《Royals | pjm》Seven - First Love



"Jimin, are you listening to me?"

He blinked for a few times as he lifted his head to glance at his girlfriend who was furrowing her eyebrows. They were currently in the café where they had first met, and Youngji could never forget their first meeting.

As cliché as it was, Youngji had accidentally spilled her iced coffee onto Jimin when they were both not paying attention to their surroundings.

"Yeah, you were saying...?" Jimin smiled nervously behind the mask he was wearing.

Sighing at how her boyfriend had been acting lately, Youngji grabbed his hands that were placed on the table. "I'm leaving South Korea."

"What?!" Jimin pulled his hand away from her grasp at the news. "Why? Why are you leaving me?!"

"I'm offered a scholarship to enter the ballet dance school, Jimin. You know how much I loved ballet." Youngji stirred her iced latte with an absent-minded mind. "You will support me right?"

"No." Jimin blurted out, knowing that he was being selfish, but the thought of not seeing his girlfriend for the next few years killed him. "Please, don't go for my sake."

Youngji sighed deeply, already expecting this reaction from him. "Jimin, you can't make me choose. I love ballet, you know that!"

"But what about me? You'll be leaving me for years, Youngji." Jimin was on the verge of breaking down in the public, he himself not believing that his first love was choosing her career over him.

"Jimin." Youngji was getting frustrated over how inconsiderate he was acting. "If you truly love me, you will respect my decision."

"Does this mean that we are breaking up?" Jimin gazed into her eyes that seemed to be as cold as winter, and his heart broke into pieces of debris.

He knew how stubborn Youngji could be.

"No, we are just taking a break." Youngji corrected him. "We can be together again after I return from France, I promise."

"You better." Jimin stifled a sob, and Youngji beamed radiantly while clutching onto his hands.

"Thank you, I love you." Youngji smiled sweetly, just the way Jimin had always loved.

"Me too." Jimin was breaking inside, but he wasn't going to show it to her.

"Oh, and Jimin?"


"Sign this divorce paper please." Youngji stated nonchalantly, her hands sliding the form towards him on the table.

Jimin was taken aback. "Why so sudden?"

"I have to make sure that you'll really divorce Haneul in a year." Youngji replied him coldly. "Sign."



Haneul was busy learning how to dance the traditional ballroom dance with Hoseok when Jimin returned back to the palace with a clouded mind. As he was passing by the built-in dance studio in the palace, he slowed down his footsteps when he heard the unmistakable laughter of Haneul emerging from the room.

He decided to peek at her through the transparent window on the door.

"Oppa, aren't I a good dancer?" Haneul laughed as she swayed step by step with Hoseok guiding her, their fingers intertwining together.

"Yes, but still not as good as me." Hoseok stuck out his tongue at him as he asked her to twirl away from him with a hand holding onto hers, making the hem of the dress she was wearing to twist in a beautiful manner.

"I'll be as good as you, I swear." Haneul gave him a determined look, and Hoseok nodded at her enthusiasm as he guided her back into their original position.

Just then, from the corner of his eyes, Hoseok noticed the Crown Prince glaring at them through the window with an icy gaze. A mischievous smirk etched on his face.

"Haneul-ah, you trust me right?" Hoseok glanced at the shorter girl as he spoke.

Nodding, Haneul spoke too. "Yeah, why?"

"Then trust me with this, okay?"


Haneul wasn't even given enough time to finish her sentence as Hoseok had already pulled her closer, so close that their chests had collided with each other. Wrapping his arms around her, he grinned wickedly when he saw Jimin's eyes twitched.

"Oppa, what are you doing?" Haneul was confused by the sudden change of attitude of her friend.

"Wrap your arms around me, quick." Hoseok instructed, and depsite being slightly bewildered, she did what he had told her to do.

Hoseok's grin became wider when he saw how Jimin's face had turned red before storming away. Satisfied with the little prank he has played on his friend, Hoseok finally released Haneul from his arms and patted her head.

"What was that for?" Haneul furrowed her eyebrows at him.

"Jimin was watching us." Hoseok explained, and he cooed at how Haneul instantly blushed.

He remembered Seokjin mentioning that Jimin would always watch them interact with Haneul in silence, thinking they wouldn't notice his presence. The oldest had mentioned that when Haneul had accidentally cut her hand, he had noticed that Jimin was actually in the hallway, but hid himself when they were nearing him.

Hoseok remembered how he had snickered over Seokjin purposely treating Haneul's wound with extra care just to piss Jimin off.


"Jimin told me that he would be out with Youngji though." Haneul said softly, her mind replaying the conversation she had with Jimin this morning. "Why would he be back this early?"

After the dance lesson, Haneul was free to wander around the palace ground after changing into a comfortable tee shirt with a pair of shorts. As usual, her feet brought her towards the garden, and she felt her heart thump extra loudly against her ribcage when she noticed that she wasn't alone today.

Jimin was seen sitting on the bench she would usually sit, and his eyes were trained onto the ground, his hands intertwined together, as if he was in a deep thought.

From where she was standing, Haneul felt herself blush at how good looking he was. She would never admit that even till the day she died.

It was a deep deep sigh that had brought her back to reality, and Haneul didn't like how Jimin looked so troubled in the meantime.

"Are you alright?" Haneul crouched down right in front of him, scaring him slightly for a second before recovering back to normal.

"No. I'm not." Jimin's eyes were glistening with tears, his eyebrows scrunched together with his lips twitched into an upside-down frown.

"Hey, you can tell me what happened." Haneul immediately sat next to him on the bench, and surprising her, Jimin hid his face into the crook of her neck before beginning to sob.

Warm tears trickled down from his eyes as he cried and cried, his sobs muffled by the clothed material Haneul was wearing. Dropping her tensed shoulders, Haneul hesitantly placed a hand on the back of his head with another hand patting his thigh, wanting to comfort the bawling boy although she didn't know how.

A few minutes passed and Jimin's cry finally slowed down into small sobs. Lifting his head up, he wiped his eyes with the hem of his sweater in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this." Jimin sheepishly apologized.

"It's alright. Mind telling me what happened?" Haneul noticed how Jimin had tensed at her question. "If you're reluctant to tell, then I won't force you to tell, okay? Take your time."

Eyeing her from the side, with his swollen eyes, Jimin thought how beautiful his wife was. He truly didn't deserve this woman. She was always so selfless and kind.

Taking a deep breath, Jimin began to speak. "Youngji is leaving the country to pursue her ballet dream."

"Wow, isn't that good news?"

"It is," Jimin chuckled, "but she is also taking a break with me. She made me promise to wait for her until the day she returns."

"Can't you two try the LDR? It's hard, but it works if you try." Haneul suggested, but Jimin shook his head.

"She never believes in LDRs." Jimin cracked a broken smile. "She says that it's just a waste of time and effort."

What a selfish b*tch. Haneul thought to herself.

"Don't worry, you'll be with her again after a few years." Haneul comforted him with a warm smile that had somehow mananged to bloom a garden within his soul.

In terms of physical appearance, Haneul was nothing compared to Youngji. Haneul had always been petite, and she could never go anywhere else without those specs of hers and she was still wearing her braces. Youngji, on the other hand, was tall and slim, and she had the confidence that Haneul had secretly adored.

However, right now, Jimin found Haneul looking more beautiful than ever as she glanced at him innocently with a small smile. Tucking her hair behind her ears, Haneul froze at what Jimin had just done and watched him lean forward towards her with his hand gently cupping her face.

Haneul wasn't dumb. She knew what Jimin was about to do, judging by the constant flickers of his gaze between her eyes and her pursed lips.

When he was about to plant his lips onto hers, Haneul pushed him backwards with all her might before he did something that he would regret. Jimin was just confused at the moment, and Haneul didn't want her heart to be broken by a simple mistake of his.

"Why did you stop me?" Jimin glanced at her in disbelief.

"Jimin, your mind is clouded at the moment. You need time to think." Haneul looked away, feeling intimidated by his intense gaze.

"I know perfectly what I'm doing, Haneul." Jimin stated while turning her head back so that she could look at him and only him. Desperately, he searched for any hint from her warm brown orbs. "Don't you ever have feelings for me?"

Pinching her nose bridge, Haneul was slowly getting irritated at how dense he was. "Jimin, you shouldn't go kissing another girl when the person you truly love is Youngji, okay? It's just wrong for you to kiss me."

Jimin pouted at her words. "But-"

"No buts, Park Jimin." Haneul used his full name for the first time in forever, and that alone, was enough to make him realize how serious she was being right now.



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