《Angel of Mercy》Chapter 40


Morning came all too quickly. They had set an early departure time to begin the journey to Leeds. The day was cloudy and overcast, Emma suspected snow was soon to come.

She did not sleep very much that night, wanting to savor the moments she had left in Ethan's arms and company. He did not sleep either; they alternated between talking and holding each other. Emma left the locket beneath her nightgown and Ethan held his head against her chest so he could feel where it rested.

When dawn broke Emma reluctantly got up.

"I promised Eleanor I'd speak to Nathan before I left." Emma explained as she pulled on her wrapper.

"More questions about my accident?" Ethan asked, stretching his arms above his head.

"No nothing about that. Eleanor wants me to find out how Nathan feels about her."

"Can't she tell?" Ethan asked sarcastically.

Emma smiled, "Apparently not."

"I can't believe you're really going to leave today." he reflected, swinging his legs to the floor.

Emma walked to stand before him and took his face in his hands. "Please don't hate me for this."

"I don't hate you. I just wish things could be different."

"I know." she kissed his forehead, "I must get ready. I'll meet you at breakfast."

After Ethan left Eleanor arrived to help Emma dress. She wore a heavy gown to keep warm during the long day of traveling. It was lavender with a high neckline and black buttons.

Before heading to the stables, she passed Jeremiah who was watching after Daisy as she did her morning business. Emma stopped and petted the dog, murmuring how good she was and to look after her master. Daisy had completely healed from her injury and was an affectionate and gentle animal. Just what Ethan needed.


"I will look after her good Miss Rhodes." Jeremiah promised.

"I know you will. Keep up with your studies."

He nodded, "I like learning. Mr. Capshaw says, I'm doing well for having no schooling before."

"I'm glad. Take care of yourself Jeremiah."

"You too Miss Rhodes."

She gave Daisy one final pat then returned on her way. When Emma arrived at the stables, she found Nathan preparing the horses that were to pull the carriage.

"Nathan, I don't mean to intrude on your work, but do you have a moment?" Emma asked.

"Of course, Miss Rhodes. Is something amiss?" Nathan was dressed warmly as well in thicker breeches, a heavy brown coat and leather gloves.

"No, everything is fine. I just wanted to ask. How do you feel about Eleanor?"

Nathan blushed.

"Do you see her as a sister?" Emma inquired.

His blue eyes widened in surprise. "Of course not!"

"Might I suggest telling her that?"

"You mean ask her to go courting?" Nathan asked, scandalized.

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean." Emma confirmed.

"Are you sure she'll say yes?" he asked nervously.

"Aren't you?"

"I suppose so." he admitted reluctantly.

"Now don't wait too long. And good luck." Emma kissed his cheek, "You're a good lad Nathan. Thank you for being so kind to me."

Nathan shrugged, "I didn't do much."

"Nevertheless, I appreciate it."

Peter was in the breakfast room when Emma arrived along with Aunt Isabelle and Reggie. Ethan's place was empty.

"Ah darling there you are. Make sure you eat a hearty meal. We won't be stopping until sundown." Peter advised.

Emma took her usual seat.

"Dreadful day for a trip," Aunt Isabelle said, "I do believe it will snow."


Emma spooned some beans onto her plate.

"Let's hope not," she replied.

Ethan entered at that moment. He was walking much better with his cane Emma noticed. He sat beside her and smiled.

"Would you like some eggs?" Emma asked.

"Yes, thank you dear."

Emma added eggs to Ethan's plate along with some sausage, biscuits, and beans.

"Emma are you all packed?" Peter asked.

"Yes," she answered. Eleanor had taken care of preparing her things.

"I think we should leave sooner than planned. To get ahead of the storm."

"An excellent idea," Aunt Isabelle concurred, sprinkling pepper on her eggs. "I do hate to travel in the winter."

As usual Reggie was silent.

"We'll I'll go and see the carriage is brought round then." Peter said standing up. "Emma, I'll see you shortly."

Why did she ever agree to let Peter come with her? She thought dejectedly. She would be perfectly safe on her own with the coachman and a footman.

When they finished eating Ethan instructed Huxley to have Emma's things brought down. As they walked into the great hall Emma began to shake. This was it; she was going to have to say goodbye to Ethan. Who knew how long it would be before they saw each other again or if ever?

Ethan drew Emma close.

"I want you to know," he murmured, "Whether after this next assignment you choose to continue as a nurse or not your family will be taken care of."

"Ethan," Emma whispered, "You don't have to do that."

It was the ultimate declaration of his love. To provide and care for family whether they ever saw each other again or not proved Ethan's intentions and sincerity. Emma was more than just a nurse and a friend to him; she was the woman he loved.

"It's done," he said firmly.

And at his words her heart broke a little more.

"Thank you," she said close to his ear. "I don't deserve you."

"It is I that doesn't deserve you." he assured her in a husky voice.

"Remember read the letter after I've left." Emma reminded him.

"I will."

They stared into each other's eyes for a moment. Then he kissed her gently on the lips.

"Be safe my love."

"I'll try," she answered. "Don't get flung into any more trees."

Ethan chuckled, "Perhaps I will if it will bring you back into my life."

"I don't know you could survive it a second time."

"I could, with you as my nurse."

"I'm not invincible."

"Ah but you are," he said, "You'll live forever in my heart."

Feeling the tears begin to well up. Emma nodded and kissed his cheek then pulled out of his arms knowing she couldn't stand to look at him a moment longer or she would never leave.

Huxley opened the door as she passed through. She stopped and kissed his cheek as well.

"Thank you for your service and caring so much for his lordship. Please look after him." Emma asked.

"I will Miss Rhodes, I always have." Huxley assured her in his gruff way patting her gently on the arm.

Emma nodded then made her way down the cold stone steps. A footman opened the carriage door and helped her inside. Peter was already waiting. Emma sat across from him. After a few moments they began to move, Emma looked out the window for one last look. She would miss Lavender Hall, but she would miss the man inside most of all.

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