《A Very OOC Uchiha [Naruto Fanfic]》Chapter 14: Why Hello There!
[Chapter 14: Why Hello There!]
"Hello crow!" I giggled as the crow on the fence inched closer to me, wanting to be pet. Placing my left arm and then my chin on my hand, I smiled when the bird made a satisfied noise upon stroking it. "Kyaa~ you're so cute!" I cooed out.
On the other side of the bridge, Sakura sighed tiredly, "Why does Kakashi-sensei tell us to meet but then makes us late?!" She screamed in the wind.
"Yeah, yeah! What Sakura-chan said!" Naruto piped, his fist pumped up in agreement.
"What about a girl's feelings?! I didn't brush my hair today!"
"Yeah! I wasn't able to brush my teeth and wash my face!"
"...that's gross."
Sasuke just sulked with his usual brooding.
Me, who arrived much later than the other 3, laughed at their utter misery. "Hey!" Sakura pointed at me accusingly, "Stop laughing!"
"Your fault for even listening to that dum dum!" I retaliated between giggles. The crow beside me chirped, annoyed that my attention wasn't on the small animal, causing me to stop and continue petting it.
"What is it with you and crows?" Sasuke asked me, turning his head at me with narrowed eyes. In the past, Itachi kept on keeping tabs on us (mainly me) with his crows and Sasuke eventually found out about them, Though, he still asks and stares at me weirdly whenever I am visited by them.
I smiled at him whilst still stroking the bird's feathers. "What can I say (except we're dead soon!) I'm a crow whisperer!" My smile widened as I inched closer to his face. "Whaaaat? Is my foolish little brother jealous that not even a bird likes him?" I teased with eyes crinkled with mischief.
He shuffled away with a huff, shoving his hands into his pockets in annoyment. I giggled at his actions and began to tease him even more.
But before I could even utter another word, a certain silver-head popped in. "Morning people! I got lost on the path of life." He stated sheepishly (yeah right) on top of the bridge entrance.
I jumped, frightening the crow for it to fly away (no wait I think Kakashi was the one who did that- cuz, ya know, he's a goddamn scarecrow- ok, I'll leave) . "HOly shit- a wild dum dum appeared!" I screamed out, gaining a look from my foolish little brother. I shrugged. I need to work on my sensor skills: I can't get off guard if someone were to body flicker.
"That's the same excuse as last time, dattebayo!" Naruto yelled at him.
"Hey- Apologize for making us come so early!" Sakura added.
Kakashi, being the lazy dum dum he is, sighed and jumped off, now on ground level as we all gathered around him. Trotting closer than them, I pulled my fist up close to my chest with anticipation. "Are we finally gonna escort that prostitute?!" I gleefully asked him with a grin.
"Ha," He responded with a closed-eyed smile (maybe??? I mean, he's wearing a mask soooooo) as he then leaned down towards me and pushed me away. "No." I pouted as I caught myself but got his message. "Anyways, this may be sudden but I've nomninated you four for the Chunin exams." The team (besides me of course) reacted in shock, but then Sakura and Naruto acted in anger.
"What did you say?!" Sakura demanded with a fist up, her inner Saukra coming out.
"You," Naruto added in anger. "Think that makes up for-"
"Here are your applications." Kakashi stated, pulling out pieces of paper. I swiped two before he even finished his sentence, giving one to Sasuke.
When the little bundle of sunshine realised that the scarecrow was actually being serious for once, the blond then cheerfully latched onto the poor teacher. "Ah- Kakashi-sensei, I love you!"
"Ah-" The said adult stammered, clearly not knowing how to deal with this. "Hey stop- le-let go of me..." I'm betting that he's a cold tsundere. Fite me. When the blond finally calmed down, Kakashi continued.
"Well, this is just a nomination. Whether or not you take the exams is up to you. Those who wish to take it should sign that," He nonchalantly pointed at the applications. "And turn them in at room 301 tomorrow at 4 pm. That is all." And then with a hand sign, he body flickered in a flurry of leaves. I wanna do that dramatic exit too!
"Chunin exams, chunin exams!" Naruto kept on chanting as we all walked down the bridge. "There's gonna be a bunch of strong guys in this thing." He added, clutching his paper with both hands. Between him and Sasuke, I giggled with a hand to cover my mouth. Goggle Gods bless this child for being so pure and childish.
Hearing a noise from my dear foolish twin, I turn back to him who was now smirking, probably thinking about kicking Red panda's ass. I blinked when I became aware of something missing. I darted my eyes around until they landed their sight on Sakura who was behind us.
Oh... I rose a brow in concern at her own conflicted and worried expression. Oh! Getting an idea, I clapped my hands together whilst stopping where I was, gaining both of the boys' attention.
"You guys can go ahead," I chirped cheerfully, turning around at pinkette. Sprinting to her, I loop an arm around her, causing the pink to sharply inhale with wide surprised eyes. "We're gonna have some girl time!"
Though confused, Naruto just grinned and waved goodbye whist the emo child just told me to come home later.
After waving goodbye back, I ushered the still shocked girl to walk on the other side of the bridge. "Sooooo, Bubblegum-chan," I started with arms behind my back after seconds of silence. "What's on ya mind?" I questioned her, even though I knew.
"..." She hung her head down, not even commenting on my nickname on her this time as she gave literal waves of nervousness. Knowing this, I gave the worried girl a reassuring smile, who then gulped as if slowly swallowing her hesitation. "I... I don't think I should take the chunin exams." She turned away from me.
I let a sigh go through my nose. "And what makes you think that?"
"...I'm useless. I can't do anything- I-I can't even keep up with Sasuke-kun, you- not even Naruto!" She raised up her voice at the very end. Covering my mouth with a hand, I tried to stifle my laughter, failing miserably. Wha-what?" She asked me, small tears in her green eyes, threatening to fall out.
I giggled a few more. "No, no, sorry, but that's faker than Team Rocket's disguises!" I stuttered out, still shaking by that utter bullshit that she was saying. She stared at me was we both stopped walking. I pointed at the girl with laughter bubbling in my chest. "You think that you're useless? Well then, please tell this dum girl: who, out of all the graduates this year, got kunoichi of the year?"
She furrowed her brows in confusion. "...I did." The pink-haired girl answered. I nodded in agreement.
"And who was the one who mastered tree-walking before Naruto and Sasuke?"
"Me... but you mastered it before Kakashi-sensei even told us about it!"
"Sakura," I smiled at her confused yet frustrated expression. "I trained my whole life. And that exercise took me a well over a goddamn week to even get up a tree." Her eyes widened in shock. Did she seriously think think that I was actually that good?
I patted her back comfortably. "Don't think you're useless, you just haven't found the opportunity to kick names and take ass yet! So trust me: ya ain't more useless than shoe umbrellas." Thinking back, my eyes light up as I remember a lyric from a certain song. "Count your blessings, not your flaws."
"B-but!" Stammered Sakura as she struggled to form her words, her voice rising in the process. "I- I am so weak! I can't be strong enough to be like them!"
I couldn't help but giggled at her flawed reasoning, raising a hand to cover my mouth and placing the other behind my back. "Oh? But you are strong!"
She blinked in confusion. "Huh?"
"Yeah yeah!" I nodded in agreement to my statement, raising my index finger up. "I mean, you always punch Naruto to the point that he falls to his knees!"
"Well- th- that's-"
"So why can't you just do that to your enemies?" I stepped closer to the bubblegum girl. "Hell- why don't 'cha just imagine them as an annoying Naruto? That way you won't be holding back and be yelling 'CHA!' All ya might!" My smile widened furthered at her. "Besides, you can always improve!"
Stepping back, I began walking away from the taken back girl. "Well- I gotta go prepare! Hope I'll see you tomorrow!" I said with a one-handed wave. But before I stepped out of the bridge, I turned back with a tiny smirk. "And Bubblegum-chan, please, for the love of Jashin, eat something."
What if I killed Danzo now? That would be amazing but then I would probably targeted or become a traitor.... Oh but it will be so worth it! I giggle devilishly as I picked out fruits from the food stand. After coming home, Sasuke, being the rude and training-obsessed foolish little brother, decided that it was now that he tells me that we have basically nothing in the fridge.
Which means now, even though I wanted to prepare for the goddamn chunin exams, I have to go out and get our food! I puffed out my cheeks, sometimes I wonder if he ever cares. Oh who am I kidding- of course the egotistical duckling does!
Paying for the food, I walk away from the stand humming oh so gracefully to myself. Work work, Angelica! Work, work, Eliza! And PEgGy. The Schuyler sisters! (Eliza I'm looking for a mind at) Work! Hey, hey, hey! (WOOooooOeeyyyyy) In the greatest city, in the greatest city, in the woooOOOOooOOOOOOOorld-!
"Oof!" I stumbled back after hitting an unexpected wall. Except it wasn't a wall. Wincing at the sudden object in front of me, I almost fell. Balancing myself with my arms flapping, I looked up with curiosity. "Sorry..." I trailed off as I glanced at the person, the women to be exact.
With a slim yet tall stature, the first thing I notice is her bright yet mosey red long flowing unkempt hair. Scanning her, she wore a short beige kimono with a burgundy red sash, sheek black pants down to her ankles, and with matching, toe-closed version of ninja shoes. The female also wore a thin belt full of miniature scrolls attached on her waist. Above her aloof expression and grayish purple eyes was a suna headband.
I couldn't even help myself, "You're pretty."
Obviously taken aback, she blinks twice, stepping back and then proceeding to slightly blushed. "...Thank you," She stated softly. The women then looked down on me. What? You think I'm small, huh? Well lemme tell ya- "You're a leaf ninja." Oh, she's just looking at me headband.
I nodded cheerfully at the beautiful woman before me. "Yup!" I gleefully answered with a smile, still holding bags of food.
The red-head gave me one back, albeit a bit smaller and more timid??? Why would a Jonin (I'm guessing here) be emoting shyness? She looks familiar... I dismissed the unfinished thought when the red-head averted her purple orbs, giving me the aloof expression again. "...Is it possible for you help me find the hotel? I..." Her head tilted down slightly. "Got lost."
I snorted, causing the women to tilt her head lower. "Sorry!" I apologized sheepishly, calming myself in the process. She's probably a Jonin- how'd she get lost? I then considered her favor. Well, might as well: I'm here anyways. And besides, why would they hurt the Uchiha Princess (snort, a princess- ) so early in the plan?
Motioning her to follow me with a hand, we weaved through the crowds as I resumed my totally Hamilton humming. About ten minutes later, we arrived at the only hotel that Konoha had. I turned back to my follower. "Here ya go, hope you enjoyed your time!" I chriped.
Stepping next to me, she curtly nodded. She then darted her eyes down at me. "Thank you." She responded quietly. "I have a question, however," The red-head fully turned towards my direction, causing me to also rotate to her and raises a brow in curiosity. "The song you were humming, was it from Hamilton?"
Widening my eyes as my guard was clearly abolished to smitherings, my jaw dropped in disbelief as I almost lost my grip of my bags. Wait- she's-
"Kugui!" And I couldn't even finish my thought. As both of us turned to the new yet familiar voice, a sudden burst of sand appeared next to the red-haired women's side opposite to me. Coughing from tiny rocks, I turn away only to look back at a red Panda staring at her.
Ah, Gaara-chan! I grin widely as the urge to glomp him suddenly shot forward. "Where were you." He demanded at the adult, not really glaring (as I did not expect) but just... staring.
Kugui, that's what I'm guessing that's what her name is, tugged her lips up warmly and squatted down to meet his level (which is very low-). She grasped his sleeves and surprisingly didn't get brutally killed. "Sorry, Gaara-kun, I got lost again."
And- oh my Pein, am I dreaming? Cuz Gaara fucking pouted with a huff. I giggled at the sight feverishly. No! I'm a Hinata fan girl! I have to stay loyal! I then blinked. Darting my eyes at the two, I noticed that they both had red hair. Did she become Gaara's sister? The said boy whipped his head at me, his harsh (but not really affecting me lol) glare targeted at me. "Uchiha." He spat out. Awww... cold yet still adorable Gaara!
"Me~" I responded back. I clasped my hands together with a grin. "Can I get my hug now!?"
The women beside us softly laughed, gaining back our attention. "We should go, Gaara-kun." She faced me once more. "Oh... I should have introduced myself, as you two already know each other." She stood up and held out a hand. "My name is Kugui Akasuna."
Akasuna... I smiled and shook her hand with my own. "The name's Megumi Uchiha; nice to meet 'cha!" I puffed my cheeks that threatened to release hysterical laughter at the sight of Gaara's clutching the fabric of Kugui's kimono and is glaring at me in- is that jealousy? So cute~~~
And with that, they both left and entered the building, leaving me in the dust. As I walked away, I thought back to my encounter that happened merely minutes ago. I stopped as I realized something crucial. "Wait..." I mumbled in disbelief. SHE'S RELATED TO SASORI?!?!?!?!?!
"HIRO, HOLY " I slammed the door open with my foot, hair messy and eyes widened as if I was- oh wait I am insane. In an instant, Hiro sat up from his bed rigidly and darted his head at me, glaring.
"Megumi- what the actual hell?!" He turned away to face his alarm clock, and then back at me. "It's 4:20 in the fucking morning!!!"
"Hehe..." I giggled, I probably woke everyone up, certainly Hinata who's just next door. Unsurprisingly, the security of the Hyuuga compound sucked (which is weird considering their Kekkai Genkai is to LITERALLY SEE ), hence the Hinata kidnapping incident all those years ago.
"But that's not the point! Hiro!" I pounced on him, staring at his wide pupils eyes with my own black ones. "There is another one." I announced quietly in English.
His breathing hitched as he sharply inhaled in complete shock. "Wha-"
"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!" We both whipped our faces to meet the intense stare of an irritated Hisashi in the doorway, a hand on his messy bed-head. I cheekily grinned at the annoyed and exasperated males.
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