《Royals | pjm》Six - Out of Love



"What are we cooking today?"

Haneul glanced at Seokjin with curious eyes, making the latter chuckle and pinch her cheeks.

"Aigoo, our Haneul-ie is just so eager, isn't she?" Seokjin laughed when Haneul swatted his hands away with a glare.

"I'm not a baby." Haneul hissed, but her scrunched up nose made Seokjin think that she looked even cuter with that expression.

"Fine fine." He dismissed it off with a naughty smile still on his face.

Haneul was getting better at cooking, and Seokjin must admit that she was extremely hardworking and talented. Albeit being a tad bit clumsy during her few lessons, Haneul was now keeping up with his pace as they cooked together.

However, he noticed how Haneul was sulking with her sighing continuously.

Closing the pot lid, Seokjin placed his hands onto his waist as he turned to face Haneul. "Okay, spill it. What's up with you?"

"What's up with me?" Haneul tilted her head.

"You keep sighing! So tell me what's wrong." Seokjin pointed his finger at her, demanding her to tell him the truth.

"Youngji is coming over today." Haneul blurted out while cutting the scallions on the chopping board.

"Youngji?" A look of confusion was plastered on his handsome face, and soon it turned into a poker face when Seokjin finally recalled who she was. "Oh, Jimin's girlfriend."

"Yep, her. She called last night to inform." Haneul shrugged.

"And Jimin said yes?" Seokjin grimaced.

"He asked for permission from me first, don't worry, oppa." Haneul assured the older boy quickly.

"Why would you do that? You're his wife, not her!" Seokjin was now frowning out of frustration.

His raised volume startled her, causing her to yelp in pain when she accidentally sliced the knife onto her finger. Fresh blood wasted no time before oozing out of the wound.

"Oh my God, I'm so so so sorry!" Seokjin panicked. Holding her wrist, he pulled her out of the kitchen and headed towards the nearest bathroom after informing a maid to bring over the first aid kit.

What they didn't realize was that Jimin was also in the same hallway, but he had hidden himself behind a pillar when they were approaching him, wanting to find out what was going on. Questions started to bombard his mind as he watched the two walk away, hand in hand.


Unknowingly, his footsteps had brought him towards where Seokjin and Haneul were at, and his heart dropped when he saw his hyung tending his wife's injury on her finger that seemed to be cut quite deeply. His large hands were handling her smaller ones as they washed the blood away with water, and Jimin then hid himself again behind another pillar when a maid was seen zooming towards them.

"Sir, the first aid kit." The maid announced, and Seokjin immediately thanked her before opening the box and taking out the required utensils.

Jimin found himself clenching his own jaw as he continued to watch the two interact in oblivion, still not noticing his presence. The way Seokjin was treating her was so gentle, and he wished to be in his place instead.

Just then, his phone buzzed in his pocket, bringing him back out from the trance he was in. Fishing out his phone, he licked his chapped bottom lips before heading towards the main gate to greet his girlfriend.

"I'm so sorry for raising my voice and scaring you." Seokjin apologized for the umpteenth time, his eyes filled with worry and guilt as he wrapped the plaster around the wound and told her to apply pressure onto it.

"It's okay, I was partly at fault too. I was zoning out." Haneul smiled as she stood up from the seat. "Thank you, oppa."

Seokjin grinned. "Anytime."

After finding out that Haneul had injured her hand, the boys insisted for her to take a day off from the lessons and suggested to hang out together instead (they seriously just needed a reason to be lazy). They gathered in the gaming room built for Jimin a few years back, and they were having a good time chatting and playing games together.

"Lee Haneul!" A voice shouted as the door got slammed open, making Haneul jolt on her seat and turn towards the voice.

She broke down in sobs at the sight of Jisoo rushing towards her.

"Best friend!" Haneul cried out as Jisoo crashed into her and engulfed her in a tight tight hug.

"Long time no see, Haneul-ah." Jisoo was crying too, as she had missed her best friend so much.

"Are girls always like this?" Namjoon asked Taehyung, his younger cousin who nodded his head at his girlfriend crying hysterically together with his best friend's wife.


"You guys talk, we need time to catch up with each other's lives." Jisoo dismissed the boys, earning playful scoffs from them before retreating towards the pool table.

The girls sat down next to each other on the couch, and they both had goofy grins plastered on their faces.

"So, how's life with Taehyung?" Haneul wiggled her eyebrows at her.

"We are alright." Jisoo giggled, and held Haneul's hands. "What about you?"

"I've been busy learning new skills from them." Haneul gestured at the boys with a smile. "They're so patient with teaching me. So I'm not complaining even though the lessons and the palace rules are stressing me out."

"Yeah, you lost weight." Jisoo pouted while tapping Haneul's cheeks. "Where's my favourite hamster?"

"I'm still your favourite hamster, Jisoo." Haneul rolled her eyes.

"What about Jimin? Is he treating you right?" Jisoo was worried about this, as from what Taehyung had informed her, Jimin had a girlfriend.

"Okay I guess?" Haneul shrugged. "He's with his girlfriend now, I think."

"What? You mean, she's in the palace as well?" Jisoo glowered when Haneul nodded sullenly.

"I told Jimin to let her come. I can't possibly stand between them right?" Haneul chuckled, and Jisoo could tell that she wasn't telling the truth.

What would their friendship mean if she failed to see through her within a heartbeat?

"Stop lying. I know you don't like it." Jisoo's lips were formed into an arch etching downwards.

"So what? I'll be fine, Jisoo. It's only for a year." Haneul patted her best friend's hand.

"What do you mean a year?" Jisoo was dumbfounded to hear that. "You two are getting a divorce!?"

The entire room fell into a deadly silence at her words. Haneul stared at her with trembling eyes, and the boys were shocked to hear what Jisoo had said.

Only Jungkook knew about the divorce, since he was with them on the cruise that night. The boy shot Haneul a concerned look as he trailed after the boys who were now walking towards the girls on the couch.

"You're seriously getting a divorce?" Hoseok asked, his facial expression unreadable.

"Y-yeah, after a year." Haneul laughed nervously, and gulped her saliva when no one said anything after hearing her reply. "Guys, it's totally fine okay? It's not like Jimin and I married each other out of love."

Later that night, Haneul leaned on the couch in the bedroom with her laptop on her lap. She was reading her lecture notes, memorizing the important points and whatnots when the bedroom door was clicked open, and Jimin walked in looking exhausted from the day.

"How was your day?" Haneul asked without looking up from her laptop screen.

"Good. You?" Jimin's eyes travelled towards the plaster wrapped around her delicate finger.

"I kinda injured myself today so the boys let me off. I had a great time hanging out with them and Jisoo also came." Haneul grinned happily recalling the afternoon.

After the revelation of her divorce, she made sure that all of them would not tell anyone else about it and they promised to do so. As sweet as they all were, they had also promised to stay friends with her and help her even after divorcing Jimin.

"Injured? Where?" Jimin pretended to not know about the wound, and he clenched his knuckles tightly before relaxing them as he recalled how close Seokjin and Haneul were in the bathroom earlier today.

"My finger! I accidentally cut my finger." Haneul raised her wounded finger and displayed it to Jimin with a silly grin.

Once again, her infectious smile had also made him smile as well.

"You should be more careful next time." Jimin patted her head before heading towards the walk-in wardrobe.

"What did you do with Youngji today?" Haneul questioned, not wanting to be nosy but her curiosity was really gnawing her up.

"What?" Jimin walked out of the room with only his sweatpants on with a tee shirt held in his hand, a towel around his neck.

His question made her raise her head, and boy, she had never regretted a decision so badly before. Her heart thumped at a faster rhythm when her eyes landed on his well-toned abdomen.

"Like what you're seeing?" Jimin joked, and he felt butterflies in his stomach when Haneul looked away with her face turning redder as each second ticked by.

She was so adorable, and Jimin wouldn't deny that anymore.

His wife was making him feel things the way he thought he would never have.


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