《Avalei Cullen (A Twilight Saga Fanfic)》Ch 15: Your Own Sun


I followed Avalei's scent, that lead to the cliffs. I spotted Bella's belongings and then realized something.

Where's Avalei?

I looked into the ocean and immediately jumped in.

I had to find both Avalei and Bella.

I didn't realize what I just did until I felt the cold water hit me.

Then I remembered why I jumped in...Bella.

I looked around me but I couldn't see through the dark waters. I was about to go back up to the surface when I saw a flowing patch of red.


I tried to use my air conjuring power to make a small air bubble for me to breathe in, as I was running out of air, as soon as I finished, the red patch disappeared.

I looked around again but then was dragged down deeper into the ocean. I looked down and Victoria had a hold of my ankle, I tried to kick her off but it was no use. I then used my telekinesis power to push her off while conjuring up a whirl pool strong enough to push her farther away from me.

As I swam up towards the surface, I saw two black figures a few feet away from me. This time I was running out of air, and I couldn't use my power to help, I got lightheaded.

Then the dark figures approached me, I felt a warm hand grab my waist as we finally reached the surface.

I breathed in a huge and well needed breath with a few more heavy breaths. I looked next to me, it was Jacob holding an unconscious Bella with his other hand.

"Avalei! Are you okay?" Jacob asked, his warm breath hitting me.

I calmed down a bit, "Yeah I'm alright. Get Bella back to shore. I'll be right there." I noticed I held onto Jacob's bare chest so I pulled back a bit.

"Are you sure?" He asked. Jake, now is not the right time to make sure I'm okay.

"Yeah. I'll be right behind you. Go! Hurry!" I ordered him. I watched as Jacob swam towards the shore. I looked around the waters to see if Victoria was still around. I couldn't see anything. I then began to swim to shore as well.

As I reached shore, I saw Jacob trying to revive Bella. I slowly crawled up to them, trying to catch my breathe still recovering from being under the water for so long.

"Breathe. Breathe! Come on Bella!" He then started pushing on her chest, she soon coughed up some water, opening her eyes.

Both Jake and I let out a sigh of relief. She looked around her.

"Jacob? Avalei?" She whispered out. Jacob helped her sit up a bit.

"Bella, what the hell were you thinking?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah, I leave you for 15 minutes to shower and you go on and jump off a cliff." I added.

"I- I just really needed to see something." Bella stuttered out. Her lips a little blue due to the coldness. I too shivered realizing how cold it was now.

"Get her home! We're going to help out over at Harry's place!" Sam yelled from afar then disappearing into the woods.

"What happened at Harry's?" Bella asked. That made Jacob and I look at each other, sadness in our eyes.

"Harry Clearwater had a heart attack. Charlie and Billy are over at his place with his family." I informed her, reading Sam's mind from before.


"Is he okay?" Bella stuttered.

I looked down, a few tears going down my face.

"He's gone Bella." Jacob stated solemnly.

"Come on, I'll get you both something to dry you off." He then helped Bella up, I followed right after.

I couldn't help but feel someone watching us though.

As we walked towards Bella's truck, Jacob had carried her, trying to warm her. Once we got to the truck, Jacob placed Bella in the back seat, laying her down and placing a blanket on her.

Jacob also gave me a jacket, his jacket that was a little big for me but would suffice. Then I went over to the passengers side and he climbed into the driver's seat.

We then started heading towards Bella's house.

The ride was mostly silent. Except the occasional shivered breaths coming from Bella. Then it quieted even more a few minutes after.

I looked back and Bella had fallen asleep.

"Is she sleeping?" Jacob suddenly asked.

"Yeah. Its good, she needs it after what happened earlier." I stated, looking back over to the window.

I then thought about Harry again. If only I was there sooner, I could've stopped Victoria and avoid Harry from getting hurt. If I got there sooner, it'd leave Seth, Leah and Sue still having Harry alive.

"You alright?" Jacob asked glancing over to me a bit, he probably caught my sad expression.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just thinking about Harry, his family you know? Leah's what, Bella's age? And Seth's just 14. I just hate to see people pass away because they live in our messed up world" I tried to say without stuttering.

"Yeah, but you have to understand, he died out hunting. Protecting his own. That's something." Jacob stated.

I nodded looking out the window again, I began to shiver a little more, and I really wanted to use my fire power to at least warm me up a bit but I didn't want to wake Bella or start a fire in this truck.

Instead, I clutched onto Jacob's jacket a little more.

"108 degrees over here." Jacob stated.

I looked at him then down at my lap, "Its o-okay. I'll warm up s-sooner enough" I tried to play out cool but ended up stuttering a bit.

"Come on Avalei, things don't have to be weird between us anymore. Come here." Jacob remarked as he then reached over and placed his hand around my torso and pulled me to him. Wrapping his arm securely around me once I was close enough to him.

As much as I wanted to protest, I soon felt myself mold into his side, my hands finding themselves holding onto Jake's with his arm still around me. Letting out a huff of breath as I was now warm and comfortable. There are some up sides to Jacob's bold personality.

I laid my head gently in the crook of his neck, "Must be nice not getting cold." I commented.

I felt him move his head a bit to gently lean against my head, leaving it there, "It's a wolf thing." I could sense his smile creeping up.

"No its not. It's a Jacob thing. You're just warm. You're like your own sun. I wish I had that." I stated, getting a lot more comfortable with him. I felt him huff out a chuckled.

"There are some perks to it. But you know, the thing about the sun, is that its always there. Like sometimes you can't see it, but...it never really goes away." I listened closely to his words as I stared at the road in front of us.


"I'll always be here for you too Avalei. I'll never go away, I promise. And if you want, I will always be your own personal space heater." I too let out a warm chuckle.

We soon found ourselves parked right in front of Bella's house. Its darker out, maybe just passed 6.

Jacob turned off the engine. Leaving only the sounds of Bella's heavy breathing being heard.

"Is this better? Now that Bella knows about us. About what we are?" Jacob suddenly asked.

I lifted my head to look at him properly, I didn't realize how close our faces were from each other until now, "Yeah I guess. But somehow anything involving Bella, I think it also made things worse." I giggled a bit. He too cracked a smirk but then became serious again.

He looked down at me, unsure about something, "What?" I didn't want to read his mind because I was afraid what he'd say.

"It just comes so easily for me, you know, being a wolf, its easier for me more than the other guys." Jacob admitted.

"Well that's good, isn't it?" I said staring at his face as he still looked away.

"Maybe...or maybe it makes me less human than them." I gave him a strange look, not believing him, "I don't know. Maybe Sam was right. You really shouldn't hang around me." He looked at me sternly but in pain.

I sat up a bit, getting a little angry myself, "You of all people shouldn't feel that way Jake. You're not going to get rid of me that easily." I looked at him straight in his eyes.

"You know what Sam did to Emily. Sam got angry, lost it for a split second, Em was standing too close. He'll never be able to take that back." I looked at him a little confused, "What if I got mad at you?"

He then looked away, letting out a loud breath. I know what he was worried about.

This was never about not seeing me, but just like Bella, he didn't want to hurt me.

I turned my body a bit, facing him a little better, he still had his arm around me but now it fell to my waist, I placed one of my hands on his chest, right above his heart, "Jake, you know you can't hurt me right? Nothing can really, at least nothing has gotten close enough to try to. And definitely not permanently. And even if I do get hurt, I'll just heal like how you guys do. And I know you wouldn't hurt me." Not intentionally in that case.

He glanced at me seriously, but then looked away again, "I guess so. Its just that sometimes...I feel like I'm gonna...disappear." I felt a small sting in my heart, knowing that he was the one who was hurting.

I then touched his cheek for him to face me again, then placing my hand back on his chest, "I cannot think you need me telling you this, but I'll always will. And so will Bella... You're not going to lose yourself. I won't let that happen." I vowed to him.

"How?" He asked. I didn't notice our faces were more closer than before. I found myself staring at his lips. I felt he was doing the same thing.

"I'll tell you all the time. How special you are." I finished. We then found ourselves leaning our faces more closer to each other, Jacob a little faster than me.

I closed my eyes, waiting for his lips to meet mine, but as soon as I felt his lips barely brush mine, Bella stirred, waking up.

I sucked in a light breath and pulled away slightly looking back at her as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, Jacob let out a breath of disappointment. I too looked down and pulled away from Jacob's embrace as Bella sat up. Way to ruin the moment Bella. But then again, maybe she saved me from starting something I didn't know would end the way I'd wanted.

"Where are we?" She asked. Looking around.

"We're at your house." Jacob stated, still a little mad about the almost kiss.

"I guess we should go." I told him. Bella scooted over up to hug Jacob from behind. Thanking him.

I placed my hand on his, giving him a warm smile before reaching for the door. I opened it a little but Jacob stopped me.

"Wait!" Jacob said sternly, immediately reaching over to close the door again. I had to admit, he startled me.

I looked at him, Bella also looked worried.

"There's a vampire." He announced. And tried to start the truck again. Then it hit me too, someone was here.

"How do you know?" Bella asked in the back seat.

"We can smell it." I exclaimed. Jacob soon got the truck started.

"I'm getting you girls out of here." He tried to drive off but Bella and I looked around.

I then spotted a black Mercedes that I immediately recognized, and so did Bella.

"That's Carlisle's car." I stated.

"They're here." She said immediately getting out. I followed right after her, trying to stop her, Jacob joined in too.

"Bella its a trick! Stop! Avalei! You gotta come with me!" Jacob yelled.

He soon grabbed mine and Bella's arms, pulling us abruptly. Bella looked at him serious, "They won't hurt us." I just stayed silent for a bit.

"Bella, besides Avalei, if a Cullen is back here, this is their territory. The treaty says that we can only defend on our own lands, I can't protect you here" Jacob explained.

"Okay, its okay, you don't have to." Bella replied quickly.

"You're about to cross the line." He said to Bella, provoking her.

"Then don't draw one...Please?" She pleaded and immediately shrugging Jacob's hand off and went up the steps.

"Avalei-" He started, looking at me now, I grabbed his hand gently and held it, then placing my other hand on his cheek, "Jake, its okay. I've got her. Trust me." I remembered I said this to him before, when we were chasing Victoria. But this time, I was sure.

He then placed his hand on the my own that was still on his cheek, his eyes softened and nodded.

I tiptoed to kiss his cheek then followed Bella into the house. I heard a slam of a car door outside. Jacob was still pissed at Bella.

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