《Royals | pjm》Twelve - Cry Baby



"Hyung, must you come with us?"

Haneul scoffed at how irritated Jimin was looking at the moment, his forehead wrinkles prominent and his lips pursed into a thin line. His eyes were burning with slight annoyance, mainly towards the man who was carrying his son.

Seokjin smirked. "Hyunnie clings to only either me or Haneul. And he's asleep, what do you think?"

"But still-"

"Jimin, stop being immature will you?" Haneul scolded while glaring at Jimin who immediately pouted at his ex-spouse's words.

They were currently in the car that Haneul used to travel in with Jimin when she was still his wife back to the palace grounds. Jimin felt his heart thump at a more hasty pace as his eyes lingered on the small boy who was sleeping in Seokjin's arms, his chubby cheeks tinted red with his long eyelashes fluttering a little as he slept.

He was still unable to believe that he actually had a son, and he was a father now.

Seokjin watched the younger man stare at his son's sleeping form with a dreamy look, and a small smile formed on his face.

"You know, Hyunnie has a lot of resemblances with you." Seokjin started the conversation, gaining Jimin's attention as he had straightened his back to look at his friend.

"How so?"

"He's a cry baby, like you." Haneul commented with a smirk, making Jimin pout again when Seokjin nodded fervently in agreement.

"I'm not a cry baby." Jimin retorted, earning scoffs from the other two who were seated next to him in the backseat.

"Keep telling yourself that, Park Jimin." Haneul laughed, and Jimin found himself smiling at her laughter.

The voice he had missed oh so much.

The car then halted to a slow stop as it reached the foyer of the palace, the place Haneul had a love-hate relationship with. Jimin got out of the car first, and he was quick to reach out his hand for Haneul to hold onto as she exited the car.

Haneul simply glanced at him weirdly before accepting his kind gesture nonchalantly, but little did she know, this meant a lot to Jimin. She didn't know that he had been craving and missing her touches so so much.

Seokjin raised an eyebrow at how lovesick Jimin looked, and he shook his head with an amused smile. He knew how whipped Jimin was with Haneul.

They walked in a comfortable silence as they headed to the main hall, where the rulers of the country were waiting for them. Jimin trailed after Haneul who was walking confidently at the front, with Seokjin and Hyun behind him.

"Jimin, what did you want to talk about. Oh!"

The King was genuinely surprised to see Haneul after such a long time. He remembered how pissed off his father was when he found out that Haneul divorced Jimin and left. To say that he never wanted to feel the previous King's wrath again would totally be understandable.


"Your Majesty, Your Highness." Both Haneul and Seokjin greeted at the same time as they bowed down together in unison.

The Queen felt ashamed to be facing Haneul after a whole year of not seeing her. Jimin went into a despair mode after finding out that she was the main reason of Haneul leaving, but she was however thankful that her son didn't despise her for what she did, but simply behaved coldly towards her.

"Whose kid is that, Seokjin-ah?" The King furrowed his eyebrows, his eyes observing the still sleeping child on the said man's shoulders.

"Father, he's the reason why I've asked to meet you." Jimin answered, and felt cold sweats forming on his forehead.


"The kid is my son." Jimin blurted out, shocking his parents as they had their eyes widened at the sudden and unexpected news.

"What?!" The Queen shrieked, losing her normally composed form as she took a few steps towards the child.

"He's mine and Haneul's child." Jimin found himself grinning as he explained, and winked at the girl who raised an eyebrow at his choice of words.

"Oh my, and why are we only knowing this now? This is a major news, Park Jimin!" The King raised his voice, startling the little one as he had jolted awake at the booming voice.

"Oh no, the little monster is awakened." Seokjin chuckled dryly, and he closed his eyes tightly when Hyun started to bawl loudly with big fat tears flowing down his cheeks.

"Appa!" Jimin exclaimed with a subtle glare directed at the King.

The King knew he kinda screwed up because Jimin never addressed him that informally before.

"It's okay, let me handle this." Haneul assured the shook King while opening her arms towards the crying child, and quickly hugged him as she carried him in her arms. Patting his back to soothe him, Haneul placed small pecks on Hyun's face. "I'm here, stop crying okay?"

Hyun contined to cry however.

"Is he hungry?" Seokjin asked, and Haneul thought for a while before nodding.

"You know his milk formula right?" Haneul glanced at him with a sorry look, and Seokjin nodded before dismissing her with a 'I can handle this, don't worry' look.

The Park family watched the two in awe as they worked together to calm the crying kid down. Jimin felt his eye twitch at how natural it was for his hyung and ex-wife to be working together.

He was jealous, and he knew that he was.

"Haneul-ah." Jimin called out, and Haneul turned around to look at him with their son still crying in her arms.


"Can I carry him?" Jimin timidly requested, and Haneul was surprised to hear his question.

"Um, I guess so. But do you know how to carry a baby?" Haneul asked as she walked towards Jimin, and the latter shook his head shyly. Laughing a little, Haneul grabbed his hands and slowly guided the clumsy boy. "Here, just make sure he doesn't fall onto the ground."


"Okay." Jimin whispered nervously as Haneul passed Hyun to him, and he instantly froze when the kid was in his arms.

"You can relax, Jimin." Haneul chuckled while caressing Hyun's head, and to their surprise, Hyun started to stop crying as he snuggled in Jimin's arms.

"Wow, Jimin. I'm impressed." Seokjin grinned as he passed Haneul the baby's milk bottle for her to feed the child who had his eyes twinkle at the sight of his food.

"Me too." Jimin found himself grinning while watching Haneul feed their son with so much love and adoration.

When the child was finally obediently drinking his milk without making any fuss anymore, the adults sigh in unison and headed towards where the seats were at.

"That was... hectic." The King said after some time, and the Queen glared at him. "What?"

"You made him cry, that's what." The Queen scolded, and the King's small smile disappeared within seconds.

"It's alright, Your Majesty. He's hungry as well." Haneul smiled as she continued to watch Jimin glance at Hyun with a stupid smile on his face.

"Haneul-ah." The King hollered, and Haneul glanced at him. "Why did you hide about the child until now?"

Both Haneul and Seokjin turned to exchange glances before clearing their throats. Jimin watched the two with narrowed eyes.

"After the divorce, I couldn't find myself entering this place ever again. I thought that maybe giving Hyun a normal life would be better." Haneul explained shyly. "I met Seokjin oppa in the hospital when I was going for a checkup with my mother, and he has been with me until now. Oppa was just telling me that I would eventually need to let the world know about Hyunnie's existence, and fate allowed us to meet Jimin just now."

"Seokjin's right, Haneul. The child is a future heir of the throne, and it's a really a major issue for our country." The King gave Seokjin a grateful nod, and the younger man nodded back, being respectful. Eyes scanning the child who was now having a staring contest with his own biological father, the King spoke again with a warm fatherly smile. "And he's a beautiful child as well."

"I apologize and thank you." Haneul cursed innerly when Jimin snickered quietly next to her, his knee purposefully colliding with hers own.

"Be a part of our family again, Haneul-ah." The Queen suggested, causing both Jimin and Haneul to glance at her with surprised looks. "Jimin's grandfather's health has been deteriorating since you left, Haneul-ah. And it's all my fault."

"Don't blame yourself, Your Highness! I'm at fault as well." Haneul felt her heart tug at the thought of Jimin's grandfather falling sick because of her.

The previous King had been nothing but nice towards her since her first day here, and she eventually treated him the same way she treated her own grandfather. She respected the both of them very much.

"Good thing that you know that you're at fault." Jimin whispered into her ears before leaning away, ignoring the glare Haneul was shooting at him.

Just then, the door of the main hall burst opened, making everyone in the hall to jump slightly in shock. Jimin thanked God that he didn't drop his son onto the ground before glancing up at the familiar voice echoing in the hall.

"Where the hell is my favorite granddaughter-in-law? And my great grandson?!"

"Harabeoji!" Haneul cried out, and the old man's frown turned into a huge smile when he spotted the girl beaming at him.

"Haneul-ah!" The ex-King exclaimed happily before trudging towards the group with a speed so fast that it had startled his own personal maids and guards who were guiding the sick man from his sleeping chamber towards the main hall when he found out that Haneul was here.

"Harabeoji, I've heard that you've fallen sick because of me?" Haneul pouted, and the elderly man grimaced before knocking his knuckles onto her forehead lightly.

"Good thing you know. I was so upset about your leave, but Jimin here took it the worst." He shook his head while sighing, and Haneul felt embarrassed to look at the guy who was gazing at her intensely. "He cried every day and night, thinking I wouldn't find out."

Jimin gasped at the confession. "You knew?"

The ex-King threw him a lazy glance before grinning at Haneul again. "Come back to my grandson please, I'm sick of him being so cold to anyone else. Look at him! And... OH MY GOD IS THAT MY GREAT GRANDSON?!"

Haneul laughed at how elated the old man looked currently as he rushed towards Jimin before crinkling his eyes while scanning Hyun's features.

"Eww, he looks so alike with Jimin. Thank goodness he has his mother's eyes." He frowned, and the baby giggled as Jimin's face fell at his honest words.

"Harabeoji, that was harsh." Jimin jutted his lower lips out, and the baby imitated him unknowingly.

Haneul rolled her eyes at how similar they looked right now. Tearing his gaze from the three generations burning each other, Seokjin leaned towards Haneul before speaking.

"You gotta accept the truth, Haneul."

"About what..?" Haneul feigned innocence.

Seokjin flicked her forehead, making her yelp in pain. "I know you know what I mean, clumsy-head."


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