《Tracks》Chapter 17- Worry
"whatever our souls are made of yours and mine are the same "
Song- As the world caves in;Matt Maltese
After frozen 2 ended, we all decided to stay for the second movie which ended up being the maze runner. Grams picked up Brianna since she had to wake up early that morning and Asher had a date but was going to meet us at the party we were going to later.
Miles moved next to Theo and Addie in the chairs leaving Mar and I in the truck bed ourselves. We've both seen the movie hundreds of times so talked for the first quarter.
About halfway through the movie, I felt a weight on my shoulder. I peer over at Mar, who was dead asleep. Her lips were slightly pouted and her long lashes touched her cheeks.
I tried my hardest to stay still the rest of the movie knowing she needed the rest. When the movie ended, Theo hopped up and started talking loudly.
"Shh" placing a finger over my mouth, I jerk my head on Mars direction. His mouth forms a O shape and he nods. I toss him the keys to let him drive so I don't have to wake Marlee yet.
He catches them Mid-Air and heads to the drivers seat. Addie and Miles get in the front with him. The sound of the engine humming fills my ears as Theo pulls out of the spot.
My eyes look up at the stars while we drive down the back roads, surrounded by forest. Somehow my eyes trail to Marlee and I can't seem to tear them away.
She's always been beautiful, as long as I can remember. Even when she was missing her front teeth, or her face was broken out, or she got a bad haircut.
My phone buzzes in my pocket. Shuffling, I try carefully not to wake Mar up. Clicking on my phone I see a message from Serena. A picture of her I took when she wasn't looking is under her name.
I open my messages and read through the ones from her.
Babe I'm at the party! When are you getting here?
There's an empty room here for later
Clicking off my phone and I decide I'll just see her when we get there, I realize we're already at the house. Theo, Miles and Addie go inside without me.
I slowly move away from Marlee, hopping out of the truck. Once on the ground I grab her in my arms, bridal style. I creep into the house and head straight to her room.
I see painting supplies scattered across the floor and a beautiful canvas she had started a couple days ago. Laying her on her bed, I pull the blanket over her and kiss her forehead.
The boys were at a friends for the night and Charlotte was working which meant she was going to be alone. I can't go and leave her alone, especially with everything going on.
I promised I would protect her and I plan to keep that promise.
I start to turn and walk to the living room to tell the others I'm not going when her hand wraps around my wrist.
Spinning back, she peeks an eye open at me. Her crystal blue eyes glow from the street light that shines through the window.
"Go to the party" she tells me quietly, obviously half asleep. "I'll be fine"
Is she a mind reader?
"I didn't want to go that bad anyways" I wave her off. She sits up, with a annoyed expression.
"You're going, I'm a big girl." She huffs. "Besides I have Suzy"
"Who?" I question, absolutely confused.
"My bat" she tells me as if that was something everyone should know.
"You named your bat?" I quirk a brow at her, of course she scowls at me.
"Obviously" I echo under my breath "because who doesn't name their bat"
"Anyways, you're going." Marlee declares with a defiant nod. "And I don't think Serena would be very happy if you ditched her"
Oh yeah.
I love Serena, I truly do. It's just sometimes she can be a little much. She's my first real relationship and even if she doesn't show it, she's a good person.
She just hides it with an icy exterior. If people saw the real her they would love her too.
"Fine, but you have to lock all the doors." Pointing a finger at her, I stand up.
"Awe Damn. I was going to leave all the doors and windows open and paint a big 'come murder me' sign for outside" she retorts with an eye roll.
"Of course you were" I bend over and kiss the crown of her head "call me if you need anything"
"Yes sir" she sarcastically solutes me before morphing it into a middle finger. I shut her door, meeting the rest of our friends in the living room.
"Finally, are you done putting on your makeup?" Addie stands up impatiently.
"Haha" I laugh dryly feeling Theo's arm wrap around me.
"Don't listen to her Cam, your makeup is beautiful." Theo says not actually looking at my face.
"I'm not wearing makeup" I tell him, question why he's my best friend.
He seriously concerns me sometimes.
He looks to me an winces "you need some"
"Shut up" I hit his head, shoving him off of me.
"You guys ready?" Miles questions, grabbing a water bottle since he's our DD for the night.
I think Marlee would kill us if she had to pick us up drunk again.
"Yes, I should already be drunk by now!" Addie complains, grabbing Miles and running outside. Theo looks to me with concern written on his face.
"Is Mar gonna be okay by herself?" He asks me, glancing towards her room.
"Yeah, she basically forced me to go and would kill both of us if we stayed home" I chuckle trying to cover up my own worry. He nods, not looking relieved at all.
We make sure all the doors and windows are locked before meeting Addie and Miles in the truck. Addie shaking her head angrily ,muttering about how she needs a drink.
Two hours later and I'm sitting on the couch with Serena. A few boys from the football team and a few cheerleaders talk with us but I'm not listening to a word they say.
I've been nursing the same beer all evening not wanting to be too drunk to drive if something happens. Not that it will, at least that's what I keep telling my self.
"Babe, do you wanna dance?" I ask her kissing her cheek. She barley spares me a second glance.
"I'm okay" she turns to face me "but if you want to go to the bedroom I wouldn't be opposed" she winks, placing a lingering kiss on my lips.
"Let's go" I mutter, grabbing her hand and pulling her up.
Another hour passes and I'm back in the main room of the party. Theo is drunkenly dancing on the table, Addies playing a bunch of boys at beer pong (and winning).
Miles , the only other non-wasted person here, is sitting on the couch reading a book. A book. Marlee would slap him silly if she were here.
Serena is hanging all over me, too drunk to walk properly. Her friend, who she's going home with, is just as drunk. Luckily she lives less than a 5 minute walk away from here.
"I love you" she slurs fluttering her lashes. Chuckling, I tighten my grip on her so she doesn't fall.
"I love you too" I reply when another one of her friends comes up and drags her away to dance. She waved goodbye and runs to the dance floor with her friend, giggling hysterically.
As I'm about to sit on the couch with Miles my phone rings. Marlees face lights up on the screen. She's half asleep, flipping my off with mascara running down her face after she pulled an all nighter to watch a show.
She hated the picture but I loved it.
My heart starts beating in my chest while I shove people out of the way to step outside. The cool air hits me like a ton of bricks the second I step onto the front porch.
I quickly answer, placing the phone to my ear.
The second she speaks I know somethings up. She never sounds scared, I mean never. She's the bravest person I know. But she did now.
"Lee, what's going on?" I ask her, facing up towards the sky. The bright moon shines down on me.
"There's someone outside" she rushes out "I heard a noise so I looked out my window and someone's in the yard just staring at me"
My heart drops, quickly patting my pockets for my keys. I remember I gave them to Miles and I had a little too much to drive anyways.
"I'm on my way" I tell her "go to the bathroom and lock the door"
"Okay" she says shakily. I hang up and start sprinting down the street. I don't think I've ever ran as fast as I am now. My heart pounds in my chest and my feet pound on the pavement.
I get to Mars house in record time. I spot someone outside her window trying to get in.
"Hey!" I shout rushing after them. The hooded figure looks up but due to the street light being out I can't see their features clearly but I know who it is. "I said stay away from her!"
Anger pulses through my veins. The figure takes off running but so do I. As exhausted as I am from running over here, my anger keeps me going.
The people that hurt Marlee most in this world won't leave her alone. They broke her down and tore her apart. She was finally getting better but now they're opening old wounds that never fully healed.
She doesn't deserve any of this.
And it sucks that I can't protect her from it.
The person hops into a car parked a little ways down and drive off. I curse, running a hand through my hair and watching the car drive away. No license plate.
Turning back towards the house, I jog back. Quickly going around the back, I go to get the key. I pull out an old loose brick from the wall, under lays the key.
I replace the brick and unlock the sliding door. Setting the key on the table, I call for Mar "Marlee!"
A click sounds from down the hall and the squeak of a door. Marlee comes running out of the bathroom and into my arms. Her arms wrap around my neck and a breath of relief is released from her.
"Are you okay?" I question, wrapping my arms tightly around her neck. She nods, not saying anything else for a minute, just holding onto me.
We both calm ourselves down staying in each other's embrace. I don't want to ever let go, she's safe in my arms. Eventually, she takes a deep breath and pulls apart.
"Did you get him?" She questions but immediately knows the answer by my expression "who's was it?"
She nods slowly, pushing her hair back with her hand. She looks exhausted and worn out. Turning around, I lock the door.
"Let's go to bed" I suggest, placing my hand on her lower back and leading her back to her room. She stops and looks up at me.
"What about the party?" She questions, her brows furrowing adorably.
"Miles has my keys, I was ready to leave anyways." I explain truthfully.
"And Serena?" She draws on, walking into her room and flicking on her lamp beside her bed. She goes to her dresser, grabbing some of my sweats I left here and throwing them at me.
"She'll be fine without me" I mutter, catching the sweats.
I doubt she even knows I'm gone.
"Whatever, go get dressed." She shoos me out of the room but I stop in the doorway.
"You don't want to see me strip?" I tease, smirking at her. She just rolls her eyes, plopping onto her bed.
"Save it for the club" she retorts yawning.
Once I'm changed in a pair of plain sweats and no shirt I head back to Mars room. She was standing up, looking out the window wearing a t-shirt that went to almost her knees. I immediately recognize it as mine.
If she doesn't stop stealing my clothes my closets going to be empty.
"He's gone Lee, I watched him leave." I reassure her, walking behind her and placing a hand on her hip. I felt her tense slightly from my touch, not fully knowing if it was good or bad.
Her face turned slightly red, very unlike her. "What if he comes back?"
"He won't"
"But what if he-"
"Marlee, you can't spend your entire life worrying about the 'what if's'. I'm here and he's not going to get to you" I explain while she turns to face me. Her arms cross over her chest and she looks pissed.
"I can take care of myself" she snaps, pushing past me and sitting on her bed. Chuckling I sit next to her.
"I know that" I tell her with a small smile. Bringing her legs to her chest, she tucks her arms around them and places her chin on her knees. "You've been doing it since you've been born"
"I wish I could just stand up to him, not have to have prince Cameron to my rescue every time something goes wrong" she huffs, pulling at a string on her blanket.
"Well I'm not a prince, I'm a king" I kid, she looks to me with a pain expression. "But you don't need me to rescue you, in fact I think you've saved me more times than I saved you"
I think back to when we were 8 and a older kid pushed me down at recess. I hurt my foot and couldn't walk. Marlee was so mad, she marched up to the group of 6th graders.
In a little purple dress and two braids, she stood strong in front of the group of boys and yelled at them. When they ignored her and laughed she kicked one of their shins and marched away.
None of them ever messed with me again.
"That's true" a small smile peeks out causing mine to widen.
"You are the strongest person I know Lee, you'll get through this" I place a hand on her knee, rubbing it softly.
"Thanks" she whispers leaning her head on my shoulder. I lean my head onto her head after. "Cam?"
"I love you" she tells me, something she doesn't do often. She's never been good with expressing her emotions. She shows her love to other through her actions not words.
"I love you too" I wrap an arm around her holding her tight.
She quickly changes the subject, asking about the party. I tell her all the stupid things our friends did while we both settle into bed. She yawns again in the middle of laughing at her brother.
"You want to go to sleep?" I ask covering both of our legs.
"I don't think I'd be able to sleep right now" she replies, plugging up her phone along with mine. "But you seem tired, so go to sleep"
"How about we watch a movie?" I suggest , opening her laptop and typing in her password which is "Charlie" who she loves more than me.
A stuffed animal, and she loves him more than me.
That's just sad.
"Can we watch the perks of being a wallflower?!" She smiles widely making it impossible to say no.
"Fine, how many times have you seen it now?" I question, going to Netflix and clicking on her all time favorite movie. Well that and the Duff. She's seen both at least 50 times.
"I don't think I can count that high" she tells me and when I laugh she shushes me and starts reciting the words.
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