《Avalei Cullen (A Twilight Saga Fanfic)》Ch 13:Wolf's Out of the Bag


I woke up from my own slumber a few hours later. I looked up to see Bella's bed empty. I suddenly got up and checked the house. Nobody's home.

Where could she be?

That's when I had a vision.

Bella drove down the road, arriving at a familiar red cabin house. She went up to the door, Billy answered.

"I need to see him."

Billy had a serious face, "He's not in"

"I'm sorry I really need to see him." She walked pass Billy who tried to stop her but failed. Bella found her way to Jacob's room, only to find him fast asleep.

She sighed but then saw Sam and the others arrive in Jacob's backyard. That got Bella fumed. She stormed outside and approached them.

"What did you do? What did you do to him?" Once she arrived in front of them, she pushed Sam.

The others, especially Paul got angry, Sam stood his ground, "Easy" he commanded the others.

"He didn't want this!" Bella yelled.

"What did we do? What did he do? What did he tell you?" Paul questioned, getting angrier.

"Both of you calm down!" Sam ordered.

Seriously Bella?! You don't get wolves angry!

Can't I get a week without any dangerous situations Bella gets herself into?...I mean I'm dangerous but I wouldn't hurt her...but with all these life threatening things she keeps getting herself into, I might be tempted to...just kidding.

I then zoomed out and made it to the scene before anything else happened.

Maybe 5 seconds passed as I was immediately next to Bella, grabbing her arm, trying to pull her back. She was surprised at first but glared back at the pack. I looked at Sam with an apologetic look. He just glared but not at me, at Bella.

Guess the secrets coming out. There's no point in hiding that I know the pack and their secret.

"Bella, drop it. Lets go." I said to her, but she didn't listen. I mean what's new?

"Nothing! He tells me nothing cause he's scared of you!" Bella replied, ignoring me. That got the others laughing, mainly Paul. Bella shrugged my hand off her and began to turn back, but what I didn't expect was that she only pulled back to punch Paul in the face.


"Avalei, Bella get back!" Sam yelled. I immediately pulled Bella behind me, stepping back myself. Bella's heartbeat quickened.

"Too late now." Jared tempted.

Paul fumed, breathing heavily, Sam trying to calm him, "Paul, calm down now!" I tried to calm him as well but it was too late. Paul erupted out of his human self, and turned into his giant grey wolf. He growled with teeth showing at me and Bella.

He got angrier, I put my hand up in case he tried to attack. But before I knew it, I didn't feel Bella behind me anymore, when I glanced back, she began running towards the house.

Just then, I felt the warm feeling in me as Jacob came out and jumped the balcony, "AVALEI! BELLA!" he yelled, running towards us.

"RUN! RUN JAKE RUN!" Bella was right about to approach him, almost seeming like she'd hug him but found herself on the ground as Jacob jumped over her, phasing in mid air, landing right in the middle between Bella and I, who were between Paul and him.

Okay I'm stuck between two angry looking wolves...why aren't I moving?

I stared at Jacob, he bared his teeth at Paul, growls erupting from him too. Jacob then looked at me, he suddenly lowered his muzzle to cover his teeth and looked at me with soft eyes.


I gave him a sympathetic yet worried look. He understood.

I nodded my head and sped over to Bella. She had this frantic look on her face.

Oh damn. It just hit me. She now knows that they're the wolves. That her best friend is one too.

"Bella. Bella are you okay?" I asked. She didn't say anything, only stare at the scene before us.

Jacob and Paul growled loudly at each other, then they both pounced, trying to get a bite into one another. They rolled a bit, still trying to get a bite in but they pushed each other to get a few seconds before fighting again.

I had to admit, even though Jacob said he'd be okay. I've never seen them fight that seriously before...so yeah, I was a bit worried.

They kept switching positions whether who was dominant. But then I saw Jacob get a bite in, making Paul whimper but continued fighting. That's my Jacob....wait what? I said nothing. No one will know. I'm in my own thoughts.

They kept going at it, crashing into a boat and finally rolled through the woods, disappearing in them.

I looked back at Bella who began to breathe heavily and fast. I calmed her down a bit.

"Take Bella back to Emily's place." Sam ordered, looking at me. Embry and Jared started walking towards us too. Sam disappeared into the woods, probably going to stop Jacob and Paul.

"Guess the wolf's out of the bag." Embry commented as they got to us.

I stood up to join them, Bella still stared off to where Jacob and Paul left the backyard.

"Bella, come on. We're going to Emily's." I held a hand out to her, she finally got out of her freaked stare and looked up at me. She grabbed my hand, I helped her up.

We then went over to Bella's truck and got in. Embry drove, I stayed in the back seat with Bella, seeming as she still was thinking about what had happened. Jared road in the trunk.

We weren't far from Emily's and Sam's place but it was still a few minutes away. I really want to avoid talking to Bella only because she'll start asking questions.

"Avalei, why aren't you phased about this?" I spoke too soon.

"I'm a part of the supernatural world too Bella. Things like this don't really bother me anymore." I said, trying to avoid the actual question.

"No I mean, did you already know about this? About Jacob?" And there it is.

I sighed, "Yes, I did."

"And you knew these guys before today? Because it sure seems like you guys are pretty close." Bella spoke.

"Yeah, I knew them before today. I come to La Push a lot, its when I always tell you I'm out hunting or at my house."

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked, getting a little angry.

"Because it wasn't my secret to tell Bella. Not my whole secret in that case." I mumbled the last part, hoping she didn't hear.

"What do you mean 'not you're whole secret?'" And she did hear it. I guess the wolf really is out of the bag.

Embry cleared his throat in front of us. He glanced in the mirror.

"Bella, what I'm about to tell you might confuse you and probably make you mad at me but since secrets are coming out, I have to tell you mine." She looked at me seriously, waiting for me to continue.

"Bella, I'm a hybrid." I said calmly.


She looked at me like I was crazy, "What?"

I sighed, "I'm a hybrid. It means that I'm not only a vampire but I'm also a wolf like these dudes. Well at least, I'll become one." I laughing a bit while pointing to Embry.

"Bu- But how-" She started but we found ourselves at Emily's place. The boys got out, doing their what I like to call Wolf cry, to let Emily know they're here.

Bella and I sat where we were, "I promise I'll answer everything you want to know, and so will Jacob. But, right now, you have to meet Emily." I then got out, using the driver's side and shut the door. I followed Embry and Jared to the porch.

"Hey I think we should go back and see if Jacob's okay" Bella called to us, still in the truck.

"I hope Paul sinks some teeth in him, serves him right." Jared provoked.

I slapped his arm, he looked at me and put his hands up,

"No way! Jacob's a natural. Did you see him phase on the fly? I've got 5 says Paul doesn't touch him" Embry put in a bet.

"Easy money! Jacob's just a rookie, with Paul you got your wily veteran. No contest." Jared countered.

"You boys and your bets." I rolled my eyes.

We all looked back, Bella still hasn't come out of her truck, "Come on in Bella! We wont bite" Embry stated.

"Speak for yourself." Jared teased.

I rolled my eyes, "Seriously, you're such boys. I can't imagine how Emily feels dealing with you guys every day." I joked back.

"Awww come on Avalei, you know you love us." Embry chimed as they both squished me in a sandwich hug.

I groaned, "Yeah yeah, some days less than others." I kidded.

I saw their faces, doing their fake hurt expressions but brushed it off by smiling.

We didn't notice that when we talked, Bella finally got out of the truck and was now right beside us.

Jared walked in, I stayed a little behind, "Oh hey about Emily, Sam's fiancee, don't stare. It bugs Sam." Embry informed Bella.

"Why would I stare?" Bella asked confused.

"You'll understand." I said to her as we walked in, Bella trailing behind.

Once we entered, Bella still outside, probably observing the house. Emily was in the kitchen, like most times, baking up some muffins. The boys obviously went straight to them.

"You guys hungry? Like I have to ask" She huffed out a laugh.

"Yeah you really don't." I added as the boys sat down. Emily suddenly turned towards me, excited to see me.

"Avalei! It's so nice to see your pretty face again. Especially with all the testosterone around." Emily greeted hugging me.

"Hey Emily, its nice to see you too. It feels like it's been forever since I last came here." We pulled back, she felt sorry.

"I know. I'm sorry that Sam put you on that order. I told them that you can handle yourself way better than anyone else can. But he didn't listen. Stuff about-" Emily started but I interrupted her, making her feel less sorry for me, "I know, his intentions were understanding. I appreciate it." I smiled, Emily smiled back as well.

"So, I heard about you and Jac-" She began but I shushed her.

"Shhhhh! Now's not a good time to talk about that." I whispered.

Emily saw the worried looked on my face, "So what are you guys doing here so soon?" Emily asked, changing the subject.

The boys looked at me.

They both thought at the same time.

I sighed, "There was uh a predicament and long story short, the wolf's out of the bag." I stated, quoting Embry.

"Hey you stole that from me." Embry commented.

"What do you mean?" She asked while going back to her muffins.

Just then Bella walked in, feeling awkward. I stepped to the side a bit.

Emily turned towards Bella and I saw the realization in Bella's eyes but she quickly hid it.

"Who's this?" Emily asked.

"Bella Swan, who else?" Jared answered. I slapped him again.

"Bella, meet Emily Young. Sam's fiancee. Emily, meet Bella Swan." I introduced properly.

"Huh so, you're the vampire girl." Emily stated.

Bella stepped more in, "So you're the wolf girl." she stated back.

That got both Emily and I chuckling a bit, "Guess so. Well, I'm engaged to one." Emily said while placing the big plate full of giant muffins on the table.

Jared was about to grab another muffin when Emily stopped him, "Save some for your brothers. And ladies first." Jared put the muffin back.

"Yeah, ladies first. Oh wait-" I told them, smirking, while grabbing a muffin myself. Jared tried to slap me but when he tried that the last time, he ended up twirling in the air.

"Muffin?" Emily asked Bella.

Bella came over and grabbed one, then stood to the side.

"Leave it to Jacob to find a way around Sam's gag order." Emily commented.

"Um he didn't say anything to me." Bella claimed.

"That's a wolf thing. Alpha's orders get obeyed whether we want them to or not. Oh and check it out, we can hear each other's thoughts." Embry explained.

"Way to go Embry. Just announce it to the whole world will you?" I joked.

"Yeah, will you shut up? These are trade secrets. Damn it! This chick runs with vampires!" Jared exclaimed.

"Hey!" I slapped his arm, "Did you forget that I'm in the room? Hello? Part vampire here!"

"Yeah and you can't really run with vampires," Bella stated, Emily and I chimed in a snide, "Cause they're fast."

"Oh yeah? Well we're faster." Jared said too confidently.

I cleared my throat at that, "But not faster than me." Jared looked to the side avoiding my comment.

"You freaked out yet?" Jared asked Bella.

She shook her head, "You're not the first monsters I've met." She said glancing at me a bit then Sam came in.

"Jake and Avalei were right, you're good with weird." He then went over to greet Emily with a kiss and a few more along her face.

I smiled at them. Wishing that Jacob and I could be as cute as them...Ugh imprint talk again.

I saw Bella look down. She really does not like seeing any affection.

Just then, I felt the warm feeling again as Jacob and Paul arrived, shoving each other a bit, but laughing.

I sighed in relief, Bella also felt a sense of relief. Paul went over to the table to sit down with the others as Jacob stayed at the door, leaning against the frame.

Once he finished laughing, he looked at me, smiling softly.

I looked over at Paul as he said sorry to Bella. Then Jared passed $5 to Embry.

I laughed a bit, looking back at Jacob, I smiled at him.

I lowered my smile a bit. Jacob then looked over to Bella, his smile faded.

Jacob then flicked his head, signaling for Bella to go outside. But before they left, I had to say something to Jacob.

And with that, they left.

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