《Angel of Mercy》Chapter 43


Ethan was stopped by Huxley on his way to the stables with Reggie. They had dressed as warmly as possible and carried a few provisions of water and food just in case.

"Sir, there's something else you should know." Huxley said.

"And what is that?" Ethan asked. In no mood for any more surprises.

Huxley held up a letter.

"This was found in Lucas's pocket. It's from the Angels of Mercy."

Ethan took the letter. It was dirty and bent, the top ripped open.

"He must have been stealing our mail." Huxley deduced, apologetically.

Ethan pulled the letter out and quickly scanned the elegant script. It said once Emma finished her assignment at Lavender Hall, she would be given a month leave for the holidays.

Meaning there really was no elderly man in Leeds.

Ethan pocketed the letter.

"Thank you for bringing this to me Huxley."

"Do be careful sir." Huxley cautioned.

"Aren't I always?" Ethan jokes.

Huxley did not smile.

"I'll be watching his back," Reggie reminded him.

Huxley did not appear comforted by this statement.

"Now we really must be off," said Ethan.

At least he wasn't as weak as the last time he attempted to rescue Emma. The snow was blinding and the tracks from the carriage earlier had disappeared. He assumed they would head toward London, leaving Emma somewhere along the way.

Reggie was silent beside him as they plodded along. After a while he stopped feeling the cold, the snow looked almost magical blowing by, the world a dark abyss.

"You really love her then?" Reggie asked.

It was hard to hear over the wind, but they were close enough to each other Ethan could make out his words.

"I do," he answered.

"That must be nice." Reggie said, wistfully.


"I'm sure you'll find a nice girl someday." Ethan surmised.

Reggie shrugged.

After that they didn't speak until they spotted the Salisbury carriage.

Ethan urged Aquila to move faster and overtook the carriage forcing the coachman to stop. It was then Ethan noticed the coachman wasn't in his employ. Reggie leaped from his horse and grabbed the man before he could get away then Ethan hurried to the carriage door. It opened before he could touch the handle and Peter poked his head out into the swirling snow and cold.

"I say why have we stopped? We have at least another –

But Ethan cut off his next words by grabbing the man's shirt collar and punching him in the face. Peter fell out of the carriage into the snow, blood now staining the white powder red.

"Salisbury!" he exclaimed. "What are you doing here? I think you've broken my nose!"

Ethan ignored him and clambered inside. Emma was huddled in the corner. A picnic basket was held in front of her for protection.

"Emma are you well?" Ethan asked, sitting beside her.

Emma lowered the basket. Her expression immediately changed from fear to relief.

"Oh, Ethan you're okay!" Emma cried, dropping the basket, and throwing herself into his arms.

"Yes, I am." he said, holding her tightly, "But are you?"

"I'm fine," she said. "I was so worried! I thought Lucas was going to kill you!"

"Ah so Peter mentioned Lucas Wright did he." Ethan observed unsurprisingly.

Emma pulled back. "Yes, did he come to Lavender Hall?"

"He did." Ethan confirmed. "But Reggie took care of him."

"How?" Emma asked, perplexed.

"He shot him."

"He did?" Ethan could tell by Emma's expression this wasn't at all in character with the Reggie that she knew.


"Well, it was either shoot Lucas or allow him to shoot me."

"Reggie saved you?"

Ethan nodded. "He's outside now."

"What an odd series of events." Emma mused, laying her head on Ethan's shoulder. "I'm so glad you're here."

Ethan kissed the top of her head. "There's no other place I'd be." He lifted her chin with a finger so he could look into her eyes. "Emma, I love you with all my heart. It scares me how deeply my feelings run. I don't think I could handle losing you, but now I know there's one thing I won't let you do and that's walk away."

Emma rested her hand on his chest, he knew she could feel the rapid pounding of his heart. More from being near her then the harrowing ride to find her.

"What about the ton? What about what they will say?" Emma questioned quietly.

"I already told you it matters, not to me what they think. But if anyone is cruel or says a hateful word to you, they will have me to answer too." Ethan promised.

"Even if that gives you the reputation of acting like a beast?" Emma inquired.

Ethan grinned. "They already think that."

Emma kissed his cold cheek. "For now, but I intend to change that."

"I won't disagree with you on that. I've learned not to question your healing capabilities."

"Good. I'm glad that's settled."

"So, you'll marry me?" Ethan asked, having lost track of how many times it was now he had asked her to be his wife.

"I will," Emma agreed. "On one condition."

Ethan's heart dropped. "What's that?"

Emma took his hand and placed it on her breast. "We have a short engagement."

Ethan let out the breath he had been holding, "That can be arranged."

Emma smiled. "Good. And one more thing."


"Kiss me."

And so quite enthusiastically he did.

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