《Tracks》Chapter 10- Spa day
"Stop trying to be liked by everybody, you don't even like everybody"
Song- sweet creature; Harry styles
"All I'm saying is that if Voldemort was so powerful why couldn't he just poof on a new nose?" I question painting my thumb a glossy red. Addie was sticking with black and Brianna did a pastel pink.
We were all in pajama pants and t-shirts with fuzzy socks. The tv had friends playing but we weren't really watching (not that I needed too, I've seen every episode multiple times).
The boys were out doing God knows what since I kicked them out earlier so us girls could have a spa day. We did pedicures and now were finishing on our manicures.
"I mean if I was a all powerful wizard a nose job would be the first thing I do" I add on. Addie agrees shoveling chips into her mouth.
"And a boob job" she mutters.
"Maybe there's like some rule against doing magic on yourself or something" Brianna suggest.
"Haven't you read all the books?" Addie asks her dipping the brush back in the black polish.
"Yeah but it never really said" Brianna explains. I've seen all the movies but have never gotten around to reading the books so I would just have Bri give me reports on what happened.
"That's dumb" she mutters. We move onto face mask soon after. All three of us sit around the coffee table applying the pink mask that smelled like strawberry's. When we all have it on our faces I hear the boys chattering as they approach the door.
When they walk in Theo's eyes light up. "Are we doing face mask?!"
"We" I motion to Addie and Brianna. "Are doing face masks"
"I wanna do one!" Theo pouts running over to us and sitting down.
"Me too!" Cam agrees joining his best friend. All boys were slightly dirty from baseball. Theo had grass stains on his knees and Cams hair was disheveled. Miles had dirt all over his shirt and Asher was just plain sweaty.
"I guess I will too" Miles chuckles sitting down. All three boys look at us with anticipation. I look at the girls who both shrug and I nod.
"Fine" Addie agrees grabbing Miles and starting to put his on.
"Holy shit that's cold!" Miles hisses. Brianna pushes Theo's hair pack and places the mask on his forehead before smearing it.
"That smells good, no wonder you guys always smell good. Us guys don't have this!" Theo complains earning a small laugh from Brianna.
"No, you just stink" I deadpan. Cam taps my shoulder and I look at him with a plain expression.
"Please Lee?" He pops out his lower lip. I stare for a second before grabbing the container with the mask in it.
"Whatever" I mumble. He smiles widely, his dimples popping out. Asher plops across the couch relaxing with a big sigh.
"You sure you don't want one Ash? They're relaxing!" Theo tells Asher who waves him off.
"You ladies can stick to your face mask"
Standing between Cams legs,I start putting on his face mask. While I'm doing it I notice he's staring straight into my eyes. I look back at him with a questioning look at he just shrugs and smirk. I take the mask and smear it across his mouth.
He grimaces wipes by it off with the back of his hands "brat"
He reached his hand in the tub and rubs it in my hair. I gasp hoping up and grabbing a handful and throwing it straight at him. He shakes his head with a wide grin.
"You're so dead" he says before he lunges at me. I take off run around the sofa.
"There they go again" I hear Miles say as I sprint out the front door followed by Cameron. I feel strong arms wrap around my waist and my feet leave the ground.
"Cameron let go!" I demand hitting his arms.
"Not a chance" he laughs before tickling my stomach. I scream before giggling hysterically trying to break free of his grasp.
He finally lets me down when I'm red in the face and out of breath. I punch his arm sending him a harsh glare , spinning around and ignoring him.
"Where are you going?" He asks chasing after me.
"To ask Addie to borrow her body bag"
"Are you sure you don't want to go?" Theo questions fluffing his hair in my mirror.
"I'm sure, I'd much rather stay home with Ella and the boys then chase after you hobos while your drunk out of your minds" I retort shutting my laptop and setting it beside me.
"The boys can watch Ella, please Mar" Theo begs turning around and giving me a pouty face.
"The boys can't even watch themselves" I snort sitting up from my comfortable position in bed.
Seriously they can't even make grilled cheese. The instructions are in the name.
"Fine, next time your coming out though" he points finger at me.
"Don't count on it" I mutter getting out of bed. The door opens and I hear Cam and Connor greet Grayson who, last I checked was laying across the couch along with Ellas baby babbles.
"Boring" Theo says in a song-song voice as we walk to the living room.
"Gross you're here" I comment to Cameron when I spot him. He flips my off before bro-hugging Theo. Connor and Grayson sit on the couch with Ella who plays with the boys ears tugging them harshly.
"Are you sure you want to stay home Lee?" Cameron questions and I want to bang my head through a wall.
"I swear if one more person asks me that I'll jump off the water tower" I reply shaking my head.
"Okay, I'll take that as a no" Cam whistles lowly before looking towards Theo. "You ready?"
"Yeah, let's do this bitch!" He cheers whooping and both boys turn towards the door.
"Stop!" I command. "Theo Hail Gardner and Cameron James Taylor if either of you so much as look at a car after having a drop of alcohol I will personally scoop your eyeballs out with a old spoon"
Both of their eyes go wide and they gulp before nodding stiffly. Theo salutes me "got it!"
"Yes ma'am" Cam bows looking up at me with a brow raised.
"Dudes you guys just got mom'd"Connor laughs. Both boys slap him in the head before heading out the door. Asher and Miles are meeting them at the party.
Once they're gone I grab Ella from Connor when she starts to fuss. I bounce her in my arms calming her down and sitting on the couch. "So what do you boys want to do?"
2 hours later I'm sitting on the floor with Connor and Grayson. Sponge-bob plays on the tv while the boys and I play uno. Ella sleeps in her small crib we keep here for her.
"Uno!" Grayson exclaims and I immediately shush him.
"If you wake up the baby I will murder you" I threaten. I lay down a yellow 6 and Connor lays down a yellow 2 when it gets to Grayson he lays down his last card and cheers in victory.
"I win!" He whispers-shouts. Connor groans throwing down his cards.
"How do you win every game?" Connor asks crossing his arms.
"I don't know? Cause I'm better than you" he smirks reminding me exactly of Theo and that thought scares me.
Next thing I know the boys are wrestling on the floor . I sigh standing up and slapping both boys on the head. "If you idiots wake up Ella you're sleeping outside"
"I'm hungry" Connor says sitting on the couch. Grayson joins next to him.
"Me too, can you make us something?"
Both boys stick out there bottom lips and put on puppy dog eyes.
Should I let them starve? Sounds appealing.
"Fine" I mutter walking into the kitchen glancing at the boys who look very interested in sponge-bob.
I check the cabinets and fridge deciding to make tacos. I take out the ground beef and put it on a skillet letting it cook while I lay out cheese, tomatoes, lettuce and sour cream in different bowls along with tortillas.
After adding spices to the meat and waiting for it to finish cooking, I place it on a pot holder beside the rest of the toppings and call for the boys.
They come stampeding in shoveling food down their throat before I can even sit down. Once my stomach is full and the kitchen is cleaned up I go to my room leaving the boys to play video games.
The second I settle into bed I hear Ellas cries and the boys yell "Marlee"
I get up and stomp into the living room and gingerly pick her from her crib. "Couldn't y'all calm her down just once?"
"No can do" Grayson shakes his head not tearing his eyes away from the screen.
"I'm not good with babies" Connor agrees.
"You mean your sister?" I question shaking my head and rocking Ella trying to stop her cries.
"She cries to much" Connor argues brushing his hair out of his eyes and continuing to murder people on the game. I roll my eyes and carry Ella to the kitchen.
"Boys a dumb" I tell her grabbing her bottle from the cabinet. Holding her on my hip while she wails I hastily make her bottle and take her to my room.
I prop myself on my bed cradling her in my arms and placing the bottle in her mouth. She immediately stops crying and starts drinking.
I feel her while humming and she shook falls asleep. Once's she's asleep I open my laptop and play a tv show still rocking her. I hear the boys go to bed a couple hours later and check the time to see it's a little after once.
My eyes feel heavy as I bring Ellas crib to my room and place her in it. She rustles for a minute but doesn't wake up luckily. As much as I want to sleep I stay awake and listen for the boys.
Once it hit threes and there still not home I grab my phone and dial Theo's number who doesn't answer. Feeling the worry grow I call Cam. After a few rings I hear the sound of loud music.
"Lee?! Is that you?!" He slurs out. "I miss you, why aren't you here?" He questions and I can practically smell the amount of alcohol he's consumed from here.
"Where's everyone else?" I ask him with a annoyed tone. I just want to sleep.
"Um" he pauses "Theo's jumping in the pool, Ashers making out with someone and Miles in crying"
"Are any of you not drunk?"
Of course not.
"Wait there, don't drink anymore" I demand ready to hang up.
"Sure thing beautiful" he tells breaking my eardrums "I love you soooooo much"
I hang up looking at Ella who's still asleep. Getting up and throwing some shoes on I go to Grayson room. Both boys sleep peacefully , Connor snoring slightly.
"Wake up" I whisper shaking them both. They both ignore me for a few minutes before finally peaking open there eyes.
"Is everything okay?" Grayson mutters half asleep.
"The dumbasses are drunk and I have to pick them up, Ellas sleeping but here's her monitor if she wakes up" I tell them. Connor grabs it before closing his eyes and going back to sleep.
I leave the house and start walking in the cool September air. The house is only about a 15 minute walk away if I cut through yards and trails and it gives me some time to clear my head.
I listen to the crickets chirp passing a few of my graffiti works and even Brianna's house. Her light was off or I would drag her out with me.
Finally I hear the loud music and see cars lined around the streets. The party has already died down and is mostly filled with drunk people when I walk in.
The smell of booze and sweat fill my nose. People are either dancing, making out or passed out. I scan the room for familiar faces spotting Asher first.
"Hey! There's my girlfriend!" Asher tells a lamp that he thinks is a person.
"I'm not your girlfriend" I deadpan grabbing him and holding him up.
"Sure you are, or maybe you don't like me." He ponders for a moment tapping is chin. "I forgot which one."
"The second one"
"The second what?" He asks trying to grab another drink from a random person but I stop him setting him by a couch.
"Stay here" I command handing him a pillow to keep him occupied. I walk to the kitchen searching for everyone else. That's when I spot Miles in the corner with tear stains on his cheek.
He's always been an emotional drunk.
"Hey Mi" I say softly grabbing his attention.
"Hey Marlee" he sniffles.
"What's wrong bud?"
"When dogs owners die they think they're owners abandon them" he cries out, more tears welling in his eyes. He wraps me in a tight hug sobbing into my shoulder. I rub his back pulling apart and grabbing his hand.
"It's okay bubs, let's get you home." I say softly taking him into the living room and sitting him next to Asher who is now passed out. "I'll be right back."
"Where are you going?" He croaks grabbing the pillow from Asher limp body and hugging it to his chest.
"To find Theo and Cameron" I explain. Miles nods solemnly poking Ashers cheek.
"Is he dead?"
"I wish" I snort turning around and going to the back yard where I hope to find the other boys.
Immediately I spot my twin brother on the roof of a shed about to jump into a pool.
A three foot deep pool.
Drunk people crowd around him and in the deeper part of the pool. Everyone cheers for him to jump as I shove through the crowd closer to the shed.
"Theodore Hail Gardner!"
He freezes, his smile dropping and a fear stricken look coming onto his face. He slowly turns to look down at me fixing the rubber ducky floaty around his waist.
"Marlee! I knew you'd come"
"Get down from there"
"Okay" he moves to jump off of the edge but I yell stop.
"Use the ladder"
Various awes and boos sound but I ignore them knowing half of them don't even know what's going on and the other half won't remember tomorrow.
"Because I don't want you to die"
"I thought you always wanted to be a only child"
"I'd still have Grayson"
I ignore him helping him down the ladder. He keeps the rubber ducky floaty around his waist and I notice he somehow lost his pants and is wearing hot pink boxers.
"Marlee when did you get here?" He asks confused. I lock an arm around his waist and help guide him inside.
"I'm not here, I'm a figment of your imagination" I tell him and he freezes with wide eyes.
"So I can imagine everything" he closes his eyes tightly and clenches his fist before chanting "Tom Holland, Tom Holland, Tom Holland" when he opens his eyes he deflates and asks "where Tom?"
I finally get him next to Asher and Miles who's still crying.
"3 down 1 to go" I say to myself "or I could abandon Cam"
I like that idea.
Walking back outside I look all around the yard. Many drunk guys wolf- whistle or make sexual remarks. I start to get a bad feeling in my stomach when a guy stops in front of me.
"Hey cutie" he winks, he has orange hair and towers over me.
That's not that much of a accomplishment seeing that most middle schoolers tower over me.
"No thanks" I mutter trying to shove past him. He grabs my arm and I immediately get flashbacks of the last party I went to. "Get off of me" I say firmly.
"Not so fast" he grins wickedly leaning in and holding me so tight I can't move. I feel my panic rise and close my eyes for a second.
"Don't touch her!" I hear a familiar voice say and the grip on my released.
When I open my eyes Cam is punching the guy to the ground. I quickly walk over and pull him off of the guy who's so bloody he could be a tomato.
"Cam it's okay" I tell him grabbing his arm.
"I told you I wouldn't let you get hurt again" he slurs out shaking off his knuckles. "Shouldn't you be asleep?"
"I had to come get you" I tell him.
"Why? Oh and where are we?" He looks around observing the place. "Oh a pool! Wanna skinny dip?" He suggest with a grin wrapping an arm around me.
"In your dreams" we start walking toward the house.
"Don't worry, you are."
20 minutes later all the boys are piled into the truck bed and I'm cruising down the road with the windows rolled down and the radio playing in the background lightly.
My hair fans behind me as I take a turn hearing a couple of the boys groan. I giggle looking in the rear view mirror and gasping when I see Cameron poking his top half of his body through the window.
"I love your laugh" he says with a dopey grin. "And your face, and your body, and your smile-" he list different things while climbing through the window and sitting next to me.
"And your ears, and your eyes, and your body, and your hands and your body"
"Cameron stop hitting on my sister!" Theo calls from the trunk.
"But I love her" he whines leaning on my shoulder.
"You love your girlfriend" I correct "and yourself"
"I wish you were my girlfriend" he pouts. I feel my heart rate increase and my face redden but I shake it off.
He's drunk and my best friend.
"No you don't" I tell him turning into our road.
"You don't know what I want" Cams eyes meet mine for a second while we're stopped at a red light on main street.
It takes longer to drive home since I can't cut through yards and the woods.
Well I could but I don't think people would be very happy with me if I did.
"Stop crying Miles" Asher grumbles from the back.
"Don't listen to him, let it out buddy" Theo rubs Miles back.
"We've been through this before Cam" I turn to face him. "You're dating Serena"
He sighs facing forward and ignores me. I wait for the light to change when I hear him gasp.
"Ice cream! Marlee can we get ice cream?!" Cameron asks right as the light turns green and we start driving. "Awe"
"We have ice cream at home, besides I need to get back to Ella." I explain and he nods pondering for a second before asking "who's Ella?"
I want to jump out of the car. This is going to be a long night.
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