《Royals | pjm》Five - An Angel and A Snail



Weeks passed, and Haneul had been spending most of her times in the palace with her new friends, including Taehyung and Jungkook who would occasionally come over to hang out with them. Jimin was not around most of the times, as he had to attend serious businesses outside, and when he wasn't working, he would be with his girlfriend.

The garden in the palace was huge, and it even had its own maze in the centre of it. Various types of flowers and succulents were planted and tended daily, and the flora bloomed beautifully with the care of the servants in the palace.

This place had somehow became Haneul's favourite go-to spot, as she felt that this was the only place she could properly breathe.

"What are you doing here alone?"

Turning her head at the voice, Haneul smiled softly while patting the seat next to her on the marble bench. "Just... admiring."

Jimin sighed at her fake smile, knowing that Haneul was probably missing home and her life outside the palace. It was a Sunday, and he was given a day off from his busy schedules.

She might not know that he had noticed how she was always pretending to be alright with her 'I'm fine' excuses everytime they talked. He would rather have her take out her anger at him to release the stress she was holding in, but no, their conversations would always end with her saying-

I'm fine. It's alright.

"I'm sorry that I'm not able to accompany you most of the times." Jimin coughed purposely to hide his blush.

"It's okay, I understand." Haneul glanced down onto the pebblestone ground, and watched a row of ants heading towards somewhere in a line.

"I know you're not fine, Haneul-ah." Jimin exasperated as he pushed his hair backwards. "Don't you miss your life outside?"

"I do, but what can I do?"

"Let's go out today."

Haneul snapped her head at him with widened eyes. "What-"

"C'mon!" Jimin grinned while pulling her up, and dragged her towards his car parked in the garage.

"Are we even allowed to leave the palace ground?" Haneul furrowed her eyebrows, as she didn't want to get punished for breaking a rule.

"I'm the Prince, Haneul-ah. Nothing will happen to us, I promise." Jimin nodded his head at her while reversing his car, and then stepped on the accelerator after changing his gear, heading towards the main gate.


It was a sunny day for spring, and Haneul was delighted that Jimin had decided to bring her to the amusement park. She loved visiting this place with either Hyungsik or Jisoo, and it had been really a long time since she last came here.

The both of them were wearing masks and caps to hide their faces from the crowd, not wanting to attract attention from the public.

"What do you want to ride first?" Jimin asked while leaning towards Haneul's ear.

"Roller coaster?" Haneul grinned as she pointed at the mentioned ride, and Jimin shuddered when the passengers on the ride screamed in both excitement and fear.

He never liked roller coasters.

"Jimin? Are you okay?" Haneul frowned as she took a step closer to him to observe his face, startling the boy when he noticed how close they were standing with each other.

"Y-yeah." Jimin stuttered before placing her hands on her shoulders and turned her around. "Roller coasters it is."

Haneul could never forget how high pitched Jimin's scream was when they were on the ride. He had clung onto Haneul's arm for dear life throughout the one minute ride while the latter was laughing and enjoying the strong wind hitting her face.

"You should have told me that you're afraid of roller coasters!" Haneul teased, her index finger poking Jimin's biceps as they sat down on a bench.

"You would make fun of me like what you're doing right now." Despite having half of his lower face hidden behind the mask, Haneul could tell that Jimin was pouting.

"Aww, I'll stop okay?" Haneul giggled, and Jimin thought that her laughter sounded like music to his ears.

Stop. You have Youngji.

"Let's grab some ice-cream." Jimin suggested after lightly slapping his own cheeks to stop himself from getting distracted by the girl who was now nodding her head at him.

Haneul led the way towards the ice-cream stand, and from her back, she didn't know that Jimin was actually observing her with a smile tugged on his face. The sun was shining brightly, and as if noticing that he wasn't walking next to her, Haneul whirled around, making her long hair to lift up in the air as she turned.

It was as if the world around him was readjusted into a slow-mo version, as all Jimin could do was to look at Haneul in an awestruck state.


An angel.

"Yah, are you a snail?" Haneul raised an eyebrow at him, her arms crossed in front of her chest. "Walk faster!"

"Coming!" Jimin replied as he took bigger steps and strode towards where she was.

As they continued their small journey towards the ice-cream stand that was packed with customers, Haneul hummed to an unfamiliar tune that sounded really nice in Jimin's opinion.

"What song is that?" He asked.

"Yoongi oppa composed the song! It's nice right?" Haneul's face brightened up at Yoongi's name. "He's so talented, I swear."

"Mhm." Jimin hummed nonchalantly, feeling uneasy out of the blue.

He didn't like how she was grinning so joyfully at his hyung.

"By the way, did you know that Namjoon oppa learned his English by watching 'Friends'?" Haneul suddenly blurted while queueing up.

"Yeah, so what?" Jimin snapped, his gaze turning cold.

Haneul flinched at his outburst. Lowering her head, she spoke again. "I thought it would be interesting for you to know. I'm sorry."

Upon hearing her apology, Jimin's gaze softened as he realized that he had went overboard. His wife had did nothing wrong at all.

"Don't apologize. The one who should be saying sorry is me." Jimin lifted her chin and gazed into her eyes. "And don't say that you're alright either when I know you're not."

"It's my fault for bringing up the topic first." Haneul rubbed her arms while darting her eyes away, refusing to look into his taunting orbs.

She had always thought that he was attractive, but she also knew that she stood no place except holding the title as the Crown Prince's wife to the public. So, naturally, she had distanced herself from him.

"I'm sorry." Jimin whispered as he pulled down his mask and placed his hands on both sides of her face, holding her as if she was a fragile piece of glass.

"Jimin, we are in the public!" Haneul warned, and panicked internally when Jimin lowered down her mask as well, revealing her pink lips.

"I don't care." He smirked, his thumbs caressing her cheeks. "Why are you always so nice to me? I don't deserve you."

"Are you okay?" Haneul creased her eyebrows together in frustration, her own hands lifting up remove his hands from her face.

Sighing, Jimin shook his head before covering their faces with the masks again.



When Haneul tore her questioning glance away from his face back to the ice-cream vendor, Jimin started to curse at himself for nearly kissing Haneul in the public.

What's wrong with me?!

I have a girlfriend whom I love very much.

Stop this indecent behaviour at once, Park Jimin.

Nodding his head firmly, Jimin swore to never repeat the mistake ever again.

Back in the palace, after washing up, Jimin found himself looking at Haneul hugging onto a weird looking soft toy that was won by him at a station game on the bed. He plopped down next to her on the bed, and rested his chin on his palm.

"Do you like that soft toy that much?" Jimin chuckled, and ruffled Haneul's hair when she nodded. "So cute."

"What did you just say?" Haneul was sure that her ears were playing tricks on her.

"N-nothing." Jimin stammered while looking away, and jumped slightly when his phone started to ring.

Judging by how his face had lit up, it must be Youngji who had called when it was already near midnight. Jimin was uncertain whether to pick up the call or not, and after getting a nod from Haneul, he took a deep breath before sliding the screen on his phone and placed it next to his ear.


Haneul ignored Jimin who was chatting with his girlfriend, and took out her laptop to go through the lessons she had been missing. She was totally engrossed with understanding the theories and all when Jimin cleared his throat, causing her to lift her head up to look at him.


"Youngji says that she wants to visit the palace tomorrow. I wanted to say no since you'll be around but-"

"Jimin, she's your girlfriend. Of course she is allowed to come visit you." Haneul smiled reassuringly.

"Really? Won't you mind?" Jimin scratched the back of his neck as he sat down onto the bed and stared at her incredulously.

"Yeah, just don't let her know that we are actually sharing a bed." Haneul reminded with an amused grin.

"Right. Thanks for reminding."

Jimin couldn't wait for tomorrow to come.


What are your fave tracks from the Answer album?

Mine - Answer : Love Myself, Serendipity, Epiphany

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