《Tracks》Chapter 16- Drive in
"We'll break our own hearts so someone else can't"
~Bridgett Devoue
Song- Ghosting; mother mother
"Hey Marlee!" Connor smiles a toothy grin at me. "Might I say you look wonderful today" he compliments nudging Grayson who smiles the same.
"And did you do something new with your hair?" Grayson asks rocking back onto his heels. "It looks great"
I close the magazine I was reading and slide my feet off of the couch. Looking at them suspiciously, I stretch for a second.
"What do you two want?" I question ,propping my feet onto the coffee table. Connor basically shoves Grayson to speak. They whisper-yell at each other for a moment before turning back to me.
"Well Sara isn't going to be home for a couple hours" Grayson explains awkwardly.
Nothing new there. That child is always awkward.
"And our chore for today was to take Ella on a walk" Connor speaks up, I nod slowly knowing exactly where they were going with this.
"But a couple of the guys from the team invited us to go to the field for a game" Grayson finishes Connors statement "so we were wondering-"
"If I would take her on a walk for you?"
They both nod sending me pleading eyes.
"What do I get out of it?" I ponder placing my chin in the palm of my hand. They both glance at each other confused.
"Um, our love and affection?" Grayson offers raising his shoulders to a shrug.
"Who would want that?" I retort going to grab my magazine again.
"Fine! We'll-" Connor thinks for a minute "-side with you on any argument you, Theo and Cam have for the next week!"
I don't say anything with raised eyebrows and a unfazed expression.
"Month?" Grayson offers.
"2 months and you got yourself a deal" I tell them opening my magazine while they whisper to each other. Eventually they stop and Grayson grabs my magazine. Him and Connor outreach their hands and shake mine.
"Deal" they say in unison.
"I hope you know I would've done it for free" I say pinching both of their cheeks as their jaws drop. "But this way we all win... we'll except you two."
Connor flips me off walking out the door. Grayson tries to do the same but bumps into the wall. He turns back to be for a second with an embarrassed look before leaving behind his best friend.
Once they were out the door I heard Ellas cries through her monitor. Theo was in the backyard along with Cameron playing catch so I drag myself up the stairs and to her nursery.
Once getting her out of her crib I walk back down the stairs, through the dining room and kitchen, straight outside. Cameron and Theo were both shirtless. Sweat dribbled down Cameron's abs.
"Hey Mar" Theo waves focusing his eyes on Ella and in a baby voice says "there's my girl"
"The boys are out meeting with some friends so I'm going to take this girl on a walk" I pinch her chubby cheek, her eyes glisten just like her brothers. "Wanna come?"
"As much as I would love to" Theo fake sighs walking over to us, followed by Cameron. Cam wipes his head before I hand over his sister to him. "I can't, I have a very important meeting with the couch and a pillow"
He salutes us like the idiot he is before running off inside. Cameron sets Ella down letting her crawl on the grass for a moment.
"Don't worry Lee, I'll come with you." He says with a cocky tone wrapping an arm around me. I shove him off quickly, cringing at his sweatiness.
"Oh joy" my voice was flat and monotonous. He tuts his tongue yanking a piece of my hair.
"Pretend all you want but I know you love spending time with me"
The warm sun rays hit my skin blending perfectly with the cool wind making the temperature just right. The smell of fall surrounds me, leaves turn colors of red, orange and yellow letting me know autumn is here.
The sound of the squeaky wheels from Ellas stroller and birds chirping all around fill my ears. Cameron walks next to me, tossing a baseball in the air and telling me about the next baseball season.
I could be a professional baseball player if I had any athletic abilities at all. Growing up with Theo and Cameron always playing, talking about it or watching games on tv means I know everything there is to know about baseball.
Ella sleeps in her stroller adorably. After she played outside for a minute I took her inside and changed her into a cute little sundress and tying her thin, brow, curly hair into pigtails.
I then went to Cams room where I had a drawer full of my clothes that I keep there. I threw on some random jeans and then stole one of Cameron's t-shirts tucking it in.
Sure I have like 10 shirts there but I love stealing his so much more.
A few cars pass by as we walk but not many seeing as it was only a little after 3, most people were at school or work.
Our moms both texted in our group chat saying they had some things to take care of after work. Mom called earlier in the day checking in, she tried to get off of work the second she found out about dad showing up but couldn't.
I knew that they were probably at the police department filing another restraining order causing the pit in my stomach to grow again when thinking of last night.
"Okay, you zoned me out like 2 minutes ago." Cameron bumps my shoulder lightly, placing the baseball on the tray on the top of Ellas stroller. "What are you thinking about"
Keeping focused on the sidewalk in front of me I take a minute trying to find the right words. "Do you think he'll come back?"
He takes a moment to think, the silence seems louder than if he was actually talking. "If I'm being honest, I have no idea"
That was not the answer I was hoping for.
"But I know if he does we'll be ready this time" he places his hand over mine on the stroller. "Besides I know you're stronger than him" he jokes making my frown feel less heavy and letting the corners of my mouth slightly turn upwards.
"I could take him" I snort " I mean have you seen my muscles" I flex my arm jokingly right as we arrive at the park. "The one push-up a day I've been doing really has been paying off"
"You need help" he laughs turning into the park entrance.
There's 2 parks in this town. The one on our side of town in small and more run down. Half of it is graffiti filled and falling apart but a couple years back they added a new part to it that the kids haven't yet destroyed.
The park was where most of our days were spent as kids. The memories flood my mind as I follow Cameron into the park pushing Ellas stroller.
I look to the swings and see 5 year old Theo, Cam and I seeing who can get the highest. Then I look to the slide where Theo fell off when we were 8 and broke his wrist.
Dave got him a bell and he made Cam and I wait on him like maids. It was horrible.
We head over to the newer part of the park that consist of a play house that is rather large, a swing set with baby and regular swings, a sand box and a jungle gym.
We go to sit down on the bench when Ella wakes up. She start babbling and squirming to escape from the stroller. Cameron sighs sticking out his bottom lip.
"I was hoping she would stay asleep so we could play" he pouts as I grab Ella out of the stroller, pushing it to the side.
"Poor baby" I joke, patting his chest and walking to the swing. Sliding Ella into the baby swing, I walk behind her and push her lightly. Her giggles fill the air as a breeze pushes my hair back. A smile forms onto my face listening to her laugh.
Cameron sits on the big swing next to us, kicking the dirt around with his feet. He looks up to me like a kid getting ready to ask for a cookie.
"Marlee, can you push me?" He asks sending me a cheesy smile.
"No" I deadpan continuing to push Ella.
"Please" he draws on. I roll my eyes moving a step over so I'm behind him. "Yay! You're the best!" He exclaims smiling like a little boy up at me.
"I know" placing my hands on the chains I push him as hard as I can but he barley moves "what have you been eating?" I groan trying to push him and Ella every few seconds to keep her entertained.
"Are you calling me fat?" He questions in a offended tone. I grunt pushing him as hard as I possibly can.
"Yes" I breathe out. He scoffs, angling his head back at me, glaring.
"The only thing fat about me is my fat ass" He states facing forward in a sassy manor. I use my leg to shove him so hard he falls off of the swing. His butt hits the ground with a thump.
I double over in laughter. My ribs ache and tears run down my face from my laughter. Cameron looks up at me trying to seem angry but his mouth has a small smile.
Ella giggles beside me pointing at Cameron. His eyes hold a certain look behind them and surprisingly I can't tell what it is. I can always tell what Cam is feeling but this is different.
"You know what? I'm not going to take you to see frozen 2 this weekend" he tells me sticking his tongue out. I stand up straight with wide eyes.
"No, no. I'm sorry." I immediately apologize even though I'm not.
"Fine, just help me up." He outreaches his arm. I stupidly grab it but the second I do his classic smirk forms onto his face and I'm being yanked down.
Ella giggles even louder. The little devil child loves it when people get hurt. It's quite concerning.
I look up at Cameron ready to cuss him out but stop when my eyes meet his. The entire world freezes around us. My body is pressed against him. Our faces are inches apart.
His cheeks are slightly sun kisses from the lake. Freckles scatter across his face. His hazel pools of eyes pour into my blue ones. Long lashes guard his eyes and his forehead holds a couple wrinkles as if he's in deep thought.
Then he slowly moves closer to me. I'm frozen in place while his lips inches to almost touch mine.
Keyword- almost.
Ellas cries ring through the air. We both snap out of our trance, I hop up quickly. Brushing off my jeans and grab Ella who immediately stops crying in my arms.
Cameron stands behind me back to his usual manor. He grabs my arm and pulls us over to the playhouse. My face is tinted red but I quickly distract myself with Ella.
A half hour later I sit on the bench watching as Cameron swings with Ella in his lap. Her smile is wide and his is wider. He then takes her to the slide and they slide down together.
Eventually Ella falls asleep in my arms and Cameron is the only one left playing. He comes up to me red faced and tired.
"Can we go now?" I ask standing up and laying Ella in her stroller.
He seems sad and kicks a rock with his shoe. "I guess"
"Can we have 4 popcorns, 3 pretzels and 6 waters please?" Addie says politely to the snack booth worker at the drive in.
The sun was setting slowly and the movie was about to start. I spot my favorite drink on the menu and butt in next to Addie "and a sweet tea"
Brianna taps my shoulder whispering what she wanted for me to order it.
"Could you also add a cherry slushy to that?" I ask sweetly while Addie hands her the money. She nods and types it in handing Addie the receipt while another worker hands us 2 large trays with our snacks and drink.
Brianna and I both grab one and walk with Addie out of the snack shack. We parked towards the back to protect everyone else from Theo's singing (since he's had the soundtrack on repeat for days just for tonight) and addies constant cursing.
We were parked in between the cars of the people who came just to hook up like everyone in the back besides us. There was 1 row of cars behind us and 12 in front of us but we could still see the screen good.
When we get back to the truck I spot that the boys have set up the chairs and blankets. Addie, Theo and Asher already claimed the three chairs meaning the rest of us were stuck in the truck bed.
Luckily we brought tons of pillows and blankets so it should be comfy. Theo stands up, tapping his foot and shaking his head like a disappointed mom when their kid sneaks out.
"Finally you're here! The movies about to start" he scolds while Bri and I hand everyone their drinks and snacks.
"The line was long" I tell him, handing him a soft pretzel.
"So? Shove past them" he says as if it was common sense, sitting down. Miles helps Brianna and I into the truck bed. I sit down in between Cam and Miles.
"He's been like this since you left" Cam whispers to me "you would think you were missing your wedding or the birth of your first child, not the first 2 minutes of frozen"
I snort chucking a piece of popcorn at his head which he easily catches with his mouth. I roll my eyes, turning towards Miles and leaning over him.
"Sure, I don't need personal space" he mutters looking down at me.
"No, you don't." I glance up before turning back to Brianna. "Can I have a sip of your slushee, pretty please?" I flutter my lashes and poke my bottom lip out. She nods and places it close to my mouth so I can take a drink.
"Marlee, your elbows in my rib cage" Miles grunts, his face contorting in pain.
"Good" I say while sitting up. "Your rib cage is unimportant anyways" I wave him off, grabbing Cam hand that holds his pretzel and bringing it to my mouth so I can steal a bite.
"Bitch" he yanks his pretzel back, smacking my hand away.
"Whore" I reply while Miles starts replying to my previous comment.
"Rib cages protect your internal organs, without them you would-"
"Shut the hell up! It's starting!" Theo hisses turning back to us, shooting daggers with his eyes. He then yells at Asher and Addie to stop fighting and pay attention, eventually having to sit between the siblings to shut them up.
Brianna leans over Miles who starts to protest but ends up with a defeated look, focusing on he screen. She brushes a piece of her dark, curly hair behind her ear and says "I'm starting to think that time you gave him a concussion when you were 8 stunted his brain development"
"I started thinking that along time ago" I admit "like 2 years ago when he cried watching princess and the frog"
"In his defense, so did Cam." Miles adds point to Cameron who we all turn to. He looks towards us with a awkward smile/shrug.
"It's not my fault they made Rays death so depressing" he defends himself, holding up his hands. "Besides Marlee cried for a week when she found out Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana were the same person"
"My entire childhood was a lie!" I smack his head shaking his head.
"If y'all don't shut the hell up I'll will cut off all of your toes in your sleep!" Theo basically shouts catching the attention of the nearby cars.
"Jeez, so violent" Brianna giggles but stops when my brother glares at her. I pat her knee and flip him off but before I know it "into the unknown" starts playing and all 7 of us are singing it at the top of our lungs, ignoring all of the complaints.
Okay, I admit. Frozen 2 is almost as good as frozen 1
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