heart, feining hurt. "Just because I'm worse at taijutsu does not mean that I'm automatically the bait!"
"You act like one though."
"Hirooooo..." I whined with a pout, but dropped down on the unsuspecting children anyways. Landing softly with no noise, I stealthily approached them from behind. You'll never see it coming~ I sang in my head with a giggle echoing my mind.
"Look; how come Yoshimi's the leader here? I'm better than her!"
"No you're not! And besides, Yuriko-Sensei made ME leader!"
"Tch- THIS IS WHY MOM DOESN'T LOVE YOU-" The boy halted in his words when I placed a hand on his shoulder. The three froze, only the male Taki nin slowly turning his poor pitiful head at his doom. Aka me.
Grinning widely like the little shit I am, I activated my sharingan and, with a deep masuline voice that can only be perfectly replicated with an indie game, I stated.
"AH-" The boy screamed but it was already too late when we made eye-contact. In instant later, his eyes flew up and lips shut as he then slumped forward, myself catching him before he met the harsh ground. Kissing the ground is not fun. Trust me, I know. *Vietnamese flashbacks* I heard one of the girls call out to him but was sharply cut of as Hiro jumped out of his hiding spot and karate chopped the both of them unconscious.
"Get dunked on!" I exclaimed in my spot, gleefully skipping to my teammate. Hiro just chuckled with a small tug on his lips.
"Of course you would be happy with ruining people's chance of succeeding in life." The boy responed as he dusted his hands together to get rid of any germs that got on him.
"Nahhhh," I giggled with a grin with hands behind my back. "Just glad I got the chance to use that reference." I laid the body on me down just after snatching the heaven scroll on him. Thank you, next. Giggling even more, I resisted the urge to sigh when I deteched another group of genin coming straight at us without even trying to mask themselves. Sonofabitch.
Narrowing my eyes, I motioned Hiro to come closer, him oblieging and turning his byakugan on once again.
"They have an Earth Scroll," He spoke hushed, raising an arm to comb his fingers through his swept hair, sounding quite irritated if I might say so myself. "Do we need to also beat them up?"
"Hmmm..." Well, if we were to get another one and get to team seven fast enough then maybe...? "Sure, we might need it for emergencies." Grabbing a kunai from from my leg pouch after placing the heaven scroll into my skirt pocket, I steadied myself into a kata. From the corners of my eyes, Hiro also went into his not so gentle fist kata with the Byakugan activated. Glancing back at our aproaching enemies (who im sure knows where we are), I activated my sharingan.
Another one bites the dust!
So long story short: we won.
No seriously, I get that these people are filler characters but even Konohamaru could kick their asses flawlessly! But then again, comparing them to him is kinda unfair, considering that the boy somehow defeated a path...
After that, I tried to go to team seven and defeat the demon lord aka oreopedo-chan, but Hiro, like the party pooper is, kept on slapping me to not go to my death. In fact, it went like this:
Moi: Let's gooooooo-
Hiro: *bonks my head* do you have a death wish?
Moi: ... Yes?
Hiro: *proceeds to beat me the fuk up*
In the end we compromised to not go then but later when sasuke goes bersek. Which means, we have to stay the night. Fun~
"It is not." Hiro objected as he stepped in my little hiding spot aka under the bushes. Beside me were some beries that were not poisionous (that was mandatory to learn in the academty) even though I had emergency snacks in my bag.
"Heyyyyy, let me monolough for a bit!" I said before grabbing a kunai from my holster. "Hotel?" I said the codeword in English.
He sighed. "Trivago. Seriously, why'd we need a code word when we have our kekkei genkai?"
"Because it's funny!"
"I dont see why she made you main protagonist.
"Awwwwww you jelly~?"
"Hardly," He sighed, and pinted to a direction in the slightly darker forest, since, ya know, it was dusk now. "There's a nice hiding spot we can camp out for the night."
Streching my lips up, I stretched my laid body up and gathered our food. "Thanks!" After we settled down in the hidden area (which was a well hidden cave), we munched ourselves a feast with the berries.
"So, I'll take first watch!" I decided after we finished eating, leaning back against the wall of the cave, close to its entrance. The cave was large enough for us to both stay in with little space.
"What?" My temperary teamate questioned, raising a brow in disagreement with a scowl. "No- I'm taking first watch."
"What'cha mean?" I tilted my head at him, hugging my knees close. "You used more chakra so you need to rest first."
"But I need to be awake to make sure enemies aren't near!"
"Hiro, I'm a sensor."
"A real shitty one."
"Better than none." I sighed, why is he arguing in the first place- no, wait. I narrowed my eyes as I inspected closer at his body language. He's... worried? Aww how nice of him! "Hiro," the said boy huffed but stayed silent, allowing me to continue. "It'll be okay, if anybody dangerous is near I'll wake you up. And besides! You can take second watch!"
He stayed still for a moment, contemplating on my words. With a pout and furrowed brows, he caved in and laid down on his side, away from me.
(He's worried- scared even. He was already worried when they had to stay in an area with Kumo nin but now with Orochimaru?! No shit he's gonna not be scared shitless! Yeah- the Kumo nin are just genin but anybody from Kumo are terrible especially when they hurt his sister and might do it again-
Hiro's not with Hinata like he's supposed to. And he trusts Kiba and Shino to protect her so he's not that worried-
But he's the only person that Megumi has right now. He needs to protect her- He has too- he wouldn't be able to let himslef be if he made even more regrets-)
Giggling at him (he sort of reminds me of a tsundere when he's like that), I shoved a hand in my bag and pulled out a thin blanket, spreading it over the Hyuuga's form. Sitting back, I stared up at the dark night sky. Well- as much as one can see when literally all the trees were blocking the view. Damn.
It must have been at least an hour before shit happened and holy mother of ducklings was that boring- I couldn't even trash-sing without alerting those fake-ass extras! And somehow I'm not freezing. But then again, usually Uchihas (as I have learned in my second time of early childhood) have some sort of cold-resistance with their fire affinity coursing in their body to keep them warm.
Anyways, there I was, barbeque sauce on my titties, when a bush near us rustled slightly. Darting my eyes at the source of the sound, I let my hand swiftly take out a kunai and swing at it. It hit, only to recive nothing. Staying still, I stare at where I had just thrown just for something to slither out: a white snake.
I force myself to relax my body and grace it with a smile. Well for fucks sake. I what I could think of as the small creature continued to come closer. If I was a wee naive girl I won't be freaking out but you know me! As a former Naruto fangirl, I knew that this snake is from a certain and lovely bitch. Leaning forward and holding a hand out, I let it slither up to my arm, giggling at its ticklish touch. "Well aren't you a cutie." This sucks, I would have named it Mitsuki or Mizuki or Kaburamaru or Ayame Soma or even Medusa Gorgon-
Oh right! Orochimaru's coming. Almost forgot about that. Well if he lets me have it then I can name it later! I turn my head at my unconious friend. "Hiroooo," I called with a wide smile in a sing-song tone. "Hinata-tan's getting hit on~"
He sat up in an instant and, "Who the
And bonked his head.
Cue my laughter.
"What the hell Megumi..." Grumbled the very awake genin, rubbing his head and grimacing at the sharp pain. Then he noticed the snake on my arm. "What the fuck."
"Yeah, we need to go- like now." He was already out of the small space when I finished. Casually plunking the snake off with just two fingers, I plopped the small hissing animal gently to the ground. "Off you go now." I stated, waving at it as it lingered only a second before running off. I stood up, dusting off the dirt on my skirt and tightening my bun before nodding at Hiro. With that, we took off to the trees.
Now, we all know a couple of genin wouldn't be able to out run a sannin; however, if he treats me the same as Sasuke, he'll only want to test my abilities. And hopefully not kill Hiro in the process. And so, when I heared the small sound of a hissing repitles whistled behind me, I instinctively grabbed my own kunai and flickered it back at it, only killing a few as it moved in only to miss us.
Stepping on another tree branch before halting, I couldn't help but activated my sharingan within those seconds as I. "Hiro!" I called out, darting my red eyes at the boy who was only a branch in front of me. Based on his posture, he was only huffing slightly and was relatively not injured.
"Hmmm... how intersting. It seems you have already matured your sharingan." A hoarse yet bone-chilling voice stated. I almost tensed when I saw Orochimaru infront of us with a hand under his chin. He still had his digiuse on (well- kinda, half of it was burned off by Sasuke, I noted), meaning that Anko hadn't found him yet. Ok, maybe I can use that to my advantage.
I blinked. Him? Her? I don't assume!
I narrowed my eyes at the snake, making myself seem cautious when in actuality, I was fucking fangirling like a bitch. OMG its the drag queen! Yas! Was all I could think of at the moment as I internally snapped my fingers multiple times. He gathered his black hair with a hand and flipped it flamboyantly. Yas— slay it!
"Really?" I giggled, clasping my fingers together daintily with a small smile. "I'm glad that you like it!" I don't, I really don't. Orochimaru licked his lips with his long toungue. ewwwwwww...
"Uh... can we just go?" Hiro asked to mainly me in a irritated yet cautious voice. The dark-haired male held himself in the gentle fist stance, ready to attack if needed. And, in this case, he probably would.
"Not now," Orochimaru sharply answered with a smirk. "I haven't gotten what I came for yet." And not even a second later, my teamate suddenly fell to his knees, his breath hitching as he did so.
"Hiro!" I voiced out in concern, jumping from my branch to his whilst temporarily deactivating my Kekkai Genkai. What the fuck just happened!? Crouching down at his level, I craned my neck to see the boy shaking frantically, clutching his arms tightly for comfort.
Wha...? "Hiro?" I repeated but in concern this time, furrowing my brow in question. It was then I noticed it the atmostsphere- no, the aura that a certain someone was emitting. I whipped my head at smirking male. Bloodlust?
Wait but then... In curiosity, I moved my arms around, instantly noticing the lack of fidgeting or even goosebumps. "Hmm? How intriguing," Was all the snake Sannin spoke, the interested gleam in his eye only becoming brighter. "You're not affected by killing intent."
He continued to chuckle as cold sweat dripped from my head, the tense air only increasing. I narrowed my eyes, whirling them to their flashing red hue. Let's hope we can escape this bitch. "Well," The expression on his face only turned malicious. "Show me what you can do."
Multiple things happened at once:
Orochimaru burst into a sprint towards us.
I grabbed Hiro by the arm.
Orochimaru sent his arm forward.
I weaved my chakra to form a certain Jutsu.
Orochimaru's fingers had almost touched us and then—
We were gone.
"Holy shit, that was close!" I whispered in mild disbelief and shock, slapping Hiro on the head as I ran from branch to branch. It was only a second later that another horde of snakes flew towards us. I let out a 'tch' before using the same Jutsu again, getting us the fuck out of there.
"Wh-what?" Hiro stuttered out when I finally bitch-slapped him, trying to get out of my clutches only for me to attach my hand to his wrist.
"I can't take you with me if I'm not touching you!" I hastily explained. I let myself click my toungue as I raised a kunai-held arm to block the sannin's sudden yet harsh kick, pushing my perplexed reincarnation buddy away. Swaying my body away from the Orochimaru's upcoming left punch, I let myself use another jutsu to get away and next to Hiro. "Stay close. We're not fucking engaging this dude!"
"Tch." Hiro scowled, looking like he wanted to object but decided not to, opting to just hop to another tree branch to escape. I tried regulating my breathing, wincing at the pain on my arm. Mother trucker! That hurt like a buttcheek on a stick!
"Where do you think you're going?" Came the ever slithery and taunting voice. Grabbing my fellow shinobi once more, I yeeted ourselves out there before the missing nin fricking kicked the tree, making a goddamn crater. We landed onto a few braches away from him.
"Mr. Beast would be disappointed in you." I muttered under my breath. I'm pretty sure the glamourous drag queen heard me anyways, cuz, ya know, ninja. Kyaaaaah... I let out in my mind. I wasting my chakra.
"To think that you are able to use body flicker so effectively... kufufufu, you two are quite the special Uchiha." The snake kept on laughing, as if mocking us- oh wait he was.
And yeah, you're probably wondering: how the hell was I doing the body flicker like a motherfucking god? Weeeeeeell, being bros-before-hoes with the legendary body flicker Shisui does have its perks. After Shisui's death, I made it my goal to master the Jutsu so much that it takes little chakra to use it.
It's why I'm able to not fall over in exhaustion when flickering Hiro with me. Which also means I can be an annoying ass in battle too! Sadly, I'm not yet to be able to make after-image clones (I don't even know if that's possible in this world yet) or I would have been the most annoying person to battle.
I giggle at his comment, straightening my back whilst doing so, "So you've already fought my foolish little brother." I stated, even though I already knew that. I smiled, "How's he been? I bet he got some damage in, considering that literally half of your face melted off."
"Why the hell are we chit-chatting?" Hiro piped up, glaring at the missing bin in the gentle fist fighting stance. His posture was tense with waves emitting fear and nervousness, though in this case I can't really blame him for that.
"Because I'm stalling so that hiss-hiss fucker over there doesn't kill us!" I responded in fake cheerfulness, successfully concealing anything that might give myself away to the pedo. I pointed my kunai at him with the same smile. "Soooooo... why do you wanna fight little old us?" I questioned even though we all know that the sannin literally stated the answer just a few minutes ago. I don't care, I'm just stalling! Maybe that's why Sakura kept on doing it?
The she-man-whatever-he-is, licked his lips whilst smirking like the damn basturd that he is. "I only wish to have what is in your body...!" And then he darted at us once again. But this time, we were only mildly ready.
Which, was better than nothing.
Watching him suddenly appear within my Sharingan, I blocked his punch with a kunai and side stepped only to swing it back at his side, prompting the Sannin to flawlessly dodge. Stepping back, I let Hiro take the lead as he rushed the Sannin with a fury of palm strikes, full intent on at least blocking one of his tenketsu.
Of course, being the hax character he is, dodge all of them with ease. My teammate huffed in frustration as I then intercepted the two with a body flicker to hurl multiple kunai at the snake. As he steps back, I flipped next to my friend and body flicker us away.
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Su Xue, a woman in her mid 20s, is struggling both in paying rent and finding her path in life. Her latest stint has her trying to become a popular League of Legends streamer, though to poor results. One day, she is interrupted in the middle of a livestream by a surprise visit from her landlady. She is informed that she will be having a new roommate. The landlady’s nephew, Lin Feng, a 18 year old boy who has just transferred over to Shanghai for his last year of high school.Though initially opposed to it, Su Xue reluctantly agrees to the arrangement. She learns that the two share a common interest—League of Legends—and that he’s really amazing at the game. Lin Feng also reveals to her he wishes to become the best professional League of Legends player in the world.The next day. Lin Feng attends his first day of school as a transfer student at High School 13. He meets Ouyang and Yang Fan, and the trio find a common passion in League of Legends. Lin Feng is then introduced to Ren Rou, the president of the esports club with a fiery personality, and Tang Bingyao, a quiet bookworm with a love for money and a surprising talent for the game.A little about Lin Feng’s past is revealed. He was a once pro player, the youngest in history and a contender for the best player in the world. Until the finals of the Season 1 World Championship. There, he lost to his arch-rival, an equally brilliant Korean youth. That was the peak of his career, and also the turning point in his life. He stepped down from his team and disappeared from competitive play altogether. Now, after a four year long hiatus, he aims to make a comebackOver the next couple of weeks, Lin Feng learns about the upcoming Shanghai 16 School Tournament, and that his school’s esports club had performed especially poorly the previous year. He agrees to coach the club’s team and help them win the first place trophy this year. And so, he starts the members of the club out on an intense training bootcamp.Meanwhile, the Season 5 League of Legends World Championship is taking place at around the same time. Tian Tian, one of Lin Feng’s former teammates and best friend, is on one of the Chinese teams playing at Worlds. After a poor showing, he is on the verge of a mental breakdown. Lin Feng witnesses everything in a viewing party with the esports club members and becomes worried.On the day of the Shanghai 16 School tournament, Lin Feng reunites with Tian Tian on the phone. He tells Tian Tian he’s going to return to the professional scene, that he’s making a new team and plans to invite him. But Tian Tian has to vow not to give up at Worlds and keep winning. Tian Tian agrees, and Lin Feng promises he’ll fight alongside him. Lin Feng then heads into his match with renewed resolve, to climb from the bottom all the way back to the top, and overcome the rival that defeated him so many years ago.
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