《A Very OOC Uchiha [Naruto Fanfic]》Chapter 6: Teams and Introductions


[Chapter 6: Teams and Introductions!]

"Ne Sasuke, who do you want in your team?" I ask him as we sat down in our usual seats. He lets out a 'hn' as he puts his hands in front of him, activating his 'emo' stance.

"Doesn't matter. As long as they don't get in my way." He answers back cooly. It was an hour before school started so no one else is here really. I wore a dark gray sleeveless shirt with a high collar and the clan symbol on the back, a red skirt with slits at the sides, and black spandex shorts. I also wore white standard ninja sandals, a kunai holster on my right thigh, and my new leaf headband around my neck. For my hair, I was too lazy to cut it so I pulled it up into a messy bun.

It was the day for the team assignments and I actually had no idea where I was going to be put in. I also didn't know what team Hiro was going to be in, I just hope that my team just doesn't get killed. Pulling out a book, I began to read as Sasuke continues to stare into the distance like an edgy anime chara- oh wait he is one.

It doesn't really feel like an anime now. Maybe because I was here since the very beginning and that I've grown to actually bond with the characters. This was my reality.

Time passed, and soon my besties came in. After I gave Hinata the glomp of the day and whined about how I'll see her less, I greeted Hiro with a high-five. I also said hello to Naruto, who was of course showing off his headband that nobody thought he would get.

And then the fangirl duo came in, aka Ino and Sakura. "I win!" They both shouted at the same time. As they continued shouting, a riot between the fangirls happened. I sweatdrop in my seat between Naruto and Sasuke. Was I like that in my past life? Jesus. At least my fanbase is somewhat chill. Well, chill if you call finding a whole stack of presents everyday chill.

Naruto then stepped onto Sasuke's desk and glared at him. I gasp and clasp my hands on my face. It's happening!!!! In a flash, I run up to Hiro and grab his camera (I gave it to him as a birthday present and asked him to bring it today) and rushed back to my seat just in time the guy behind the blond pushes him.

I flash the camera as they kiss tenderly and the sexual tension grows even more. They stare into each others eyes with such lust as they stand there still with their lips locked together-

Okay maybe that was my imagination but I so ship it. I continue flashing as they get out of their oh so sexual trance and move away gagging. I gush with a hand on my cheek and my other on the camera. "I'm going to frame this~~!"

Hiro walked up to me with a raised brow and smirk. "Is this why you told me to bring it today, Princess?" He had his dark blue hair parted to his left in a pixie cut and wore a creamy vest and a dark purple shirt underneath. He also wore the standard ninja pants and shoes and his headband on his, well, head.


"Yup!" I grin as I feel my younger brother intense glare on me.

"Alright settle down class!" Iruka yells as he walks into the classroom. As soon as the class settles down, he clears his throat and holds up a clip board. "Beginning today you all are real ninja, but you are merely only rookie genins. Now, you'll be tasked with missions by the village. So today, I'll be assigning permanent 3-man teams with 2 teams of 4-men with an odd number of students."

I raise a brow with that. I thought that me and Hiro would just be in another 3-man or just 2-man team. Did they run out of Jonins that wanted to teach? "Each team will be assigned a Jonin. You will follow their instructions as you complete your duties." Iruka then started stating the teams. I zoned out, I never really became friends with any non-cannon people so I just simply waited for my name.

"Team 7: Haruno Sakura, Uzumaki Naruto..." I smile in amusement as Naruto jumps up and cheers as Sakura sulks. "...Uchiha Sasuke...." My smile grew as I giggled as they switch positions. I turn my head over to see the said Duckie brood in annoyment.

"...And Uchiha Megumi." I freeze. I widen my eyes and stare at Iruka in shock. Naruto cheers. Sakura smiles, not seeing any problem with my addition. Heck, even Sasuke looks satisfied!



I keep repeating that in my head. I be dreaming! There is no way I am in Team 7, the team where everything goes wrong! Right?

I suddenly feel woozy and fall back to my chair, tearing up at my doom.

"Why do I have to be in Teme's team?!" Naruto complained, pointing at the said 'Teme', apparently nobody is noticing my dilemma. No, the real question is why am I in the team!

"Well Naruto, the reason why you're put in the same team as Sasuke is because you got the worst score whilst he got the best! That helps even out the team." I continue crying in my seat. No- my heart wouldn't be able to take it!

The teacher continued stating the other teams. The rookie 9 was mostly the same, apparently the other 4-man team was Team 8, which meant Hiro got to be with his adorable Nee-san. Lucky.

"So we saw you crying when you found out about the teams Why?" Hiro asked, picking up a piece of beef from his bento. I was eating with Team 8 since I knew that Naruto had plans today and I did not want to mess with it.

"Wait really?!" Kiba exclaimed, munching on his own lunch.

"Mhm. I didn't expect to be in a team with them." I mumble petting Akamaru's fur. His fur is really really soft. Like, Itachi-hair soft, and that's saying something.

"I-Is it re-really that b-ba-bad?" Hinata stuttered out, using her adorable soft quiet voice. I place my head onto her shoulder, earning a blush from her.

"It's horrible!" I whine, rubbing my head on her shoulder. "They're fine individually but together it's absolute chaos! Sakura's a fangirl and hate Naruto; Naruto hates Sasuke but cares about Sakura, and Sasuke literally hates almost everything!" I cry on her shoulder as Hinata pats me endearingly.

In the corner of my eye, I see Kiba blush. Oh right, he's one of my fanboys, though low key. Thank Pein. "I wish I could switch with you Hinata-tan~ Then at least you get to be with Naruto more!" I tease her, feeling her whole body heat up. She then sags and falls down.


"Megumi, you made my older sister faint again!" Hiro complained, sighing at my actions. I could only giggle in response.

"What is taking them so long?!" Naruto screamed. It was after lunch and now we were just waiting for our favorite pervert. And no, it's not Jiraiya. I sat next to Sasuke and was reading a book before Naruto started yelling for the millionth time.

"Naruto what are you doing?!" Sakura yelled. I glance above from my book and saw Naruto placing an eraser on the door.

"This is what he gets for being late!"

"You dobe. An elite won't fall for that." Sasuke finally spoke. I giggle next to him, gaining his attention.

"You never know foolish little brother." I say vaguely, giggling some more.

Suddenly (well not really), the door opened and the eraser fell on the one and only Kakashi. It was silent for a brief moment, then Naruto started laughing and I clutched my stomach as I dove into a giggle fest. In the corner of my eye I saw the dark-haired duckie in mild shock.

"I'm sorry Sensei! I told him not to do it." Sakura half-heartedly apologized.

"Nobody believes you!" I retorted in between giggles. The bubble-haired girl whipped her hair around me and glared.

"My impression of you guys... I hate you." The gray-haired male concluded. I stopped and pouted. I forgot he said that. "Meet me on the rooftop." He said and disappeared with a 'Poof!'. My pout increased.


When we came up to the roof, the first thing I saw was Kakashi reading his Icha Icha book. Sitting down, I stared at Kakashi, studying everything about him. Oh no he's hot.

The said instructor placed his book away. "I'm your instructor today so let's just introduce yourselves."

"Introduce ourselves?" Sakura repeated, tilting her head in confusion. Oh god I forgot that she does that.

"Yup. Likes, Hobbies, dreams, and so on."

"Why don't you do that first?!" Naruto offered, still annoyed at him.

"Ah alright." Kakashi agreed. He looked up at the sky. "My name is Hakate Kakashi. My likes and dislikes don't really matter. Hobbies... I don't really have any. My dreams for the future... never really thought about it."

I giggle at Naruto and Sakura's expressions. "You in orange," Kakashi pointed at Naruto. "You're next."

Naruto beamed and grinned. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki! I like ramen, especially the ramen that Iruka-Sensei treats me with! But I really hate it when I have to wait 3 minutes for the ramen to cool. My hobbies are eating ramen and my dream is," He held his headband with pride. "Is to become Hokage! Then everybody will stop disrespecting me and treat me like I'm important!"

I smile at his introduction. I know I heard this a thousand times but it's always great to hear something so pure. But then again,

everything about Naruto is innocent. I just wanna hug him. "You, Pinkie you're up."

Ah. The fangirl. "My name is Haruno Sakura. I like..." She blushes, staring at my direction. Wait why is she looking at me- oh wait she's looking at Sasuke. "My hobbies are..." She giggles. Hey! That's my special thing, you can't steal that from me! "My dreams are..." The giggling and blushing got worse. "And I hate Naruto!" Bubblegum finishes. Naruto sulks.

"You, the emo one." I snorted and tried to sniffle my laughter. Keyword: tried. Sasuke glared at me.

He then lets out a huff and activates his emo stance. "My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I don't dislike anything but I also don't like anything in particular-"

"Besides me of course!" I chirp in. And tomatoes.

He sighed. "...I do not have a dream but an ambition and that is to destroy a certain someone and restore my clan."

"Our clan." I corrected him. His glare intensified, not affecting me in the slightest. I was used to it and I knew that he didn't mean shit.

"And finally the one with a bun."

I whipped my head at our sensei, tilting my head with a brow. "Is my bun the only thing that is significant when looking at me? It aint even a signature look! I just started this today."

"Just do it."

I sigh. "Okay but before I start I'd just like to say that I am nothing like him," I point at my little bro. "And that he is just going through a phase." A very, very long one. I earn a snort from Naruto, an amused eye from Kakashi, a look from Sakura, and another very annoyed glare from my one and only bro. I smile.

I clear my throat. "Okay. I'm Megumi Uchiha, older sister and twin of Sasuke." I emphasise the 'older' to tease the said twin. It worked. "I like Hinata-tan's adorableness, cute stuff, my friends, and Dango! Oh and of course my cute foolish little brother!" I glomp him to his annoyance but he doesn't fight it, last time he did... we don't talk about that. Sakura stares at me jealousy.

"Things that I hate... stalkers, bland stuff, and those who dare say that Hinata-tan's not the most cutest person ever! My hobbies are hugging people, reading, and lazing around near my pond. My dreams for the future..." I paused, looking up at the sky. What is my dream? Of course I want to change things to make a better future but... "To safe as much people as I can I guess?"

There was a pause, I guess everybody was taking in my response. "Right then! Well, you all are unique and have your own ideas and dreams. We'll do our first mission tomorrow..." Bla bla blah, Yeah at this point I zoned out, I already knew what we were going to do. Where does Kakashi even get his books? I've been trying to find it but I can't. How the fuck does Obito see after using Izanagi? I know he gets the rinnegan but like how can he transplant it blind? How the hell wasn't he blind before when using the Mangekyou Sharingan? So many fucking mysteries-

"Nee-chan we're leaving." Sasuke suddenly spoke, pulling me back into reality. I blinked and looked around, nobody else was here beside us.

"Ah." I said intelligently. "What'd I miss."

We walked home as he filled me in, though I already knew.

"I'm still gonna eat food."

"You can't."

"I can and I ."


"Yes, and as your Nee-chan, I forbid you from stopping me."

He 'hnned'.

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