

Things happened, people died and nobody is telling the people that weren't there (because no one told them it was happening) what happened. The only thing Selene, Cheryl and Reed know is both Enis from the Alpha pack as Derek from their side died, presumably. I mean people don't tend to stay dead in Beacon Hills. Right now Cheryl and Reed are still in Beacon Hills while Selene was forced to go on a bus trip for hours. The Beacon Hills team (Cheryl and Reed) is trying to figure out what happened while Selene tries to figure out how everyone is doing, which is bad.


She's sitting next to Isaac and behind them are Dany and Ethan. Isaac is basically a ticking timebomb. Her phone chimes signalling she has a text. She opens her phone and sees Stiles is the sender.

Stiles: Scott's not healing like he should

Selene: Can it have to do with something emotionally?

Stiles: Maybe

I mean I think he blames himself for Derek dying.

Selene: Okay. Well, I think Enis isn't dead. I think Duke & co are getting him to Deaton and that's why Ethan keeps checking his phone.

Stiles: Possible. Could you keep an eye on Isaac?


Selene jaws while putting away her phone, not reading Stiles' last text.

"Are you alright?" Isaac asks.

"Yeah, just tired" Selene replies smiling tiredly.

"I think we'll have to be on this bus for some time. I'll wake you up when we're there" Isaac proposes also smiling. Selene looks at Coach and the terrible traffic. She shrugs and puts her head on his shoulder and starts to fall asleep immediately.


Stiles tries to convince Coach to stop but Coach is using his whistle to cut him off.

"Okay!" Selene yells and gets up.


"Stiles, sit down so Coach stops with the whistle" Selene orders and Stiles glares at her but still goes back to his seat.

"Thank you Vulpes" Coach says and returns to his seat too. Selene goes back to her seat next to Isaac and takes out her phone.

"What's going on?" Isaac asks.

"Scott's not healing" She explains quickly.

Selene: Make Jared vomit. Coach'll have to stop.

Stiles: You scare me sometimes

You know that?

Selene and Isaac look at his reaction. Stiles smirks and glides into the seat next to Jared.

"Hey, Jared. How you doing?" Stiles says and his smirk grows wider.


A little later everyone is in a hurry to get off the bus. Lydia, Allison (they were following the bus the whole time) and Stiles get Scott the bathroom.

"Don't do anything stupid" Selene warns Isaac and also goes to the bathroom. She looks at Scott's wound and sighs. "Give me a cloth, a needle and thread and I can stitch him up" Selene sums up.

"Somatoformic. Selene, you're a genius" Lydia exclaims.

"Thank you. Now could someone get me the things?" Selene asks.

"Sure. I have a needle and thread" Lydia says.

"Okay, I have a lighter. Stiles could you get his bag. He's gonna need another shirt" Selene realises.

"On it" Stiles says and leaves the bathroom.


He comes back with the bag, scissors and cloth.

"Thanks" Selene says taking the scissors and the cloth. She cuts open his shirt and gives Allison the cloth.

"Could you clean the wound while I heat the needle?" She asks and Allison nods. "Stiles, Lydia. Could the two of you make sure the bus doesn't leave?" Selene asks and they nod too and leave the bathroom again. Allison and Selene start the stitching and are done quickly.



Selene and Allison pull Scott up and he wakes up.

"Good. Put on a shirt. I think the bus is leaving" Selene says.

"I got it" Allison says. Selene nods and walks out the bathroom. She runs on over to the bus and sees Isaac. He's standing with Lydia and Stiles and turns around. He is about the punch Ethan but Selene catches his fist.

"Nothing stupid" Selene reminds him.

"He-" Isaac starts but Selene cuts him off.

"I know. Scott's fine. Now we're all getting back on the bus and we'll settle this later" she explains and Isaac looks at the floor. He nods and everyone gets back on the bus.

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