《Avalei Cullen (A Twilight Saga Fanfic)》Ch 14: The Red Head


As much as I didn't want to leave Avalei behind, she wants me to talk with Bella. And I guess I do need to explain things.

But I also want to talk with Avalei...about us. If it weren't for Sam's order and for her request, I'd have Avalei...but I also need to figure what my feelings are.

I mean I used to think that Bella's the one for me, but ever since I found out I didn't imprint on her, I still felt a pull towards her...maybe it was leading me to Avalei...

It was funny how we met though. Before we locked eyes, I used to despise all the Cullens thanks to that leech loving Edward and from the stories my dad told me about them. Then when the pack told me about Avalei, I did feel a warm cozy feeling within me but I ignored it at the time, knowing she was still a Cullen. But back to when we first met, I think she was trying to defend Bella, but then obviously, we both got distracted.

I knew though, when I met Avalei, things were going to be different from now on.

But my feelings again! Of course I love Avalei but I've had this thing for Bella for awhile now and I catch myself falling for whatever she makes me feel sometimes. And then Avalei pops into my head and I really don't know what to feel at that point. But Avalei is my imprint, and she imprinted on me as well so we're bound to end up together...right?

I should just be friends with Bella...or...

Ughhhhhhh why are we such in a complicated world?!

Okay back to Bella.

She walked a few steps before me. We ended up at First Beach. I finally matched steps with her, "So you're a werewolf?"

I huffed a chuckled a bit, "Yeah, last time I checked. A few lucky members of the tribe have the gene. A bloodsucker comes into town, the fever kicks in."

"Mono." Bella retorted.

I chuckled, "Yeah, I wish."

"Well can't you find a way where you could just...stop? I mean its wrong" Bella questioned. That got me a little annoyed.

I stopped in front of her, "Its not a lifestyle choice Bella. I was born this way, I cant help it. You're such a hypocrite. What I'm not the right kind of monster for you?" Wait, why'd I say that?! She's already got a monster...but he did leave her...so she's available...but Avalei....

"It's not what you are. It's what you do. They've never hurt anybody. You''ve-you've killed people Jake." Is she serious?

"Bella, we're not killing anyone."

She had a confused expression, "Then who is?"

"What we're trying to protect you people from. The only thing we do kill...Vampires."

"Wait Jake you cant-" she started but I interrupted her, "Don't worry, we can't touch your little precious Cullens unless they violate the treaty."

"What about Avalei? She's a Cullen. She's allowed on your land-"

"She's Quileute Bella. The only reason what stopped her from becoming a full vampire. We can't hurt her because of that and...more reasons. She'll explain things to you more later." I defended. Oh Avalei...I already miss you...See what I meant by complicated?!

"But you still can't kill vampires. They'll- they'll kill you" She ended, that made me scoff.

"Really? We took out that leech with dreads easy enough. I mean Avalei could've too but we were lucky enough to have the honors of finishing it." I stated.



"And his red headed girlfriend is next." I finished.

"Vic-Victoria? She's here?" She stuttered.

"She was. We chased her all the way to the Canadian border the other night. She keeps coming back. We don't know what she's after."

"I do." Bella huffed in a breathe, "Me and Avalei."


Wait, did I just say that? She's not even mine...yet...ughh I don't know...

But what I do know is that we need more patrols and we need to keep an eye out for that leech before she hurts Bella or Avalei.

When Jacob and Bella went off to talk, I decided I needed to go back home to talk to my family. I haven't heard from them in a long time and I needed to tell them I was okay and that Bella knows everything...well not every detail but the general stuff.

I was only going to be gone for a couple of minutes. I knew I needed to be in my actual home to call them, if I called while still at Sam's, the others would get all curious and stuff. They don't know that I'm still in contact with them. And if I called when I'm with Bella, she'd of course freak out and try to talk to them to make sure they were still real and try to ask for Edward. Or maybe break down even more. So yeah, home it is.

After my call, I went back to Sam and Emily's. They were still as the same when I left, eating. They were talking about Victoria which I'll save that for later.

Alice said things are still the same over there, no news with Edward either. I told them about Bella, and they took it better than I expected. I also told them about Jacob and I imprinting on each other, that one, they didn't take as lightly. But they understood, well mostly. Rosalie had a lot to say but I told them bye before she got more specific.

A couple of minutes after, I arrived back at Sam and Emily's so did Jacob and Bella.

It was getting late and it was a medium drive back to Bella's so Jacob decided it'd be the right time we'd leave. He'd come along just to make sure we got home safely. As much as I wanted to defend that I had it covered, I also didn't want him to leave me just yet...

We said our goodbyes and I promised Emily I'd be over there again soon.

The ride to Bella's was silent. The music played from the stereo Emmett gave to Bella for her birthday but that was it. What made it a little more awkward was that Jacob sat in the middle between Bella and I. Which was odd because one of us would've gone in the back seat...Talk about a soon to be complicated love triangle.

I wanted to read what Jacob was thinking but I really didn't want to intrude. It wasn't until he nudged my side, softly enough that Bella wouldn't notice. I casually glanced at Jacob who also glanced at me but went to scratch his head and casually pointed to his temple.

He wanted to talk to me through his mind.

I nodded, turning on my mind power and looking out the window, but tried to avoid the deeper thoughts, just what he had to say.

I smiled a bit, though, still looked out the window.


I saw him tense a bit but soon calmed again. Bella didn't notice, just kept her eyes on the road.

I felt him get angry as his body temperature raised a little higher, I calmed him.

He breathed in.

"You okay? Do you want the AC on or something?" Bella spoke aloud.

Jacob shook his head, "No I'm good." She nodded and continued to drive, we weren't far from her house by now.

Jacob looked back over to my side of the window.

We soon found ourselves arriving at Bella's house.

Bella parked and got out of the truck. I heard Jacob sigh but got out as well, holding the door open as I got out too.

I gave him a small smile.

"Don't worry, we've got this place covered. She wont get near you girls or Charlie." Jacob reported, walking us to Bella's steps.

"You gotta be careful. She's fast. You don't know how fast she is." Bella warned.

"You know your lack of confidence in us is a little insulting?" Jacob smirked.

"Yeah Bella, they are big giant wolves after all. Those huge paws aren't just for scratching behind their ears." I joked. That made Jacob smile, Bella cracked a small smile as well.

"Well I better go." Jacob announced.

"You gotta go." Bella asked, looking down, I too copied.

"Yeah, got a vampire to kill." He said slyly. Bella and I both nodded, giving small smiles.

Jacob soon jogged off, Bella entered the house but I turned back to watch Jacob jog down the road, he turned his head back noticing me, and waved. I waved back.

I've been stuck with Bella like 24/7 for the past 2 days but then again, I've been with Bella for like half a year already so what's new. It seems like she's back to her old self as in depressed mode though. I thought after all our secrets were told she'd feel at least a little better. But I guess not.

Oh yeah that night Jacob came with us to drop us home, I had to tell Bella some details about me being a hybrid. It wasn't much but I had to explain things to her.

School hasn't been much. I always sense Jacob and the pack around whenever they're out patrolling. And today, I heard Charlie, Harry and other men are going out to hunt for the pack again, no thanks to Bella that time we came home after seeing Laurent.

I'm a little worried that Victoria will somehow find her way to them, but I have faith in the pack and Harry is a good liar, if he finds something that shows any signs of the pack, he'll hide it.

Bella and I were home as all of this was happening. Bella was at her desk, typing another email to Alice. I told her I was going to shower.

After I finished showering, I got dressed and went back to Bella's room, only to find it empty.

Oh come on! I was only in the shower for like 15 minutes! Where could she have gone now?

I saw that her computer was still open, she had yet to send the email to Alice's non valid email address.

I skimmed most of it, only reading that she was telling her about Jacob patrolling and Charlie out hunting. But the last bit of it got my heart thumping.

Rush?...Oh no

Just as I was about to zoom out, I got a vision.

Charlie, Harry and the other men were out hunting when a certain red head decided to join the investigation, hiding in the trees.

"You got something Harry?" Charlie asked, looking back at Harry.

"Nope, nothing." Harry lied, as he covered up a paw print.

Just then, Victoria hung on to a tree not far from where Harry stood. He turned around, sensing her, but she was gone.

A few minutes later, Charlie was just reaching a top of a hill with Victoria on a tree right above him. She jumped down and stood right behind him.

Harry spotted her, about to shoot her but she sped over to him, throwing the gun away and grabbing his collar of his clothing, lifting him up.

But before she could do anything, a russet colored wolf collided with Victoria making her throw poor Harry a little bit down the hill. Once he landed, he started having a heart attack.

Charlie was suddenly by his side, trying to wake him. Though, it was too late.

Once I snapped out of my vision, I breathed in a few heavy breaths.

"No, not Harry..." I then sped over to where it would happen, or where it happened.

I was too late...again. Now I really wish I had that time traveling power.

I made sure to keep my distance, I felt a pang of disappointment and sadness hit me. Though, it wasn't just Charlie's, it was mostly my own.

Harry's such a nice man, I love his humbleness and his company. I've met them a couple of times whenever I'd hang with the pack, and met his and Sue's kids, Seth and Leah. Seth's a sweet guy, reminds me so much of Harry. Leah is okay too, if it wasn't for her moods sometimes because the whole Sam, Emily, Leah love triangle. Then there's Sue, she's basically the pack mom, next to Emily. I already feel their pain, once they'll find out about Harry...what if Seth phases? Or Leah too?

Tears started to fill my eyes, I wanted so badly to help him but that'll leave Charlie wondering why I was out in the woods.

Then I suddenly saw Victoria zoom past me a few yards away, with the pack following close behind, Jacob in the lead.

I followed them, tears now falling but fading away as I ran. I only saw anger.

Since I was faster than the others, I was in the lead now, Jake not far behind me, I was right on Victoria's tail.

I ignored him as I gained up on Victoria. I conjured up a fire ball, getting ready to throw it at her but we soon found ourselves at a cliff, where she jumped off right before I threw the fire ball, landing straight in the cold dark waters.

I was going to jump in too but Jacob called out to me.

Just then some of the others also arrived, panting after that chase.

"I almost had her! That scared red headed leech." I insulted.

Jared asked.

Embry commented.

I laughed a bit. I looked over to Jacob, who was then looking over the cliff...Cliff...oh no Bella!

I gasped, which made all of them look at me, "Bella" I whispered glancing at Jacob.

I then zoomed past the trees, I heard thumps like a few hundred feet behind me.

I finally got to the cliff first, where I only saw a jacket, a few jewelry, and some shoes.

Without thinking, I jumped in as well.

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