《Angel of Mercy》Chapter 27


"She should be back by now." Ethan said to Huxley as he took a shot of whiskey in his study. The heat of the liquid warmed his anxious insides.

"Sometimes a woman can be in labor for days. I'm sure Miss Rhodes will send word tomorrow." Huxley calmly suggested.

Dusk has fallen and the snow continued. The roads were now impassable.

"No, that's not it. Something has happened." Ethan declared.

"Would you like me to send someone to get an update?" Huxley asked.

Ethan set the glass down. "No, I'll go."

"But sir you cannot your leg, the cast –

"We'll have to cut it off, that's all. Emma said it was time."

Huxley shook his head, "We should wait and have Miss Rhodes do it properly." Huxley said logically.

"There's no time. Emma could be in danger! Send for Mrs. Dandridge. Tell her I require her sharpest knife."

Mrs. Dandridge was the cook at Lavender Hall. Ethan was confident she could remove the cast without harming him.

"But even if the cast is removed. You'll still be weak sir." Huxley pointed out.

"I'll make do."

"But sir –

"Huxley my mind is made up. Now are you going to help me, or do I need to fetch Mrs. Dandridge myself?"

Huxley hung his head and sighed. "As you wish sir."

Mrs. Dandridge arrived promptly and as Ethan had hoped was able to take the cast off with no difficulty. His leg was thin and pale, and it took him some time to get his bearings.

"Please sir, just let me send someone to the village," Huxley pleaded.

"No, it has to be me. Now, have Aquila saddled and I'll be off."

He still required the use of his crutches to reach the stable but once on the back of Aquila he was comfortable. He had missed riding.


"It's been a long-time boy," Ethan said, stroking his neck. "I only wish the circumstances were better."

He carried a lantern to light the way as only darkness stretched before them.

"If I'm not back in two hours, send out a search party." Ethan instructed Nathan.

"Yes, sir. Be careful."

Ethan nodded then took off. The snow felt like ice stabbing his face. He ducked his head, but it did little help. The snow was now at least half a foot high, and it was slow progress as they maneuvered their way.

All the while Ethan's heart pounded furiously in his chest. What if Emma was hurt or worse? What if he reached her too late? He didn't believe she was still in the village. He was sure she had left but something or someone had waylaid her.

As time passed, he became more anxious and stiffer. He wasn't used to sitting in the saddle so long and his poor weak muscles were quite sore.

Just as he had nearly given up hope of finding Emma, he spotted the carriage. He knew it was his from the insignia on the door. It looked abandoned and was listing to one side.

As he approached, he called Emma's name. But there was no response.

He struggled off Aquila and trudged through the snow to the door. It was layered in a sheet of ice. Setting his lantern on the ground Ethan used a rock to smash some of it off then pulled with all his might to get the door open.

Emma was huddled in the corner. Her eyes were closed.

Ethan pulled himself inside and sat next to her. He took her by the shoulders and gently shook her, calling her name. But she did not react.

He removed his gloves and cupped his hands around her cold immobile face. There was a faint tinge of blue around her lips.


"Emma, sweet Emma please wake up. Darling, I need you."

Then just as he was about to leave to get the lantern she stirred.

"Ethan." she mumbled softly.

"Yes, sweetheart I'm here." Gleefully he wrapped his arms around her ice-like body.

"I'm cold." she whispered.

"I know. I'm going to get you home and warmed up." He promised.

"The wheel broke." she stated, quietly.

"I noticed. It's not important."

Ethan carefully gathered Emma in his arms but quickly realized with his bum leg he wouldn't make it to Aquila.

"Can you walk honey? I need you to walk a little for me."

Ethan draped Emma's arm around his neck but as they stumbled, their way to Aquila he wasn't sure who was helping who. He assisted Emma into the saddle, grabbed the lantern and placed it in her hands.

"Hold on to this for me my love."

He slid in behind her. He took off his cloak and wrapped it around her body. Then pulled her close to share his warmth. She felt so fragile in his arms, her head lolling back on his shoulder. He held her tighter.

"You shouldn't have come," she managed to say at one point.

"Of course, I came. I knew you were in trouble."

"But your leg."

"It's fine."

"The cast?"

"Mrs. Dandridge cut it off."


"He was against the whole thing of course."

"As he should be." Emma concurred.

When they finally arrived at Lavender Hall the servants were waiting, and they immediately carried Emma instead and whisked her up to her room to begin warming her up. Ethan handed the reins off to Nathan.

"Take some extra time rubbing him down, will you?"

"Of course, sir. How is Miss Rhodes?"


"That's good. I'll leave you to her then."

Huxley forced Ethan to his room to change his clothes and take a hot bath.

"Your shivering sir. This is not open to discussion."

Ethan reluctantly did as he instructed, and drank the coffee laced with whiskey Huxley gave him.

"I need to see Emma." he persisted.

"You will. Just as soon as you've finished the lamb stew Mrs. Dandridge prepared."

"Huxley." Ethan whined.

"Sir! Eat. Or you'll stay in this room until I say so."

Ethan sighed and quickly ate the stew, but he could hardly taste anything.

When he was finally allowed in to see Emma, he found her in bed in a new cotton nightgown covered with blankets and a bed warming pan at her feet. The fire was blazing, and the light bounced off her pale face.

He crossed to her side, using his crutches, and sat on the bed taking her hand in his.

"Emma." he whispered.

She opened her eyes and looked at him.

"How are you?" he anxiously asked.

"Better now," she said in a quiet voice.

"Are you warm enough?"

She nodded. "Just a slight case of hypothermia. I'll live. You reached me in time."

"Just barely."

"Thank you for saving me."

"Of course. Emma, you mean everything to me."

"You shouldn't keep saying that."

"But it's true!"

"Where's Daisy?" she asked, changing the subject.

"I'm not sure. Shall I send someone for her?" he asked.

"Yes, please."

Ethan rose took a few steps on his crutches and then turned around.

"Emma, may I spend the night in your room with you?"

She smiled briefly. "You may."

And so, with Daisy the three of them spent the night with Ethan's arms wrapped around Emma, heads sharing one pillow and their hearts beating together as one.

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