

Selene arrives at school and Allison immediately approaches her.

"I broke up with Scott" she admits.

"Ow" Selene responds.

"I know. I have to tell you why but we gotta get to class now" Allison replies.

"Yeah, come to my house tonight. I'll invite Lydia" Selene proposes and Allison nods.

"Wait, not tonight. I'm helping a friend from another school with something personal. Tomorrow. I'm sorry" Selene explains when she realises it's a full moon tonight. She didn't lie, she's helping a friend from another school with something personal.

"Ow, yeah sure. No problem" Allison answers.

"Okay, see ya," Selene says.

"See ya" Allison replies.


Most of the day nothing special happens. Until they have Lacrosse training. Coach makes an announcement, Stiles becomes first line and Jackson, Scott and Selene become co-captains. Some guys are being dicks and knock Scott over.

"Vulpes! You're up" Coach yells and Selene smirks. She runs the guys over and scores. While walking back she winks at them, the smirks still evident on her face.

"Ow and Scott. You got Lydia's lipstick on your lips" Selene whispers to him, then glaring at him. "Stiles, I'd be careful tonight" Selene warns Stiles before she walks off.


The last period is a free period for Selene and she decides to pick up Reed and the others that are coming over. It's clear someone is fighting and Selene quickly makes her way to the middle.

"Oh my god" Selene says, clearly recognizing the two guys. One of the guys is 6'2" (1.88m), has brown-blond hair and blue eyes, the other 6'1" (1.85m) with brown hair and eyes. She gets between the two and pushes them apart. "CALM DOWN!" she yells looking between the two.


"Selene? What are you doing here?" the two ask at the same time. Selene rolls her eyes.

"That doesn't matter, we're going. Jack, where are Reed, Cher and Liz?" Selene asks the one with brown hair and eyes. The two guys look at each other and then go separate ways. Reed and two girls come running their way.

"We heard something was going on. What happened?" One of the girls asks, she's 5'3" (1.60m) with auburn hair and light blue eyes. The other girl is 5'9 (1.75m) with blond hair and blue eyes.

"Nothing" Jack says through gritted teeth.

"Come on, we're going" Selene says and returns to the parking lot.

"Okay, so Liz and I see you guys at your house right?" the girl with the auburn hair asks Selene.

"Jep. See ya in a bit" Selene answers with a smile.

"See ya in a bit" the girl answers and they high-five, do a 360°, low-five and box. They chuckle and both go to their own car.


They drive to Selene's house and go to the kitchen.

"So, what's the plan?" Reed asks as he takes a grape and puts it in his mouth.

"I was thinking a movie. You know, just stay inside" Selene proposes.

"Sounds good to me" Jack replies and takes the grape Reed was about to put in his mouth out of his hand and eats it himself.

"What do you think Cher?" Jack asks the auburn-haired girl.

"Which movie?" the blond girl asks.

"Marvel Marathon?" Cher proposes smirking.

"I'm getting the popcorn"


"I'm already on the couch" the others answer through each other and Cher and Selene smile at each other while shaking their heads.



The next day after the full moon Lydia and Allison come over to Selene's house after school. After they explain what happened at the school Selene is shocked.

"It wasn't Derek Hale at the school. Derek, Scott and I have been trying to figure out who it is. We know what he is though. He's a werewolf" Selene explains while looking down at her bed instead of Lydia and Allison.

"Really?" Lydia asks.

"Okay, I can prove werewolves exist. I'm one myself" Selene continues.

"How?" Allison asks about how she's going to prove it. Selene looks up and her eyes are glowing amber.

"How do we know this isn't a trick?" Lydia asks. Selene sighs.

"I hoped you guys would believe me with that but okay" Selene says more to herself than to her friends.

She closes her eyes and starts to transform and not just partial. Lydia and Allison are shocked and frozen. The exact place their friend stood only moments ago was now taken by a wolf. The beast's fur was dark as night and it's eyes glowed the same amber Selene's had.

"Okay we believe you, that's incredible," Allison says. Selene gets up and walks out of the room. She stays away for three minutes and then comes back in human form.

"I think I should explain" Selene states and Lydia nods, staring to nothing in particular.

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