《Angel of Mercy》Chapter 28


Emma awoke the next morning with a deep feeling of contentment. She realized it was because Ethan was still in her bed, one arm draped loosely over her waist. Whether it was appropriate or not for them to share a bed, however innocently, had never entered Emma's head. He wanted to stay, and she wanted him there.

She turned over so they were face to face. His queue had come completely undone and his midnight hair fell to his shoulders in an unruly mess. Emma reached out a hand and gently began combing her fingers through it. It was then Ethan opened his eyes.

"Good morning," he murmured.

"Good morning," she answered.

"How do you feel?"

"As well as can be expected. And you? How's the leg?"

"Still attached so can't complain."

Emma smiled and rested her hand on his cheek. "Do you think it's still snowing?"


He shifted closer to her, bringing their bodies against one another.

"This is the happiest I've ever been." he whispered against her neck. "Here, with you in my arms."

"I feel the same." She rested her cheek against his.

"Then don't leave me." he begged.

Emma sighed, "Ethan, we've been over this."

He pulled away. "It's my decision to make."

"And it's a foolish one."

"I –

Emma pressed a finger to his lips, "Can we not discuss it now? I'm not leaving today."

He nodded.

"You did a very brave thing rescuing me." Emma pointed out.

He grinned, "Yes, I did, which means you must show your appreciation."

"And how do I do that?" she asked curiously.

"With a kiss."

He didn't wait for her to answer and simply placed this mouth over hers. It has been so long since he'd kissed her in the gazebo, she'd nearly forgotten how wonderful it was. Emma knew he was no novice and had had lovers, Francesca for one, but in that moment, Emma was glad because he was doing delightful things with his tongue. Her only fear was it was not as pleasurable for him. Peter was the only man she'd ever kissed and those had been chaste kisses at best. She'd never wanted to take it further than that and he had never tried.


"Ah Emma," he murmured when he broke free and began kissing her neck. "I shouldn't have waited so long to do that."

"So, you enjoyed it?" she asked hesitantly.

He brought his head up with a confused expression on his face. "Of course. Why would you ask that?"

"I don't have much experience," she said shyly.

"That's what I like. I can be the one to teach you."

Emma blushed. "You presume too much sir."

Before he could respond there was a knock at the door.

"Emma, it's Eleanor, may I come in?"

Emma looked at Ethan. "Just a moment. Would you mind getting me a fresh pot of tea and some of Mrs. Dandridge's blueberry scones?"

"I'd rather have muffins," said Ethan.

Emma elbowed him in the side and whispered, "Shh!"

"Yes, of course." Eleanor said, a pause then, "You're feeling all right then?"

"I am. Thank you for asking."

"I'll be back shortly."

"You must get out of here." Emma said, pushing him toward the end of the bed.

"Why? It's my manor."

"You know why."

"It's not going to surprise anyone. The servants know."

"How do you know?" Emma asked, surprised.

"I can't hide my feelings for you."

"Ethan I –

He cupped her face. "I know we're not discussing that now." He kissed her again. "I'll stop by later. Come Daisy, I'm sure you're ready to go out."

Daisy jumped off the bed and trotted to the door. Ethan grabbed his crutches and soon they were both gone.

Emma laid back in bed. What was she going to do? Her heart was bursting with love for Ethan, but they'd already discussed marriage would be impossible between them. Or was there another way she hadn't considered yet?

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