《Badboy's hired wife》Our guest of honor


"Just relax, while i'll be cooking some soup for you, alright?" Vincent softly said, placing a kiss on my forehead as he drape our duvet on my body.

"Thank you, Vincent." I pull his hand, then squeeze it softly.

"You know that i'll do anything for you.. Now rest then i'll be back, okay?" I nodded. He let go of my hand then get up from the bed. He left our room then i remain resting on our bed.

It's been three days since i was discharged from the hospital. I'm still recovering with the help of Vincent. His been nothing but good to me all through out my recovery. He takes care of me and treating me like a princess everyday, which is good.

Sometimes i wonder, if Vincent and i was a real couple, maybe, we really can do everything that we want without stopping us. I mean, we're doing all the thing that real couples can do, but you know what i mean, the real thing.

I cut my day dreaming, when i heard loud voices arguing outside our room. I carefully get up from our bed then slowly walk towards the door. It's kinda hard for me to walk, cause i still need to finish my theraphy but these shouting is not helping me, so i need to go down and find it out.

When i reach our living room, i saw a woman, standing with hands on her hips, looking at me like she wants to eat me. She's wearing a super short dress, what do i mean is, her dress is too short, it looks like it's only for a five year old girl. Her face was stuff with foundation and her lips was painted with a pure red lipstick. Really look like a bitch.

"Is she the one that your engaged to, huh Vincent?" She pointed her finger to me. Vincent was standing in front of her with that space that you can move freely.


"Yes, and it's not your business." Vincent turn his head on my direction then quickly jog towards me. He quickly spoon me in his arms then place me on the couch. Ugh, his too sweet.

"Do you think i believe on you?" That girl shouted, pulling Vincent's hand.

"I didn't ask you to believe in me. First of all, why are you here?" I'm enjoying this situation and i am sure, this is going to be fun.


It's hard to be in this situation. First of all, i'm in the middle of two women. One is glaring at the other while the other is looking at me, ignoring the other woman.

"I am here because i want to." Bettina shouted back, while pointing her finger onto me.

"Bettina, just go wherever you like, not here!" I snap at her. Bettina walk towards me, as i remain standing beside the couch where Isabelle is sitting.

Isabelle is doing great. Since the day that she was discharge from the hospital. And thank God that she's cooperating with us, i mean about taking those medicines for her recovery.

"Bettina? She's Bettina?" Finally Isabelle spoke from her seat. I confusingly look at her then i remember that i already told her that Bettina was my ex.

"Yes i am! I know you know me, i'm one of the bachelorette here in our country." Bettina rolled her eyes, while standing with hands on her hips. She's not Bettina that i used to know.

"Ohh? Is that so? Hmm.. I think i've heard your name before." Isabelle grin. I'm feeling something about this.

"I told you i'm famous." Bettina laugh as she keeps on sending glares to Isabelle. I look towards Isabelle, and she just gives me her breath taking smile. Her smile that i wanted to see since the day that she walked out of our pad.


"Yes, i remember you. You are Bettina, that's been every nights' pleasure of those old businessmen!" Isabelle laugh while getting up from the couch.

"What did you say?" Bettina shouted. Before she can attack Isabelle, i pull her hands back and stop her.

"Just leave Bettina. My fiancé needs to rest." Bettina is hard headed now. She's not like that before. She's a high school sweetheart before but look at her now, she looks like a prostitute. There's no big deal about being prostitute, because it's a kind of work but look at Bettina, she's a bitch now.

"You are still pushing the idea of her being your fiancé, really Vincent?"

"Because that is true, she is my fiancé!" I shouted again at Bettina. Isabelle was standing beside me, looking like she's ready to attack Bettina, at least, she looks ready to fight for me.

"Do i really need to tell you this thing?" I look at her, confuse with what she said but i remain silent and move my arm on Isabelle's waist, to wrap it around her.

"I know you hired her, your paying her, right?" How did she know? Before i can answer her, Isabelle remove my arm around her then walk directly in front of Bettina. In just a wink a loud sound was made, a sound from a hand meeting a cheek. Isabelle slapped Bettina. And that's a fact.

"This is the last time that i'm telling you this Bettina!" Isabelle shouted in front of her face, causing Bettina to step back a little.

"Don't go near my fiancé and don't you ever spread a false statement cause i'll be filing a case against you if you keep on doing that." Before anything happen again, i pull Isabelle's arm and pull her for a hug.

"That's not a lie! It's the truth!" Shout here and there, i'm tired of it. Isabelle wants to talk again but i place her head on my chest, letting her relax there. I know she's enjoying this position.

"Shut up Bettina! You heard my girlfriend and i'll be supporting her with that matter!"

Bettina gasp and as per looking at her, she looks shock. I can fight with anyone, just for the safetyness of my Isabelle. One day, Isabelle will understand everything. Everything that is happening now.

"You will do that to me?" Tears forming in her eyes and i know i can ignore those things. She once used it to me before and she can't fool me now.

"Of course, now--" Isabelle cover my mouth with her soft hands, treating me like a kid. While her other hand was holding her phone on her other hand.

"You better go girl. We need to prepare cause my parents will be here later on.. So now, can you please get out of our pad?" Isabelle shooed her away, like an insect that's disturbing you.

"I'm not done with you!" Bettina stormed out of our pad. Isabelle walk back to me then envelope me in her small arms.

"Mom and Dad will be here baby. Be ready." Isabelle peck a kiss on my cheek, then let go of me. She's walking towards our room, swaying her hips and showing me the real figure of a goddess. How beautiful she is.

"They'll be here in ten!" Isabelle laugh as she reach our room. Wait, what did she say? Her parents will be here? Oh no!

"Isabelle! What did you say?" I shouted and i know she heard me but she didn't respond instead she keeps on laughing and laughing on our room.

I'll better get ready.

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