《Avalei Cullen (A Twilight Saga Fanfic)》Ch 16: Que Quowle


Bella gasped, realizing who she was, "Alice?! Oh god" she said quickly hugging her. That got Alice surprised as well. I stepped aside a bit.

"Bella!" She said pulling away.

"I'm sorry I- I just I- I can't believe your here. I-is-" Bella stuttered but Alice jumped in.

"Would you like to explain to me how you're alive? Both of you?" Alice questioned worriedly.

"What?" Bella asked confused.

I looked into my sister's mind, she saw when Bella jumped off the cliff. Then a few moments after, I saw myself jump off as well. Bella was soon blurred then I saw the scene I was running out of air. Then I blurred out too.

"I had a vision! You jumped off a cliff!" She said looking at Bella, then at me, "And you followed after her!" She looked back at Bella, "Why on Earth would you even try to kill yourself Bella? I mean what about Charlie? What about-" My sister rambled on but I decided to interrupt her.

"She wasn't trying to kill herself Alice. We were cliff diving, recreationaly." I lied for Bella. She looked at me thankful. "It was fun." Bella added. Alice let out an annoyed yet relieved sound.

We then made some hot cocoa to cool down a bit. I was already missing Jacob's warmth.

We sat down in the living room to talk.

"I've never met anyone more prone to life threatening idiocy." Alice stated to Bella.

"You're telling me. Its been what? Half a year since you guys left? I'm still not used to the constant dangerous situations she gets herself into." I included. Smiling softly at Bella, teasing her.

"Does- Did you- Did you tell him?" Bella stuttered again, asking Alice about Edward. Alice looked at me.

"No, he only calls once in a few months. He said he wants to be alone" Alice said calmly to Bella. I looked down, feeling sympathy towards my brother but also disappointment. He still hasn't realized what leaving has done to both Bella and himself.

"And what is that god awful wet dog smell?" Alice asked after a moment of silence, her face looking disgusted, smelling the air.

I then looked down at myself, I still had Jacob's jacket on me, plus I was just cuddled next to him not too long ago. I smelt my collar, his cologne with a hint of woodsy musk and wet dog. Though it didn't really phase me because I was already used to it, and it made me still feel like Jake was here.

I laughed a bit, taking Jacob's jacket off, since I was warm enough now, "Um, that's probably more of me than of Bella...Its Jacob."

"Jacob who?" Alice questioned looking at me. She probably has forgotten about me telling her about imprinting on him.

"Jacob's kind of uh- a werewolf." Bella explained.

That made Alice scoff, I tried hard not to let what she said next phase me, "You guys, werewolves are not good company to keep." Alice issued. I was about to remind her that I was part wolf but I suddenly felt the warm feeling I get whenever Jacob's around. And I was right.

"Speak for yourself." He said walking into the living room. Alice stood up, Bella and I looked at him, wondering why he came back.


He locked eyes with me, his eyes softened, "I had to make sure that you were safe."

"I thought you couldn't protect us here?" Bella asked.

"Guess I don't care." He answered, never leaving his eyes off me. I gave him an appreciative smile.

"Well I'm not going to hurt them." Alice chimed in.

Jacob then glared at Alice, "No, you're just a harmless Cullen. I'm talking about the other bloodsucker who tried to kill Bella and Avalei because of you."

"Victoria?" Alice looked at Bella and I. I stood up too to stand next to her.

"Yeah, Victoria's been around." Bella informed her. Yeah no kidding.

"I didn't see her. I didn't see you both get pulled out of the water either. I can't see passed you and your pack of mutts." Alice insulted, glaring back at Jacob.

I immediately pulled her back, and got in between them, "Don't get me upset. Things are about to get very ugly" Jacob threatened back. He really does hate my family.

I pushed him back as Bella held Alice back as well. "Hey stop stop." I started. I then glanced back at Alice.

She glanced back between Jacob and I, "We'll give you a minute." She then grabbed Bella's arm and guided her out the house. I gave Bella a reassuring look, telling her I'll talk to him.

Before they got out though, I called after them, "Hey, you're not going anywhere, right? You're going to come back."

Alice nodded, "As soon as you put the dog out." I gave her a 'Really?' look, then they both went outside.

I looked back at Jake, "Is he-Are there others? How many Cullens are here and how long are they staying?"

I scoffed a bit and I went over to grab the cups Bella and I used for our hot cocoa, walking to the kitchen, passing Jacob on the way. My face was a bit annoyed.

"No, it's just Alice. And she can stay for as long as she'd like."

I got to the sink and put the cups in, "Well are the others coming back?" He asked stepping into the kitchen as well.

I turned around, leaning against the sink counter a little, "No, not that I know of. Why does it matter? They're my family Jacob, they were here once and they're allowed to come back. I'm sorry if you hate us Jake. It wasn't our intention." I looked at him sternly, "Anything else?" I asked him. I felt him release his tensed look and sighed.

"No that's it." He said softly.

"Well if that's it then you can go run back to Sam" I said hurtfully. I knew it hurt him, it hurt me as well, but I feel like we're going back to where we first started. When he first phased.

I turned back to put some water in the cups.

"I did it to you too. I keep hurting the people I care about. First Bella, now you." I heard him say quietly.

"We don't have to do this to each other." I said turning back to face him. He looked at me longingly.

"Yes we do." He then stepped close, stopping right in front of me, placing his hands on each side of me, holding the counter.


"Jake-" I breathed in softly.

"No Avalei, you kept stopping me before I could say anything to you, but now its my turn. We cannot put this off any longer." He said seriously, but kept his eyes soft. I nodded, understanding and letting him continue.

"I cant take not knowing exactly what we both feel about each other....Avalei, I'm crazy about you. It killed me to be away from you. And I know you feel something too." Jacob taunted.

I sighed, then thinking about how he still loves Bella, "Jake, I can't help but feel something for you too. That's the imprint talking. But...What about Bella?"

"What about her?" Jake asked.

"I know you still have feelings for her Jake. You had her first so-"

"It doesn't matter if I liked Bella first-"

"Yes it does Jake! It means you still love her. I can't take knowing that I'd always be second next to her. It matters." I shouted a little.

"No! It doesn't! " He yelled, making me flinch a bit, looking away from him. He took in a deep breath, calming himself.

"Okay, what about me being a hybrid? Does that matter? Because when you first found out about me-"

"That doesn't matter either. Yeah, I admit I despised you before, but that was the newly phased wolf in me. I judged you without getting to know you. And now, all I want to do is get to know you more." That reminded me of the time we brought Bella back home, I judged him too quickly too. It was the vampire side of me, still stuck on old traditions.

"Jake-" He stopped me by placing his hands on either side of my face, making me look at him. I tensed a bit, he then lowered one hand, that rested on a small part of my waist.

"Avalei, none of that matters anymore. What matters now, is us. Right here. Right now." Then he started leaning closer to my face, stopping just a centimeter apart. I stared at his lips, my heart beat quickening.

"Avalei...Que Quowle." He whispered. I closed my eyes, knowing what was about to happen.

As much as I wanted to push him away at the last second, I didn't have the strength to. Plus, he had me secured.

The kiss felt like forever which I was okay with, but it was probably only a couple of seconds.

I was about to place my hand on his chest to get closer to him, when the phone began to ring.

We pulled away, Jacob huffing out a breath of frustration as he answered it, "Swan Residence." He said lowly.

I stared the spot where Jake just was in front of me. Still dazed from the kiss enough to miss what Jake was doing.

"He's not here right now. He's arranging a funeral."

Bella soon came in again, as Jacob hung up the phone, I finally snapped out of my trance, "Who was that?" Bella asked looking at Jacob.

"What?" I asked.

"Always in the way." Jacob whispered getting angry.

"Who was that?" Bella repeated.

I then had a short vision of Edward crushing the phone then I read his mind...Oh no.

"Bella, Avalei, step back." Jacob said sternly, moving away from us. I ignored him and went closer to him to hold his hand. Sending a warm wave of calmness.

"Jake, who was that?" Bella repeated getting anxious.

"Bella, it's Edward. He thinks you're dead. Rosalie told him why I came here." Alice announced as she reached us.

"Why would you- Why didn't you let me speak to him?!" Bella yelled at Jacob.

"He didn't ask for you." Jacob said calmly but serious.

"I don't care!" Bella shouted back, Alice pulled her back.

"Bella! Bella, he's going to the Volturi. He wants to die too." Alice ended.

Not a minute later, Bella and Alice rushed outside. Jacob and I followed right after. I wasn't sure why I wasn't doing much right now but I guess it was either the fact that I'm too afraid of what was happening and what will happen or that I didn't want to believe what was happening.

Alice was already in the car and starting it as Bella walked down. Jacob pulled me with him, still holding my hand, going after Bella.

"He left you Bella! He didn't want you anymore, remember?" Jacob explained, trying to reason with her.

"Well I'm not gonna let him kill himself out of guilt." Bella stated, getting to the car.

"What about your dad?" Jacob asked.

"I'm 18. I'm legally free to go and I left a note." She got in. Bella and I stood out of the car.

"Avalei, aren't you coming?" Bella asked, the window open on Alice's side.

I felt Jacob stare down at me, when I met his eyes, he was practically begging me not to go. Alice then thought to me.

Alice looked at me, I glanced at her, nodded and stepped back. Jacob let out a breath of relief knowing that I'd stay here with him. Bella though, didn't like what I chose and gave me a scowl and looked back at the road.

He soon leaned down to stop Alice from driving off just yet, "Bella please. Just...stay here. For Charlie...or for me." The desperation in his voice was heart breaking.

"I have to go." Bella stated.

"I'm begging you...please." Jacob pleaded. I felt a small pain in my heart, reminding myself again that he still loved her enough to keep wanting her to stay. He still loved her no matter how much she keeps hurting him...

"Goodbye Jacob." Bella whispered to him. Jacob's face fell, sadness and disappointment filled him as he stepped back, turning towards the woods.

Before I went to follow him, Alice made a point which sort of surprised me, "Maybe Jacob's right." Alice agreeing with Jacob?

"Bella, the Volturi could see me as Edward's accomplice. And you're a human, who smells too good and knows too much. And if they find it about Avalei, it could be even worse...They could kill us all." Alice finished.

I saw Bella buckle her seat belt without saying another word, giving Alice the signal that she doesn't care. Before they drove off, I stopped Alice and Bella, "You all better come back safely. And Bella, save my idiot of a brother." I said sternly. They both nodded and Alice took off.

Just when I thought everything was going to be fine from now on...

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