《Badboy's hired wife》What's this?


A soft music wakes me up from my beautiful sleep. I know it's coming from the living room and absolutely, it's coming from my Iphone's music list, because it's Lana Del Ray that i am hearing. Vincent stole my phone, again.

I get up from our bed and put my hair in a messy bun. Stepping out of our room, the smell of bacon and coffee hits my nose, oh my!

"Hey chef of mine! Good Morning to you!" I giggly say when i reach the kitchen. Vincent is here, facing his back to me. Even his back, it looks, oh so yummy!

He turns around then look at me. His brow raised then his signature smirk flashes on his face.

"Good morning to you too, number one customer of mine!" Vincent started to walk towards me as he remove his apron then put it on one of the kitchen stool.

"How was your sleep?" He asked as he reached me. His arms quickly wrap on my waist, pulling me closer to him, in short, feeling the naked chest of him.

"Good.. But you didn't wait for me, you told me that we'll be cooking today." I pout my lips, then use my wonderful eyes. He put a finger under my chin then place a soft kiss on my nose.

"I didn't wake you because i want you to rest. You know that i want to cook for my in laws, right?" Why does it feels so good even if i'm just his fake fiancé? Vincent was giving me a heart attack.

Speaking of my parents, they didn't make it last week. There's a little emergency about my sister and they can't leave that. So last night they called me, saying that they'll be here today, with my sister, in which i am excited of.

"Your temporary in laws, Vincent." I softly said. But Vincent ignore it and peck a kiss on my lips. He remove his arms around me then get back on his cooking. Is he mad?


"I'm not mad Isabelle if your thinking about that, i'm just tired of repeating this thing that you are not fake." I can hear how his voice sounded, it's mix, mix with emotions that i haven't heard from him before.


"It's not--"

"Just go up and do whatever you like, your parents will be here later." In other words, he shove me away. I was walking towards him but i step back, knowing that his mad at me.

"Hey babe, i'm sorry." I place my hand on his shoulder but he remove it then turn around. As i look up at him, his eyes were filled with sorrow and it looks like he just cried.

"I don't know what to say or what to do whenever your saying that everything is fake, but.." Vincent sigh then walk past me, giving me his cold shoulder that i really don't like.

"One thing is not fake, Isabelle. My feelings for you is not fake." He walk out of the kitchen, leaving me stiff and stunned. Feelings for me?

"I'm not in the mood to finish what i'm cooking, just put it in the trash and order chinese for them." He shouted and then i heard the front door being open then slammed after. Did i just ruin everything between us?

I sit on the stool, looking forward the kitchen counter. Those cut veggies and those pots and pans that was on the electric stove was there. What am i going to do with those?

I continue what Vincent is cooking. I don't know where he is, because he walked out without saying anything to me. I respect him and knowing that his mad at me, i just don't want to argue with him now.

Hours had pass and still Vincent is not here. I'm done cooking and preparing our lunch and now i'm just waiting for my family to arrive. Maybe i can answer all my parents question if they ask me some.

I walk down the kitchen, seeing the table that i set was still okay, but me, i'm not okay. As i was about to put my hair up, the door bell buzz and i know it's my parents.

"Coming!" I shouted then jog towards our front door. As i open the door, my parents with my little sister is what i see. They are all smiling at me, giving me the nicest feeling in the world.

"Ohh, i missed you all." I pull them all for a group hug, leaving no space for us.


"You look beautiful, Isabelle." My Dad said, kissing my forehead. I pull out from the hug, then stands in front of them.

Mom and Dad looks a little old now, i know they are suffering a lot now. That's why i'm doing my everything for them.

"Thanks Dad. Let's go inside." I open the door widely and let them go inside. They all sit on the couch, looking around the pad like it's an amusement park or something.

"Isabelle, it's good here." Mom exclaimed, clasping her hands together. How i wish i can give them things that they want.

"Belle.. Belle.." Isha pulls my shirt down, to let me look at her. I hope someday i can bring her to some professional doctor to treat her right.

"Yes Isha? What do you want?" I get her from the floor, then wrap her in my arms. I missed them so much and right now, all i want is to be with them.

"I want ice cream." She whispers to me.

"We can, but that's bad for you right?" I whisper back

"Stop spoiling her Isabelle." Dad talked. I softly laugh and notice Isha's face turned into frown.

"I'm not, i just missed my little sister." I giggle

"Anyway, where is your fiancé?"

Where is my fiancé? I don't know.


I'm pissed. Isabelle was giving me a hard time. I'm always saying that we're never fake, and she's still insisting about that.

And now, i'm here at the ice cream shop that Isabelle loves most. I almost stayed here for hours and on the last minute, i decided to go home. I just need time to calm myself, so maybe those hours helped me to calm myself.

I drive fast because i don't want this bucket of ice cream to melt. It's just a peace offering for Isabelle. I can't resist that girl.

As i reach the floor of our pad, i jog towards our front door then open it widely.

"Babe, where are you?" I shout as i'm locking the front door. Isabelle will forgive me, because she loves this ice cream. I smirk then turn around, but stop as i've seen people inside our living room.

Two people sitting on our couch, a lady and a man, in which i recognize quickly. A little girl on Isabelle's arms, and absoluely that's her little sister.

"Vincent?" Analiza, her mother asked. I sheepishly walked towards them, still stunned that they are here now.

"Analiza, it's good to see you." I pull the lady for a hug. Looking at Isabelle, she looks surprise. She doesn't know that i already meet her parents, before this, before i offered her this thing.

"You look good, how was Juliet?" I pull out from the hug then stands in front of them.

"She'll be here later. John, i'm happy to see you." I look over the man sitting beside Analiza. They look old now, i know they have problems in life.

"Son, your still good looking." Oh this man! A formal handshake is what i do. I look over at Isabelle and her mouth is hanging open. Are you shock huh, Isabelle? You deserved it.

"Of course, your daughter was taking care of me." I grinned. Isabelle put down her little sister then slowly walk towards me.

"Can we talk?" Isabelle softly whisper to me, so i just nod my head.

"Mom, Dad, just wait a little.. I just need to talk to Vincent." She pulls my hand, then go directly to the kitchen. She's really a piece of masterpiece. Her body, perfectly fitting on her denim shorts and that white shirt. She looks perfect.

"How did you know my parents?" She started. I move closer to her, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"We will talk about it later.. For now, i'm sorry first and let's eat please, cause i'm starving." I peck a kiss on her lips and i know she can't ignore it. How i wish i can say what i wanted to say to her?

"Mom! Dad! Let's eat."

We all eat with little talk and when my mom arrives, i know it's time for the real talk.

"So Isabelle, we need to tell you something." My mom said and that caused me to stop on my track.

This is it.

The moment of truth.

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