

Well, the game was boring like a normal game but hey, they won. Without Stiles. After the game, Selene and Scott quickly find each other.

"Where the hell are they?" Selene asks.

"I don't know. They must've found something" Scott replies.

"That is not at all comforting!" Selene points out.

"We gotta get changed and then we'll figure it out" Scott proposes.

"You're an idiot" Selene answers and runs to the locker room, leaving Scott very confused.


After changing herself Selene listens if there is still anyone left in the room except Scott. She hears three heartbeats and frowns. She listens, trying to understand what's being said.

"Just the responsible ones. And that doesn't have to include..." An unfamiliar voice explains but stops, not knowing what the name is.

"Allison" Derek's familiar voice fills her hearing. Selene walks in the changing room, heels clicking against the ground.

"Selene" Scott yells right before she comes into play. She punches the unfamiliar guy.

"Who is he?" she then asks. "Ow wait, don't tell me. I've been right from the start" Selene concludes and she walks over to stand next to Scott. The guy begins to get up and places his jaw back in place, signalling Selene broke it. She smirks because she knows what she did.

"Let me guess, Selene Vulpes. Weird you're not on my side considering what the Argents did to your family" The guy taunts. Scott and Derek both don't understand what he means and look at Selene and her reaction. Her face changed to stone cold and she slowly walks over to Derek's uncle.

"Was that supposed to surprise me, or hurt me or just do anything at all to me. So, you're not clueless, oooh" Selene reacts sarcastic but her face is still stonecold. Derek's uncle smirks and leans closer to her ear.


"I think it already did" he whispers and leans back again.

"Why did you whisper? Everyone in this room has supernatural hearing" Selene states, clearly tired of this shit.

"I can see why you and my nephew like each other" The guy says.

"Seriously, if you keep talking I'm going to hit you" Selene, still tired of this shit.

"Well that's no-" the guy gets cut off by Selene hitting him in the face. Scott lets out a quick laugh and if you look closely you can see a little smile on Derek's face.

"Well, I'm going to look for Stiles. Bye" Selene says and leaves the room.

"I like her" the guy says after getting up.


While walking down the hall Selene and Stiles see each other.

"Ow, hey. Good, now I don't have to look for you" Selene says and Stiles stops her.

"Are you okay?" Stiles asks, noticing the anger radiating off of her.

"Always" Selene answers and walks away.


The next day in the evening Scott calls Selene.

"What's wrong?" Selene asks while cutting some vegetables.

"Peter is taking my mom out on a date and just threatened to give her the bite" Scott explains, fear obvious in his voice.

"Son of a Bitch!" Selene shouts as she cuts her finger accidentally. "I'll take care of it, goddammit" Selene reassures Scott and hangs up.

"Need help?" Cher questions.

"I want you to ruin someone's tire while I make sure Derek Hale doesn't kill someone. Please?" Selene explains.

"Sounds fun. Toss me my keys" Cher agrees and Selene smirks while tossing her the keys and taking her own.

"Thanks! You're the best!" Selene shouts at her friend while running out the door.



Selene hears Derek yell at Jackson and just opens the door.

"Jackson leave. Now" Selene orders and Jackson quickly runs away. Selene looks annoyed at Derek, and then her expression changes. Her expression changes to horrified.

"What? What do you smell?" Derek asks knowing Selene's nose is better as his own, weird enough.

"Wolfsbane" She confesses and pushes Derek out of the way but it's too late. They both get shot with wolfsbane bullets. "Fuck" Selene whispers to herself. "Derek, get out of here, warn the others" Selene orders.

"I'm not leaving you" Derek refuses.

"I'm shot in the leg, I can't walk. Go!" She yells but before he can the hunters walk in. Kate Argent smiles down at them and they look at each other. Selene tries to get up to distract them but Kate just shoots her again, this time in her shoulder. She shoots again into Selene's other leg and Selene groans in pain.

"Leave her alone. She didn't do anything" Derek tries but Kate just laughs.

"You never learn, do you? I don't care" Kate explains and knocks him out.

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