《~His Hufflepuff~ Draco Malfoy》~22~



"The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the TriWizard tournament since its inception on Christmas Eve night. We and our guests gather in the Great Hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity. As representatives of the host school I expect each and everyone of you to put your best foot forward and I mean this literally because the Yule Ball is first and for most, a dance."

Astrid sat in Professor McGonagalls classroom, all the desks and chairs gone and out of the way as the teacher talked on about the ball. The school decide to split the four different houses into four smaller groups and putting one group from each together so that kids from different houses would be able to interact with each other before the ball. The of the house heads had a group and would teach them about the ball and what was appropriate and not.

The students started to chat about the ball and what was going to be happening like bringing dates. The girls seemed over the moon at the chance at dressing up in gowns while the boys...not so much. With the pressure of having to actually ask a girl and then, IF she said yes, having to actually go and not make a fool of yourself in front of said girl. Astrid, along with Daisy that sat beside her, was one of the many girls excited for the dance.

"Silence! All of your houses have commanded the respect of the Wizarding world for almost 10 centuries. I will not have you in the course of a signal evening besmirching that name behaving like a babbling bumbling band of baboons."

The white haired Hufflepuff looked over to the corner of the bench where the Gryffindors sat and saw the Weasley twins and Rhea whispering to each other, what she could only assumed to be the tongue twister the Professor has said with ease. She giggled quietly at the thought, knowing that Rhea and her had planned to talk Daisy up to a particular twin.


"Now to dance is to let the body breathe inside. Inside every girl is a secret swon slumbers, longing to burst off and take flight. Inside every boy is a lordly lion prepared to prance. Mr. Weasley?"

The second youngest Weasley perked his head up when called, no idea why. "Yes?" His voice was soft as the teacher walked over to him and held out a hand for him to take. "Will you join me please?"

Ron begrudgingly got up as Professor McGonagall pulled him by the shoulder of his school jumper, Harry giving him a little push, teasingly.

"Now place your right hand on my waist." Professor McGonagall said as she held out her hands in the dancing position. Ron looked at her in shock as the where he had to put his own hands. "Where?!"

"My waist." She said simply as she was annoyed with the boys reaction. He did so begrudgingly and the music started up at the Professors command. "And one two three, and one two three..." She said as she lead him in the classic waltz. The sight reminded Astrid of a time when her father let her stand on his feet as they danced around the kitchen floor with her mother bouncing a baby Niko on her hip.

Looking back over to the trouble trio, she saw Rhea and the twins swaying along to the music as the twins teased their little brother. It was quite a cute sight. "Everyone come together!" The girls all stood up but the boys didn't as they didn't want to dance with a bunch of girls and embarrass themselves. The Slytherin boys were the first to stand up since most of them were pure bloods and had had to have gone to plenty of balls and dances before for their families.


Pansy tried to skip over to Draco and ask him to dance with her about Daisy quickly grabbed him by the arm and pulled him away, discreetly giving the Slytherin girl the finger. Everyone had partnered up, despite the fact that the boys did not want to but McGonagall started to threaten taking away points.

Draco looked at the African-American girl in shock and mostly confusion as to why he was being forced to dance with her. "Hi?" He said even though it sounded more like a question. "Hi. Don't worry, Rhea and I have a plan."

He didn't have time to question what this meant as she said when they switch partners. Where Daisy once stood was Astrid looking up at him, one of his on her waist and the other one holding her hand with her hand on his shoulder. 'Why does she look prefect even up close? That's not fair.'

They looked over to where Daisy and Rhea were dancing so he could only assume that Astrid had been dancing with the Gryffindor girl before the switching. Her friends were smiling at them two of them as Rhea mouthed, "You're welcome!"

"Hi!" She said as they started to slow dance along with the music and other students. She didn't know why but she really enjoyed being this close to her friend, Draco. Her friend. She had to remind herself of that fact. He was her friend and could only be her friend. But she still enjoyed being close with him like hugging...cuddling..ki- "Astrid? You okay?"

Her head snapped back to him as he looked at her in concern as she had spaced out in her thoughts. She smiled brighter at him and reassure him and said, "Yeah, just enjoying this."

'Maybe a little too much.."

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