《~His Hufflepuff~ Draco Malfoy》~21~


This chapter is dedicated to @crusty_wet_bread

I hope you get better 💕


Her nerves started to settle in her stomach as she paced back-and-forth between the walls of the tent. It was finally time for the first trial. Astrid had practiced her charms with her mother and they knew that it would work on animals but what if it didn't? What if the dragon was to hug that it didn't work? What if she choked up and couldn't do the spell? What if-

"Astrid!" Her head shot up from its focused view on the ground to look up and see Harry with his hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah yeah totally of course I am why would you think that because I'm totally fine" She said hurriedly as her hands twitched slightly when she heard a loud dragon roar come from outside the tent.

"Because I know that when you're nervous, you start to get jittery and talking fast." He was correct but then again who wouldn't be nervous about going up against a dragon of all things?!

"Aren't you?" She asked looking up at him.

"Of course I am but concerned about you right now," He said before continuing, "I know that you're going to be fine. You're smart and have been working on how to beat this thing, just like every other challenge you've faced." He reassured her as he patted her head and fixed her ponytail a little. Astrids outfit was similar to the two other Hogwarts champions but she didn't have a yellow undershirt like Cedric. She had taken it off because the charm she would be using needed exposed skin aka her arms.

"He's right." Cedric said from behind her as he joined the conversation, "I've seen you do the impossible when you have your mind set on something, you're too stubborn to let it knock you down. You've tamed a dark drawel of all things and turn it into a obedient pup. You can do this." She looked at both of the boys in admiration before pulling both of them into a tight hug, her infectious smile returning. "Thank you guys!"

Harry walked away to do something over by the entrance so Astrid and Cedric stayed together and talked for a bit before they saw a bright flash. Reta fricking Skeeter. The younger Hufflepuff didn't want to say that she hated the woman because she didn't like putting that out in the universe, but she can say that she strongly disliked her. She was a nuisance and just gave off weird feelings to her.


She looked over and saw that Hermione was there with Harry standing by her, just as shocked from the flash camera. "Ah, young love! How... stirring." She said as she walked forward with someone carrying a camera behind her and her floating pad and quill. Astrids face contorted in confusion at the woman at her 'interesting' notion.

"If everything goes unfortunate today, you two might make the front page!" Refs said all to excitedly for what she was implying.

"You have no business here." Astrid heard the thick accent of Viktor Krum say from behind the green dressed woman. "This tent is for champions and friends."

Reta seemed shocked by this as he was basically telling her that she wasn't welcome here. "No matter, we've got what we wanted." The green feather quill floated over and ran its tip along the underside of Astrids chin, making her involuntarily giggle at the sensation. It did the same the Viktor, he had the opposite reaction to the quill as he pulled a disgusted look on his face, before Reta and her camera man left.

Behind Harry and Hermione, the entrance flap opened and in walked Dumbledore, Flinch, Igor, Barty, and Madam Maxine. "Good day, champions, gather 'round, please!" The Hogwarts headmaster said before he continued, "Now, you've waited, you've wondered, but at last the moment as arrived, a moment that wonky the five of you can fully appreciate." Dumbledore looked to his left to see Hermione looking down as she was being squished against Astrid and the other teachers.

"What are you doing here, Ms. Hermione?" She didn't say anything, just side hugged Astrid quickly before scurrying out of the champions tents.

"Champions, in a circle." Barty said as he held a purple velvet bag. The younger Hufflepuff stood between Viktor and Cedric as she felt safest between the two biggest guys there, mostly her fellow Hufflepuff.

"All right, all right, now Ms. Delacour, if you will." He held out the bag to Fleur. She consciously put her head into the velvet bag. Smoke and sizzles came out of the bag as she flinched and pulled out a small lime green dragon by its tail.

"The Welsh Green." The small dragon moved around the palm of her hand as she looked up at her headmistress in concern or maybe fear.

"Mr. Krum." The Bulgarian student put his hand on with no fear and pulled out a dark red dragon with yellow accents. "The Chinese Fireball, ohh." It bit the tip of his finger but he didn't even flinch as Barty moved on to the next person, Cedric.


Astrids fellow Hufflepuff put his hand in and pulled out a small honey yellow dragon with dark spines down its back. "The Swedish Short-Snout." Finally it was her turn.

"Ms. Lux, if you please." She hesitantly put her hand in and plucked, gently, a dragon. Laying in the palm of her hand was a all white dragon with scales and horns that turned blue and almost translucent toward the end. It had beautiful blue eyes that she could see before they closed and it nibbled on the ends of her black leather gloves. It was beautiful.

"Huh, isn't that ironic." Barty said mindlessly as he was referring to Astrids white hair matching the dragons white scales. "The Ebros Arctic it seems."

He moved on to Harry as Astrid admired the white dragon in her palm, using the pad of her thumb to stroke the back of it.

"Which leaves... The Hungarian Horntail." Astrids head snapped up to see her friend holding the brownish-orange dragon in his hand that she had read about as a child. They were one of the fiercest dragons out there, with their spiked tails and ruthless behavior.

"These represent four very real dragons that you will have to face off against. All of them have been given a golden egg that you must retrieve. This you must do; each egg contains a clue for the next challenge. Good luck."


Finally, it's was Astrids turn. Cedric has gone first, he had used a transfiguration spell to turn a rock into a dog to distract the dragon so he could get the egg. Fleur was second, she had made vines grow out of the ground to hold down the dragon so she could grab the egg without hurting it. Krum, however, had using a Conjunctivitis curse to blind the dragon and retrieve the egg but he was docked points because the dragon had ended up smashing some of the real eggs. (I know that's not what Fleur did, just stay with me)

Astrid took a deep breath before looking to her right to see Harry watching her from his spot on the cot. He gave her a reassuring smile and a nod that made her feel better even if it was only slightly. She returned both before pulling out her wand when she heard her name being announced and the cannon fire.

Dragging the tip of her wand from her toes to the top of her head, whispering, "Somnambulist." under her breath. Her exposed skin up to her neck started to have a translucent baby blue glow to it. Astrid pulled back the tents flap and walked out into the arena.

Sitting in the middle of the arena was a beautiful white dragon. It looked like the smaller version that she had held in her hand not to long ago. Just larger. The creatures chest and spine was layered in white armored scales and large wing that were raise slightly as the beast most have noticed her. It's blue eyes seem to be piercing right through her, giving her chills up her back when they made eye contact.

She took another deep breath before saying the amplifying charms incantation to herself and placing the tip of her wand underneath her jaw, on her vocal chords.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Focus on the song)

She started to sing the song her mother had taught her when she was younger. Astrid stepped forward and started.

Lavenders green

Dilly dilly

Lavenders blue

You must love me

Dilly dilly

For I love you

Light blue smoke evaporated from her exposed arms, lifting into the air and seemed to be moving towards the large dragon standing in her way. Everything was dead silent except for Astrids voice and the occasional puff of cold air that the Ebros blew out.

When I am king

Dilly dilly

You shall be queen

The blue smoke vapor seemed to wander in the dragons path as the Hufflepuff walked closer to it with no fear, keeping her wand on her throat. The dragons eyes started to close and it started to sway but it was fighting sleep.

If you love me

Dilly dilly

Then I will love you

The dragon gave in to the beautiful singing and the smell of the Hufflepuff aroma charm, it fell to the ground fast asleep. When it's body hit the ground, there was a loud thud that shook the whole stadium but still nobody made any noise or movements.

Astrid reaches the golden egg, tucked it under her arm and walked away from the sleeping beast. Once the crowd got over it's shock, they all erupted with cheers. Nobody had been able to perfect that charm on such a large creature. It's was definitely a feat to marvel at.

'I did it! Yay!'

- - -

This is the longest chapter I have written


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