《She-Wolf》Wolf's Bane


Scott and Stiles are in Derek's car being chased by Kate Argent while Derek is being chased by the police. The police lets out the dogs and before Derek can do something Selene jumps in in her wolf form. The dogs go running back and Derek looks at the wolf with big eyes. The wolf growls, signalling for him to hurry the fuck up. Derek starts to move and Selene follows him, still in her wolf form.

Out of nowhere an arrow shoots and lands next to Derek. Because it's a special Argent flash arrow, both get blinded. Wolf Selene whimpers because her wolf eyes are even better as normal werewolf eyes. It's clear Chris Argent is shooting and Scott and Stiles arrive at just the right moment. Derek and Selene, who's still a wolf, run over to the car and get in. The three guys get in a discustion and then turn their attention to the wolf.

"Is that a wolf, like an actual wolf?" Stiles asks.

"It's Selene" Derek explains.

"Why doesn't she just change back?" Scott asks. Derek looks at him like he's an idiot.

"Because she'll be naked" Derek points out and both boys start to make gagging noises. Derek rolls his eyes "Just make sure you get Allison's necklace" Derek changes the subject.

"I think you could better ask someone else" Scott says.

"Yeah? Like who?" Derek asks. Then everyone turns to the wolf and she smiles.


The next day at school Selene approaches Allison.

"Oh my God! You scared the crap out of me" Allison says smiling, they both chuckle a little. The smile doesn't leave the face of either of them.

"So, remember what we talked about a while ago?" Selene asks referring to the night where she told Allison and Lydia everything.


"Yeah, of course," Allison answers.

"Yeah, can I maybe, you know, borrow your necklace," Selene asks.

"Does this have to do with you know my family and stuff?" She asks and Selene nods. "Okay" Allison complies and takes off her necklace. She hands it to Selene and they hug. Selene starts to walk away backwards.

"Thank you! You're the best!" she yells and Allison laughs at her friend.


Selene calls Derek after examining the necklace.

"Did you get it?" Derek asks immediately.

"Yeah, there's nothing on or in it. I think it's more of a symbol for the Argent. I mean Kate did give the necklace to Allison. Maybe Laura found out that if he found the necklace she found the person who started the fire. So we're back to my first theory-" answers but Derek just hangs up. "Rude" Selene says to herself and turns to give Allison the necklace back.


The rest of the day nothing special happens and then there's the lacrosse game. Stiles isn't here, which worries both Selene and Scott. Everyone gets on the field listening to yet another unimportant speech from Coach. Everyone gets in position. This is going to be an interesting game. Selene can feel it.

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