《Off Camera / A Treegan Love Story》Unfinished Business


It is early Saturday morning and I just opened my eyes because I was having trouble sleeping. We arrived at our downtown Toronto hotel three hours ago. Keegan is cuddling up next to me. After checking the time and seeing that it is 4:45 am, I lie back down. I look to my left to see Keegan is awake as well.

"Couldn't sleep?" He whispers to me.

I shake my head. He pulls me close to him and I suddenly feel the urge to fall asleep again but my body has other ideas. Keegan is only wearing boxers to bed. I begin to take them off. His erection springing free.

"You're a naughty girl." He says to me in a sexy voice. He reaches over to the bedside table and grabs a condom. Once he puts it on I push him down on the bed and climb ontop of him. I lean down and begin trailing kisses along his chest. For a few minutes I make him wait before sinking down onto him. He moans in pleasure.

He wraps his hands around my waist and it helps me sink onto him deeper. He begins pumping in and out of me.

For a few minutes we don't say anything all you can hear is moaning, the sound of us enjoying being intimate with each other.

The next thing I know we're riding out a blissful orgasm. When we finally collapse next to each other we kiss and fall right to sleep.

It's Saturday morning at 8am and the sun has finally come up. I smile and I turn to look at Troian beside me. Although I don't see her sleeping next to me anymore. I hear the sound of a shower. I get up and walk towards the ensuite bathroom in our room. I notice the door is open slightly.

"Troian?" "I'm in here Keegs." She announces with a happy tone in her voice.

"Want to join me?" She asks with a sexy voice. Still naked from our love making last night I walk over to the shower and pull back the curtain. She has her back to me washing her hair. When she turns around to face me she smiles.

I close the curtain and walk over to her. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her close to me. I whisper good morning into her ear. All of a sudden she's laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" I ask.

"You're tickling me!" I look down at my erection which is pressed into the back of her butt because I'm holding her close to me.

"Oh you mean he's tickling you. Little Keegs." She turns around and bites her lip as she looks down at my erection.

We end up showering together and wash each other. When we get out we get dressed and decide to head out for the day. We don't have to be at the condo until one and it's only 9am. Troian grabs her purse, and I grab my wallet along with my camera.


After getting into a rental car Troian begins driving.

"Where are we heading?" I ask her.

She looks at me briefly and smiles. "One of my favourite places. But first we'll grab breakfast."

"Sounds good." I say nodding my head.

Two Hours Later

We are in one of my favourite spots in Toronto. Trinity Bellwoods. It's almost 11:30 am and even though it's still early, we have had a delicious breakfast. I decide to see if Keegan feels like ice cream. We're walking along the sidewalk and almost every time I turn Keegan is taking a photo of something.

"Ok here's the place I wanted to take you." I say as I point toward the sign of my favourite ice cream shop on Queen Street West. IHaloKrunch. I figure if we go now there won't be a lot of people there. We make our way in and luckily it isn't busy at all. Only a few people. I point out the different flavours to Keegan and after I pay for both of us, we decide to head across the street and sit down on a bench at Trinity Bellwoods Park.

As soon as we find a bench in a shaded area, we sit down and eat our ice cream. I hold my ice cream up beside Keegan's and he snaps a photo of them. The ice cream is so delicious that it doesn't take long to finish. As soon as I see Keegan's face I can't help but laugh.

"Dude. You should see your face! You have a black moustache!" I get my iPhone out of my purse and turn the camera view to face him so he can see how funny he looks. We both laugh. I grab one of my napkins and wipe the black off his face.

"That was so good!" Keegan says with a smile. "I told you!" I reply. A few minutes later we get into the car and I begin the drive to the condo.

The elevator ride up to Troian's condo that she once shared with Patrick is silent. I can tell by looking at her that going back to it won't be easy.

As soon as we enter Troian shows me around a little and we go to the kitchen where she offers me a drink. There's not much in the fridge so I settle on a Coke. After she hands it to me I go and sit down in the living room. Troian turns Netflix on and we both laugh when we notice that there have been new Pretty Little Liars episodes added. She's trying to select one and finally decides on 6x9 the episode where Spencer and Toby have their last kiss. I make myself comfortable and begin to watch.

"I probably have at least three boxes of clothes and a few other items. I shouldn't be long." Troian tells me before she leaves the room.

"Ok let me know if you need any help." I hug and kiss her before she leaves the room.


Twenty minutes later Troian and I are loading up the car with four boxes of her stuff, mostly clothes.

"Shoot. I left my phone in his bedroom. I'll be right back." I close the trunk and Troian tells me to wait in the car while she runs back up.

After getting my iPhone I make my way back to the car and head back to the hotel with Keegan. After dropping off my stuff we decide to go out again.

"So we have some time to kill before the concert. How about I show you around a little more. Then around 5 we can get dinner?" I suggest.

We head to another one of my favourite areas Cloud Gardens. I show Keegan some of the areas I was when I was recently filming an episode of Suits with Patrick. After a little while we decide to get coffee.

Keegan goes in and tells me it will be his treat this time since I paid for our ice cream earlier.

I tell him that I'll wait on a bench for him at Cloud Gardens since the Starbucks is just across the street.

After paying for our coffees I notice that there's a film crew outside across the street. It doesn't look like there's any filming going on right now but it looks like there will be soon. I look around to see if I notice any actors. I walk over to a guy who looks like he's part of the crew.

"Excuse me. What are they filming here?" I ask him.

"Suits." Patrick's show.

I look around to see if I can see him. Down the street I spot him with a woman I assume must be Meghan. She's smiling up at him and has her arms wrapped around him. I just shake my head feeling sick to my stomach. I don't know how someone can cheat on a woman like Troian. From the day I met her I had the biggest crush. I couldn't live with myself if I did that to her. Patrick has his arms wrapped around Meghan as well. He looks happy. I hope he is. I don't want to let Troian go. You blew your chance buddy! I think to myself as I walk back to where Troian is sitting waiting for me.

"Hey!" She smiles as she sees me. I sit down beside her and hand her a coffee. "Mmm. I needed this. Thank you." I take a sip of my coffee. I instantly feel a bit more awake now. I decide not to tell her about Patrick. It's still a sensitive topic for her.

"Anything interesting happen while I was gone?" I ask her breaking the silence. Troian shakes her head. After we finish our coffee we walk around the gardens a little bit more admiring the flowers. After a little while we decide to head back to the hotel and get ready to go out. We both decide we want to freshen up before grabbing a bite to eat before the concert.

Troian decides to take a shower first. I take this opportunity to sneak away to a flower shop I noticed across the street from the hotel. I buy some sunflowers and head back to the hotel.

Thirty minutes later

We're both showered and dressed. I tell Troian to close her eyes. I quickly grab the flowers and hand them to her.

"Open." I say to her.

"Aww. What are these for?" She replies coming to sit down beside me on the bed.

"I hope you don't think this is lame." I take a deep breath before I say what I'm about to ask her.

"Troian will you be my girlfriend? You make me the happiest guy. I have the biggest crush on you. I want us to make it official." I tell her as I look into her eyes and hold her hand.

Troian pulls me in for a kiss and a hug. "I would love to! It was sweet of you to go out and buy flowers. It wasn't lame. It was really sweet." She says looking at me and smiling. I feel relieved. We cuddle for a few minutes and then we walk to a nearby pub.

We both decide on veggie burgers and we share sweet potato fries. I have a water and Troian settles on a beer. Dinner is delicious. The entire time we find we have a lot to talk about. A little about work, our animals and the day we spent together. After we walk out into the cool evening, I decide to take a picture of Troian. She always looks so beautiful to me without trying.

Four hours later

I am arriving back at the hotel with Keegan. The concert at the Air Canada Centre was amazing! We both knew practically every song and sang along to a lot of them. We fall asleep cuddled up next to each other. I can't help but think how amazing it feels to be sleeping next to my new boyfriend! I get up for a brief moment and walk out to the balcony of our hotel room.

It's dark out and to my right I can see the CN tower. I'm barely outside for a few minutes and I turn to see Keegan standing there looking at me and smiling in the doorway. He walks toward me and wraps his arm around me.

"Couldn't sleep?" I ask him playfully.

"I woke up and my beautiful girlfriend wasn't in bed next to me." I feel my heart flutter at the word girlfriend.

"Are you ready to head home tomorrow?" I ask him. I look at him and he nods his head.

3pm The Next Day

We've just boarded our plane and waiting for it to take off. I look out the window and Billy Bishop Airport is right outside. Further away is the Toronto skyline. I lean my head against the window and let myself fall asleep. The next thing I know is the plane is taking off and I'm heading back to Los Angeles with my new boyfriend.

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