

Selene, Lydia and Allison are in Lydia's car with Lydia driving, Allison in the front seat and Selene in the backseat. Allison and Lydia have a discussion about it being a triple date until Lydia admits it. Selene starts laughing uncontrollably and looks out the window. She sees Stiles' Jeep and her eyes become big.

"Uhm hey! So where exactly are we going?" Selene asks while putting herself between Lydia and Allison, which blocks Allison from looking out of Lydia's window. Lydia realises that and looks at her left. She sees Scott and Stiles and understands Selene's bad effort. The light becomes green and Lydia drives fast hard.

"Lydia, you're going over the speed limit" Allison comments.

"Really? Huh" Lydia replies and slows down.

"So, how's your dating life, Selene?" Lydia changes the subject.

"I'm as single as I can be" Selene replies.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend?" Allison asks.

"No" Selene replies with a smirk. Then her expression changes "Lydia! Deer!" she yells and Lydia hits the breaks. But the deer doesn't stop and breaks the front window. Selene quickly gets out the car, Allison and Lydia following.

Scott and Stiles quickly are quickly with them and the whole are you okay thing happens.

"Well, I'm not okay! I'm freaking out! How the hell did it just run into us?!" Lydia yells. Scott and Selene walk to the front of the car. "I saw it's eye before it hit us. It was like... like it was crazy" Lydia informs. The deer's head it through the window and the whole neck is bloody.

"Not crazy" Selene corrects with the help of the strong chemosignals.

"Scared" Scott adds and Selene nods.

"Terrified" Selene adds.



The triple date was boring as fuck. Selene proposed to drive Lydia today but Allison agreed to do it. At school Scott and Stiles approach Selene.

"Tell him to not ask Derek for help" Stiles immediately tells Selene.

"Whoah. Why would you need Derek's help?" Selene asks.

"I want a tattoo but it healed" Scott gives her the short version.

"Hah!" Stiles says suddenly and pulls up Selene's arm. He points to the tattoo on Selene's wrist. Stacked rocks. "You don't need his help," Stiles says smirking. Selene pulls back her arm and hits Stiles across the head.

"You have to burn it in your skin" Selene explains.

"What?" They both ask at the same time.

"You. Have. To. Burn. It. Into. Your. Skin" Selene repeats slowly.

"Yeah we heard you" Stiles says annoyed.

"I mean it. Now I have to-Fuck" Selene cuts herself off in the middle of the sentence. Cheryl and Reed quickly show up next to her.

"Who?" She asks them.

"The twins" Reed replies.

"What? What twins?" Stiles asks getting slightly worried because of Selene's terrified expression. Her expression softens though when she realises it's the twins.

"What are we going to do?" Reed asks. Cheryl rolls her eyes.

"Ignore them" She says, intertwines her arm with Selene's and starts walking to the class.


Selene and Cheryl first walk over to Allison and Lydia.

"It's totally fine," Lydia says. "But, I don't want a boyfriend" Lydia adds and continues to look down the halls. "I. Want a distraction" She adds lastly. Right then they walk in. The twins.

"No," Cheryl says to Lydia seeing her expression.

"Really? We're not doing the claim thingy" Lydia states sassily. Selene breaks down laughing at the horrified expression on Cheryl's face.


"Maybe if I didn't have a girlfriend I would argue. Ow wait nope, I'm as lesbian as they get" Cheryl returns the sassy attitude. She pulls Selene away who was busy glaring at the twins.


A little later everyone has English. Lydia sits next to Stiles on the third row by the window, in front of her Selene, in front of Stiles Cheryl, in front of Scott Allison and Reed in front of Selene. Everyone gets a text but Lydia's, Selene's, Cheryl's and Reed's are all off. The teacher walks in and starts to read the text for everyone. It's the last line of the first book they're going to read, which the teacher later explained. Selene is frowning a bit which makes Cheryl frown.

"Sel, are you okay?" she asks quietly.

"Yeah" Selene whispers back.


The rest of the class is boring again. Until the raven. Let me explain, it was a normal lesson until a raven hit the window to kill itself. Everyone looks at the window, even Ms Blake stops writing and looks at the bloodstain. A bunch of other ravens are flying outside. Like so many ravens. Selene looks closely, squirming her eyes. Then her eyes become big when she realises they're flying towards the windows.

"Everyone on the ground!" She yells while doing so. Everyone listens because they realise that the ravens are coming their way too. Everyone tries to find cover which isn't that easy. The ravens are attacking them and Cheryl knocks one over with a book to get them away from Reed. It's absolute chaos.


A little later all the ravens found a way to kill themselves and it's calm. Everyone tries to grasp what just happened.

The police get involved and everyone gets to go home. Selene gives Reed a ride home with Cheryl behind them in her own car.

"You really need to learn to drive," Selene says to Reed.

"Why? When I can have one of you two drive me around. Way easier" Reed replies.

"I'll show you how easy it is to walk to school" Cheryl says. The three start to laugh and continue to talk. They all stop in their tracks and their face turns serious when they see someone standing at the door.

"Who are you?" Cheryl asks immediately, her arm is slightly outstretched signalling for Reed and Selene to stay back. Selene's face is ice cold while her friends can't figure out who the woman is because of the sun and the shadows. Selene walks forward.

"Why are you here?" she asks. She doesn't know who the fuck this is but she recognizes she's an Alpha. She looks her up and down and then walks away.

"Well that was weird" Reed says frowning.

"Did you know her?" Cheryl asks.

"No" Selene says and opens the door. She gets inside and tries to figure out who the fuck that woman is.


"Found out who she was?" Cheryl asks as Selene walks down the stairs to make dinner.

"Nope. Pfft. Reed! Could you make dinner today?" Selene yells down the hall.

"Yeah sure" Reed responses walking into the kitchen.

"I'll yell when it's ready" he reassures them.

"Thanks" Cheryl and Selene say at the same time.

"So, want some help?" Cheryl asks.

"Sure if you know something I haven't tried yet" Selene responses.

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