《A Very OOC Uchiha [Naruto Fanfic]》Chapter 13: Rival of Cuteness?!
[Chapter 13: Rival of Cuteness?!]
I'm bored. Was the first thing I thought when I went out of the apartment Sasuke and I shared. Even though we both know that Kakashi would always be late, he still wakes up super early, leaving me in the dust.
I placed a finger on my pursed lips in thought. Waifu Hinata-tan and Hiro are with their team training and Kakashi doesn't come in an hour and a half so... I pounded a fist on my hand as an idea popped into my bun head. I guess I'll go there!
Walking to my destination. I sing a certain song happily. "Shotie I don't mind! If ya dance on a pole that will make ya a hoe! Shotie I don't- miiiiIIiIIIiiiiiIIIiiiNnnNd~!" Everyone that passed by me stopped to stare at me, clearly mesmerized by my amazing singing (I somehow when c minor).
I stopped where I was when I reached my destination, the Yamanaka flower shop. I pulled the door open and stepped in, a bell chiming at the action to notify that I was here. A lady, also known as Ino's mamma, came up from the counter and shot a small smile towards me. I returned it with my own. "Why hello Uchiha-san! I haven't seen you in a while!" She greeted warmly.
"Sorry about that!I was super busy with my new team and cuddling Hinata-tan!" I replied cheerfully, gushing a little at the second part. Clearly, she's the absolute cutest! Ino's mom chuckled at my antics.
"The usual flowers?"
After waiting patiently for her to gather all the flowers needed, she handed me 2 bouquets fall of white lilies, yellow roses, pink carnations, ya name it. I walked out carrigan all that shortly after I thanked and paid her, bidding her goodbye as I left. After that, it was more trips. Hooray.
I stopped in front of a grave. "Heya. It's been a while." I softly giggle as I tug a strand of hair away in the morning wind, only one bouquet in the other hand this time. I stopped at other graves before this one so I already gave up most of half of the flowers. I tug on a small yet grim smile as I stared at the gravestone's name in nostalgia.
"I'm sorry for not visiting sooner. Ya know how genin teams are- or wait ya don't, ya fricking prodigy." I release another giggle as I crouch down.
Digging a hand into the batch of flowers, I grab a single yellow rose and place it in front of the gravestone. "The chunin arc is coming soon,ya know what that means don't cha? That means the red panda's coming!" I laughed at the silence, but I quickly stop it.
"... I still miss you." I smiled to mask what ever I was feeling and stood up. "Whelp, 'twas short but, Imma go," I began walking but then stopped to glance back at the stone.
"Bye-bye... Shusui-kun."
"Why hello there, ya big dum dum!" I greeted a certain silver-head. He turned around from his spot and bobbed his head a little in greeting. I walk and take a seat next to him, placing down the rest of the flowers in front of me.
As you can probably guess, this was the infamous memorial stone, known for all the dead but not really dead people (talking about you ya sexy two faced bastards). I let out a soft hum, glancing around at the scenery. Turning my head at Kakashi, I noticed that he hasn't moved a single inch from his spot, staring at something.
Following his gaze, I find myself staring at a certain name. Obito Uchiha. Oh boi- it's depresso time.
"Obito Uchiha, huh," I said, breaking the silence. "He was probably a great teammate."
Kakashi whipped his head at me in slight disbelief. "How do you know that?" He demanded.
"Ever since I became the Uchiha head, I've been researching every member of the clan." I lied through my teeth expertly. With all the training and other things I've been doing, there would be no time for me to do that but he doesn't need to know, right? Well, if I didn't know that this was a fictional world then maybe I would have but now, I don't have the time to do trivial things. I turned to face him, shooting a smile.
"Weird, right?"
He turned away, maybe in shame in a way. "...Obito was dumb and obnoxious person. Always yelling and being late." He let out a sigh, still not facing me. "But, he was always helping other people out. ...Even me."
I stayed in silent, even though I knew all the drama that happened, as he proceeded to tell me all about him and his sacrifices. In the end, when he was finished, all that was heard was the morning brew and the swishing of the grass. I inhaled deeply through my nose, craning my neck up to the sky. My legs are getting numb... is that a dick cloud?
"Dum dum, let's yeet ourselves out. Don't wanna keep our dysfunctional team killing each other, right?" I told him, still staring at the penis as I shaking stood up and patted away the dirt off my booty.
"...what does that even mean?"
Eventually, he did get up and together, we walked in a very, very slow pace to our meeting spot.
"YOU TWO ARE LATE!!!" Naruto yelled when we got there after 30 minutes. Sasuke and Sakura both turned their heads at us.
"Sorry, I was lost on the path of life." Kakashi stated, sheepishly rubbing his neck with a hand. His other hand was in his pant pockets. The team, with matching exasperated expressions, rotate their heads at me expectantly.
"I was riding a giraffe!" I beamed with a smile. They all hung their heads.
"What does that even mean...?" Sakura mumbled.
The loveable blond then came up to us, fists clenched and up, bursting with energy. "Hey, Kakashi-sensei," He screamed, eyes lit with determination. I walked away from the dum dum and walts to Sasuke, giggling a the scene. "Lately our missions have been too easy! I wanna hard one where I can shine!"
So you wanna potentially die again...
I looked away from them. "So... How's the gay tension...?"
Sasuke's eye twitched as he gave me a 'menacing' scowl. In the distance, I saw Sakura slight blush at my comment. "Hn. How many times have I told you... it is not 'gay tension'." He stated. I giggled.
"Oh? Then what is it?"
"So if ya did it to Sakura-chan, would it have the same intensity?"
"So it is gay tension!"
"Or," I started with a smile forming into grin, as I grab both his and Sakura's hand. The pinkette yelped in surprise as I then tugged them closer than comfort. "You just wuv her more?" I have spent the last frigging month trying to matchmake them (to the foolish little brother's distaste) and I swear to god, if Sasuke still tries to kill SakurA, I WILL-
"Sa-Sasuke-kun...!" Sakura stuttered out, blushing bright red as she was literally within kissing distance. Though less obvious, my twin's cheeks were also dusted pink. NOW KISS. I chanted in my head. They both tried to move away (mainly Sasuke), but I kept them still with my grip. (I had to really struggle)
"Ah- Teme, what the hell are you doing to Sakura-chan?!" Naruto shrieked, pushing the two away, causing me to fall from the force.
"God damn it Naruto-kun!" I yelped as I landed on my bootie, puffing my cheeks out.
"Hn. It was Nee-chan's fault." My foolish brother struggled to get out, who was now on the ground wrestling with the blond.
"I-I was so close to Sasuke-kun...!" Sakura said to herself, still blushing like hell but was now smiling.
"Why am I here." Kakashi commented, who was now standing next to me. He looked absolutely done with this shit. I absolutely loved it.
I let out a giggle as I redid my overly messy bun. "Because you thought we were worthy enough party members to slay the demon king." At this point, only God knows why they bother to question my sanity.
"Ok, that's it for today, " Kakashi stated when a hawk flew by. After saving Naruto multiple times throughout the day (the flowers were saved this time), I just wanted to go into another temporary death-state. "I have to submit a report..."
"Then I'm going home." Sasuke stated, turning around and walking away. He then stopped and turned his head slightly. "Nee-san, hurry up."
Awwwwww, you care enough to involve me in your brooding! "Nah, Imma hang around." I replied back, waving him dismissively next to the blond and silver-head. As if disappointed, the raven-head let a 'hn' and began walking again.
"Oh, Sasuke-kun!" Sakura called out, the bubblegum trotted over to him. He continued walking, to my dismay. "How about we work on our teamwork together? Maybe just the two of us...?" She gushed with her hands together in a very lovesick way. Okay, maybe I should have dealt with that first. I thought. Man, matchmaking would have been much easier if I did that!
"Hn. You're just as bad as Naruto." Sasuke stated, brutally crushing the girl's dreams. "If you have time to bother me, practice a jutsu. Then you can hang out with me." And then he walked away in silence, leaving the poor girl with her head hung low. Wait- that was a little different than usual! I beamed just a little. My working is showing results!However, I slightly puff outta cheeks when the girl was still down in the dumps.
Omg- Sasuke, how the fuck are ya gonna repopulate if ya gonna be like I then notice a box behind me. Oh shit they're here. "What kind of rocks are squares?!" Naruto yelled out, pointing accusingly at the said box.
"Any kind if ya try hard enough!" I responded with a smile. Everybody ignored me. I sulked with my back slouched as the 'Konohamaru Gang' came out of the box. The fuck? Is this what I get for living? I dedicated my life to our lord and savior, Jesus Christ, and this is the thanks I get- Oh Sakura's chasing us now. Wait wat.
"I don't know what's happening!" I screamed as we all ran away from her. "Help, I'm being attacked by a lesbian!" Lines I've wanted to say #9? Check. Was all I could think of with tears of joy trickling down my eyes. Noticing two certain individuals, I curled around them and and turned around to face them, not touching them at all.
Unfortunately, Konohamaru couldn't do the same.
"That hurt." Kankuro stated, picking up the poor boy. Temari just stayed silent and stared as the rest of the gang caught up. "That hurt you piece of shit!" How the did you get hurt by a child?
"Don't. We'll get yelled at." Temari told him, who didn't even listen.
"Konohamaru!" Naruto called out, standing still next to me.
"I'm sorry... We are just messing around." Bubblegum apologised, twiddling with her fingers nervously.
"I'm not!" I butted in enthusiastically, not even bothering to look up at them. Panda is coming! "It's ya fault for not even moving away!" I could feel Sakura's glare on me, as if trying to scream 'NOT HELPING'- oh wait she probably is.
Oh well!
"Hey Fat ass! Let Konohamaru go!" The blond continued to yell at Cat Ears. But really, why out of all things, did he choose that as his attire?! I mean- I'm not complaining.
"Heh. Let's play a little before he comes..." Kankuro asserted, still holding the flailing boy.
"Bastard!" Naruto started to charge at him. But before he could go any farther, I moved an arm in front of him, halting him in his tracks. "Me-Megumi-chan!"
"Don't worry!" I assured him, flashing him a smile. I turned back and finally decided to get a good look at the Suna nin. Damn Naruto was right: he is a fat ass. But Temari, on the other hand, is fine as hell. "He'll be fine."
"Oh?" He sneered deciding to hold Konohamaru higher. "And are you a leader?"
All I could do was giggle at his assumption. "Of course not!" I beamed with the ends of my lips tugging up to a smile. "But..." I let out more giggles as my smile became deeper, the atmosphere suddenly having a slight chill. "Do ya really want to hurt the Hokage's grandson?"
They both flinched as Kankuro clutched the boy's shirt tighter. "Yo-you're bluffing!"
"Am I?"
"Kankuro, put him down!" Temari demanded. My smile only grew. Why would they even wanna try to attack us anyways if it might affect their plans?
"Nah, she's only saying that so I wouldn't har-" He couldn't even finish his sentence when his hand was hit by a rock. Startled by the sudden force, he released his hold on the small male.
"Heya Sasuke! Nice to see ya late to the party!" I stated as I looked up to see my twin sitting emo-ly on a tree branch. I had already sensed him a while ago so I was just waiting for him to come in.
"Hn. He replied shortly to me before glancing at the newcomers, "What are you bastards doing in our village?"
"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura exclaimed with blushed cheeks. Naruto just stood there dumbly.
He then crushed a pebble. "Get lost." How the fuck does he get fan girls from that? I am confuzzled.
"Ah~~~ Sasuke-kun~!" Ah- and then cue the fangirl. Really, what is with the name-calling in this universe?
"Another guy that pisses me off..." Cat ears mumbled. "Hey punk, get down here!"
"Ah." I said intelligently, gaining everyone's attentions "Just a head's up: There's a dude (an adorable one to be exact) right..." I pointed to a tree branch next to Sasuke's. "There."
THe two siblings whipped their heads and instantly paled at the sight of- oh my it's Gaara! "You're an embarrassment to our village." The new red-head started with arms crossed, probably disappointed that I ruined his element of surprise. Oh no he's cute!!!
"Ga-Gaara!" The brown-head stuttered out, no longer a cocky bitch. Everybody else also stared at the red panda, all shooketh to the point of silence.
"Losing control of yourself in a battle," Not like you have any excuse, jk love you. "How pathetic. Why do you think we came to the Leaf Village?"
"Lo-look. They started it."
"We didn't~!"
"Shut it." We both said that at the same time. Giggling, I saw his eyes glance up to mine's in curiosity. Or in anger. Who knows. Feeling the rush of blood coursing to my cheeks, I looked away. Kya~~ He's so cute!
"I-I'm sorry...!"
"Sorry to you all..." Gaaara continued, still staring at me. He then teleported to the ground. "But it seems we got here too early. Even so, we will not play around. Let's go."
"Wa-wait!" Sakura exclaimed before they could leave, gaining their attention. "You're ninja from the Suna right? Even though we're allies, it is forbidden to enter each other's villages without permission. State your purpose!"
The blondie let out a laugh and showed her pass. She then started explaining the whole Chunin exam and whatever and blah blah I didn't really care as I was zoning in on the adorable and cute and beautiful and pleasant and delightful and charming and pretty and dainty and perky and attractive rival of absolute cuteness (rival to Hinata of course!) God I wanna hug him. He then said something, staring at me.
I blinked. "Uh. " I stated intelligently with a tilt of the head, "What did you say?"
"Your name." He demanded with his cute face, though his expression was a bit softer than I expected???
"Oh!" He's asking me for my name! Oh please, take me now! "I'm Uchiha Megumi! It is a dream to meet you!" I then came up close enough to not get killed by Shukaku, causing him to somewhat flinch as my sudden advancement. "Can I hug you?!"
Pure silence.
"...what." Was all Gaara could say, his face actually contorting to one full of confusion.
"Can I hug you?!" I repeated just as enthusiastically.
I heard someone behind me make a noise that was familiar to a face palm. "Nee-chan, you cannot hug strangers." Oh wait that was Sasuke.
"Yes I can!" I objected, turning my head to my foolish little brother.
He sighed. "This is not the time."
"It is always the time!" I then turned back the the red panda expectantly.
"...No." Was his blunt yet still confuzzled answer. I deflated a second before stepping back.
"Maybe next time!"
"Hey, what about me?!" Naruto suddenly (not really) butted in, pointing to himself. "Don't you wanna know what my name is?!" Oh boy he is gonna get harshly rejected. Rip in the chat; you will be missed-
Did I hear that correctly?
Did the Gaara say 'sure' even though I know that he definitely doesn't because he is an edgy boi?
"What is your name?"
He definitely did.
I didn't even hear the rest of the conversation and how they even made small talk. How? What changed? Neither Hiro or I ever stepped in the Suna village...
"Nee-chan, we're going." Sasuke stated, grabbing me back to reality. I crushed the urge to flinch and turned around with a closed eyed smile. The said twin was already walking away from the group.
"'Mkay! Hey hey! Let's have dinner at our house!" I replied with false cheerfulness as I continued to dwelve further to my thoughts. Is there...
Is there another one of us?
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