《Angel of Mercy》Chapter 29


The snow stopped around dusk.

Ethan had insisted Emma remain abed resting the entire day. A decree Huxley had then imposed on Ethan himself. His leg was sore. Apparently, it wasn't such a good idea to have one's cast removed and then go harrowing off on a rescue mission. At least he had been successful in that endeavor. He broke out in a cold sweat every time he thought about what might have happened if he was unable to reach Emma in time.

He was just about to stop in and visit Emma before saying goodnight when he heard a commotion in the great hall. As quickly as he could on his crutches, he hurried there only to discover to his dismay his Aunt Isabelle and Reggie had returned.

"My dear, so lovely to see you?" Aunt Isabelle cried, pinching his cheeks. "We are so relieved you are alive even if you are a cripple now."

Ethan frowned. He was hardly a cripple. The crutches would only be necessary until he built his muscle strength back up. But that was his Aunt Isabelle, what she thought a compliment was usually an insult.

She was a slight woman in her sixties, with brown hair laced with grey and a long face. Her most distinct feature were her eyes, a bright blue that seemed to take up her whole face.

"What are you doing here?" Ethan asked not hiding his agitation. "How did you get through the storm?"

"Oh, we were already headed here when it started." she said as if this was news Ethan had heard before. "We stayed at an inn until it was over then continued our journey. Are our rooms ready?"

"Considering we didn't know you were coming. I'd guess not." Ethan said with a hard edge to his voice.


Aunt Isabelle narrowed her eyes at him, "I didn't think we needed to send word. This is our home as well."

"That's interesting. Because I haven't heard a word from either of you since my accident." Ethan pointed out.

"Now, now let's not bicker over nothing," said Reggie intervening. "We'll take some tea and refreshment in the blue room while our rooms are prepared. Does that suit you, mother?"

"I suppose," she agreed halfheartedly. "Has it always been this drafty here?"

"If you are not satisfied with our accommodations then perhaps –

"It's the storm mother," said Reggie, cutting Ethan off mid-sentence, "You'll feel better once you are by the fire and have something hot to drink."

Aunt Isabelle nodded and allowed him to steer her away but before they left the room she turned back around, "Ethan darling, I'd forgotten to mention. We'll need three rooms prepared. We've brought a guest with us."

"A guest?" Ethan asked surprised and equally leery, "Who?"

"That would be me."

Ethan turned at the sound of the deep voice to see a man a few years his junior with brilliant blonde hair and mediocre clothing extending his hand to him.

"Peter Camden, a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Ethan stared at his hand. Peter? Surely, he couldn't be Emma's Peter. The man that called off their engagement once he learned she wouldn't be bringing a dowry to the marriage.

Ethan shook his hand, squeezing perhaps a tad too tight, "Do you know Miss Emmaline Rhodes?" he asked nonchalantly.

Peter nodded enthusiastically, "Yes, it's why I've come. Your aunt and cousin graciously offered me a ride. I want to win her back."

Wanted to win her back, did he? Not if Ethan had anything to do with it.

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