《Royals | pjm》Four - The Art of Slicing Radishes




Haneul felt her jaw drop when she saw Seokjin waving his hands excitedly at her in the palace's kitchen that was as huge as her own home. The tall boy was dressed in a white button up with the sleeves pushed up to reach his elbows, and there was an apron around his waist as well.

"Why are you here?" Haneul questioned while rushing towards him with a genuine smile.

"Well, I've been tasked to teach someone how to make decent food without burning down the entire palace." Seokjin shrugged nonchalantly.

"Me?" Seokjin nodded with a grin. "But why you? No offense, oppa, but, why you again?"

"You're currently talking to South Korea's youngest and most talented chef right now." Seokjin stated proudly.

Haneul gasped. "No way!"

"Yes way." He replied, and chuckled when Haneul shot him a look. "Anyways, let's begin with our lessons, shall we?"

The day passed by with Seokjin and Haneul having a great time bonding while the latter tried her best to mimic the chef's actions at cooking. The other workers in the kitchen couldn't help but to think that they looked like an actual couple, but they knew it was wrong since Haneul belonged to Jimin, their Crown Prince.

"How did you cut so quickly again?" Haneul stared at the perfectly chopped radishes with her eyes widened in amazement.

"Practice makes perfect." Seokjin said with a proud tone, making Haneul shake her head at him.

"Let me try again." Haneul was never the type to give up, so holding the knife carefully again, she began to slice the radish placed in front of her.

"Yah, you're holding your knife wrongly." Seokjin chuckled while correcting Haneul's hand that was holding the knife, and Haneul felt her heart stop for a second when Seokjin stood behind her, and guided her to slice the vegetable with the proper way.

Oh god, my heart. Haneul scolded herself in her mind and focused on learning how to cut properly instead.

"There, you're done!" Seokjin clapped his hands together and took a step back from Haneul, and she felt like she could finally breathe.


"Mine is still uglier than yours." Haneul shot him a sheepish look.

"You can always practice more until you master the art of slicing radishes." Seokjin said with a serious tone, and that was enough to make Haneul laugh at his silliness.

The next lesson for the day was English. Haneul wasn't that bad in English, but she wasn't a master, like what Seokjin would say, yet.

Pushing the study room door open, Haneul approached the man who was sitting in front of a table with his back facing her. He seemed to be reading a book, and Haneul cleared her throat when she reached where he was, making him to lift his head up.

Haneul certainly wasn't expecting to see those dimples again.

"Namjoon oppa?" Haneul's eyes were about to fall out of their sockets.

"Why hello there." Namjoon greeted in English while gesturing for Haneul to take a seat opposite his.

"Are you my English tutor?" Haneul asked, in English as well, and Namjoon nodded at her question. "Are you guys all perhaps my tutors? Seokjin oppa is my cooking instructor, and you're my English tutor."

"Smart girl. But not all of us though, only me, Seokjin hyung, Yoongi hyung and Hoseok are your tutors. Why else do you think we are allowed to mingle around with the Crown Prince?" Namjoon smiled, and Haneul processed the information in her brain.

"And you're all the creme de la creme." Haneul pointed out, and Namjoon nodded once again.

"Not bad, your French is pretty good as well." Namjoon complimented with a small laugh, and it made Haneul happy to hear that. "We have to prepare you for future associations with the countries all around the world, so it is inevitable for you to buckle up your speaking skills."

Haneul nodded in understanding, and after that, the two began with their lesson.

It turned out that Yoongi was her music instructor, since he was a music prodigy and Hoseok was her dance instructor, as he had represented the country to compete in the overseas for his talent.


Needless to say, Haneul had fun hanging out while learning new skills today. She had realized that the boys were pretty funny and loud, unlike a certain someone, once again.

Haneul was grinning at her phone over the chat between Seokjin and her while sitting on the edge of the bed when Jimin entered the room, his tie loosened slightly with the top button of his shirt unbuttoned. Raking his hair backwards, Jimin furrowed his eyebrows when Haneul giggled uncontrollably at her phone, not even realizing that he was in the room.

"Who are you talking to?" Jimin suddenly asked, startling Haneul to accidentally drop her phone onto the ground. She was about to bend down to retrieve her phone but Jimin was faster, and had snatched her phone to look at the person who was making his wife laugh. "Seokjin hyung?"

"Yah, give me back my phone." Haneul tried to snatch it back from him, but Jimin had raised the phone as high as possible as he continued to scroll through their chat. "Yah!"

"Wow, you two have gotten pretty close huh?" Jimin smirked incredulously.

"He's my cooking instructor." Haneul deadpanned, not wanting him to think otherwise. "Why do you even care who am I talking to?"

"I'm your husband, Lee Haneul." Jimin glanced at her with the smirk still on his face.

Haneul crossed her arms. "So what? You have Youngji, so even if I do like Seokjin oppa, it's none of your business."

Jimin opened his mouth to retort her point, but nothing came out.

She's right. Why do I even care?

"Fine. Just don't let the public see." Jimin blurted before throwing her phone back to her and rushed towards the bathroom.

When he was done, while wiping his damp hair dry, Jimin sat down on the edge of the bed, and lifted his legs to sit cross-legged on it. Haneul was already sleeping, with her back facing him as she slept on her side.

The two had came to an agreement that the both of them would share the same bed, but would never cross the invisible line drawn in the middle of the bed, separating the bed into two sides.

Sighing, Jimin rested his chin on his palm with the elbow placed on his thigh. He watched her body move subtlely as she continued to breathe deeply while sleeping.

"I know this is selfish but, please don't fall in love with another guy." Jimin whispered softly, and grunted innerly before switching off the night lamps.

The next day, Haneul was giddy to take the lessons from her new friends again. Jimin eyed her weirdly as he got off the bed, his mind wondering why was she so excited and actually woke up before he did?

"Someone's happy." Jimin stated with a smile, and she nodded vigorously. "Why?"

"I'll be seeing our friends again!" Haneul exclaimed, and the smile on Jimin's face was instantly wiped out.


"Our friends. Your hyungs. I can't wait to learn new stuff from them. They're so talented!" Haneul expressed her thoughts in awe, and Jimin didn't know why was his heart tugging slightly at her mentioning his hyungs.

"Oh." He didn't know what else to reply.

"What about you?" Haneul questioned, her eyes blinking innocently as she fetched for her glasses that was placed on the night stand next to the bed. Wearing it, using the mirror, she examined her outfit - a simply white oversized tee and a pair of skinny jeans.

"I have some royal business to attend, and... today's my third anniversary with Youngji." Jimin sheepishly answered her, and once again got a brief nod from his wife. He couldn't hold it back anymore, he needed to ask her, to get a confirmation. "I don't get it, why aren't you the slightest bit jealous?"

Haneul raised her eyebrows at him. "Why would I? You have a life before I entered yours, Jimin. I should respect that."


"No buts, Park Jimin. Go and shower now or you'll be late for your work." Haneul smiled warmly at him before handling him his towel. "Now go."


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