《Royals | pjm》Three - Lay Down Next To Me



"There he is."

Haneul's lips etched upwards when she spotted Jisoo exiting behind Taehyung from a room, her hair a little tousled and messy. Jisoo froze like a statue when she noticed Haneul wiggling her eyebrows at her with a suggestive look.

"Who is she, Tae?" Seokjin questioned with a smirk on his face while directing at Jisoo who was rushing towards Haneul with a red face.

Taehyung turned to look at her hiding her face in the crook of her best friend's neck, and started to smile at the sight.

"My girlfriend."

The night went on and it was now bedtime. The moon was shining brightly from the sky above, with an abundance of stars lightening up the sky while accompanying the lonely moon.

Haneul was alone in her room that was supposed to be shared with Jimin, and she sighed while looking away from the window, to avoid feeling the same as the moon.

What was she expecting?

For Jimin to actually like her?

Nah, these kind of things only happen in sappy romance stories.

Changing out of her dress, Haneul took a quick shower before dressing herself up with her pyjamas and proceeded to wash up. After brushing her teeth, she trudged towards the huge bed in the middle of the room and plopped down onto it.

"Why didn't he tell me that he has a girlfriend? I wouldn't have allowed him to kiss me earlier today." Haneul pursed her lips and grunted in irritation. "Ugh, why am I even thinking of him. There's already a divorce waiting for me."

The next morning, a knock was what had woken Haneul up. Groggily, Haneul did her best to comb her hair with her fingers as she walked towards the door and peek at the doorhole. Realizing it was Jimin, Haneul unlocked the door and let him enter the room before plopping onto the bed again.

Jimin just stared at her in disbelief. "Are you that tired?"

"Yes." Haneul simply replied before pulling the blanket over her head and attempted to fall asleep again.

"Aren't you even going to ask where was I?" Jimin asked again, and watched Haneul remove the blanket from her face, revealing her head and a confused face.

"Um, isn't the answer a little too obvious?" Haneul questioned him back. "You obviously spent the night with Youngji."

"And you're totally fine with that?" Jimin didn't know why, but he was expecting a different reaction from her.


Why on earth was she so calm about this?

"Why not?" Haneul answered, as if reading his mind. "It's not like our marriage is going to last anyways. We are doing this just for our grandfathers. And besides, we are getting a divorce after a year right?"

"Oh, yeah." Jimin deadpanned. "I would shower and change at Youngji's room but my clothes are all here. So..."

"It's fine. I will just continue to sleep." Haneul dismissed him before yawning, and soon, her breaths became heavier, indicating that she was asleep again.

"How weird." Jimin shook his head before grabbing his clothes and entered the toilet to wash up.

After bathing, Jimin was surprised to see Haneul still sleeping on the bed even though the sun was already up. The cruise would be reaching the land soon, and she needed time to prepare before leaving the room.

"Lee Haneul, wake up." Jimin whispered while crouching down next to the bed, his fingers holding onto the edge of the bed and eyes lingering on Haneul's sleeping face. "Yah, Lee Haneul."

Haneul stirred only a little.

"Wake up, Lee Haneul!" Jimin raised his voice slightly, and that was thankfully enough to make the girl awake.

Pressing her palm over her heart, Haneul sat up and glared at Jimin. "You didn't have to yell at me!"

"I tried to be gentler but you wouldn't budge!" Jimin defended.

"Whatever." Haneul scowled before hopping off the bed and after ransacking her luggage quickly, she entered the adjoined bathroom.

To say that Haneul was reluctant to return back to the palace with Jimin would be an understatement. All his friends - and now, including Jisoo - knew that Jimin had a girlfriend, so they were worried about Haneul.

"Are you sure you'll be alright?" Yoongi asked her for the umpteenth time since the moment they stepped onto the land.

"Yes, oppa." Haneul shook her head at him.

"We are just worried about you, since... you know..." Namjoon's gaze travelled towards a pair who were currently hugging each other tightly.

"I'll be fine." Haneul assured them. "I would be too busy to care about their relationship anyways. I have so many lessons to take up and learn in the palace!"

"Oh, really?" An amused smirk formed on Seokjin's face. "What kind of lessons?"

Haneul tapped her chin as she tried to recall the packed schedule. "I have cooking lessons, horse riding lessons, English lessons... argh, too many. I can't remember them."


The boys laughed at her, leaving her in a daze.

"Why are you all laughing?"

"You'll know soon." Hoseok patted her head, and the boys nodded in unison.

Haneul was about to speak when Jimin hollered her name suddenly, cutting her off.

Whirling around, Haneul sent him an okay sign before turning back to look at the five other boys. Taehyung was sending Jisoo back home.

"I'll miss you guys." Haneul pouted.

"We'll be meeting each other soon, don't worry, noona." Jungkook pulled Haneul into a brief hug, making the latter chuckle.

"Okay, bye guys." Haneul bid them goodbye before rushing towards Jimin who looked like he was about to explode by the redness of his cheeks.

"What took you so long?!" Jimin raised his voice at Haneul, surprising her.

"What? I was just bidding goodbye to the boys-"

"I know. But next time when I call you, just ignore them and come to me in a heartbeat. Understood?" Jimin stared at her face, and as she was intimidated by his scary look, she could only nod her head. "Good. Let's go home."

Upon reaching the palace, the two were immediately greeted by Jimin's grandfather who was beaming so brightly at them, the wrinkles on his face all crinkling together as he grinned.

"My grandson and my lovely granddaughter-in-law!" He exclaimed happily while walking towards them, and Haneul was quick to rush towards him to support him. Jimin did the same after noticing his wife's stern gaze.

"Be careful when you walk, harabeoji." Haneul said with a warm smile, and that was enough to make the former King burst into happiness.

He really did make the right choice to make Jimin marry Haneul.

"Take good care of her, Jimin-ah." The former King knocked the Crown Prince's head with his knuckles, causing the boy to yelp in pain while Haneul simply chuckled. "If I ever see you hurting Haneul, you're dead to me."

"N-noted, harabeoji." Jimin stammered with his cheeks flushed red.

"Good, go and rest you two. I've told your father and mother to let you two get used to your own quarters."

When the marriage was confirmed, the palace wasted no time in building and renovating a new area in the palace ground just for the two. It was like a private house for them, but of course, with their personal maids and guards.

"Bed!" Haneul exclaimed happily at the sight of the King-sized bed placed in the middle of their shared room. And upon the thought, Haneul took a deep breath before exhaling a puff of air. "Jimin."

"What?" Jimin replied while lying down on the bed with his eyes closed.

"Aren't we getting separate rooms?" Haneul tilted her head, feeling shy.

"Oh. No, we aren't. Did you seriously think father and mother and especially harabeoji will allow that?" Jimin smirked while opening an eye to look at Haneul. Patting the empty space next to him, he spoke again. "Come lay down next to me."

"W-what?" Haneul was genuinely shocked to hear that. "But what about-"

"I said, come and lay down next to me. Don't make me repeat my words again, Lee Haneul." Jimin growled cutting her off.

"Fine." Haneul rolled her eyes before plopping down onto the bed as well, but left a good distance from Jimin.

Jimin seemed to had noticed the space between them, and he felt a tinge of hurt in his heart.

Does she really feel that indifferent about our marriage?

"Are you really okay with me dating Youngji?" Jimin knew what she would answer, but he was wishing to hear something else instead.

But luck was not on his side.

It would be stupid for him to assume that Haneul was like any other girls he read from books and watched from movies.

"Of course. Speaking of which, why didn't you tell me that you have a girlfriend in the first place? I wouldn't have let you kiss me yesterday. What would Youngji think!?" Haneul scolded while leaning her body slightly towards Jimin with her elbows placed on the bed.

Jimin gulped at the sight, but Haneul was still oblivious that her white tee shirt wasn't helping the poor boy either.

"Oi, are you even listening to me?" Haneul asked, and sighed in defeat when Jimin ignored her by tearing his eyes away from where he was focusing on just now. "Anyways, I'll be starting my lessons in the palace tomorrow."

"What about your lectures?" Jimin knew how much studies meant for her.

"I'll catch up, it's alright." Haneul replied, and soon, as exhaustion caught up with her, she fell into a deep slumber.

Jimin couldn't help but to watch her sleep peacefully on the bed next to him, and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ears when it fell down and blocked her face.

"Why are you always saying that you're fine?"


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