《~His Hufflepuff~ Draco Malfoy》~20~



{Astrids POV}

"I don't know what it is! It's like this weird but also kind of nice feeling in my stomach. Am I sick? What's happening to me?" Astrids head plopped down on to the table with her last sentence. She sat in her mother's classroom as she tried to figure out what was happening to her.

Her mother looked at her direction when her daughters head was on the table and looked at her incredulously. She loved her daughter but how could she be oblivious to people's romantic emotions?

"Look, I can't tell you how your feeling, this is something you have to figure out as a teenager. Just think about how you feel and who you feel this around." Ginevra said as she looked back down at her students test that she was grading.

"What am I suppos-" Her sentence was cut off by someone knocking on the door and her mother saying, "Come in!"

The door opened and Harry's head popped out. "Hello Ms. Lux, c-can I borrow Astrid for a second?" He asked sheepishly as he grinned awkwardly. The mother looked at her daughter with a smile before nodding and saying, "Of course. Go ahead darling, we can continue this conversation later."

Astrid nodded before kissing her mothers cheek and walking to Harry. Once she got there , he grabbed hold of her wrist and dragged her out.

"Wh-What? Harry! Where are we going?!" He dragged he until they were a empty corridor. He had a panicked, almost worried look on his face as he tried to words.

"Harry? Wha-"


She looked back up at him with a shocked face, "W-What?"

"That's the first task. Dragons. They have one for all of us." He had a serious look on his face that made her believe him. Her face was sympathetic as she walked forward and wrapped her arms around him. He felt bad. She was so small compared to the other champions and he was afraid that she would get really hurt during this thing and he knew that that was also her concern.


"Do you think I can do it?" Astrid asked into his shoulder as she thought about what he said, the abstract thoughts in her mind turning over and over again.

He had his head resting on the top of hers as he nodded. He let out a deep breathe before he said, "I do. But that doesn't mean I'm not worried about you." They had gotten closer ever since the Death Eater incident but not really in a romantic way, at least not to each other but of course others had opinions but they didn't care.

"Thank you. For telling me." She said as she closed her eyes and relaxed in his arms. They swayed for a bit, contemplating everything that had happened to them in the past week. They let go and smiled.

"I'm going to go meet up with Hermione to figure out what to do for the first trial, do you want to come?" He asked but Astrid shook her head and smiled saying, "No thank you. I still have to talk with my mom about stuff and now this so."

They parted as Astrids head went crazy with trying to find spells to use.

"Dragons?! Is Dumbledore insane?! He-He can't! It's INSANE!" Ms. Lux was pacing around her classroom as Astrid has just told her the news. She was probably more worried about this then her daughter. "How could he put children at risk like this?!"

Astrid got up from her desk and placed a hand on her mothers shoulder, "Mom, it's going to be ok. I'll able careful. I promise."

Her mother already had tears in her eyes as she looked at her daughter before pulling her into a hug. "I can't lose you too Ashy, I just can't." She said into Astrids shoulder.


Astrids eyes filled with her own tears as she cuddled into her mother like she was a littler girl again, reliving her fathers death in her mind. "You won't, Mom. I-I promise." Her voice was shaking slightly before they pulled away a few minutes later.

"Alright, so what are you going to do for the first trial?" Ms. Lux said as she wiped her tears. "Wha-What? I don't-"

"If you don't have a spell or charm that you can use, then I will just have to help you." She smiles as she kissed Astrids forehead, making her giggle.

"Thank you Moma."

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