

A few days go by with Cheryl and Reed trying to keep Selene out of Beacon Hills Supernatural Drama (short BHSD) which is hilarious. And then Selene just walks up to Scott and Stiles during PE.

"So, any new threats we need to take care off?" Selene asks.

"First, are you a virgin?" Stiles asks.

"What?" Selene asks confused.

"Have you ever had coitus with a man?" Stiles says.

"First off, never use the word coitus again, like ever. And second, no" Selene answers.

"So you're a virgin?" Scott asks.

"No" Selene answers and Scott frowns while Stiles' face is like 'Oh My God, what the fuck'. "He gets it," Selene says with a smirk.

"What happened to your girlfriend?" Stiles asks with a smirk, kind of forgetting why he asked the virgin thing in the first place. "Selene over here was still in love with her dickhead of a first love and we became the best of friends after I realised that," Cheryl says coming up next to Scott out of nowhere.

"Seriously? Where did you even come from?" Stiles asks.

"First, we weren't together like that we just did the do. Second, why do you ask?" Selene asks while doing a stretch.

"Right, virgins are being sacrificed. Three of them already. All the same way. Throat slashed, head bashed in and chocked" Stiles explains.

"Threefold death" Cheryl realises and Stiles nods.

"One of the clients from the animal clinic is missing and Stiles thinks he's another sacrifice" Scott explains.

"Unlikely. What do you know about this guy?" Selene asks.

"Well, he has three dogs. The one that needed to be checked out was named bullet and the guy said he the other were Beretta and Trigger. And the dog ate mistletoe" Scott sums up.

"That's already weird. Dogs normally come nowhere close to mistletoe. Plus he's probably a warrior" Selene explains.

"Huh?" Stiles asks.

"Three isn't a random number. Well, it is but with these sacrifices it's three ways to die and three people to die. And then different categories depending on what kind of power you want. You have virgins, warriors, healers, philosophers and guardians" Selene adds. Coach whistles. "We'll talk further later" Selene says and starts running.

For some reason, Isaac is running incredible hard and Selene does the same. She catches up with him and sees the twins are holding him down.


"-How many bones in the human body?" Is what she can hear one of the two ask the other.

"It's 206, dumbasses now if you don't mind. Let. Him. Go" Selene interferes.

"And why should we do that?" one of the two asks.

"Because I asked nicely. And I only do that once" Selene says and smirks. They growl and let him go. Their eyes glow red and she smirks even wider. Then someone screams and everyone runs towards the source.

A guy is strangled with a dog leach still around his throat, throat cut and probably, head bashed in.

"No! Kyle" A girl screams and the police pushes her back to not destroy evidence by accident. Scott, Stiles and Isaac are walking away and Cheryl and Selene join them.

"You think it's a coincidence they turn up and people start dying?" Isaac asks.

"Well, no, but I still don't think it's them" Stiles responses.

"Scott?" Isaac asks.

"I don't know. Selene?" he asks.

"It's not them. But it is their fault" Selene answers.

"What?" Stiles and Isaac ask at the same time.

"I think someone is trying to gain the power to defeat them" Selene explains. "I have a free period. I'm going to Derek's" Selene says.

"Why?" Stiles asks.

"Because I have this bad feeling and I'm usually right about that kind of stuff" Selene explains and runs down the hill.


And she is. Selene arrives at Derek's loft just in time to stop a pipe from going through his body. She growls and pushes the woman wielding the pipe across the room. That's when she recognizes the woman from a few days ago. Derek gets up and roars while letting his eyes glow.

"How'd you know?" he asks quickly.

"I always do" She answers and ducks to dodge the woman's foot.

"Okay before someone dies. Can't you just tell us what you want without violence, Deucalion?" Selene asks and that's when he comes in. A blind man with a stick. Selene's phone chimes and she quickly checks.

"Shit" She whispers to herself.

"What?" Derek asks.

"Isaac" She replies.

"Having a hard time controlling your Beta's now?" Deucalion asks. "You know what, as a sign of my reasonableness you can go" Deucalion says to Selene. She glances at Derek and he nods to signal he can handle himself. Selene walks forwards and looks at Deucalion and it's like he can see her but she knows he can't.



She goes back to school and sees the twins move a vending machine in front of the janitor closet. The turn and see her. They growl and start to merge. She rolls her eyes and runs towards them. Instead of full-on attacking them she moves underneath their legs and does the knife trick she did to Peter a year or so ago. They scream/roar out in pain and 'split' up again. She smirks and pushes away the machine. She kicks in the door and Isaac quickly scrambles to the opposite wall. She sits down next to him and nods at Allison, who nods back.

"Are you okay?" Selene asks and notices how heavy his breathing is. "Hey, look at me" Selene says and Isaac looks up. He looks distraught and she sighs "Isaac. Breath. In, and out. Remember focus on your breathing" Selene reminds him and he calms down. She gets up and notices the twins are gone. Scott comes running our way.

"We can't just let them do things like this" Allison says.

"What do you think?" Scott asks.

"I think hit them hard get out fast" Selene proposes.

"How?" he asks.

"Their motors," Selene says and smirks.


The plan is that Isaac and I steal the motor while Allison and Scott lead them to the hall.

"Is it working?" Isaac asks right then Selene gets up. She smirks and starts the engine.

"Pull back with your left hand. Kick down to put in gear" Selene says pointing to the things to make sure he understands. She leans over and places her hand over his "Front brake. Throttle. Back brake for stopping" She says and looks back. Their faces are only inches apart. They stare a few seconds before she leans back. "Don't crash" she warns and he smirks. He puts on the helmet and Selene sends the message to Scott to put the plan in motion. Isaac starts to drive inside the school building and Selene quickly gets inside to see their reaction.

She takes a detour way and ends up in the hall right on time with everyone else.

"You have got to be kidding me," Ms Blakes says while making her way through the crowd. "You realise this is gonna result in a suspension" She adds and Aiden looks over to Scott, Selene, Isaac and Allison, who all have a smirk on their face.


While they're going home, they being Isaac, Scott and Selene they see the twins looking pissed.

"Here to give back my knives?" Selene asks while stepping forward. The twins start to merge but Selene walks even more forward. "I would turn around" she says and they do. There stands Deucalion, stick and all. Isaac and Scott look impressed by her courage. "Who has trouble controlling his pack now?" Selene asks and starts to walk away to another exit with Scott and Isaac following.


Isaac and Selene go to Derek's loft and there is someone else too. A young woman looking about seventeen.

"Who's that?" Isaac asks while Selene plops down on the couch. Lucky for them they're inside because it just started raining hard.

"My sister. Cora Hale" Derek explains. "It doesn't matter. You need to go" Derek adds to Isaac.

"What? I don't get? Well, did something happen?" Isaac asks.

"It's just not gonna work with both of you here" Derek doesn't even look at Isaac. "It's too much. I need you out tonight" Derek adds. Isaac scoffs.

"Where am I supposed to go? Did I do something wrong, Derek?" Isaac asks. Derek finally turns around and points at the door.

"You're doing something wrong right now by not leaving," Derek says.

"Oh come on"

"Just get out"

"Derek, come on"

"Get out"

"Come on"

"Go!" Derek yells and throws his glass at Isaac's head.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Selene yells finally getting tired of Derek's shit. "Someone else comes along and he's not good enough anymore? Well, Derek, fuck you" Selene says and pulls Isaac away from them. "Don't expect my help with the Alpha's when you need your ass saved again" Selene adds and she and Isaac leave the apartment.


They get in her car.

"Are you okay?" She asks after driving for a minute.

"Yeah, could I crash at your place?" He asks and Selene smiles.

"You even have to ask? And don't worry. I don't throw people out" Selene adds and they chuckle. "Are you really tough?" She repeats her question.

"It's exactly the same" Isaac says and Selene knows he means the night his dad got killed.

"Only now we have a Darach and Alphas instead of a Kanima" Selene comments.

"Always something right?" Isaac states.

"Always something" Selene repeats.

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