《Angel of Mercy》Chapter 44


Peter and the coachman were sent to the magistrate where Lucas was handed off earlier. Emma took another hot bath when they returned to Lavender Hall and Mrs. Dandridge sent up some vegetable stew and tea.

Eleanor was in a tizzy and hadn't stopped talking since Emma arrived.

"When I heard the gunshot, I nearly jumped out of my skin! I thought for sure Lord Salisbury was dead! And then can you imagine Reggie of all people shot that dratted Lucas? I thought the only thing he knew how to wield was a paintbrush."

Emma stood still as Eleanor pulled the nightgown over her head.

"I am sorry for what you've been through Emma but I'm so glad you're back!" Eleanor declared helping Emma to an armchair and fetching the tray of food.

"I am as well."

Emma accepted the cup of tea Eleanor handed her.

"I suppose Nathan hasn't spoken to you yet?"

Eleanor blushed. "Actually, he has. He asked me to go courting!" Eleanor was positively bubbling over with excitement.

"That's wonderful. I'm so pleased for both of you." Emma said happily smiling.

"Thank you for speaking with him."

"Happy to help."

Eleanor sat down on a footrest. "So, you'll be staying then?"

"It appears I will." Emma admitted.

Eleanor clapped. "I knew you and Lord Salisbury were meant to be!"

"Let's just keep this between us for now."

Eleanor nodded. "Of course."

There was a knock at the door. Eleanor went to answer it. It was Ethan.

"Good evening, Eleanor. Is Emma up for visitors?"

"Visitors no. You? Always." Eleanor grinned and stepped aside for Ethan to enter. "I'll see you tomorrow, Emma, sleep well!" And before she left, she gave a knowing wink.


Ethan closed the door behind her. Emma noticed he was leaning heavily on his cane.

"Is your leg hurting you?" Emma asked, setting down her tea.

Ethan slowly walked to where she was sitting and sat in the adjoining armchair.

"Just pushed it a bit too hard tonight is all." He laid the cane on the floor. "No need to fret."

"I'm a nurse. Fretting is part of the job."

"Yes, about that." Ethan began awkwardly.

Emma knew once she married Ethan she would have to stop practicing as a nurse. And she supposed now was when he would bring up that unfortunate matter.

"It's all right Ethan. I know my nursing can't continue."

"No, but I had wanted to propose something to you."

"Oh?" Now Emma was intrigued.

"Yes, many ladies of the ton have charitable organizations they participate in, and I thought if you were interested, I could have an infirmary built here in town and you could oversee it."

Emma reached for his hand. "Oh, Ethan, truly? That would be wonderful!"

"I didn't want you to have to give that part of your life up for me."

"I'd gladly do it, but I would have missed caring for my patients." Emma admitted.

He nodded. "I thought so. I'll start having plans drawn up immediately."



"You've given me so much. What have I given you?" Emma asked honestly, generally curious to hear his answer.

"You mean beside saving my life?"

"Oh, that again. That was why I was hired to come here."

"And it's why I'm still alive. Why, I now have a future and a woman to love. I told Reggie he was a fool to get involved with Lucas Wright but had he not we never would have met so I really can't be angry with him."


"I hadn't thought of it like that." Emma realized.

"And here's something else you hadn't thought of."

He tugged on her hand, so she sat on his lap.

"And what is that?"

"I've now rescued you twice."

"Stating the obvious but yes that's true. What of it?" Emma asked.

"I believe you owe me a reward."

"What did you have in mind? Another kiss?" she speculated.

"If that's all you're willing to give."

Emma pretended to think about it. Then she carefully slid off his lap and walked to the bed. "I suppose you do need some more nursing care."

Ethan grinned. "Much, much more."

He reached for his cane.

Emma sat on the edge of the bed waiting. When he was beside her, she began unbuttoning his shirt.



"I'll be a good wife to you."

"I know." He was watching her fingers travel down his chest.


"Yes?" he growled.

Emma chuckled. "Tell me something, do you really hate the color gray? Or did you just like teasing me."

"Both." he admitted.

Emma smiled. "I thought so." She pulled the shirt off his shoulders. "Now one last question."


Emma touched his side that was injured. "Will you be gentle?"

Ethan softened. "Of course."

Emma laughed. "I was talking about for you."

"Don't you worry about me. I can handle a little pain, remember?"

"As I recall you were unconscious for a good portion of your convalescence."

"Are you calling me weak?"

"I would never!" Emma cried outraged.

He helped her lay down on the bed.

"Good because the only thing I'm interested in giving now, is pleasure."

"I thought I was supposed to be rewarding you." Emma returned.

"Trust me darling, that is my reward."

And he was right.

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