《Off Camera / A Treegan Love Story》Relationship Goals: Treegan


Keegan slept over last night and right now I'm looking at him facing me, his eyes are closed and I turn my attention to his abs and the rise and fall of his chest. I let myself move closer to him. All of a sudden he opens his eyes and looks at me. A huge smile on his face.

"Good morning." I say before I give him a kiss. "How did you sleep last night?" I whisper into his ear and tickle his chest with my finger. The entire time he doesn't take his eyes off of me. Before I can say anything else he pulls me closer and kisses me passionately.

"Really good. Waking up to you feels like a dream." He says after we part.

"Why is that?" I ask him. I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Because you're so beautiful and sweet. I've had this huge crush on you for a long time." As he admits this I lift my head up to look at him. His eyes are so gentle. "I'm afraid of messing up and losing you." He replies.

"Hey." I whisper to him as I hug him tighter. "You're not going to lose me okay?" He nods his head and smiles. We hug for a few more minutes before I suggest we head downstairs and have breakfast. We both don't have to be at set until 9 am today. Right now it's 6:45 so we have lots of time.

When we reach the main floor of my house, I notice Charlie and Bella sleeping side by side in the living room in their beds. I call their names and they come running. I open the back door off the kitchen and let them outside so they can get some exercise and go to the bathroom.

"Hey what do you want for breakfast?" Keegan asks me. I turn around to see he has opened my fridge and is scanning it. "How about blueberry pancakes?"


"Mmmm. Sounds good." I reply with a smile. I make my way over to grab the frying pan for him and hand it to him. Keegan grabs the rest of the supplies including the blueberries.

"Go relax. I'll call you when breakfast is ready." He says to me. I wrap my arms around him and kiss his neck. "I could get used to this." I whisper into his ear.

As Keegan is making breakfast I decide to head to the mailbox to see if I have any mail. I open it to find a couple bills and a letter that has my name on it with no return address or name of a sender.

Weird! I think to myself.

I shut the front door and walk to the couch with my mail. The kitchen is just beyond the living room, therefore as I'm about to open my mail I can see Keegan cooking our breakfast. We briefly smile to each other.

I decide to open the note first.

"Oh my god!" I say too loudly. I look up and Keegan is coming towards me with our breakfast. I hand him the note once he is sitting down.

"Fuck!" He shouts. I jump startled.

"I'm not leaving you. Not while this is happening. I'll go and get my cats. Do you think your dogs would mind?" He asks me.

I shake my head. "You are all welcome to stay. How serious do you think this threat is?" I ask him my voice full of concern.

"Ali usually gets what she wants. She means what she says. This was obviously sent from her."

"Why does she want to hurt us?" I met Ali a few times. Keegan brought her to set and I would go to parties at his house when they were still dating. I wasn't crazy about her. Although I never knew she was such a bitch.

Keegan gets off the chair he is sitting in beside me and comes to be with me in the couch. He notices I haven't touched my food yet.


"Not hungry?" He asks me.

Before he can say anything else I pull him in for a passionate kiss. We kiss for a few minutes and then I reach for the belt on his pants. Then I remember I still haven't eaten my pancakes. He takes my hand and kisses it.

When we are done eating breakfast Keegan offers to take our dishes back to the kitchen and clean up. I don't argue. I walk over to him in the kitchen and whisper something in his ear. "Meet me in the shower." I say in a sexy voice. Keegan almost drops the plates on the floor causing me to laugh.

I kiss him one last time before making my way upstairs and into the ensuite bathroom in my bedroom.

I don't think I've washed dishes and cleaned up from breakfast this fast in a long time. Although when Troian told me to meet her in the shower it really turned me on. Now I'm washing the dishes with an erection. Once I'm done I run up the stairs so fast I almost trip. I enter the bedroom and throw my clothes on the floor. "Oh Keegan." I hear Troian call my name. "I'm ready."

"Coming." I shout back. As soon as I enter the bathroom my heart flutters at the sight of her standing there naked against the wall and looking at me. Everything about her is perfect. As she smiles at me coming toward her for a second she bites her lip and I feel myself become more stiff. It's so unbearable I really need to be inside her.

I instantly pull her close and kiss her passionately pressing her against the wall of the shower. She moans in pleasure.

"You're not helping." I tell her teasingly. She looks down at my erection and smirks. "Oh. That crazy about me?" I nod my head. Before I can say anything else I feel her take her hand and guide my erection toward her opening.

"Shit." I whisper. "What's wrong?" She asks looking at me with gentle eyes. "If you're worried about protection I'm on the pill." She reassures me.

As soon as I'm inside her I begin pumping in and out of her. "Keegan you feel so good." She tells me.

Later that day

Keegan is now settled into my house with his cats. It is 12:30 am and we both had a long day filming. We're both about to settle into bed when I realize something.

"What's wrong?" Keegan asks me from the other side of the bed.

"I have to head to Toronto next weekend. There's some things I left at the condo I was staying at with Patrick. Also there's a concert I had tickets for. Radiohead. With how busy I've been lately I'm not surprised it slipped my mind. Patrick won't be at the condo next Saturday between 1 and 4. I already talked to him. My mom is going to come over and stay here and watch the dogs. She can watch your cats too. That's if you want to come."

"I would love to!" Keegan says with excitement.

"Then its settled. We fly out next Friday at 10pm."

We both climb into bed and cuddle up to each other right away. In the back of my mind I can't help but think about that note I recieved earlier. I don't how how serious I'm supposed to take it. I really don't want to end my chances of having a relationship with Keegan. I turn around so that I'm facing him. He looks so cute when he sleeps. I rub his cheek with the back of my hand. It's so soft. I let all the worries and stress from the day disappear as I cuddle up to him. Right now there's no one else that I would rather have in this bed with me.

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