《Tracks》Chapter 11- Hangover


"I'd rather be a lover than a fighter, cause all my life I've been fighting" -marshmallow

Song- moral of the story; Ashe ft Niall

Getting home was a struggle with Theo trying to hop out of the trunk and Asher trying to punch Miles but I eventually got the group of idiots home.

Once I parked the truck I helped Cam out first. Using my other arm I grabbed Miles before Asher punches him and lead them inside. Dropping them in the living room and leaving the tv on to keep them occupied I get the other two.

"Marlee! You're back!" Theo jumps into my arms and knocks me to the ground. He looks down at me "why are you on the ground?"

"Just for fun" I retort standing up brushing my pants off.

"Come back for more?" Asher wiggles his brows and flexes his muscles. I gulp trying to not throw up and lead them inside too. Once they are all on the couch Connor and Grayson come recording on their phones.

"Why are you up?" I question.

"Blackmail" they replay motioning towards Theo who was hugging Cam. Miles still crying and Asher flirting with a lamp.

"Send them to me" I tell them chuckling "did Ella wake up"

"Nope! Slept like a baby" Connor nods zooming in on Theo who kisses Cameron's cheek.

"She is a baby" Grayson rolls his eyes,

"You're my bestest friend ever!" Theo shouts and I immediately slap his head.

"If any one of you wake up Ella I won't hesitate to use my bat" I point at them who all freeze. Suddenly Cameron hops up and runs towards the door. I grab his arm and stop him. "Where are you going?"

"I have to get back to Marlee" he slurs out "I promised I would be back and I know she can't sleep until we're all safe"

"Well as sweet as that is I'm right here bud" I pat his chest pushing him onto the couch. "You two head to bed I'll deal with them" I shove them towards the bedroom right when I hear Ellas cries.

"Great" I shut my eyes taking a deep breath.

"I'll get her!" Miles offers now done crying and standing with a smile.

"No I will!" Theo protest.

"She's my sister!" Cam adds.

"I don't like kids so I'm good" Asher raises his hands "now do we have any more vodka"

"The only thing you will be drinking is water" I tell Asher before turning to the other boys who are all arguing "and you three are far too drunk to handle a baby so no"

I leave them I go to my room picking up Ella and wiping her tears.

"It's okay sweetie" I soothe her brushing her hair out of her face when I hear a crash. "I'm going to kill them" she nods and giggles as I walk to the living room.

All the boys were on the floor wrestling. I walk to the switch and flip it a few times.

"Attention!" I shout sternly. They all hop up in a line looking straight ahead with stiff bodies. "Theo and Miles go get pillows. Asher grab some water bottles and Cameron set up the pull out couch"

They immediately start going to work. I've had much practice with drunk boys to know how to get them to listen, that and they're scared of me.

For some reason.

Ella babbles and pulls on my hair. Then the horrid smell hits me and I gag. "That's why you're awake"


After changing her diaper the boys have the living room set up. Theo and Asher lay on the pull out, Miles on the recliner and Cam is no where to be scene.

"Frozen!" Theo demands point towards the tv.


"I love frozen!"

The other two agree so I flick on the tv and play frozen. I stand behind the couch rocking Ella trying to get her back to sleep. By the time "let it go" plays all the boys are asleep and so is Ella.

I turn off the lights and head back to my room. I set Ella in her crib brushing a piece of her hair out of her face and kissing her forehead. Sitting on the edge of my bed I whisper "goodnight baby"

"Night sweetheart"

I shriek covering my mouth to not wake Ella. She doesn't even stir. I spin back and hit the large person on my bed. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Sleeping" Cameron replies sitting up a little "but we don't have to sleep"

"Sleep in the living room"

"Theo kicks and Asher snores, no thanks" Cam mumbles half asleep. "Besides I want snuggles and Asher won't snuggle with me"

"I'm sure Theo will" I laugh picturing the two boys cuddled up on the couch together.

"But I wanna snuggle with you" he yanks me into the bed nuzzling his head into my neck. His hair tickles my face and I involuntary giggle.

"Just stay on your side of the bed and go to sleep" I shove him off turning to face away from him. It's silent for 30 seconds when I feel Cameron's arm wrap around me and pull me closer.

Too tired to argue I just close my eyes and fall asleep.

"Who wants pancakes?!" I ask extra loudly earning groans from Miles, Theo and Asher. I even hear Cameron yell shut up from my room.

"We do" Grayson says.

"Yep! Keep em coming" Connor rubs his stomach. I place a large plate in front of them before going to the living room and opening the blinds.

"5 more minutes... or hours" Theo whines covering his eyes.

"No can do, we're going to the lake today!" I exclaim shoving all three boys before going back to my room. Sara picked up Ella early this morning. "Wake up sleepy head"

"I hate you" Cam shoves a pillow over his head.

"That's not what you were saying last night" I tease pushing Ellas crib to the corner of my room.

"I only said what I meant" he winks his voice raspy and those dumbass butterflies form in the pit of my stomach. "Can't we sleep in longer?" He grabs my wrist and pulls me into bed.

"I made pancakes"

"Okay I'm up"

After everyone ate their pancakes and took pain killers to soak up their hang overs the house was buzzing with excitement.

"I'm here!" Addie yells walking into the door.

"Boo" Asher mumbles eating his 13th pancake. I force all the boys to clean as payback for making me get out of bed and picking them up last night. Brianna comes and I drag them both to my room to get ready.

I help Addie braid her hair and let Brianna borrow a bathing suite. She chooses a yellow high waisted 2 piece with little sunflowers on it. Addie wears a bright purple string bikini that just barley covers her up.

I decide on a red bikini that stops just below my belly button and a regular strapped top. I leave my hair down so it won't tangle and throw on Cameron's T-shirt overtop.


"Isn't it to cold to swim?" Brianna asks sitting on my bed.

"It's like 90 degrees out today" Addie tells her walking to the window and opening it.

"Gross, doesn't Georgia know it's fall?" I question closing the window.

"Apparently not"

"You slow pokes ready?" Miles yells down the hall.

"Hold your horses!" Brianna calls back. "Jeez why are men so impatient" she huffs placing a hand on her hip. Addie leaves the room and I grab Brianna's hand holding her back.

"You going to be okay today?" I ask.

One thing no one besides Theo, Cam and I know about Bri is her anxiety. She comes of as quiet to most people but in reality she's over analyzing everything that she does.

It took her years to finally be comfortable with our entire group and with all of us she can be more herself but she's still on edge around a lot of people. Days like today when we'll be out all day can often put her on edge.

"Yeah, I'll be fine!" She says giving me a quick hug. "Thanks for asking though"

My black sunglasses sit on my face as we cruise down the road. Brianna sits next to me, our legs smooshed together from the crammed space in the truck bed.

Connor and Grayson argue over something while Miles tries to stop their fighting. Asher lays out shoving Addie every few seconds purposely. Theo is in the front with Cameron who turns up the music.

When we get there Cameron parks in the grass. The part of the lake we go to is just a dock with green grass all around it. The crystal blue water reflects the sunlight.

"Let's do this bitch!" Theo exclaims hoping out of the truck. Cam extends an arm and helps me out of the truck bed. Theo basically pulls Brianna to the ground and then steadies her when she almost falls.

"Who grabbed the snacks?" Connor questions.

"How are you already hungry? You ate like 40 pancakes"

"I'm a growing boy"

"Well I'm getting in the water" Cameron throws his keys in the open truck window and peels off his shirt revealing his abs. I roll my eyes and take off my shirt and throwing it in the truck bed.

"Beat you in!" Asher shoves the boys and next thing I know all 4 are diving off the dock. Connor and Grayson sit on the ground eating snacks.

"I'm going to stay in the grass and tan" Addie tells us laying down and stretching out.

"Wanna sit on the edge of the dock and make fun of the boys?" I ask Bri who smiles.

"Is that even a question!?" She reply's grabbing my hand and pulling me to the dock sitting on the edge with her feet swinging around. I sit next to her and the two of us talk for a while while the boys play in the water.

"You girls getting in?" Miles calls swimming over to us.

"It's cold, like colder than addies heart" Brianna grimaces.

"I heard that" Addie yells not moving from her tanning position.

"You were meant to" Brianna replies looking up at the sky.

"Come on, get it. It'll be fun." He begs us sticking out his bottom lip.

"You know you're our favorite but even you can't get us in" I tell him patting his cheek sympathetically.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that" he smirks.

Next thing I know Cameron's arms are around my waist pulling me up. I hear Brianna shriek and a splash seeing her and Theo emerge soon after and her glaring at him.

"If you throw me in I will personally rip off every single one of your limbs and beat you with them." I threaten but I'm ignored.

He jumps off the dock and the icy water washes over me leaving me shocked for a second when I emerge before I swim after Cameron who was laughing hysterically.

"I'm all wet now" I complain chasing him around the lake.

"Wouldn't be the first time I got you wet" he teases earning a weird glance from Theo before he realizes what he meant.

"Ew dude shut up!" He scolds shaking his head giving me the chance to jump on top of Cameron submerging him.

He shoots up a few seconds later grabbing me and pulling me into him. His hair drips down his forehead, small freckles shine on his face and his dimples poke out.

The world seems to freeze around us. The sound of Theo trying to pressure Connor and Grayson to get in or Addie yelling at Miles dulls behind us. My breathing slows down and heart rate increases as I stare into his hazel eyes.

That is until I feel someone push us both under the water. Water goes up my nose and down my throat. When I reach the surface I immediately start coughing.

Asher laughs hysterically and Cameron grabs my waist pulling me up. "Are you okay?"

"Well besides the fact that I can't breathe but who needs oxygen" I cough out trying to get all the water out of my lungs.

"Well as long as your fine" Cameron let's go of me causing me to drop slightly but keep my head afloat. I turn and hit Asher harshly who was still in a fit of giggles.

I swim to Brianna and splash her right as the younger boys jump in with Miles and Theo. Soon Addie joins and we all have a water fight splashing and dunking each other.

For the first time in a while my smile doesn't feel forced. My brain isn't thinking about what happened last year or the stresses that are at home. I just have fun with my family.

Asher hops out and turns on the Car playing some music. Brianna, Addie and I all dance spinning each other around. Theo grabs Brianna and starts slow dances with her in the water.

Asher and Addie wrestle each other while she curses at him for getting her hair wet. Grayson, Connor, Cam, Miles and I continue to have a water fight while singing along to the music.

The sound of gravel crunching under tires snaps me out of my happy state and a frown immediately forms when a familiar pink Mercedes pulls up.

"What is she doing here?" I turn to Cameron as Serena steps out of her car and more vehicles pull up.

"I told her we were coming to the lake today but I didn't think she would show up" he explains running a hand through his wet hair.

"Who started the party without me" she raises her sun glasses onto her head popping out her hip with a evil smirk on her face.

I'm going to kill someone tonight.

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