《Avalei Cullen (A Twilight Saga Fanfic)》Ch 28: Alone Time


That night Bella and Alice packed things up at her house for the campsite and for her stay at the Cullens for the night. Meanwhile, Avalei and Rosalie also packed her things for the campsite and for her stay at Jacob's for the night.

"Okay I think I have everything I need." I said while zipping up my duffle bag. Rosalie sat on my bed, along with Emmett.

I was excited for tonight because it'll be the first time that Jake and I actually have some alone time. No vampires, no wolves, no anybody, just us.

"You sure you have everything? What about condoms? Or does Jacob have them?" Emmett snidely said. Rosalie immediately slapped him.

"Emmett! You're making it much harder for me to let her be alone with the mutt." Rosalie commented back.

I placed my duffle on the ground and sighed, "Rose, you know how I feel when you guys call each other derogative names. And just because Jake and I are going to be alone in a house doesn't mean it'll lead to it."

They both gave me looks, "Okay that already sounds like it'll lead to it..."

"Maybe we should tell her how it is..." Emmett stated.

I gasped and threw a pillow at him, "You are not going to give me The Talk."

"Avalei, he's right though, you've reached the age where most teenagers are hormonal and you know they like to get intimate." Rose started.

"And who knows, maybe Jacob can't control the animal inside him. Or maybe even your animal inside you might make an appearance. I mean, with Rose and I we-" Emmett started but I instantly covered my ears and shouted LALALAs just to get him to stop.

"Emmett!!! I don't want to hear about you and Rose's sex life!" I yelled still covering my ears.

Rose then put my hands down which made me look at her, "Ignore Emmett. All I'm trying to say to you is that, don't do anything you feel like you're pressured to do. It should feel natural and special. And please, be safe."

I smiled slightly at her and nodded. They both got up and left telling me to come down when I'm ready.

I still sat on my bed, thinking.

I looked down at the ring Jacob gave me and smiled.

I picked up my bag and headed downstairs.

We were all out in our wolf forms, just getting ready to leave. I'm lucky enough to stay behind for the night.

Oooooh Jake's gonna get some action tonight!

Yeah shut up. I have enough imprint talk from the others. -Leah


Not unless you guys do something that'll lead to it. -Paul



Oh Seth, it's not like you won't think about it when you find your imprint. You too Embry. -Paul


Besides, if it happens, it happens. Jake just be careful. -Sam

Yeah, just let it be. -Quil

And even if you do end up doing the deed, can Avalei even get pregnant? -Jared



Alright. See ya.


Or don't! Whatever floats your boat! -Paul

And with that they all ran off further into the woods. I rolled my eyes and shifted back to human form, putting on my shorts and shoes then headed towards the treaty line. Waiting for my imprint.

We got to the treaty line a little bit after and Jacob was already there. I gathered my stuff and before I got out of the car, Rose spoke to me, "Have fun."

"But not too much fun if you know what I mean." Emmett added which resulted in a hit to the arm by Rosalie.


I shook my head in amused annoyance, "See you guys tomorrow. Love you" and they replied back with the same thing as I got out.

Before I even got to Jacob, Emmett sped off heading back home. When I finally got to Jacob, he engulfed me in a hug and twirled me around.

I giggled a bit, which made him smile as he put me down, "So, what do you want to do today?" He asked me as he still held me close.

"Hmmm since you didn't bring the rabbit, and the others are out training, why don't we have some training time for ourselves for half of the day?" I smirked.

He looked at me confused, "What do you mean? I thought we were trying to avoid everyone else? If I go in my wolf form, the others will just keep bothering us."

"I mean, since my family didn't let me do any specific training, I want you to help me and I can help you. And don't worry about the wolf telepathy thing, are you forgetting that I can block your mind from others? I do it to Edward sometimes so that he doesn't read my mind all the time." I smirked. Then I placed my hand on his cheek and blocked his mind,"There, now we'll really be alone."

He looked to the side then back down at me, "Okay a little wolf to hybrid training time. I like it." He said while leaning down to me.

Our lips were just about to touch when I whispered, "Race you to the river." And with that I ran off, along with my bag, leaving Jacob stunned. But seconds after, I hear thuds behind me, and as I looked back, there he was.

It only took us a couple more seconds to reach the river, I stopped but was then tackled a bit by Jacob's wolf.

I laughed, letting him know I'm okay.

"Hey, you were distracted. And just like my brother said, Never lose focus." I smirked at him then petted his head as he still towered over me. I didn't care if I was dirty.

So what do we do now?

I looked up to him, "Drawing."

"Compared to others I've seen, they're not really that good." I began to shade it a little more and when I looked up, Jake was gone.

He soon came back behind the tree I leaned on, and grabbed my notebook, "Are you kidding? This is amazing." He then came to sit next to me.

"And you just drew this?" He asked, still admiring the drawing of himself as a wolf, "The details and shading is perfect...I look good." He complimented himself, I elbowed him a bit and took away my notebook from him, which made him laugh.

"No really, you're really talented Avalei." He then put an arm around me and grabbed my book again and flipped through it.

He flipped through most of the nature drawings, family drawings, and that he had some comments about which I rolled my eyes at but admit I laughed a bit.

"When did you draw this one? It looks so real. Like I'm staring into a mirror." He examined the drawing of his eyes.

I smiled down, playing wth my fingers, blushing a bit, "I drew it the the day we imprinted. Before you came in to Bella's room that night to apologize to her. I admit, I felt bad for leaving you like that that day and I couldn't stop thinking of you so I guess when I picked up my pen, it just happened."


He gently caressed my cheek and made me look up to him, "Well I love it. I wish I could capture your beauty on a page like this. But I'm really bad at drawing." We both laughed at that.

"And I already have the real thing right here." He then kissed my forehead.

We stayed like that for a little longer until we worked up the energy to get up and head to Jacob's house.

This time, I ran alongside Jake to his house, he carried my bag in his mouth.

When we made it there, he phased back and I waited for him at the door.

Once we were in, Jacob set my things in his room, I went to the bathroom and changed into one of his shirts that was big on me. After I finished I waited for him in the living room as he got some snacks to snack on and turned on the tv.

We watched a few movies and ended up turning off the TV and just talking. It was already past 8 pm and it ended up with us talking about our past.

"Avalei, I know it's not really nice of me to ask this but, could you tell me about your past? Like before you joined the Cullens." Jacob asked me as he played with my fingers. I looked up to him, actually surprised he wants to get into these type of deep conversations.

"I don't really remember much. I mean I was 6 when everything happened. All I remember is that I was found somewhere between the Canadian and Washington forest border line. My family and I were on a camping trip at a spot where my brother said we'd be secluded yet still have the full camping experience. And I guess we were at the wrong place at the wrong time. That's when James attacked us." I stuttered at the ending, remembering what happened. Jacob gliding his hand that was behind me, up and down my back.

"I had 2 older brothers and my parents. It all happened so fast. I heard screaming as I woke up, and when I got out of the tent, I saw blood coming from my parents' tent and one of my older brothers told me to run as James held him up. I didn't know what to do except run. I didn't know what James was back then and a 6 year old wouldn't even level up to what he was. Before I ran though, I also saw my brother get killed along with my other brother." I let a tear fall.

"What were their names?" Jacob asked.

"Max and Justin. Justin was a lot like Sam. He'd take over responsibility over Max and I when my parents weren't around. Always protective of us. He's the one who told me to run. Max was more like Seth and Embry. Goofy sometimes yet kind and down to earth." I smiled a bit remembering them, as I let another tear fall.

Jacob soon caught it and wiped it with his thumb, "I'm so sorry that happened to you Avalei. No one deserves to watch their family die, especially by something we all thought wasn't real."

I looked down then took in a deep breath, composing myself, "I'm grateful that the Cullens found me that day though. Or else I couldn't have gotten to experience and know so much as I do now. And meet everyone I know now. "

"Don't you have other family? Like cousins or uncles and aunts? You're Quileute so there must be someone else in your family." Jacob assumed.

"No, it's just me. Both my parents' weren't a part of big families. The Cullens even searched for records of any other member of my family but eventually only found names of those who passed. All died pretty young. The oldest was my great grandfather, and he was only 50. Guess I'm the last of the Kodas." I stated, he patted my back again.

"Do you miss them though?" He asked.

"Yeah I do. I find myself dreaming about their faces and old memories sometimes but its small. And there's nothing we can do about it now. The only reminder I have of them are my memories and their graves. And I've only visited them once, when I was 10."

"Well we should visit them, you know when all of this supernatural drama is over. And when we're finally at peace with everything. When our lives are at bliss. I'd like to visit my mom's grave too" He issued.

I looked up to him, "You really mean that? You'd want to come with me?"

"Of course. I'd go anywhere with you." He cooed and caressed my face and started to kiss me.

Before we could get any deeper within the kiss, I pulled away, laughing a bit.

"What's so funny? Am I a bad kisser or something?" He asked amused himself.

"No, no its not that. You're a great kisser," I giggled a bit and blushed, "I was just thinking back on today and it's sort of embarrassing." I blushed more.

"Tell me. Come on I want to know. Nothing's embarrassing between us anymore." He reassured.

"As I was finishing packing for today, Emmett made a comment about packing condoms because of how we were going to be alone today. And that led to them almost giving me The Talk and almost telling me about their love life." I finished and his face was surprised.

"See, I told you it was embarrassing." I said while hiding my face in the crook of his neck.

"No I mean, you weren't the only one." I looked up to him confused, "The pack gave me a hard time about us being alone earlier today too. Paul and Jared mostly. But I was lucky to have Sam and Seth there to stop it." He finished.

"I guess we both had assumptions of our time today huh?" He joked but then calmed down.

"Did you want to do something like that? You know, what they were assuming?" I asked.

"What? No, I mean it should just come natural right? I really didn't expect any of it to happen. Why did you?" He stumbled.

"No, I was thinking the same way you did." Then we both looked away. Things just got awkward.

It was quiet for a few moments until he spoke up, "Look I don't want this to be any more awkward but I want you to know this, I will never pressure you to do anything you're not ready for."

I looked back at him, and nodded. We then turned the tv back on and watched again, until I fell asleep.

I felt Jacob pick me up then take me to his room. I was slightly awake when he placed me on his bed.

I saw him place a blanket and a few pillows on the floor, I sat up a bit, "Jake, you are not sleeping on the floor. Come here." I patted the spot next to me.

He smiled a bit then came to lie with me. He placed the covers on both of us as I laid my head on his chest.

We laid there in silence for a few minutes. I could here her heartbeat still at her normal rate. Then it quickened a bit and I felt her tense up a little.

"Is something wrong? Why'd your heart rate just picked up?" I said while looking at the ceiling.

"I'm just a little worried about what'll happen when this newborn battle goes down." She sighed.

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