《Avalei Cullen (A Twilight Saga Fanfic)》Ch 18: The Chase


"Okay how bout this," Mike started writing on a notepad, "My fellow students. We are the future. Anything is possible if we just believe, blah blah blah There you go" He rips off the page and hands it to Jessica.

"Yeah this will be my speech if I want people to throw their dipolmas at my head. So thank you" She then crumples the paper and tosses it at his head.

"Ya gotta embrace the cliches Jess." Mike commented.

"They are the bread and butter of all valedictorians." Eric added.

"That is why you're not valedictorian" Angela said to her boyfriend.

"I chose to exit the political arena to spend more time with my family." Eric defended himself.

"Jess doesn't need cliches. Her speech is gonna be epic." Bella complimented.

"Epic? It'll change lives." Jessica boasted.

That's when Alice and Jasper joined the table.

"I've decided to throw a party." Alice excitedly announced. That made Edward, Bella and I look at her with an annoyed expression. The others at the table was sort of surprised of her outburst and news.

"After all, graduation's the same day as Avalei's birthday, and besides, how many times are we going to graduate high school." Jasper added, making a small smile appear on Edward's and I's faces. Classic immortality inside joke.

"A party? At your house?" Angela asked, intriguing everyone else.

"I've never seen your house." Jessica chimed in.

"No one's ever seen their house." Eric mumbled to her. No kidding.

"Another party Alice?" Edward solemnly asked.

"It'll be fun." Alice defended.

"Yeah that's what you said last time." Bella included.

That's when Alice slumped down in her chair, staring off into space.

Once I saw her, I looked into her mind to see what it was.


Edward, Jasper, and I tensed up a bit, but only for a few seconds without anyone noticing. Alice soon snapped out of her vision. Though, Bella sort of noticed as she nudged Edward but he just gave her a reassuring smile. Edward was thinking of taking Bella away for awhile just to avoid Bella being here for it. I used my telepathy on him.

He nodded his head once agreeing with me.

"You sure this is where you saw her?" Dad asked us.

"She's almost here." I answered.

A few moments after, I saw the flash of red hair in a vision.

"On your left!" Alice and I said simultaneously. That's when everyone went left, Emmett being in the lead...for now.

After a couple of strides, we soon found ourselves chasing after Victoria. Her red hair never leaving my view.

Emmett and I were aside one another, running right behind her, as the others took on the corners.

Emmett ran a little faster, trying to reach for her but when he did, Victoria threw him, making him crash into me and we both fell to the ground. I looked up to see the others run past us, Emmett held a hand out for me, nodding to make sure we were okay. We began running again.

Just then, I saw Victoria jump across the ravine to the other side of the treaty, landing in a crouch, looking back at my family, right when they got to the edge of our land.

"Wait, she's in their territory." Dad concluded, stopping the others from crossing. But that didn't stop me.

As soon as I was right behind them, I jumped over them, seeing Victoria run again as I was in the air, then landed swiftly in a crouch as well, now on La Push territory. I looked up to see Victoria running farther away.


I got up and began to run again as well. I saw across the ravine, my family running alongside the edge of the woods, keeping track of Victoria on our side.

"She'll get away!" Mom shouted, still running.

Just then, some of the wolves joined in the chase, gaining up on Victoria.

"No she won't!" Jasper added as he seen the wolves, running faster.

"I won't let her get away this time." I said as I ran, I began to conjure up a fire ball.

I ran right behind the wolves, still holding the fire ball as they just missed biting Victoria as she started to jump across again.

Though, as she was in the air, I threw my fire ball, though, I just missed her by a thin line. The wolves had stopped at the edge. But I continued on.

As Victoria got back to our land, Emmett gained on her. Though, I couldn't see what happened next as they went a little further into the woods, though I'd know where they'd come out of so I ran towards there.

I saw the wolves start to catch up again as I waited for her at another edge of the ravine.

Just then I saw her red hair flow through the air as she jumped the ravine.

But before I could see her land, I saw Emmett also jumped but before he could land, a grey wolf jumped at him, catching Emmett in his mouth preventing him from landing and pushed him into the water.

"Paul! Emmett!" I yelled, getting in between them, standing on the rocks. Emmett soaked growling at Paul as Paul paced side to side on the rocks a few feet away from me.

That distracted me enough to look over to where Victoria was, seeing her get away...again.

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