《Avalei Cullen (A Twilight Saga Fanfic)》Ch 19: Imprinting
"Do you regret going?" Edward asked Bella as he parked the car.
"No. It was really great seeing my mom. Just really hard saying goodbye" Bella confessed.
"It doesn't have to be a goodbye." Edward added.
"Is that why you asked me to go? You thought it was going to change my mind?" Bella asked him.
Edward smiled a bit, "I'm always hoping for that." He then looked over across the parking lot, seeing their unlikely visitor.
"What?" Bella asked curiously.
"If I asked you to stay in the car, would you?" Edward then got out, Bella also followed behind, "Course not."
They soon walked over, both seeing their visitor, none other than Jacob Black himself, who stood by his motorcycle, getting stares of the people in the parking lot.
Once Jacob noticed them coming towards him, he met them halfway. A serious look on his face.
"Hey" Bella greeted.
"Avalei and Charlie said that you guys left town." Jacob stated.
"Yeah to visit my mom, why?" Bella replied.
Edward laughed a bit, "He's checking to see if you're still human."
Jacob looked at him sternly, "Look I'm here to warn you. If your kind come on our land again"
"Wait what?" Bella asked confused. Jacob looked at her confused too.
"You didn't tell her?"
"I was hoping Avalei would've told you by now. Just leave it alone Jacob." Edward quickly said.
"Tell me what?" Bella asked turning to Edward.
His face fell a bit, "Emmett and Paul had a misunderstanding. Luckily Avalei was there to stop anything else from happening. It's nothing to worry about." Bella's eyes bulged a bit.
"Listen to you, did you lie to get her out of town too?" Jacob provoked.
"Don't you want to see Avalei? I believe she's coming over to La Push today right? You should just leave, now." Edward tested.
"I'll see Avalei in a bit, but Bella has a right to know. Aside from Avalei, she's the one the red head wants the most." Jacob tested back.
"Victoria?" Bella stuttered, "Alice's vision."
"I did it to protect you." Edward stated. Jacob just stood back and watched, amused that Edward was getting the blame.
"By lying to me...Okay we're gonna talk about this but..You. Why haven't you called me back?"
Jacob looked to Bella, now its his turn to get some scoldings as well, "I had nothing to say" he then started walking back over to his bike.
"Well I have tons, hold on-" Bella turned back to Edward, as he tried to stop her.
"Edward, you have to trust me."
"I do trust you, its him I don't trust." Edward claimed.
Bella then backed away from him as she too walked towards Jacob's bike. Edward tried to call out to her but she ignored him and got in the back of Jacob.
He had a smug look on his face as he passed her the helmet, "Hey lose the grin Jacob, we're just going for a ride."
"Hold on tight" he revved the engine and they took off.
"Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, I am the Vampire girl remember?" Bella stated as we walked towards the house.
Just then, the boys started piling out of the house. Everyone except Sam, Seth, Leah and Emily.
"Hey look whos back?" Embry called out as they circled her.
"Hey Bella" Quil greeted.
"Quil? You too?" Bella asked.
"Yeah, I've finally made the pack." He said smiling, making the others laugh a bit too.
"Glad you're here Bella, maybe we can finally get a break from Jake's obsessive inner monologue." Embry teased. Oh great here we go. Maybe it was a bad idea to bring her here.
"Yeah, besides his love for Avalei, he's been worrying about you like, I wish Bella would call!" Paul teased.
"I wish Bella wouldn't call!" Jared chimed in.
"Maybe I should call Bella!" Embry included.
"Maybe I should call Bella and hang up" Quil added making Bella feel a little uncomfortable but she laughed a bit too.
"Alright, you can shut up now." I sighed embarrassed. Speaking of Avalei though, "Is Avalei here yet?"
Jared scoffed,"You'd already know if she's here cause you'll already be ki-" just then Leah came out, stopping to see all the commotion. Good timing too. Can't have the guys ruin the news...
"Bella, this is Leah Clearwater, Harry's daughter." I introduced. Leah had her normal glare look on her face.
"Oh right, hey. I'm really sorry about your father." Bella said solemnly.
"If you're here to torture Jacob some more, feel free to leave" Leah said sternly as she ran off. Nice first impression Leah.
"Fun, isn't she?" I joked, avoiding the awkwardness.
Emily and Sam then came outside. "Bella, hi! I was wondering when we'd see your face around here again." Emily greeted hugging her.
"Yeah same here." Bella said pulling away.
"Sam we good?" Had to make sure with the alpha that Victoria was gone in time for Avalei to come here again.
"Yeah we're good. She won't be getting through our line any time soon." Sam replied. Making the other guys cheer and run off into the woods. I stayed back with Bella.
We looked over to see Leah glare at us then phasing into her wolf.
"Hey bro, what are you doing back here? School's not over yet." I said while placing my bag on my back.
"Bella found out about what happened during the weekend and why I wanted her to go away for awhile. She's with Jacob." Edward replied. The first part didn't phase me as much because I knew she'd find out about it somehow but the second part got me kind of sketchy though I hid it.
I nodded, "Well okay, I'm heading to the rez now, maybe I can get her to leave early, so you guys can talk."
He nodded, "Thank you" He then hugged me.
"I'll see you guys tonight." And with that, I ran towards La Push. First stopping at Sam and Emily's.
"Hey guys, what's up?" I greeted them, putting my bag down at the table as they all chilled in the living room, everyone except Jacob, Seth and Leah. I hugged Emily and grabbed a cookie to nibble on.
"Avalei! Took you long enough to get here. You just missed Bella." Embry greeted, also grabbing probably his 5th cookie.
"Yeah I heard she was here. Where's Jake?" I asked.
"With Bella. They went back to his house to park his bike." Jared informed, their eyes still glued to the TV.
I picked up my bag again, putting it back on, "You going over to see them?" Embry asked.
"Yeah she has to, probably to make sure that Jacob's not cheating or anything." Paul commented.
Emily thankfully smacked his head for me. "Don't listen to him, go, we'll see you later." I smiled at her and zoomed out of the house. Making it just in time to see Jacob dragging his bike with Bella walking alongside him.
I stayed in the woods to spy on them for awhile.
What? I know it's wrong and I shouldn't be listening to Paul's remark but I just had to make sure. I trust Jacob, really I do, its just, maybe the deep thought inside me might still be right.
"So when did Leah join the pack?" Bella asked.
"Around when her dad died. Her brother Seth also phased.He's only 15, one of the youngest we've had. Sam keeps him home studying but he's chomping at the bit. Wish it was Leah who'd stay home." Jake explained.
"Come on don't be such a guy." Bella retorted.
"No, its-its not a chick thing. Its a you know, triangle thing. We all have to live the Leah-Sam-Emily pain fest. Wolf telepathy remember." Jacob explained amused a bit. He's not wrong about the love triangle thing. It is a pain sometimes. Almost reminds me a bit like ours though...I don't think they realize it as much. Maybe even Edward and their triangle too...yeah there's way too many complicated love triangles here.
"So Sam dumped Leah for Emily?" Bella questioned.
"Yeah it wasn't like that. Sam hates himself for hurting Leah. But, Emily was the one." Jacob stated.
"Yeah I guess it sort of chooses you sometimes." Bella remarked.
I saw Jacob look at her for a second, "It's more than some crush Bella. Sam had imprinted on Emily." So that's what it's leading to. Jacob's going to tell Bella about imprinting.
"Do I even want to know what that is?" Bella asked. I laughed a bit. They soon made it into Jacob's garage. Once they were both in, I silently rushed to the side of it, leaning on the wall as I listened in.
It was silent for a bit but maybe Jacob was working up the nerve to say it, "Imprinting on someone is like...when you see her. Everything changes." I leaned my head a bit to the side, blushing. "All of a sudden it's not gravity holding you to the planet...Its her. Nothing else matters." I soon thought about that night of our first kiss, where his exact words were something along the lines of what he just said. It gave me butterflies.
"You would do anything, be anything for her." Jacob continued.
"Sounds like you know the feeling." Bella commented, I heard her sigh, "Have you...imprinted on someone?" This is it, Jacob's going to tell her.
"If you'd paid attention all this time, you'd know if I had." Jacob replied. Okay not the answer I was hoping for but I guess it works.
"Avalei. You imprinted on her, didn't you? The pack's not the only reason why she visits here a lot." I heard Bella remarked. That made my heart beat a little faster.
"It still seems like you're still you though." Bella added.
"Yeah, and you're still you." Jacob commented back. The sincerity in his voice made me feel a bit uneasy.
"Yeah..." I heard her heart beat fastened, Oh no she's gonna tell him about- "Until graduation." That.
"Graduation?" Jacob asked his voice louder. I might have to blow my spy cover to stop this.
"You'd knew this would happen." Bella countered.
"Yeah but not in a month! I mean not before you've-you've even lived! Or before I could-" Then I heard a crash. Jacob must've thrown something.
Wait what did he mean by 'Before he could', before he could what?
"For a second, just a second I thought, but he's got his hooks in you so deep." Jacob continued to yell, dying down a bit at the end.
Okay what did he mean by that? What did he think? I'll have to talk about this with him later.
"I decided this, not him."
"Bella they're not even alive...It makes me sick." Jacob gawked. Now I better go interrupt this before he says anything else...
"Better you really be dead than be one of them." Too late.
I stepped through the opened garage door, "Hey, what's going on in here?" I acted slyly, not hinting I was listening the whole time.
Bella started to get up from her spot, her face shocked and filled with hurt with what Jacob said, "I can't believe you said that."
"Bella," I called out but she just stopped a bit looking at Jacob, "Edward was right I shouldn't have come." She remarked.
Jacob stopped her right when she reached the door, passing me, "Bella come on, please. I'm sorry." But she just ignored him and walked out.
I looked back over to Jake and see him with his head down and his eyes closed, leaning on his tool table.
I went behind him and hugged him from behind, "She'll forgive you Jake. Don't let that get to you. She's had worse, trust me." I felt him huff out a deep breath before turning around to face me, his hands wrapped around my waist.
"What did I do to deserve someone like you?" He smiled a bit down at me, I blushed looking down.
"Hey, don't do that. I like when I make you blush. It makes me feel good about myself that I make you feel this way." Jacob cooed, lifting my head up. I blushed again. Okay maybe I won't bring up what he said. I mean why would I if he's acting this way. At least he's himself again.
"Curse my slightly palish complexion." I laughed a bit, making him laugh too. "So you told her. You know, about us?" I said casually. Though I didn't realize what I said until I saw Jacob's smirk.
"You were listening in weren't you?" His smirk grew.
I pushed him away a bit to go over to his bike, "Wh-What? I just got here like just a few minutes ago. I heard talking coming from the garage so-"
"Nope, you got here way before that Avalei. I know because I smelt you here, and I get this warm feeling whenever you're around or near me. And I felt it when I was telling Bella about Leah. You were so spying on me." He said as he sneaked his way towards me.
I still put on an innocent face, "N-no. I swear, I wasn't spying. I just had to- uh to tie my shoes. Yeah tie my-" Before I knew it, Jacob picked me up by my thighs and placed me onto his bike.
"You're a really bad liar. Tying your shoes really?" He smiled, keeping his hands around my waist.
He looked at me straight in the eyes, I slumped a bit, "Alright I was spying on you guys. But in my defense I came in at a right time to stop the bickering between you two." Jacob smirk faded as he thought back to what he said to Bella before the she left. I gave him an assuring smile, "Hey, that was a nice way to describe imprinting. I have the same warm feeling in me whenever you're around too. And a nice excuse to lead up to the imprinting topic. Using the Leah-Sam-Emily triangle card? Smooth." I laughed.
He too laughed and pulled me to him to hug me, I rested my head on his chest, hearing his heart beat. "It's all true. That's how I felt when I imprinted on you. I could've said more but Bella would've probably fell asleep by the time I was done. That's how much I love you Avalei. No words can describe the amount of love I have for you."
We pulled apart only to look into each others' eyes again, "You love me?" I asked.
"Of course. I love you with all my heart, Avalei Koda Cullen."
"And I love you, Jacob Ephraim Black. Always and Forever."
"Always and Forever." We then kissed. Now as much as I wanted to spend the whole day just making out with Jacob, I pulled away, though I could tell he didn't want to as his face fell to a pout.
"As much as I'd love to make out with you through this whole day, I sort of promised my brother I would make sure Bella gets home safely and early. Wouldn't want Charlie hating Edward even more for letting Bella out late all the time." I pushed him a bit so I could get down from his bike.
"Charlie has some good instincts on hating Edward." I smacked his arm playfully, "Right sorry, but you gotta admit, you're brother does get on your nerves sometimes. He gets on mine a lot."
I rolled my eyes, "Yeah I can tell. Well, I gotta go get Bella, she's probably waiting for me somewhere. Tell the others I'm sorry I couldn't stay long. Bye Jake." I said as I began walking towards the garage door though was stopped when Jacob pulled me back to him.
"Don't think you're going anywhere without properly saying goodbye." He then cupped my cheek and lowered his head to kiss me.
It was a light and short kiss but with a lot of passion. He pulled away and kissed my forehead, "Bye."
I closed my eyes, remembering his lips on my head, before opening my eyes again, "Bye."
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