《Royals | pjm》Eight - Garden in His Heart



Cameras flashed brightly the second Jimin stepped out of the limousine, and he extended his arm for Haneul to hold as she exited after him. Jimin found himself smiling uncontrollably at how beautiful his wife looked tonight, but he certainly didn't like how the slit on her evening gown had reached slightly above her thigh.

"Hold onto me." Jimin whispered into her ears, and she nodded obediently while linking their arms together before walking down the red carpet with cameras and reporters trying to grab their attentions.

It was the annual dinner for the elites of South Korea to gather tonight, so it was only natural for the royalties to be invited as well. Jimin had always went alone, as Youngji was not supposed to be exposed to the public.

"Crown Prince! You look dashing tonight!" A reporter shouted as the couple walked past, ready to just smile and wave at them for the sake of not being rude.

"Princess Haneul! Can you please tell us where did you get that gorgeous gown from?" Another reporter shouted, and since Haneul was shocked to hear her name on the red carpet, she accidentally stepped onto her own gown and lost her balance.

Closing her eyes, she braced herself to fall but it never came. Fluttering her eyes opened, she gasped at Jimin who was smirking at her with his hand supporting her back, and blushed furiously when he pulled her back up.

"Omo, that was so cute!"

Jimin enjoyed watching Haneul blushing because of him, and instinctively, he wrapped his arms around her waist as they continued to walk towards the entrance of the venue. It had been half a year since Youngji left the country, and albeit still feeling a tad bit hurt, Jimin found himself getting drawn by Haneul instead every single day.

Every little thing that she did, intrigued him.

"Nice save out there, Jimin." Namjoon chuckled as he patted the royalty's back.

"I know, even I'm proud of myself." Jimin grinned proudly at his friends, and his eyes scanned the body of people in the ballroom. "Why is Haneul taking ages to return from the washroom?"

Yoongi smirked when the rest of the boys nodded their heads subtlely at him. "Probably talking with another guy."

Jimin snapped his head towards the older boy immediately. "What?! Who dares to touch the Crown Prince's wife!"

"Woah, chill out buddy." Taehyung laughed before pointing at where Jisoo was at. "Your wife is just hanging out with my girlfriend at the food section."


"Of course she would be at the food section." Seokjin snickered, remembering Haneul always asking for desserts from the palace chefs with her puppy eyes.

"Oh, okay." Jimin slumped his back onto the couch and sighed in relief.

"Since when are you so protective over Haneul?" Hoseok teased while lifting a glass of champagne in his hand.

"I'm just doing my duty as her husband, hyung." Jimin narrowed his eyes at the older boy who gave him a look that spoke otherwise.

"Hyung, do you like her?" Jungkook blinked his doe-liked eyes, a playful smirk finding its way onto his face. "Do you like Haneul noona?"

"I-I don't know." Jimin stuttered, his cheeks turning red.

"Aww, look at him! He's blushing~" Seokjin cooed, making the whole group burst into laughter with Jimin turning practically into a tomato.

"What are you guys laughing at?"

Hearing her melodic voice, Jimin instantly beamed before pulling Haneul down to sit next to him. The boys shot him knowing looks, but he ignored them by focusing on his wife instead.

He snickered when he saw a small patch of chocolate right next to her lips, and without thinking, he used his thumb to wipe it off. Haneul was too baffled by his sudden intimate actions to move, and she found herself a blushing mess again when Jimin tapped her nose lightly.

"Get a room, you two!" Hoseok shouted on purpose, and the group instantly reacted by cooing and whistling just to make fun of the two.

"What's going on with the both of them?" Jisoo laughed heartily at her friend who was blushing like a ripened tomato, with her husband being in the same shade as her.

"I think Jimin is slowly falling for Haneul." Taehyung explained while wrapping his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

To his flummox, Taehyung didn't expect Jisoo to frown at his words. Shouldn't she feel happy for her best friend?

"Why? Why is my Jisoo frowning?" Taehyung leaned downwards to meet her eye level.

"Aren't they getting a divorce in like... five months time?" Jisoo pointed out, and Taehyung pursed his lips.

Right. The divorce.

"But they didn't sign anything yet right?" Taehyung asked, and Jisoo thought for a while before shaking her head.

"Not that I know of."

Later that night, as exhausted as they were, Haneul was glad to be able to kick off her high heels that were killing her feet the moment she reached their room, and her action made Jimin chuckle adorably.


"Don't laugh. You boys never need to experience the pain we go through." Haneul glared at Jimin who was approaching her with a sinister smile. "Why are you smiling like that?"

"I don't know." Jimin feigned innocence as he halted his footsteps when he was standing right in front of Haneul, and leaned towards her causing her to lean backwards.

"Yah, go away before I fall!" Haneul laughed as she escaped from him.

"Where are you going?" Jimin watched her zoom in and out of their shared walk-in wardrobe, and sat down on their bed.

"To shower, duh." Haneul deadpanned as she threw him a look of disapproval.

"Come here." Jimin gestured with his hand.

"But I feel sticky!" Haneul whined, but nevertheless gave into Jimin's puppy eyes and groaned as she trudged towards him.

Throughout the months, Haneul had accidentally discovered different sides of the one and only Park Jimin. Little did they know that they were both slowly warming up with each other, but Haneul was still aware that Jimin still had feelings for Youngji, as sometimes, she would catch him staring at their old photos before crying to sleep.

"Sit on my lap, Haneul." Jimin ordered, but Haneul rolled her eyes and didn't bother to obey him by plopping down next to him on the bed.

She was used to this flirty side of him, but she was strong enough to not let him win. Yes, she had developed feelings for him, but never in a million years would she tell him that.

"You're always so stubborn, aren't you?" Jimin smirked while lying down next to her, and sneakily, he wrapped his arms around her torso and pulled her closer to inhale her smell that had always managed to calm him down.

"Get off me." Haneul laughed while trying to push him away, but to no avail. "Yah, Park Jimin."

"What?" Jimin gazed into her mesmerizing eyes. "What do you need?"

"Let me go." Haneul pouted when Jimin shook his head.

"Give me a kiss and I'll let you go." Jimin dared her, knowing that Haneul would rather get stuck in his embrace than kissing him.

It honestly hurt him to know that Haneul would never kiss him, but he respected her decision, as she was right about his lingering feelings for Youngji. He promised to wait for her.

And she would make sure that he would.

"Eww, I don't want your germs all over my pretty lips." Haneul giggled, and the two fell into a comfortable silence after that.

"You will never kiss me until the day I officially break off with Youngji, don't you?" Jimin chuckled sadly, feeling his heart getting stabbed for no reason.

"Bingo." Haneul replied, and she realized she had a made a mistake of saying that.

But it was too late, Jimin had managed to make her fall into his trap.

"Ha! Does this mean that you'll kiss me if I break up with her?" Jimin hovered over her as he grinned excitedly, not knowing why his feelings for Youngji was now pushed to the very back of his mind.

"Jimin, you're not thinking straight again." Haneul tried to laugh it off but Jimin wouldn't move. "Yah, get off."

Instead of doing what he was told, Jimin did the total opposite by crashing his lips onto hers without giving her any warning with his eyes closed. When her senses finally kicked back in, Haneul tried to push him away but Jimin was stronger, so in the end, he won.

And for the first time, Haneul had finally gave in and responded to his kiss.

He had tried multiple times to steal kisses from her, but he was too afraid that she would hate him forever for doing so. However, this time was different.

Jimin found himself smiling as they continued to kiss, and the garden in his heart that had been forming slowly was now finally completed, the flowers blooming with their petals spreaded out fully, proudly showing off their beauty to the world.

His biceps eventually got tired from supporting his form by hovering over his wife, so without breaking the slow and passionate kiss, he made the both of them sit up. And then, without any warning, he lifted her in the air before placing her gently down onto his lap, causing Haneul to yelp in surprise while straddling his waist.

Taking the opportunity, as sneaky as he was, Jimin inserted his tongue into her mouth and he chuckled when he made contact with the cold metals of her braces, liking the chilly effect the metals was giving him as they sent shivers down his spine. Their kiss finally came to a stop as they were both out of breath, and they rested their foreheads against each other as they panted.

"That was hot." Jimin smirked seductively at her.

Haneul simply whacked his forearm as she was too ashamed to say anything else.


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