《Avalei Cullen (A Twilight Saga Fanfic)》Ch 20: Unknown Visitor


"Who was it? Someone we knew?" Dad asked.

"It's a stranger." Edward stated.

"We didn't recognize his scent." I added.

"A nomad passing through?" Mom asked.

"A passer by wouldn't have left Bella's father alive." Rosalie included.

Jasper and Emmett suddenly joined us, "The scent disappeared about 5 miles south from Bella's house." Jasper informed.

"Someone's orchestrating this." Dad implied.

"Victoria?" Bella inquired.

"No, Avalei and I would've seen her decide." Alice countered.

"It has to be a Volturi." Edward assumed.

"I don't think its a Volturi either. I've been watching Aro's decisions too." Alice interjected.

"So we keep looking." Emmett suggested.

"We'll also set up shifts guarding Bella at her house." Dad added.

"Another protection detail?" Rosalie questioned sternly.

"Avalei's involved too. Its for her safety as well." Dad included.

I saw Rosalie tense up a bit when she heard my name. Its been hard for her to leave my side every time I'm home. She's always there for me. Though, she despises Jacob like he despises her, so she hates to see me leave every time, but she understands and I appreciate her kindness and protection.

I went by her to calm her a bit. She smiled slightly as I held her hand.

"Rosalie's right though, you can't protect me, my dad, Avalei, and search for the intruder." Bella started.

"And for Victoria." Rosalie added.

"And keep yourselves fed." Bella continued. I then realized my family's eyes were black. When's the last time they fed? Actually, when's the last time we all had a drink?

"I'm not leaving you girls unprotected." Edward stated.

"We're not. If anyone tries to hurt us, I'll just burn them to ashes. You guys always seem to leave me out of the fight. I'm not useless Edward." I said seriously to my brother.


"And I'm not going to let you starve. And Avalei's right, she's powerful enough to take on anyone. We'd also be more protected because we have-" Bella stopped, I knew what or who she was going to say.

"What?" Edward asked.

"Damn I can smell it already. Oh wait, that's Edward." Jacob joked, I lightly slapped him as we followed Bella up the stairs into her room.

"Yup, someone's been in here alright." Jacob said as he inspects her room.

"Anything familiar? We couldn't recognize his scent either." Jacob shook his head no.

We soon found ourselves heading back downstairs, Bella in the lead.

"You forgot to call me last night." Jacob stated behind me.

I laughed a bit, "Yeah well I was going to but we were a little too busy worrying about an unknown visitor." I claimed.

"I called you this morning to come over here. Isn't that enough?" I asked as he stopped me before we reached the door.

"No, because I always want to hear your voice before I sleep." Jacob flirted as he pulled me to him

"Aww I'm sorry. How about I make a recording for you, save it in case I forget again." I offered him while playing with his hair that was oddly flatter today.

"That'll be nice. Make it something kinky." That made me gasp a bit and slap his surprisingly clothed chest, scolding him at his inappropriateness.

"I'm kidding...well mostly" He smiled laughing.

I shook my head in playful annoyance, "Come on, the others are waiting outside." I then took his hand and guided him out the door to meet up again with Bella and Edward.

"Well he definitely left his stink behind, it'll be hard to miss if we cross him again. We'll handle it from here" Jacob informed Edward.


"We don't need you to handle anything or anyone." Edward provoked.

"I could care less of what you need." Jacob hissed back.

"Okay great, then we'll all work together" I said trying to lessen up the tension between these two.

"Yeah come on, we've all got the same goals here right? To catch the bad vampires." Bella included.

"Like there's a difference." Jacob retorted, he still held my hand so I squeezed it to let him know to stop.

"Alright, we're done here." Edward said while grabbing mine and Bella's arms.

I was about to shrug him off when Jacob pulled me back along with Bella, "No, you're done here." A werewolf and a vampire both holding each of your arms...yeah it hurts.

"Stop!" Bella and I said at the same time.

"Let go!" Bella yelled at them, Edward let go of both our hands, Jacob let go of Bella's, though he still held my hand, just gently again.

"I'm tired of this." I added.

"Yeah from now on we're Switzerland okay?" Bella included. Okay not the best analogy but I guess it works.

"We know you guys don't like each other, but we've got bigger problems." I remarked.

"Lots of them. And this is just one temporary solution." Bella issued.

"If you'll be willing to try." I finished as we looked back between the two guys waiting for their agreements.

Soon enough, Jacob looked at me and nodded, and Edward looked at Bella and nodded as well. Bella and I looked at each other nodding that we did a good job controlling these two.

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