《Angel of Mercy》Chapter 41


Once Emma was gone a deep feeling of sorrow washed over Ethan and he knew it was a sensation he was going to have to get used to.

He located Daisy, craving comfort, and she followed him to the library where he sat in his usual place by the fire and removed the letter Emma had given him from his pocket. Daisy sat by his side, her head resting on this thigh.

He used his fingernail to break the seal on the envelope and glanced out the window once noting it had begun to snow before pulling out the piece of paper from within. The letter was dated December 16, 1872.

My Dearest Ethan,

For many years I believed I was destined for spinsterhood (perhaps that is still the case). After my failed engagement with Peter, I knew it wasn't likely I'd find another man willing to marry me. My family depended on the funds I provided; without me they would become destitute. By the time my siblings were grown and no longer needed me, it would be too late. I would be a true spinster then.

Meeting you was an expected and fortuitous twist of fate. I had not realized how little I knew or cared for Peter until you came into my life. Nor did I realize how deeply I could care for a man. I want to thank you for showing me what real love looks like. You are honorable, generous, and yes handsome! Even before you regained consciousness after your accident, I had noticed your good looks and had to remind myself you were a patient and well above my class.

These past few months have been idyllic. I will cherish them always. I may die old and alone but at least I will have known I was once loved by an incredible man. A man who would lay his life down for me and give up his title and money to be with me.

I am humbled you would be willing to do so. But I could not live with myself if you did. As earl you can do incredible things and I know you are the man to accomplish them. Please remember my rejection does not mean I love you any less.

I won't say this is goodbye because I hope and pray, we will see each other again. I will continue to write and look forward to your correspondence. But do not feel you must remain faithful to me. I understand you have a legacy to carry on, I will not stand in the way of that. Whomever you marry, I will be happy for you.

Good luck and good health.




P.S. Daisy could use a friend.

Ethan looked down at Daisy who was now sleeping. He supposed having another dog around might be nice. A boy perhaps?

He was watching the snow fall when Huxley burst into the library.

"Sir we have a situation." he said breathlessly, which was most unlike Huxley.

"Is it the storm?" Ethan asked.

"A deranged young man has just shown up and he's demanding to speak with you!" Huxley exclaimed, frazzled.

"Who is this man?" Ethan asked unperturbed.

"He wouldn't say. He's armed too and arrived on horseback. But appears to have come alone."

"Show him to the blue room I suppose. I'll speak with him there." Ethan decided.

"Are you certain you want to do that?" Huxley appeared apprehensive.

"He's not going to leave until I do. I don't have much choice, do I?" Ethan quipped.

"Very well." Huxley said despondently and then he left.

Ethan stroked Daisy's head. "Perhaps it's just a friend of Reggie. Those artist blokes are usually a bit off, aren't they?"

Daisy sighed in her sleep.

"Well, I'd best find out then."

When Ethan arrived at the blue room Huxley was waiting for him.

"Careful sir. He's quite free with waving his pistol about."

"Good to know."

When Ethan entered the man in question was pacing in front of the fire. He was tall, Ethan's height he guessed, with raven's black hair and leathery skin. He wore patched clothing and loosely fitting shoes.

"You're Lord Salisbury?" he demanded upon seeing Ethan.

"That's correct and who may you be?"

The man smirked. His hair was oily, loose, and resting upon his shoulders, his teeth were yellow, and he had a distinctive mole next to his left nostril.

"Of course, you wouldn't know."

"No, I do not." Ethan admitted leaning on his cane.

"Typical," the man spat. "You aristocrats are all the same. If you don't follow the rules you're shunned and cut off."

"What are you talking about?" Ethan asked, moving toward the settee.

"My mother, that's who!" The man was clearly upset now and as Huxley said waving his pistol around.

"And who is that?" Ethan inquired.

"Your sister! Victoria Northcott Wright."

Ethan was stunned. Victoria had a son! After she'd run off, they'd never heard a word from her. For years, his parents tried to contact her all to no avail.

"Did she come with you here?" Ethan asked curiously looking around the room as if expecting her to come bursting out from behind a potted plant.


The man laughed heartily. "Come with me? She's been dead for twenty-five years. Died giving birth to me."

Ethan shook his head sadly. Poor Victoria. They hadn't been close; how could they be? He was only eight when she left. And with the difference in their ages, she was hardly going to confide in him who she was in love with. But all the same, he was sorry for the time they lost and the fate that ultimately befell her. She deserved better than that.

"After she died my father abandoned me. Right prick he was, I'm told. Considering where she came from, she could have done much better. I was raised in an orphanage, a few years ago I learned my mother had been the daughter of an earl. And that's when I knew."

"Knew what?" Ethan inquired suspiciously.

"That I was meant for more!"

A cold chill swept down Ethan's spine. Suddenly it was all too clear to him. This man was responsible for his accident.

"So, you tried to have me killed?" Ethan theorized.

"Finally catching on, are you?" the man said gloating.

"And you convinced Reggie to help you?" Ethan surmised.

He laughed again, "That was easy. Scared little thing he is. But I knew I could count on his fear."

He crossed from the fireplace, so he was standing in front of Ethan.

"It's a shame you didn't die then. It would have made things so much simpler."

"Just because I'm dead doesn't mean you'll be the new earl." Ethan pointed out. "It will go to Reggie unless you can prove who you are."

"Reggie doesn't want to be Earl. He'll abdicate to me."

"You still haven't told me your name." Ethan reminded him.

"Lucas Wright. Soon to be the next Earl of Salisbury."

Lucas raised his pistol to point at Ethan's chest.

"You know it didn't have to be this way. You could have married that nurse and given up the title. I thought once her old beau showed up, you'd be sure to change your mind."

"You sent Peter here?" Ethan cried shocked.

"Well, you didn't think he'd really want her with no dowry, did you? I told him once I become Earl, I'd pay him generously for his help." Lucas laughed. "They're not even going to Leeds! I told him to abandon her once they'd gone a fair distance away from Lavender Hall."

Ethan began to shake. Emma was in danger. He had to save her; she wouldn't survive in this storm! Not twice.

"But now it's time for me to say goodbye. You can tell my mother I made her proud."

"Victoria would not –

But Ethan was cut off from speaking when a gunshot went off and Lucas gasped falling forward onto the settee.

"What the –

Ethan looked up and saw Reggie in the doorway, still pointing his pistol at where Lucas had been standing.

"Pity I'm not a better shot or he'd be dead." Reggie said dryly.

Lucas moaned as he slumped to the floor, blood flowing from his chest.

Two footmen rushed in and detained him before he could get up.

"Reggie how...where...?" For once Ethan was speechless.

"I'm sorry Ethan for the part I played in Lucas's scheme. He threatened to kill me, and I believed he could do it. I didn't want to hurt you. When I released the snake Liam had given me, I thought you would just lose your balance on Aquila and fall to the ground. Not get thrown into a tree! I was so relieved when you recovered."

Ethan hobbled over to Reggie who lowered the pistol. Huxley brushed past them to oversee Lucas's capture.

"But why did you and Aunt Isabelle leave for London so soon after my accident?" Ethan asked, still not understanding that part.

"I feared you would die, and I would be incriminated. I didn't want to be asked any questions." Reggie explained sheepishly. "You know I'm not a very good liar."

"Did you know about Peter?" Ethan asked.

Reggie shook his head. "I haven't been in contact with Lucas since your accident. He had found me in London at a pub. I wasn't sure he was who he said he was but that didn't seem to matter much when he had a knife at my throat."

Ethan nodded. "You made it right in the end."

"Did I?" Reggie asked skeptically, looking at Ethan's leg.

"If not for my accident I never would have met Emma. I can't be sorry about that." he assured him.

"She is a remarkable woman." Reggie agreed.

"Yes, and she once again needs rescuing. I must go!" Ethan declared turning toward the door.

"Sir," Huxley called over Lucas's curses and yells, as the footmen led him from the room. "You'll never find her in this storm. You must wait until there is a break."

"Can't do that Huxley." Ethan said apologetically.

"At least take a footman with you." Huxley pleaded.

Ethan looked at Reggie.

"I'll go," he said.

Ethan smiled. "Then let's not waste a moment more!"

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