《Royals | pjm》Thirteen - Little Mochi



"Wait, let me make this clear. So you're staying in the palace but you're not going to marry me again?"

Haneul sighed for the umpteenth time, her thumb and index finger pinching the space between her furrowed eyebrows.

"Yes, Jimin."

"Be my wife again, Haneul-ah!" Jimin whined, but Haneul was used to that puppy look of his.

Park Hyun did the same thing as him when he was trying to gain his mother's attention.

"No. I'm done being your wife." Haneul replied him nonchalantly, her fingers now caressing Hyun's head who was sitting on her lap.

The three were currently in the palace's garden, Haneul's favourite to-go place when she was still married to Jimin a year ago. Haneul found herself smiling weakly at the memories they shared in this garden last time, and now, they were back here, with their own son together.

"Don't you love me? Or... d-do you perhaps don't l-love me anymore?" Jimin stuttered.

"I don't know, to be honest. I have loved you, that's for sure. But now... I don't know anymore, Jimin." Haneul answered him truthfully. "Besides, you still have that girlfriend of yours with you. What's her name again? Youngji? I still dislike her."

Jimin chuckled. "Youngji and I are officially done. She was kinda expecting this to happen. But that evil woman just had to break us up. And she did."

Hearing his voice turning softer as he spoke, Haneul turned to look at Jimin who was now staring at the pebblestone ground with a poker face.

"I signed the divorce letter for the sake of all of us, Jimin. Youngji simply made it all easier as your signature was already there." Haneul ruffled his hair, and Jimin froze at her familiar actions.

As if realizing what she was doing, Haneul retreated her hand away abruptly but got stopped when Jimin forcefully grabbed her wrist. He then intertwined their fingers together, and he held onto her hand tightly, afraid that she would be gone again.

He couldn't bear going through not seeing her for another year again. He needed her warmth, her voice, her everything.

"I'm not going to let you go easily this time, Lee Haneul." Jimin suddenly stated, his gaze swirling with truth and sincerity as he glanced up to look at Haneul. Resting another hand on her face, using the back of his fingers, he gently caressed her pink cheeks. "I'll make you fall for me again."

Haneul darted her eyes away from him, as she knew that she was just trying to run away with her words of not loving him anymore. Every single day, she spent her time missing him more than ever, and Hyun's resemblance with him didn't help either. However, she was afraid of being with him again, as as much happy memories this place had given her, there were as much of bad memories imprinted in her mind as well.


"Just give up, Jimin. I won't fall for you again." Haneul lied.

And just as Jimin was about to rebut her point, little Hyun suddenly sneezed, distracting his parents with his cute little sneeze.

"Is it normal for me to feel this happy to see him sneezing?" Jimin blurted, his cheeks raising as a smile formed on his face.

"Yes. I die everytime he sneezes." Haneul giggled before wiping the little boy's snot with his handkerchief. "And oh, he does so many other things that can make your heart stop all the time! He pouts a lot, especially when Seokjin oppa and I refrain him from doing stuff like eating a sweet. He's a playful child, exactly like you."

"Me?" Jimin raised his eyebrows.

"I hate to admit this but, Hyunnie is like an exact copy of you. Except for his big eyes, of course. And I surely hope he doesn't inherit your height." Haneul smirked at how offended Jimin looked.

"Yah! My eyes aren't that small and I'm not that short as well okay!" Jimin pinched her cheeks, making Hyun glare at him. "Are you seriously glaring at me?"

Haneul laughed. "He's protective of me, and you're a creepy man, obviously."

"You've become meaner with your words, Lee Haneul." Jimin smirked before leaning down to glance at Hyun who was still glaring at him with a pout. "And you, you surely take after your mother's attitude."

Hyun simply lifted his small hand and whacked Jimin's face.

"Yah!" Jimin cried in shock, and Haneul laughed even harder than she was doing before. Pouting, Jimin glare playfully at his son who was now grinning at him before lifting his arms towards Jimin. Laughing, Jimin carried Hyun from Haneul's lap and tapped his nose. "You're pretty sneaky and naughty huh?"

"Like I said, he takes after both of us well." Haneul commented.

"I still can't believe I'm a dad." Jimin chuckled, and lifted Hyun high up in the air, making the little boy giggle. "But, on a serious note, Haneul. Mark my words, I'll make you mine once again."

"I would love to see you try and fail." Haneul grinned.

"Nah, I'll win." Jimin was now standing up while throwing Hyun a little in the air, and the baby boy was extremely delighted with the thrill. Placing their foreheads together, Jimin grinned. "I'll make your eomma love me again, okay?"

Hyun giggled.

"See? Even our baby boy agrees." Jimin stuck out his tongue at Haneul childishly.

"Yeah, have fun with that." Haneul rolled her eyes.

"Be prepared to fall into my arms again, my love." Jimin stated with a wink, and to Haneul's dismay, she actually got affected by it as butterflies started to flap their wings in her stomach uncontrollably.

"I'm not your love, don't be disgusting." Haneul tried to play it off by rolling her eyes again, but Jimin didn't miss the redness of her cheeks.


Smirking, he took a step towards Haneul and pulled her up strongly from the bench before making their bodies crash against each other with Hyun in one of his arm. Before Haneul could even react properly, Jimin placed his unoccupied hand onto her back, preventing her from escaping.

Leaning down, still plastering the smirk that Haneul wanted to wipe off so badly, Jimin whispered into her ear. "Don't lie, I know that you still have feelings for me. And I'll make sure that you admit it one day."

He then sneakily pecked her temple before moving away, a smug grin on his face.

"You're stupid." Haneul pushed him away, and trudged towards the inside of the palace.

Turning his head towards Hyun who was eyeing them curiously, Jimin spoke to his son. "Your eomma is so stubborn. But that's what I love about her, you know?"

Hyun blinked cutely at him.

"And you're cute too. Too cute, actually." Jimin was tempted to bite his son's chubby cheeks. "I'll give you all the love you deserve from now on, my baby."

To say that the whole gang was surprised that Jimin and Haneul had a son now would be an understatement. Well, except for Seokjin, of course.

When Jimin sent a message in the group chat they had abandoned for almost a year after the divorce, surprisingly, they responded pretty quickly to his message and had all agreed to meet up in the palace. They knew about the divorce, but definitely not the extra member in the group who was playing with his father's earring with his small hands.

"I can't believe you! You hid this little mochi from me for a whole year, Lee Haneul!" Jisoo tackled her best friend the moment she spotted Haneul smiling at her sheepishly in the room. "And how could you not contact me at all!?"

"I'm sorry! I needed a break from everything, that's why." Haneul explained, and when Jisoo shot her a worry look, she continued. "It's okay, I'm alright now."

"I've missed you very much, best friend!" Jisoo cried as she hugged Haneul again, making Taehyung who had been watching them interact to chuckle in amusement.

"Hello to you too, Tae." Haneul waved at him before whimpering in pain when Taehyung flicked his finger onto her forehead.

"This is for making my Jisoo and the rest of us worry so much. Do you know how worried we were?" Taehyung's heart however softened at Haneul's sheepish smile. Pulling her into a friendly hug, he spoke. "Promise me not to do that anymore okay?"

"Okay." Haneul grinned, and she nearly choked at how hilarious the rest of the boys look as they had the same facial expressions on their faces while staring at Hyun who was in Jimin's arms.

"You guys are gonna scare the poor child if you continue to stare at him that way." Seokjin chuckled, and he raised his arms in surrender when they turned to glare at their oldest hyung.

"Don't get us started with you, hyung. You knew about this all this time but you kept it a secret from us!" Yoongi complained.

"I had to, I'm sorry. Haneul went through a lot and I couldn't betray her." Seokjin patted Haneul's head as he explained, not noticing that Jimin was glaring daggers at him.

"Enough with that intense glare, Jimin." Hoseok laughed along with Namjoon who saw how furious he looked when Seokjin touched Haneul's head.

"I'm not glaring." Jimin denied, but he got distracted when Hyun snuggled his head onto the crook of his neck more when Jungkook tried to get a closer look at the baby. "Yah, your huge nose scares him."

Offended, Jungkook took a step back and scowled. "What kind of insult is that hyung?"

"My type of insult." Jimin retorted smugly.

"Can we hold him?" Hoseok asked while looking at Haneul, and the latter nodded. Beaming happily, he opened his arms and carried Hyun away from Jimin.

Jimin hated the feeling of being away from his son, and Haneul obviously knew that he was sulking judging by her eye rolling that had somehow became a habit of hers.

"Calm down, Park. Hoseok oppa won't drop Hyunnie, have faith." Haneul patted Jimin's arm before shifting away, and he instantly dragged her back to his side.

"You're not allowed to touch me then leave me so easily, Lee Haneul." Jimin taunted while leaning down to whisper, tickling her with his warm breaths on purpose. He knew how ticklish she was, and he wasn't going to let her win.

"Yah, stop it!" Haneul scolded while trying to move away from him, her eyes observing their friends who were too mesmerised by the child's beauty to notice what they were doing.

"Nope." Jimin snaked his arm around her waist and held her tightly in place, grinning innocently with a playful look twinkling from his almost closed eyes from smiling too much.

"You're an idiot." Haneul hissed, but she found herself smiling as well, and eventually gave up wriggling out of his arm.

On the other hand, the two didn't know that their friends actually know what they were doing, but chose to ignore them instead.

Jungkook's eyes were secretly peeking at the child's parents, and subtlely, he moved closer to the boy who was in Taehyung's arms now. "Do your parents do that all the time?"

Hyun stared at him with his huge doe eyes.

"I take that as a yes."


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