《Avalei Cullen (A Twilight Saga Fanfic)》Ch 21: Tribe Stories


"Doesn't he own a shirt?" Edward insulted. I used my telekinesis to throw a small pebble at his head as I walked over to Jacob. Leaving the other 2 love birds alone.

"Hey you." I smiled slightly when finally reaching him.

He leaned off his car to stand upright, "Hey beautiful." He then engulfed me in a warm hug.

"We're good here, you should go." I heard Bella say to Edward, making me turn back towards them, Jacob's arm still at held my waist though.

"I'm not gonna be gone long." Edward said.

"Don't rush, you need to hunt" Bella said before Edward trapped her in a kiss. I turned back to face Jacob to avoid the smooch fest. I saw that Jacob too had a disgusted look on his face.

I smiled flirty, "Hey, two can play that game." I said while tiptoeing to reach his level and kissing him as well.

"Maybe rush a little bit." I heard Bella say quietly though I was too busy dazed in this kiss with Jacob.

We then heard footsteps and a throat cleared, that's when I pulled away, "Oh sorry Bella." I blushed a bit, pushing Jacob away a little. Bella shook her head to let it slide about our little kissing sessions.

"Hey Bella." Jacob said while pulling her into a hug.

I too went back over to my brother to say goodbye, he was a little distracted though as he watched Jacob and Bella carefully, "Hey, it'll be alright. If anything happens, you know I can handle it." Edward nodded as he hugged me.

Once we pulled away, we went to the doors of Jacob's car and watched as my brother drive off fast.

"So what you girls want to do today? Bike? Hike? Just hang? Your call. But we're going to a party tonight." Jacob notified. I shook my head at his tone and we got in the car.

Once we got there, we walked towards the 'party' as Jacob described it.

"You sure this is okay? I really hate being a party crasher." Bella said to us as we walked. Jacob held my hand as Bella walked aside us.

"Yeah Jake, I'm not sure about this either." I said shyly.

"Technically you girls are council meeting crashers. See, the council leaders? Dad, Quil's grandpa, and Sue Clearwater. She took over for Harry when he died." Jacob pointed to the circle of people surrounding a fire ahead of us.

"Okay, we should not be here." Bella stated, stopping us from walking.

"You girls are okay. I thought- I mean they thought it'll be good for you guys to hear the histories. Besides Avalei, you are Quileute too, you were bound to hear them sometime." Jacob explained. I knew most of the histories thanks to reading the pack's minds but I never really gotten to actually hear them.


"Histories? The tribe's histories? Aren't they secret?" Bella asked.

"I mean we all got a roll to play. And you girls are a part of this. And it's the first time Seth, Leah and Quil will hear them too. But you two are the first outsiders. Ever. Well Avalei, you're not really an outsider but you get what I mean." Jacob said smiling down at me and we started walking again.

"If I had known that I would've- I don't know dressed better?" Bella stated. Just then, Seth called out to Jake and I, running towards us.

"Jake! Avalei!" As soon as he got to us, he shook Jake's hand then came to hug me.

"Hey Seth!" I let go of Jacob's hand and engulfed him in a hug. "How's my favorite wolf?" I then ruffled his hair a bit, pulling away from him. I went back to holding Jacob's hand and I could feel him tense a bit, I looked over to him playfully, "Aw don't be jealous. He's my favorite next to you of course. You're my number 1 remember?" He then smiled.

"I'm great. Its about time you guys got here. Paul's been hoovering the grub but I saved you guys a few burgers." Seth claimed.

"Good looking out bro. Bella this is Seth Clearwater, Leah's brother. Newest member of the pack." Jacob introduced, Seth and Bella shook hands greeting each other. I could tell Seth was blushing a bit. It's his first time actually meeting Bella and I know he has a crush on her. Oh Seth...Just don't be exactly like Jacob.

"Newest, bestest, brightest." Seth boasted.

"And slowest." Jacob added before trapping Seth's head in a head lock between his arms giving him a noogie. See I admire their relationship. They really are brothers.They really look out for each other.

They did that for a few seconds until Billy did his whistle, calling us. "Come on, your dad's about to start." Seth said after getting out of Jacob's grip.

He ran back over to the circle. We laughed and followed him. I sat next to Jacob of course, Bella sat on the other side of him, and Seth sat on the other side of me. Jacob grabbed my hand again and intertwined our fingers together. Billy's about to tell the stories.

"The Quileutes have been a small tribe from the beginning. But we've always had magic in our blood. We were great spirit warriors, shape shifters that transform to a powerful wolf. It's enabled us to scare off our enemies and protect our tribe." I could feel Jacob's eyes on me but I continued to listen to Billy's words, fascinated by them and the fire.

"One day, our warriors came across a creature. It looked like man, but it was hard like stone and cold as ice." Billy continued. This time, I looked over to Bella and seen her look into the fire as well, her face fell as Billy talked about vampires. This part somehow reminded me of James. I pictured his cold sadistic smile staring at me. I could never really get that image out of my head.


"Our warriors teeth finally tore it apart, but only fire could completely destroy it. They lived in fear that the cold man was not alone. They were right. She took her vengeance out on the village. Our elder chief, Taha Aki was the only spirit warrior left to save the tribe, after his son was killed. Taha Aki's third wife could see that he would lose. The third wife was no magical being with no special powers but one...courage." I heard Bella's heart beat quickened. I looked over to her then to Jacob who glanced down at me too, giving me an assuring smile.

"The third wife's sacrifice distracted the cold woman long enough for Taha Aki to destroy her. She saved the tribe. Over time our enemies have disappeared...but one remains...The Cold Ones." I soon felt Billy eyeing me and I was right. He was looking at both Bella and me but mostly Bella. That made us look at the ground, I felt Jacob gently caress my hand with his thumb.

"Our magic awakens when they're near. We sense it now, feel the threat in our blood. Something terrible is coming. And we must all be ready. All of us." Billy finished.

After the bonfire, Jacob drove us back to the treaty line where Edward was waiting. I told Bella to go ahead and that I'll meet them back at the house. Once they were gone, I turned to Jacob.

"So that was interesting." I said half amused and half sarcastic.

"Did you like it? I mean my dad did sort of make it too serious back there." Jacob asked as he played with my hands.

"It was cool, its just that-I just dont like how vampires are immediately stereotyped as bad. Like I know most are human killers but my family and I, we aren't-"

"We know. We just have a direct line to our histories. We know you and your family mean no harm, its just the others that concern us." Jacob reassured pushing a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Yeah I guess so...I gotta go." I took off my seat belt and was just about to get out when he stopped me. He gave me a look then I knew what he wanted.

I leaned back to him and kissed him. "Bye, I'll text you when I get home." He smiled and I got out, closing the door and walked into the woods. I looked back to see Jake watching me, I waved and he waved back and soon I was heading home.

When we got home, I texted Jacob like I promised. Edward and Bella had went in the house before me.

"Its newborns." I heard Edward say as I entered the house.

"What about newborns?" I asked coming into the living room to see my brothers, dad and Bella.

"What like new vampires?" Bella asked.

"In their first few months after the change." Edward explained.

"Its when we're at our most uncontrollable, vicious, insane with thirst." Jasper added.

"Something to look forward to." Emmett retorted looking at Bella.

"No one's trained these newborns. But this isn't random." Jasper stated.

"Someone's creating an army." I exclaimed.

"Oh now we're definitely going to Seattle." Emmett jumped up.

"An army of vampires?" Bella said worried.

"And they've been invented to fight someone." Jasper included.

"We're the only clan even close to Seattle." Edward commented.

"Regardless of why they were made, if we don't put a stop to them the Volturi will. I'm surprised they made it go one this long." Dad said.

"Or maybe they're ignoring it. Or maybe they're behind it." Edward started which made all of us look at him, "In Italy, I read Aro's mind, he tried to hide it but I saw. He still wants me and Alice to join him, he thinks our gifts would add to his power but he knows we'll never choose him as long as our family is still alive." Edward finished.

"And an army can solve that for." I said, getting a bit scared and angry that the Volturi would even think to hurt my family.

"Edward I don't think we should wait until graduation, I think you should change me now." Bella suddenly said.

"Bella no." Edward said.

"I'm a liability now I could be an asset." Bella suggested.

"You'd be a bigger liability as a newborn, unable to control your instincts. An easy target." Jasper informed her.

"There's also your father to consider, and your mother. Imagine how terrible it'd be if you suddenly disappeared." Dad issued Bella.

"But we're still gonna kick someone's ass right?" Emmett asked.

"Emmett, you and your love for fighting." I commented at my brother, "But Dad's right. We have to stop them before the Volturi interfere."

"Plus we don't want you to be exposed to them just yet." Dad finished.

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