《Angel of Mercy》Chapter 42


It took Emma a few hours to realize they weren't headed to Leeds.

When this occurred to her, she looked at Peter to see if he noticed but he was contently dozing across the seat from her.

Emma took her foot and kicked her boot at one of his feet.

He immediately jerked awake.

"What's wrong? What's happened?" he cried, disorientated.

"I think the coachman is confused. We are headed in the wrong direction." Emma informed him haughtily.

Peter looked out the window, it was difficult to see through the snow and ice, but one could tell by the landmarks where they were headed.

"No, this is right." he confirmed.

Emma was aghast. "What are you saying? We are not going in the correct direction to Leeds!"

Peter smiled.

"Leeds? You're, so gullible sweet Emma."

Now Emma was getting mad. "Peter what is going on?" she demanded.

"I'm just fulfilling a job." he said, innocently.

"Job? I distinctly told you I did not need an escort to Leeds." Emma reminded him.

"Which is why we won't be going there." he informed her, looking quite pleased with himself.

"I have a duty, Peter. An elderly man is expecting me." Emma reminded him.

"Oh, don't get your skirts in a bunch. No one is expecting you. I wrote that letter."

"What?" Emma cried shocked. "You wrote the letter I received from the Angels of Mercy?"

"That's right."

"Why would you do such a thing?" Emma cried aghast.

"I had to get you away from Salisbury somehow." Peter said logically.

"I'm still not going to marry you!" Emma declared.

He laughed. "That's fine since I have no intention of marrying you."

"But –

"No dowry Emma? No man will have you. Well except Salisbury apparently. Can't believe what a fool you are to turn him down."


"If you don't want to marry me then why did you need to get me away from Ethan?" Emma asked.

"Oh, Ethan, is it?" Peter smirked. "Don't think I didn't notice him spending the night in your room. So naughty Emma!"

"Peter, answer the question!" Emma cried.

"I told you I had a job."

"Someone hired you to get me away from Ethan?"

"Yes." he drawled, as if she were finally catching on.


"Lucas Wright."

Emma stared at him blankly. Should she know this name?

"Let me help you out. Lucas is Lord Salisbury's nephew."

"So that would make him –

"Victoria's son, yes."

"I don't understand."

"He wants to be Earl."

And then suddenly it all fell into place. All this time Emma had been looking for the person behind Ethan's accident. And now she knows! It wasn't Reggie, it was Lucas!

"So, he plans to kill Ethan to acquire the title?" Emma speculated.

"Yes, and when he does, I will receive a handsome payout." Peter said, smiling widely.

"We need to stop!" Emma cried knocking on the roof with her fist. She had to get back to Lavender Hall to warn Ethan!

Peter was beside her instantly.

He grabbed her arms and held them painfully behind her back.

"Oh no Emma there will be no stopping until I say so. I'm not going to let you get in the way of my good fortune."

"And what fortune is that? Meeting a murderer."

"As long as I'm not the one killing anyone, I don't care who dies." Peter declared ruthlessly.

"You are evil!" Emma spat.

"And yet you used to love me." he rudely reminded her.

Then without warning he crushed his mouth to hers. Emma jerked to get away. His lips were chapped and rough. How had she ever allowed this man to kiss her? How had she ever thought she enjoyed it?


Peter held her in place.

"You are a beauty, Emma. I won't deny that. A pity you don't have more money."

"Let go of me!" Emma demanded, struggling in his embrace.

He leaned close so his warm breath wafted across her face.

"I think I'll have a little fun with you first." His gaze drifted down to her heaving breasts. "After all, I was going to be your husband."

"Almost being the key word." Emma pointed out.

She spit into his face, and he jerked, releasing her arms.

Emma quickly scampered to the other side of the carriage. She grabbed the picnic basket on the seat that contained their luncheon and held it as armor in front of her.

"You stay over there." she ordered.

Peter rubbed the spit off his face with his hand.

"You're going to be sorry you did that." he darkly promised.

Emma feared he was right.

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