《Badboy's hired wife》I am and i do


Days had pass and i'm still here in the hospital. Those fractures that i have, needs to be monitored so i need to cooperate with them.

"Morning Miss Isabelle." The nurse greeted as she enters my room. Vincent's mom didn't allow me to stay on the room that i've been before. She ask the hospital people to move me on a more comfortable suite, where i am now.

"Good Morning to you too, Angeline." I smile at her. They've been the best in helping and guiding me here in the hospital.

"Mr. Watson asked me to give this to you Mam.. again." She give me a white envelope, of course i know what it is, it's a letter. His always giving me those since the day that we argue. It's a letter about forgiveness and all. His not going inside my room, even if his just outside, cause he knows that i don't want to see him.

"Is he still there?" I asked, while the nurse is still checking something on the machine beside me.

"Yes mam, do i need to call him?" Angeline asked, as she was done writing on her paper.

"Yes, please call him, thanks Angeline." She nodded and left my room. I want to see Vincent, it's been so long that i haven't see him. I just want to know if his okay.

"Hi.." Vincent said once he step inside my room. He slowly close the door then walk towards me. His dress on his sweat pants and plain shirt, and i know his not doing good. Look at those bags under his eyes, that hair that needs a cut, he looks crazy.

"Are you not going to Uni today?" I asked, his not wearing some decent clothes, so i asked him, it's not bad to ask him, right?

I see how his body became stiff as i ask him. He look shock i think. I pull his hand to sit on the space on my bed, then look at him.

"I'm not, why?" He answered, letting himself to get comfortable. I'm still mad at him, but for his sake, i think i need to forgive this man.

"Why not? You need to go there." I whisper. He lean down his head on me, placing it just few inches away from my face.


"Your not there, that's why i'm here. Can i explain?" Explain? No way. I miss him. I miss this conversation that we are having. I miss everything about him.

I pull his head down then let his lips rested on mine. Sparks run down in my body, asking for more. This feeling that i'm so safe and home, it's here.

"I think i don't need to explain." He wipe his lower lip by his thumb and i can't deny that it brings different meaning on my body.

"You need to explain, idiot!" I hit him on his arm by my free hand then slowly get up from laying down. He supported me on my arms then put a pillow behind my back.

"Do i still need? I think you already forgive me." He grin, but i shook my head then look at him. Why can't i resist him? Actually i already did, for the last week that i'm not seeing him, that only our friends and his mother was our only messenger, i did ignore him. But it's hard to still ignore him, because if you can read his letters for me, it will melt you right on your place.

"Let's start from the night that we fight." He sighed. Vincent softly brush my hand with his fingers, letting himself to get comfortable.

"You know that i don't want anybody to check on my things, but you did it. You also know that you are not nothing to me, i'm just mad that's why i said that." I'm trying to listen to him, but i can't focus on him. His face that i missed for the past two weeks, i just want to look at him.

"But am i anybody for you? I'm still your fake girlfriend, i'm exempted on those." The way i talk, it's childish. I want to talk to him these way, cause i missed him, i really really do.

"You are my everything Isabelle, that's what i'm telling you, i'm just mad that time that's why i said that." He place his hand on my cheek, resting it there, holding me like i'm a piece of stone, that needs to be taken care of.

"But who is that girl hovering above you? Is he your real girlfriend?" I don't normally act like this, like a kid having a tantrum, but i want it. I carefully snake my arms on his neck, careful not to pull out the wires in my hand.


"She's Bettina, the one that texted that night. She's my ex girlfriend." So that's why. I loosen my hold from him then get back on my position a while ago.

"Hey, it's not that we're back together." He cupped my cheeks, but i shove it away. That's why he hired me, to get her jealous.

"I told her that your with me and we're engaged, but she insisted that she wants to go inside our pad, then barge in our room." Really? Our pad? Our room? That's too sweet, but i remain being serious.

"I swear babe, i'm pushing her out of our room, but she push me hard on our bed. When you entered our room, you saw a big mistake, i swear, i didn't kiss her nor touch her." I just want to laugh because of his rant. I know that it's coming, that his explanation will be like this.

"I'm going to ask you something that night that we fight, but that happened, and turns into this." He move closer to me then envelopes me in his arms. This is what i miss.

"I'm so sorry babe, i'm sorry. I shouldn't let that happen." He softly whisper on my ear. I just nod my head, while his still hugging me.

"No more girls around you, except for your mom and me. I just don't want any trouble now." It's not a bad thing to talk to him like this, i'm his fake girlfriend after all.

"Yes babe, i promise you that. So please forgive me." He pull out from the hug then remain looking at me. His eyes that keeps on giving me something, in which i can't get.

"You're forgiven baby, even if i'm just a fake girlfriend." I lean forward to him, then rub my nose onto him. His breath that's stopping me to breath on my own, why am i feeling this?

"About that, your not fake, always remember that." Before i can answer him, because of his statement, my friends barge inside the room with a little girl on Justin's arms. I think it's their daughter.

"Good Morning love birds!" Mitch softly laugh. It's the third time that they visited me here, but it's the first time that they bring their daughter.

"Shut up! Is that your daughter huh?" I smile, looking at the little girl on Justin's arms. She's a replica of Mitch, her skin and that hair, she got it from her mom.

"Of course.. Say hi to Aunt Isabelle, Mishca." The little girl wave at me, then lean her head back on Justin's shoulder. What a cute little family.

"So why are you all here?" I asked, while smiling at them. Vincent was still sitting beside me, as his arm wrap on my waist.

"Just paying a visit to you, how are you now?" Aina walk towards me, and as she reach me, she envelopes me in her arms.

"I'm happy that your good now. Vincent didn't leave your side, he looks sickly in love with you." Sickly in love? I softly laugh as Aina finish her whisper on me. Vincent will never fall to me, i mentally said. He might like me, but in love to me? Never.

"What are you saying to my fiancé huh, Aina?" Vincent teased. Boys will be boys.

"Ohh! I told her that i want her to meet someone, someone that is more handsome than you." Aina laugh, while getting back in her old position, on Phil's arms.

"Really? Ask her if she wants someone." Vincent get up from the bed, then stand beside them. He cross his arms above his chest, giving me a nice view.

"Isabelle, do you want someone?" Phil asked, and Justin laugh so hard. They are still annoying.

I look at Vincent and he was grinning at me. Time for my revenge, kiddo!

"I do! There's someone that i met before--"

"Oh shut up Belle! We all know that you just want me!" Vincent cut me off

"Bro, you'll be in pain when Isabelle recovers." Justin said, more like laugh. His laughing while talking, his crazy.

"I know.. But really babe, do you want someone else?" Back to endearment basis, how i wish i can call you all the things that i want. Vincent is an annoying man. He can annoy you until you reach the limit of hitting him.

"I do.. I like someone named, Vincent Watson."

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